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《[机械毕业设计论文]连接片级进模具设计说明书.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[机械毕业设计论文]连接片级进模具设计说明书.doc(25页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 如需要图纸等资料,联系QQ1961660126研究成果的严肃态度以及向读者提供有关信息的出处,正文之后一般应列出参考文献表引文应以原始文献和第一手资料为原则。所有引用别人的观点或文字,无论曾否发表,无论是纸质或电子版,都必须注明出处或加以注释。凡转引文献资料,应如实说明。对已有学术成果的介绍、评论、引用和注释,应力求客观、公允、准确。伪注、伪造、篡改文献和数据等,均属学术不端行为致谢一项科研成果或技术创新,往往不是独自一人可以完成的,还需要各方面的人力,财力,物力的支持和帮助.因此,在许多论文的末尾都列有致谢1) 著录参考文献可以反映论文作者的科学态度和论文具有真实、广泛的科学依据,也反映出

2、该论文的起点和深度。2) 著录参考文献能方便地把论文作者的成果与前人的成果区别开来。3) 著录参考文献能起索引作用。4) 著录参考文献有利于节省论文篇幅。01 Brown, H. D. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language PedagogyM. Prentice Hall Regents, 1994.02 Brown, J Set al. Situated Cognition and the Culture of LearningJ. Educational Reasercher, 1, 1989.03 Chri

3、s, Dede. The Evolution of Constructivist Learning Envi-ronments: Immersion in Distributed Virtual WorldsJ. Ed-ucational Technology, Sept-Oct, 1995.学位申请者如果能通过规定的课程考试,而论文的审查和答辩合格,那么就给予学位。如果说学位申请者的课程考试通过了,但论文在答辩时被评为不合格,那么就不会授予他学位。有资格申请学位并为申请学位所写的那篇毕业论文就称为学位论文,学士学位论文。学士学位论文既如需要图纸等资料,联系QQ1961660126是学位论文又

4、是毕业论文中华人民共和国国家标准VDC 001.81、CB 7713-87号文件给学术论文的定义为:学术论文是某一学术课题在实验性、理论性或观测性上具有新的科学研究成果或创新见解的知识和科现象、制定新理论的一种手段,旧的科学理论就必然会不断地为新理论推翻。”(斯蒂芬梅森)因此,没有创造性,学术论文就没有科学价值。三、创造性学术论文在形式上是属于议论文的,但它与一般议论文不同,它必须是有自己的理论系统的,不能只是材料的罗列,应对大量的事实、材料进行分析、研究,使感性认识上升到理性认识。一般来说,学术论文具有论证色彩,或具有论辩色彩。论文的内容必须符合历史唯物主义和唯物辩证法,符合“实事求是”、“

5、有的放矢”、“既分析又综合” 的科学研究方法。一般普通刊物(省级、国家级)审核时间为一周,高质量的杂志,审核时间为14-20天。核心期刊审核时间一般为4个月,须经过初审、复审、终审三道程序。3.期刊的级别问题。国家没有对期刊进行级别划分。但各单位一般根据期刊的主管单位的级别来对期刊划为省级期刊和国家级期刊。省级期刊主管单位是省级单位。国家级期刊主管单位是国家部门或直属部门。如需要图纸等资料,联系QQ1961660126前言冷冲模是实现冷冲压加工的基本工艺装备,冲压件的表面质量尺寸精度,生产效益均于模具结构及其合理关系很大,模具的设计水平直接反映了冷冲压技术水平的高低,因此,冷冲模的合理设计具有

6、重要的意义。 我国在机械加工行业比其他发达国家落后很多,这不仅仅是技术上的落后,人才的紧缺也是我国机械加工行业的一个难以逾越的瓶颈。所以近年来,国家在机加工方面不断加大投入力度,在引进一批先进技术的同时,不断投入人力、物力,以培养最新一代数控型人才做好坚实基础。而作为我们一个机械专业的学生,怎样才能设计一副合格、优秀的冲模设计呢?首先,我们的基础知识一定要扎实。俗话说,百年基业,始于基石。没有了丰富和扎实的机加工知识,怎么可以设计出一副好的模具呢?其次便是要求我们要有严谨的做事原则和认真的学习态度,在不断的错误和进步中找到最适合自己的设计要求的方案。最后,我们对自己的设计要不断的进行检验,直到

7、合格为止。目 录一、论文我国机械制造业管理信息化特点及发展趋势(1)二、工艺分析(13)三、确定工艺方案(13)四、工艺与设计计算(14)五、计算各主要零件的尺寸(16)六、受力部件的受力计算与设计冲裁力(16)卸料力(16)推件力(16)顶件力的计算(16)七、压力中心的确定与计算(17)八、排样图与搭边值及条料宽度计算(17)九、冲模主要零部件的设计与选用(18)十、模架及零件(19)十一、其它支承零件(19)十二、紧固件(20)十三、绘制模具装配图(20)十四、绘制模具工作零件图(20)十五、毕业设计心得(21)十六、参考文献(23)论文我国机械制造业管理信息化特点及发展趋势1 前言制造

