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《江苏省镇江市2021年中考英语试卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省镇江市2021年中考英语试卷.pdf(30页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、o.郑.o.I l.o.堞.o.氐.o.:o.郸.o.X l.o.堞.o.它.o绝密启用前江苏省镇江市2021年中考英语试卷题号一二三四五六七八总分得分注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分1.I enjoy playing badminton.When I m running with a bat in my hand,I don,t worry about而敬盛薮thelped,Bishelpingchashelpedpwillhelp-9TheTVseriesTheAwakeningAge(球般曲六)drewalotofatCent

2、ionand_withahighscoreof92ontheInternet.A,powerB,wisdom9praisepwealth滋2同:整30问.o.内.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.请不要在装订线内答题.o.夕卜.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.TheSpringFe stiva l is a n importa nt holid a y.Fa mily me mb e rs g e t tog e the r,Pe oplelikewa tc hingtheSpringFe stiva l Ga la。C hild re n g e t re dpa c ke ts a ndha ve

3、lots off un.A,in timeord e rBf rom spe c if icto g e ne ra l9in spa c eord e rD,f rom g e ne ra l to spe c if ic*咪A病少On my f irsc+d a y ofjunior hig h sc hoolI wa s a ttra c te dto Eliza b e th)s b e a utif ulshininge ye s,La te r,whe n shewa s se a te din f ront ofm pIhe rongponyta iL W ha L alove

4、ly g irl-W eha vema ny thing s_ _ _ I-suc h a s sha ringthesa meid e a?shoppingtog e the r a ndre a d ingnove ls。W ea lso c omple me nt e a c h othe rI te ndto b ea_ _ _ _ _pe rson who of te n f org e ts importa ntthing s,b ut Eliza b e th he lps meo u roned a yI f org ot to b ringmyruQrf or aMa ths

5、_ _ _ _a ndI f e lt ve ry worrie d.At tha t mome ntEliza b e th_ _ _ _ _a ndsa id 2*1g ue sse dthis mig ht ha ppe n)so I brought t woI fel t rel ieved and got ex cel l ent gradesin t hat ex amW ha t_memost wa s some thingtha t ha ppe ne dd uringour milita ry tra ining。Onec oldnig hrI a teso ma ny po

6、ta to c hips tha t I g ot apa inf ul stoma c ha c he,I wa s so_ _ _ _a ndI c rie d.Tomy g re a t c omf ortEliza b e th put meon he r b a c k a ndrushe dto thed oc tor)s a t one?She ha dt o_ _ _ _ _ BQd ownsta irs a ndupsta irs.Thed oc tor c he c ke dmea ndg a vemesomeme d ic ine。Ifshed id nyt he lp

7、me yI would ny t ha veb e e n a b leto sle e p tha t nig hrW he ne ve r I wa nt to b uy c lothe syEliza b e th g oe s with mea nd_he lps mec hoosewhic hc lothe s look b e srShe ha s ag oode yef or f a shion-Its 3_thar-w b ea renot in thesa mesc hool nowBut weof te n c ommunic a tewith e a c hothe r

8、on00or w e c h a r I sinc e re ly hopetha t our f rie nd ship will la st f ore ve r-1 6A,notic e dBd e sc rib e d盘4问:整3 0问.o.内.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.请不要在装订线内答题.o.夕卜.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.9excitedptired23,teachcarry9contactD,watch24AsuddenlyBproudlycsimplyDpatiently25,AchanceB,decision9pityDchoice鬲磔$Asweallknowyifap


10、edifferentpeoplesfavourites?AndwhaCaresomefactors(H)holdingpeoplebackfromphysicalfitness?Here)stheresultofarecentsurveyonpeoplesexercise.滋6沟港30同Top 6 popular activitiesBorn after 2000Different favouritesBorn in 1990sNo professional training42.9%WhatJ s stopping peoplefrom exercise.o.内.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.


