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1、八年级数学下册期末考试试卷 2009.6 (考试时间:120分钟总分:100分)一选择题(把正确的答案填在下面答题栏内,每题2分,共16分)题号12345678选项1下列各式:其中分式共有A2个 B3个 C4个 D5个2下列事件是确定事件的是A大年初一下雪 B在只装有红球的袋子里摸出白球C班里的同学将来有人成为数学家 D全班有生日相同的同学。3掷A、B两枚质量均匀的正六面体骰子,掷得的点数积为偶数的概率为A B C D4如图,已知关于x的函数y=k(x1)和y= (k0), 它们在同一坐标系内的图象大致是OyxAOyxCOxByOxDy5兴趣小组的同学要测量树的高度在阳光下,一名同学测得一根长

2、为1米的竹竿的影长为,同时另一名同学测量树的高度时,发现树的影子不全落在地面上,有一部分落在教学楼的第一级台阶上,测得此影子长为,一级台阶高为,如图所示,若此时落在地面上的影长为4.4米,则树高为ABCD6判断下列命题:等腰三角形是轴对称图形; 若a1且b1,则a+b2全等三角形对应角相等; 直角三角形的两锐角互余其中逆命题是真命题的有A1个 B2个 C3个 D0个7已知函数y=kx(k0)与y= 的图象交于A、B两点,过点A作AC垂直于y轴,垂足为点C,则BOC的面积为A2 B4 C6 D 88一张等腰三角形纸片,底边长l7cm,底边上的高长25.5cm现沿底边依次从下往上裁剪宽度均为3cm

3、的矩形纸条,如图所示已知剪得的纸条中有一张是正方形,则这张正方形纸条是A第4张 B第5张 C第6张 D第7张二填空题 (2分10=20分)9写一个含有字母的分式(要求无论取何实数,该分式都有意义)_10.命题:“对顶角相等”的逆命题是_;该命题的逆命题是命题(填“真”或“假”)11当x=1时,分式无意义,当x=4分式的值为零, 则=_12一次函数y=x+1与反比例函数y=,x与y的对应值如下表:x321123y=x+1432012y=1221方程x+1的解为_13一天晚上,小明的妈妈在清洗三只除颜色外其余都相同的有盖茶杯,洗完后突然停电,妈妈摸黑拿取一只茶杯和一只杯盖搭配在一起,则颜色恰好一致

4、的概率为_第15题14一般说,当一个人脚到肚脐的距离与身高的比约为0.6时是比较好看的黄金身段。某人的身高为m,肚脐到的脚的距离为1m,她要穿一双凉鞋使“身材”达到黄金身段,则所穿凉鞋的高度约为_cm15如图,正方形ABCD,以点A为位似中心,在同侧把正方形ABCD的各边缩小为原来的一半,得正方形A1B1C1D1,则点C1的坐标为16上体育课时,某班实到45人,排成一列报数时,燕红报的数不大于她后面的人数的,则燕红报的数最多为_17如图, 在已建立直角坐标系的44正方形方格纸中,ABC是格点三角形(三角形的三个顶点都是小正方形的顶点), 若以格点P、A、B为顶点的三角形与ABC相似(相似比不为

5、1),则格点P的坐标是 18如图,E、F在双曲线上,FE交y轴于A点, AE=EF,FMx 轴于M,O11A23B2344第17题C若AME=2,则k = 第18题三、解答题19(6分)解不等式组:,并把解集在数轴上表示出来20(6分)先化简,再说明原代数式的值能否等于1若能求出x的值,若不能,说明理由21(6分)如图,王华同学在晚上由路灯AC走向路灯BD,当他走到点P时,发现身后他影子的顶部刚好接触到路灯AC的底部。当他再向前面步行12m到达点Q时,发现身前他影子的顶部刚好接触到路灯BD的底部。已知王华同学的身高是,两个路灯的高度都是.(1)求两个路灯之间的距离;(2)当王华同学走到路灯BD