8、业特别是机械制造业是国民经济的支柱产业,现代制造业正在改变着人们的生产方式、生活方式、经营管理模式乃至社会的组织结构和文化。由于中国潜在的巨大市场和丰富的劳动力资源,世界的制造业正在向中国转移,中国正在成为世界的制造大国。我国在家电等若干产品的产量已居世界第一位。但是在自主知识产权的创新设计、先进制造工艺和装备及现代化管理等方面仍然存在很大差距,所以我们还不是制造强国。本文仅就机械制造企业目前管理中存在的问题、如何利用信息技术提高管理水平、管理信息化的特点和技术发展趋势作一些研究,供机械制造企业制定信息化方案时参考。1. forewords The manufacturing industry

9、 specially is the mechanical manufacturing industry is the national economy pillar industry, the modern manufacturing industry is changing peoples production method, the life style, the management management pattern and even societys organizational structure and the culture. As a result of the Chine

10、se latent giant market and the rich labor force resources, the world manufacturing industry is shifting to China, China is becoming the world the manufacture great nation. Our country and so on certain products output has occupied the first in the world in the electrical appliances. But in independe

11、nt aspect and so on intellectual property rights innovation design, advanced manufacture craft and equipment and modern management still had the very big disparity, therefore we make the powerful nation. Does this article only at present manage the question on the machine manufacture enterprise whic

12、h exists, how using the information technology enhancement management level, the management information characteristic and the technological development tendency does some research, formulates when the information plan for the machine manufacture enterprise refers.2机械制造企业目前管理中存在问题中国机械制造业经过几十年的努力已经具有




16、和管理者而异。(7)管理工具落后,大部分企业仍处于手工分散管理或微机单项管理的阶段。有的企业也建立了全厂的计算机网络,但应用仍是分散的,没有实现信息的共享和资源的优化配置。(8)现代化管理的新思想、新方法、新技术的应用差。例如:敏捷制造AM、虚拟制造VM、准时生产JIT、客户关系管理CRM、供应链管理SCM、商业智能BI、电子商务EC、企业资源计划ERP等。2. machine manufactures enterprise at present manages has the problem The Chinese mechanical manufacturing industry pass

17、ed through for several dozens years diligently already to have the suitable scale, accumulated the massive technologies and the experience. But along with the world economics integration formation, as a result of the Chinese latent giant market and the rich labor force resources, the overseas techno

18、logy, the fund, the product massively wells up into China, the Chinese enterprise faced with the unprecedented domestic and foreign keen competition aspect. The competition request enterprise product renewal quick, the product quality high, the price low, the delivery is prompt, serves. These market

19、 competitions weapons and business management pattern, management, management method, organizational structure, service flow close correlation. However Chinese enterprise and peoples ideology because receives 30-40 year planned economy the influence, the above competition weapon and the developed co

20、untry compare the existence very big disparity. (1) productive plan control pattern backwardness not yet implements ERP the machine manufacture enterprise nearly 100% to use the wrap plan the way. Namely proposes the earlier period and the production by the product longest production cycle as the co

21、nstitution product each kind of material purchase proposes the earlier period. Excessively exaggerating proposes the earlier period is creates the stock and the goods in process stockpiles high, the floating capital takes the big basic reason. The productive plan and purchases the plan to come apart

22、, the components complete set level error, cannot punctually deliver. Or with high stockpiles guarantees the date of delivery. Plans MRP from the modern management material demand, punctually produces JIT, the supplier manages storehouse VMI, the synchronized production is far from. (2) the enterpri

23、se strain capacity difference today market is fast changing, demand diversification. Assembles MTO according to the order form, makes MTO according to the order form, designs MTD according to the order form, large-scale has custom-made MC. Variety specification many, the production, the purchase exc

24、eptionally is complex. From the customer - sale - design - production - purchase - finance - cost, needs a complete supply chain management, can dynamic fast respond the customer demand, adapts the ever changing market and the customer has custom-made request. (3) cost finding, the cost control diff

25、erence artificial cost accounting generally only cannot calculate the product cost, is unable to calculate the spare part cost. The cost expense shares very thickly, the massive costs data acquisition is artificially gathers together, the data accuracy is very bad, causes cost finding plate out of t

26、rue. Generally does not carry on the standard cost the computation, also very little carries on the cost analysis, therefore cost control difference. (4) the information disperses, is inferior to when, does not share the manufacture immovable property, for, sells, the person, the wealth, the thing i

27、s an organic whole, between them has the massive exchange of information. When artificially manages the information to disperse, to lack the consummation the foundation data, the information disperses, is inferior to, does not share, the tremendous influence management decision-making scientific nat

28、ure. (5) the branch level -like organizations and agencies but are not face the service flow the flat organization, the general service flow is unreasonable, the service flow management and the control is not standard, is at will big. (6) lacks standardized, standardized, the institution, the formul

29、a management, the management fit and unfit quality is different from person to person. Although has formulated a series of procedures document through ISO9000, the execution effect may because of the enterprise and the superintendent but different. (7) manages the tool to be backward, the majority o

30、f enterprises still were in the manual disperser management or the microcomputer single item management stage. Some enterprises have also established the entire factory computer network, but applied was still dispersible, has not realized information sharing and the resources optimized disposition.