12、pingthemfromexercise?A429B664.c478.D332.28WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?rYoungpeoplebornin1980slikeYogamostBPlayingballgamesislesspopularthanswimming。cMostpeoplethinktheydo?texercisebecauseofnofacilities.D、hesurveyisbasedonrhreequestionsabout:people)sexercise。7同“维30同Dear Sigm undFri

13、end)N-y brot her pl ays t he guit ar very wel l so m y parent s signedseup(f河会)f o r g u i t a rt o o,B u t二5just not a guit ar girLWhat shoul dI do?cantIol dDear c a?tHol d)Thank you for your l et t er。Whil e your parent s want you t o pl ay t he guit arm inehoped Id pl ay basebal l*You woul d be a

14、m az ed at how m uch m y parents o v ebasebal l.My dad was C he st ar pl ayer on his school t e a 3 a n dt hey firstm et in l ine t o buy hotdogsat a basebal l gam e-Years ago-m y parent s t hought basebal l woul djust bein m y bl ood andYd be at al ent ed pl ayer。B eforeI coul d sayKThank sybut not

15、 hank s,t hey had signed m eup and ordered m y uniform-Don)tgetm e wrong.My t raining on basebal lwasrftt e r r i E?O u r coach was niceand t he k ids on our t eamwere great.Even t hough I never becam e very good atbasebal l,一d i di m p r o v eb yt hee n do fC hat s e a s o n。T h e ns o m e t h i n

16、gu n e x p e c t e dh a p p e n e do n eday.My grandm ot hert ook m et ot he com m unit y pool on t he way hom e aft ert he basebal lp ract ice.It t u r n e do u t t obet heb e s t t im eIe v e rhad,Is w a m h a p p二yw i t haboycal l ed B en and l at er we becam e good friends。Then we decided t o jo

17、in a swim m ing t eamSoI t al k edt o m y parent sabout iC(hat night andt hey weresurprisingl yunderst anding about:m y want ing t o be on a swim m ing t eam.B utt hey said I shoul d finishout t hat yearys basebal l seasonfirst-So dear can-Hol dyhere)s whatI t hink.Your paren-s possibl y C hinkt hat

18、becauseyour brot heris int o guit ar,you m ust beinC oit t opB ut C hey wonytk now how youfeel if you don)tt al kC o t hemabouti rWhy not l ett hemk now t hatguit ar doesntseeml ik e t he right inst rum ent for youyand give anot her inst rum enta t ry2N-aybe youcan giveviol in or pianoa shot.Hope m

19、y adviceis hel pful.Sigm und Friend(adapted from A FishtheBaseballFie-d)2 9,wh。doest he underl ined word*t hey、refert o(fffi。)?sigDl und s parent s-,BDads t eam m at es-盘8问:整3 0问.o.内.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.请不要在装订线内答题.o.夕卜.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.o线o订o装o外o号考名姓O线OcBaseballgameviewers-FThegirl)sparents-30,WhaCdoesSigmund






25、andsinChinahasbecomelargeroverthepastfiveye6rsygrowingby202600hectaresandmakingagreatcontributiontowaterqualityandenvironmental-o露9F既30同prot ect ion.B et ween2 0 1 6 and2 0 2 0 C hinac r eat ed2 0 1 nat i o n巴w et l andpark s.C hinahad8 99na tiona l we tla ndpa rks b y rhee ndof2020)a ndne a rly ha

26、lfofthec ountrys we tla nd s a reprot ect edbysom el evel ofgovernm ent*C hinais c a rryingthroug h on thec onve ntion f or ac ontinuous d e ve lopme nt a ndwill ma kec ontinuinge f f orts to pe rf e c t thela ws on we tla ndprote c tion.Se ve ra l ma jor proje c ts on we tla ndprot ect ionw二一becarr

27、iedout insom em ajorareas,suchasYangt z eRiverandt heBe ijing Tia njin He b e i provinc ec luste r3 2Which of t he fol l owing is t he m ostsuit abl e for t he bl ank(沙季)in Paragraph 2?AW orldW e tla nd s Da y is we lllknown,BW e tla nd s in C hinaa rese riously thre a te ne dcC hinad oe sny t ha ve