6、处时,他在路灯AC下的影子长是多少? 22(8分)码头工人往一艘轮船上装载货物装完货物所需的时间y(分钟)与装载速度x(吨/分钟)之间满足反比例函数关系,图像如图所示(1)这批货物的质量是多少?(2)若bc=40(分钟),请根据图中提供的信息求b、c、d的值(3)在(2)的条件下,若轮船到达目的地后,以d(吨/分钟)的速度开始装货,装到一半时,一辆吊车发生故障,因而每分钟少装1吨,那么装满这船货物一共需要多少时间?x4802bcdy23(8分)开发区在一项工程招标时,接到甲、乙两个工程队的投标书,每施工一天,需付甲工程队工程款1.5万元,付乙工程队1.1万元,工程领导小组根据甲、乙两队的投标书

7、测算,可有三种施工方案:(A)甲队单独完成这项工程,刚好如期完工;(B)乙队单独完成此项工程要比规定工期多用5天;(C) ,剩下的工程由乙队单独做,也正好如期完工。一同学设规定的工期为天,根据题意列出了方程: (1)请将(C)中被墨水污染的部分补充出来: (2)你认为三种施工方案中 施工方案既按期完工又节省工程款。试说明你的理由896213x转盘y转盘24(10分)小胜和小阳用如图所示的两个转盘做游戏,游戏规则如下:分别转两个转盘,将x转盘转到的数字作为横坐标,将y转盘转到的数字作为纵坐标,组成一个点的坐标:(x,y)当这个点在一次函数的图象上时,小胜得奖品;当这个点在反比例函数y=的图象上时

8、,小阳得奖品;其他情况无人得奖品。主持人在游戏开始之前分别转了这两个转盘,x盘转到数字3,y盘转到数字6,它们组成点刚好都在这两个函数的图象上(1)求和的值;(2)主持人想用列表法求出小胜得奖品和小阳得奖品的概率请你补全表中他未完成的部分,并写出两人得奖品的概率:P(小胜得奖品)= ,P(小阳得奖品)= xy1236(3,6)89(3)请你给一次函数的右边加上一个常数b(、k的值及游戏规则不变),使游戏对双方公平,则添上b后的一次函数的解析式应为 (写出一个即可)25(10分)某工厂用如图甲所示的长方形和正方形纸板,做成如图乙所示的竖式与横式两种长方体形状的无盖纸盒(1)现有正方形纸板162张

9、,长方形纸板340张若要做两种纸盒共l00个,设做竖式纸盒x个根据题意,完成以下表格:竖式纸盒(个)横式纸盒(个)x 正方形纸板(张)2(100x) 长方形纸板(张)4x按两种纸盒的生产个数来分,有哪几种生产方案?(2)若有正方形纸板162张,长方形纸板a张,做成上述两种纸盒,纸板恰好用完已知290a306求a的值26(10分)如图,ABC中,AB=BC=5,AC=3D为AB上的点(点D与点A、B不重合),作DE/BC交AC于点E.(1)若CE=x,BD=y,求y与x的函数关系式,并写出自变量x的范围;(2)若G为BC边上一点,当四边形DECG为菱形时,求BG的长;(3)BC边上是否存在点F,

10、使DEF与ABC相似?若存在,请求出线段BF的长;若不存在,请说明理由ABCABC备用图2备用图1初二数学期末试题参考答案18 ABCB CAAD9答案不唯一 10相等的角是对顶角 假111 121或213 14515(2,1) 16917(1,4)或(3,4) 188193x7 数轴略 20x=0原式无意义22(1)960 (2)b=160 c=120 d=6 (3) 17623(1)甲、乙合做4天后(2)Cx=20 A30万元B误工C28万元24(1)k=2 a=18 (2) 表格略 (3)y=2x+4或y=2x+225(1) 三种方案竖式横式138622396134060 38x40 (

11、2)a=293或298或30326(1)y= (0x3)(2)(3)若EDFADE可证EFEAECCFECABBF5若DEFADE可证四边形BFED、ADFE、DFCE为平行四边形BF若DFEADE可证四边形DFCE为平行四边形CFECABkBF=52009学年度第二学期八年级英语期末考试一、听力测试 (共35分)第一节:听力理解 (共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在把答案填在答题卡上。听下面一段对话,回答第1-3小题。1. When wi

12、ll the woman take a bus to the City Hall?A. At 2:30. B. At. 3:15. C. At 3:30.2. How long does it take from here to the City Hall?A. Forty-five minutes. B. Thirty-five minutes. C. Twenty-five minutes.3. Where will the woman take the bus?A. At the corner of Street. B. At the corner of Station.C. At th