31、(8) modern management new thought, new method, new technical application difference. For example: Agilely makes AM, hypothesized makes VM, punctually produces JIT, the customer relations manages CRM, supplies the chain to manage SCM, commercial intelligence BI, electronic commerce EC, the enterprise

32、 resources plans ERP and so on.3用信息技术提高机械制业管理水平上述目前管理中存在的问题严重地影响着企业管理水平、管理效率和企业的竞争能力。采用现代化的管理思想、方法和计算机网络通信技术,实现机械制造企业的管理创新、制度创新和技术创新是摆在每个企业面前刻不容缓任务。所以建立联接厂内外的计算机网络通信系统,选择先进、成熟、适合企业管理需求的企业资源计划ERP、客户关系管理CRM、供应链管理SCM、商业智能BI、电子商务EC等软件系统,通过管理咨询和业务流程重组,优化设计企业的组织机构、管理模式、业务流程,应用上述软件系统,实现企业管理的信息化。以克服目前企业管理中存



35、有效的监控之下。(5)加强财务管理和健全成本核算功能。真正建立起二级成本核算体系,采用先进的成本核算方法,较为准确地核算出零部件成本和产品成本,为销售报价和财务核算提供可靠依据。进行成本分析,找出降低成本的因素,有效降低成本。(6)使用计算机加强质量数据的统计分析。充分利用质量检测数据,利用多种分析方法,进行深入的统计和分析。有力地监督和提高质量水平。(7)通过计算机实现企业的信息化管理,将广大管理人员从繁琐的手工劳动中解放出来,使他们有机会学习管理理论和提高管理技能,从本质上提高企业管理人员的管理水平。3. raises the mechanical system industry mana

36、gement level with the information technology The above at present manages the question which exists seriously to affect the business management level, the management efficiency and enterprises competitive ability. Uses modernized the management thought, the method and the computer network communicat

37、ion, realizes the machine manufacture enterprises management innovation, the system innovation and the technical innovation is suspends in front of each enterprise the urgent duty. Therefore inside and outside the establishment joint factory computer network communications system, the choice advance

38、d, is mature, the suitable business management demand enterprise resources plansERP, the customer relations managesCRM, supplies the chain to manageSCM, commercial intelligenceBI, software systemand so onelectronic commerce EC, through management consultation and service flow reorganization, optimiz

39、ed design enterprises organizations and agencies, management pattern, service flow, application above software system, realization business management information. Overcomes the question which in at present business management exists, raises the business management level, the management efficiency a

40、nd enterprises competitive ability, is the enterprise the inevitably choice which makes facing the knowledge economy and the whole world economic integration. The system construction goal is: (1) completes to cover the entire company the computer network management information system. This system ca

41、uses the enterprise the production management realization class, the fund class, the information flow and the work flows is highly unified and the parallel operation, and throughIntranet,in the Internet realization enterprise, exterior full information exchange and the enterprise and the outside rel

42、ation, forms the effective agile supply and demand chain system. (2) uses the advanced productive plan control method. Breaks the wrap plan the way, proposes the earlier period and the production according to each kind of material purchase raises the earlier period establishment material demand plan

43、. Establishes effectively, is nimble the productive plan management system which by the host productive plan, the material demand plan and the workshop work plan three levels of plans is composed, maximum limit reduces the product production cycle, the purchase cycle, the punctual delivery, the fast

44、 response customer demand, maximum limit reduces the stock and the cost, raises the post-sale service level. Has the condition the enterprise to carry out punctually producesJIT, the supplier manages storehouseVMI, the synchronized production and so on the advanced management. (3) realizes the entir

45、e company foundation data (for example material data, product structure data, product design craft data, productivity data and so on) unifies the production, the unification maintains and unifies the management, for uses after authorized each related department, truly achieves several, data sharing,

46、 avoids the redundancy. Furtherstraightens outthe enterprise through the ERP system establishment and the implementation the executive program, achieves the management the institution, the standardization and the scientific style. (4) in view of at present each control section in the information div

47、ision situation, establishes take the customer as the central dynamic information feedback and the monitoring system, realizes signs, the design, the production, the purchase, the cost accounting end product to each duty from the contract delivers goods the entire process dynamic track, causes each duty to be in under the effective monitoring. (5) strengthens the financial control and the perfect cost accounting function. Truly establishes two levels of cost accounting system, uses the advanced cost accounting method, a more accurate core figures out the spare part cost a


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