28、la rg ea re a s ofwe tla nd sDProte c tion ofwe tla nd s in C hinais ve ry importa nt33,Theund e rline dword d e g ra d a tionin Pa ra g ra ph 3 prob a b ly me a ns_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Atheproc e ss ofsome thingb e ingma d eb e tte rBtheproc e ss ofsome thingb e ingma d eworse9C hesitua tion in whic h so

29、me b od y ha swon巴一t herespectFthesitua tion in whic h some b od y ha s lost a ll there spe c t34Thewrite r lists somenumb e rs in Pa ra g ra ph 4 in ord e r to_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.A,introd uc ehow la rg eC hina s we tla nd s a reFe xpla in how importa nt C hina)s we tla nd s a rec,provehow muc h d a ng

30、e r C hina/s we C la nd s a ref a c inga t pre se ntFshow thea c hie ve me nts on we tla ndprote c tion C hinaha s re a c he d35wha tp s theb e st titlef or thepa ssa g e?Wet l ands in C hina Nre Fam ous,BC hinaMa ke s La ws on W e tla ndProte c tion9C hina)s W e tla nd s a rein Da ng e rpC hinaMa k

31、e s Prog re ss on W e tla ndProte c tion施E J胡团举Mw lo同:将30同.o.内.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.请不要在装订线内答题.o.夕卜.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.oo熬3 6.I wil l go t o t he isl and on business t om orrow,so I 1 1 check t het here.3 7.He said hehim.3 8.She l eft3 9.The girl(iweda(r)(后 悔)buying t hat book because his fat her had al ready b

32、ought one for(严 格 的)inst ruct ions in order not t o be dist urbed at m eet ings.sit t ing behind m e oft en worries a l ot about her(高度).4 0.Ex cuse m e,where is t he rail way st at ion?Go st raight on,it s just(在.对面)Wanda Pl az a.oo4 1 .Eddie said t o Hobo,Don t cut in on ot hers,al ways(有礼貌地).”*五、

33、用所给单词的正确形式填空评卷人得分4 2 .The m anagers of t he big com pany have been used t owait(deal)wit h probl em s onl ine.4 3.You,d bet t er ask ot her wit nesses.I m(cert ain)if t he suspect was at t he sceneof t he crim e.oo9o誉o-E4 4.Put on your T-shirt and short s.It s(hot)t han yest erday.4 5.These (fisherm

34、 an)hom es are no l onger in t he boat s because of t he governm ent?sno fishing l aw on Yangt z e River.评卷人 得分六、短文填空根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空一词。One of t he founders of t he C om m unist Part y of C hina once wrot e about yout h.The yout h l ik et he earl y spring,l ik e t he m orning sun,l ik

35、 e t he budding fl owers,l ik e t he sharp bl ade freshoff t he grinding st one.Yout h is t he m ost v4 6,t im e of l ife.Yout h is a rel at ivel y(相 对 地)short p4 7,in one s l ife.During t his t im e,habit s andint erest s are form ed for t he r4 8.of your l ife.So it s im port ant t o have a good s

36、t art.B ut what is t he s4 9.of yout h?It s a t im e t o begin t he process of sel f-rel iance andsel f-m ot ivat ion.Sure,you m ight have parent s and friends hel p you now,but f5 0.,you m ustdepend on yoursel f.W5 1.needing hel p or advice,your charact er and confidence can be buil tby yoursel f.N

37、o one can f5 2.you t o get good grades or get t he perfect job 一 t hoseresponsibil it ies(责 任)are yours.0 5 3.you can be t he m ast er of your l ife.oo第11页,总30页评卷人得分When you are in t roubl e,cont inue t rying.T5 4.yoursel f t o be st rong.Tel l yoursel f t hatdifficul t ies are not al ways probl em

38、s.You can do t he work t hat ot hers can,t.A nyt hing w5 5.doing isn t easy it s best t o l earn t hat l esson earl y.Never com pl ain and al ways workhard t o achieve your dream s.七、任务型阅读Whil e dogs are t he m ost popul ar househol d pet,cat s run a cl ose second.C at s are not oft ennot iced by pe