13、e corner of Station Street.听下面一段对话,回答第4-6小题。4. Why did Tom go to England?A. For studying.B. For traveling.C. For shopping.5. How long has Tom stayed in England?A. 2 weeks.B. 4 weeks.C. 6 weeks.6. What was the weather like in England when Tom was there?A. Hot. B. Cool.C. Foggy.听下面一段独白,回答第7-9小题。7. How

14、 does Jim like China?A. Great and beautiful. B. A country with lots of interests. C. A great country.8. Which is said to be the most beautiful in the world?A. The Great Wall. B. The Summer Palace. C. Guilin.9. Which is the boy like best?A. The Summer Palace. B. The Great Wall. C. West Lake.听下面一段对话,回

15、答第10-12小题。10. Who is the woman talking to?A . Her husband. B. Her neighbour. C. Her student.11. Whats Mr. Robinsons job?A . Artist. B. Painter. C. We dont know.12. Whats the womans husband doing?A . He is painting the sitting room. B. He is painting a picture.C. He is painting the kitchen.听下面一段独白,回答

16、第1315小题。13. Where is Hollywood?A. In England. B. In Canada. C. In America.14. How tall is the white letters of Hollywood?A. Fifteen feet. B. Fifty feet. C. Fifty metres.15. Which is not true about the Hollywood Bowl?A. Its the largest open-air theatre in the world.B. It has 17,000 seats.C. You can e

17、njoy all kinds of concerts there.第二节 听取信息 (共5小题,5分,每小题1分)听下面一段对话,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卷标号为A-E的空格中。听录音前,你将有15秒钟的阅题时间。录音读两遍。 你将有80秒钟的作答时间。About MozartWhen was he born?On (A)_ 27th, 1756.What did Mozarts father do?He was a famous (B)_ teacher.How many pieces of music did Mozart write in his life

18、time?(C)_ of pieces.Why was he often ill?Because of his (D)_When did he die?At the age of (E)_.二、语言知识与运用(共20小题,20分,每小题1分)第一节:单项选择 (共10小题,10分,每小题1分)在下列各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。16. -John 400 yuan the shoes.-Too expensive.A. took, to B. spent, in C. cost, on D. paid, for17. It was not very cold, it was raining

19、.A. but B. although C. because D. so18. My younger brother at 6 a.m yesterday.A. did his homework B. does his homework C. was doing his homework D. is doing his homework19. -What do you think about comics?-I think easy to read.A. theyre B. therere C. its D. thats20. -What did Sally say just now?-She

20、 asked use your bike for a while.A. that she could B. if can she C. whether she could D. what she could21. money is spent on advertisements every year.A. A large number of B. A large amount ofC. Quite a few D. The large number of22. Grandpa told Tony a noise because he was busy the newspaper.A. to m

21、ake, to read B. to make, readC. dont make, to do D. not to make, reading23. - Do you know if he back tomorrow?- Sorry, I dont know. I will call you if he back.A. will come, comes B. comes, will comeC. comes, comes D. will come, will come24. -My watch was eaten by my goldfish.- .A. Thats terrific! B.

22、 Tell me moreC. Thats a pity. D. Youre kidding.25. -Li Yundi is a successful pianist.- .A. Are you sure? B. I cant agree more.C. Are you joking? D. Anyone else?第二节:语法选择(共10小题,10分,每小题1分)读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Lin Xins parents were angry with his study, 26 he had to attend many classes

23、at weekends. But it was a waste of time and money. Last summer, he had a chance 27 with Uncle Sam to Australia. His parents decided 28 him have a four-week lesson with the children in Uncle Sams small town. Everything was new for Lin Xin there. He lived 29 an Australian family. No one in the family

24、understands Chinese. Lin Xin knew 30 English when he arrived. School was different 31 what he had expected-much harder. They had many children in a class. Students could choose their favourite subjects 32 . They could show their ideas when the teacher 33 lessons. They had no homework. They took part

25、 in many outdoor activities. He got a prize each week. Lin Xin felt 34 at school. He knew 35 improve his study when he got back home.26. A. andB. so C. butD. or27. A. travelling B. travelledC. to travel D. travels28. A. letB. lettingC. lets D. to let29. A. onB. ofC. withD. by30. A. little B. moreC.

26、few D. a few31. A. at B. to C. on D. with32. A. study B. studiedC. studiesD. to study33. A. teachingB. to teachC. was teaching D. was taught34. A. happyB. happier C. happily D. more happily35. A. how could he B. how he could C. how can he D. how he can三、完形填空(共10小题,10分,每小题1分)先通读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题的四个选项中选

27、择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。I attended a summer camp with my classmates last year.Early in the morning, we 36 at the bus station. After saying 37 to our parents, we got on the bus. It 38 us more than two hours to arrive at the campground.It was the first time that we were away from our 39 , so some of us starte

28、d to feel homesick. 40 , when the evening party began, we felt better.The next day, everybody went to the boating class. At first, my friend and I worked hard, but the 41 wouldnt listen. Then the teacher taught us 42 to work together. After many tries, we did much 43 .The swimming class was my favou

29、rite. It was 44 to stay in the cool water. The swimming teacher was a funny man, and he often made us 45 happily.I learned a lot of new things during the summer camp. I also learned how to look after myself.36. A. drove B. met C. visited D. road37. A. goodbye B. hello C. sorry D. thanks38. A. paid B

30、. spend C. used D. took39. A. friends B. classmates C. teachers D. parents40. A. So B. And C. However D. Or41. A. boat B. bus C. bike D. car42. A. what B. where C. how D. who43. A. better B. well C. good D. best44. A. dangerous B. great C. terrible D. lucky45. A. cry B. worry C. angry D. laugh四、阅读理解

31、(共20小题,40分,每小题2分)(A)Yi Jianlian was born on October 27th, 1987 in Heshan City of Guangdong. He is 212 cm tall and weighs 110 kg. His parents were both handball players. When Yi was young, his parents did not want him to be a basketball player. But Yi is very interested in playing basketball. His par

32、ents changed their minds in the end.In November 1999, Yi Jianlian began his basketball career in Shenzhen. At that time, he was not as tall as he is today. Thanks to his hardworking he joined the Hongyuan Club of Guangdong in 2002 and became a member of the national team in the same year. He played

33、an important role in the games and helped his club win the championship(冠军) from 2003 to 2006. Later Yi was drafted into the NBA on June 29th, 2007 and is becoming more and more dominant(有优势的) in the U.S. I think he will be a famous basketball player. By the way, I have to say, Yi was a student at G

34、uangdong University of Technology and he is very handsome. I love him so much.46. Where did Yi Jianlian first begin his basketball career? A. In Shenzhen. B. In the Hongyuan Club.C. In NBA. D. In Guangdong University of Technology.47. What did his father use to be? A. A basketball player. B. A footb

35、all player. C. A handball player. D. A club teacher.48. How old was Yi Jianlian when he joined the National Basketball Team? A. 10 years old. B. 15 years old.C. 25 years old. D. 35 years old.49. Where did Yi Jianlian go to university? A. In the Hongyuan Club. B. In America. C. In Heshan. D. At Guang

36、dong University of Technology50. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Yi Jianlian is very interested in playing handball.B. Yi Jianlian became a member of the NBA in 2002.C. Yi Jianlian is good at playing basketball.D. Yi Jianlians parents wanted him to be a famous handball pla

37、yer in the future.(B) Parents are the closest people to you in the world. They love you just because you are who you are. And they would do anything for you. Like a lot of middle school students, Zhuang Shuxia has a problem. She and her parents dont get on well. I really want to be my daddys little

38、girl. But it feels like he just doesnt understand. He would just tell me things and doesnt listen. said Zhuang, a Junior 3 student in Shijiazhuang, Hebei. Do you and your parents also have problems? Well, why dont you all take a walk and have a talk on Saturday? Its the International Day of Families

39、. On May 15, people around the world give thanks for good things about their families and work on family problems. A study last year showed that 1,500 Beijing families had the same problem as Zhuangs: The children, 12 to 15 years old, didnt like talking with their parents much. They werent happy at

40、home. Of course, lots of kids feel that way. But you and your parents will be much happier if you are friends. Here are some ways to have a good talk with them: Find a good time to talk, like when youre having dinner, going out for a walk or watching TV. Tell them something youre interested in, or ask them about their lives when they were young. They love to talk about it. Listen to them carefully, and look them in the eye.


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