39、opl e choosing a new four-l egged friend.A n anim al ex pert ex pl ains why t hey m ak efant ast ic pet s.C at s VS Dogs It seem s t hat m any peopl e prefer dogs t o cat s.Oft en peopl e who grew up wit hdogs find it difficul t t o im agine owning and l oving cat s.B ut t hey can be surprised t o l

40、 earnhow friendl y and responsive cat s are.Good point s of k eeping cat s C at s are al ways in sm al I siz e.They can be a great pet choicefor peopl e wit h l im it ed space and busy l ifest yl es.They don t have t he ex ercise requirem ent sl ik e dogs.B esides,t hey are quiet and cl ean.In a wor

41、d,cat s are l ow m aint enance and happyt o be l eft al one indoors.C at s can be very pl ayful and int eract ive wit h chil dren and offert hem chances t o l earn t o care for anot her,l iving being.Keeping dogs and cat s t oget her Dogs and cat s becom e great com panions(伙伴),especial l yif t hey

42、are raised at t he sam e t im e.They can becom e friends wit h each ot her,t he younger,t he bet t er.Hel p t o decide If you ve never act ual l y owned a cat,but are t hink ing of it,t al k t o catowners,or offer t o house-sit for a cat owner.You coul d visit an anim al cent re and int eractwit h c

43、at s.It hel ps decide whet her you m ight enjoy t heir com panionship.You m ay be surprisedt o discover how wonderful cat s real l y are.阅读以上信息,用恰当的单词完成下面的短文,每空一词。Though it seem s t hat t here are m ore dog l overs t han cat l overs,an anim al ex pert t el l ssom e 5 6.of k eeping cat s.If peopl e k

44、 eep cat s as pet s,t hey m ust be surprised t o find t heyare friendl y and responsive.C om pared wit h dogs,cat s have som e 5 7.They are quiet and cl ean.A l so t hey need l ess space and are 5 8.t o l ook aft er,whil e dogs al ways need t o be wal k ed.Dog篦蒯赛区擦用wfv酒派第12页,总30页oo*o熬ooo9o誉ol overs

45、can al so raise cat s as dogs com panions when t hey are young.B esides,k eeping cat scan 5 9.chi l dren,s sense of caring for ot her l iving beings:The 6 0.of t he fol l owing act ivit ieshel p you decide t o k eep cat s,l ik e t al k ing t o cat owners or visit ing an anim al cent re andint eract

46、ing wit h cat s.Sm art phones have becom e an essent ial part of our dail y l ives.This is worrying,as l ong-t im euse of sm art phones harm s chil dren,s eyesight,cervical vert ebrae(颈椎)and even t he brain.It was report ed C hina had 1 7 5 m i 1 1 ion Int ernet users under t he age of 1 8,wit h 7 4

47、 percent havingt heir own m obil e phones.It s al ready com m on pract ice in som e count ries t o l im it st udent s,use of m obil e phones,France passed a l aw banning t he use of m obil e phones on school grounds for chil dren under t heage of 1 5.Ot her count ries,incl uding t he Unit ed St at e

48、s,It al y and Japan,have al so passedl aws banning st udent s from bringing phones t o school s or cl assroom s.The Minist ry of Educat ion in C hina rel eased a not ice t hat rest rict s prim ary and m iddl eschool st udent s from bringing m obil e phones t o school.Those who require t heir phones

49、for som eneed m ust get t heir parent s and t eachersJ approval and m ust hand t heir phones over duringcl ass t im e.A n Engl ish t eacher from B eijing not iced t hat m any st udent s l ost t hem sel ves in t heir phones.She said,“Most st udent s are short of sel f-cont rol.Spending t oo m uch t i

50、m e on t he phone prevent st hem from l earning.A parent from Shanghai said,uThe rul es are good for chil dren and l im it ingphone use is t he right way t o put t heir focus back on st udies.”A 1 6-year-ol d st udent said,“It is unwise t o st op al l t he st udent s t ak ing t heir phonest o school


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