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《胡敏考研作文.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《胡敏考研作文.pdf(50页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、胡 徼 考 研 作 文(铲证加2M董理)题记:虽然我有2004的作文flash,经过比较,还是最欣赏胡敏老师的讲解,终于静下心来把这个flash录制下来希望大家喜欢,祝考研的朋友马到成功!雄鸡一唱天下晓!旁白:2004年的作文flash开头很有气势,胡老师就差强人意,但是两人的比较就像粱羽生和金庸的小说,2004的逐渐平淡,而胡老师却愈来愈强,呵呵,喜欢历年作文得分情况:96年平均分6.75;97年平均分6.28;98年平均分6.34;99年平均分5.96;2000年平均分7.63;2001年平均分11.10;2002年平均分9.36;其他没有统计,请热心的朋友添加。摘自2003年考试分析文章

2、的编排根据自己的习惯进行了排列,但是根据胡老师的讲法要循环复习,所以一些题目根据flash的进度有重复,由此引起的不便请谅解。写作课的学习方法:八字方针:背诵五背原则一一精彩词汇(文章中的);精彩句型;文章里精彩的句子;万能的框架;经典范文默写(reading makes a full man writing makes an exact man)可以查出一些细小的错误,而这是判卷老师最不可忍受的地方。互译把精彩的文章翻成中文,过一段时间再复原成中文描红即是模仿,仿效,通过这四个环节最终产生高分作文我们的原则是:坚持一种写法,一写到底,把复杂的问题简单化,一看到就不自觉的想这样写。写作的三个阶

3、段:牢记、效仿、持之以恒一、考生写作的困境及其对策1、滔滔不绝意识流中文的特点:情感分段;作者想到哪说的哪,观点由读者领会,听弦外之音,语言含蓄而隐晦英文的特点:逻辑分段;思维严谨,观点由作者交待,是什么就是什么,比较直接,直来直去要学会运用英文的思维。“猴子原则”(只要香蕉):Ihe monkey principle 一提纲原则,提纲要你干么你就要干么,只写最需要的,注重命题的提纲还要量化:2 0 0 个字,即 1 2(最好状态)一 1 5(基础不太好的人)句话。对策:紧扣大纲(outline),不过多阐发2、无话可说真难受9 1-9 6 年的情况:(标题+提纲),社会性的问题,联系生活实际

4、情况,从身边的方方面面中找到话题。有话说时,还的按照一定的惯式来写!97年是图画图表文章:对策:例证法;平时拓展思维训练;关注社会焦点,寻找相对立面,开拓自己的思路;3、真情流露没必要 只需要“相关”,只要大方向相同就可以了,不要想的太远考作文不是考的人的思想,而是制造一个机会使你展示自己的书面表达英语的能力,应该把内容方面的构思时间降低到最低限度,而花时间在推敲每一个句子,每一个表达上。降低每一个小的细节错误,英语表达清新的感觉对策:语言第一,结构第二,内容第三位4、英语表达憋得慌对路的话,就是拿分的项目,因为和原来的15分效果相同。达到1 2分:安全第一:句子结构,语法一一尽量使用有把握的

5、简单原则:词 汇,再点缀一些包装性的句子结构达到1 7分以上:(是有得20分的可能性的),要求词汇多变:多使用同义词、近义词,别重复用词(要有意识去做);句子结构多变:一定要有复杂的句子结构,这样容易得高分对策:积累写作语言,做好表达得分太低的原因是树干trunk出了问题:谓语部分、核心部分 有刺眼的错误:1主谓 一 致2动 词 时 态3定冠词和不定冠词4名词单复数5介词、副词的搭配;6拼写错误不高的原因是树 枝 branches的问题:状语从句、定语从句、宾语从句、非谓语动词绿叶:各种修饰 对每一个句子,从写作的角度,从这三个层次trunk,branch,greenery上用心体会每一个句子

6、高分的特点:有树干,树干没有被虫咬过,即便是被虫咬,也只是个别地方有刺眼的错误,然后还有树枝,树枝还比较多,还有绿叶的衬托(比如动词和副词的修饰,词语搭配,形容词性的修饰词effective measures等等),这样就比较精彩了。所以我们要对每一个精彩的句子都要从这三个方面考虑分析。这是突破的关键。5、处于被动危害大:写作应是主动的,避免不利于自己的词语和句子,别去说自己说不清楚的东西,不去写自己没有把握的东西,不要把自己搞得很被动。单词拼写不会,为什么不换一种形式得到另一种表达方法希望大家从错误中提高自己。在35分钟内写完2 0 0 1年作文题(五大经典题型中的一种)二、透视91年到20

7、01年真题,提炼重点题型,归纳总结经典段落图画作文(漫画作文)1、历届真题从 9 1年开始一一第一次考研作文命题,基本上和托福作文命题差不多“Where to live,in the city or the country?vtitle 开头有一句话:Some people think that people living in the country enjoy moreadvantages than those who live in the city.outline(提纲)1.conveniences of the city2.attractions of the country3.di

8、sadvantages of both4.my preferencePrivate CarNowadays,any Chinese can enjoy the luxury of owning a private car if he can afford it.Outline:1.advantages of owning a private car2.disadvantages of owning a private car3.Should it be necessary to enlarge the private car market?Why or why not?如果认为不应该发展小汽车

9、,最后一段就写不应该发展小汽车的几个理由。如果最后一段表示支持,调整结构:第 1 段写小汽车的坏处1,2,3第 2 段写小汽车的好处1,2,3第 3 段写为什么要发展小汽车连成一片,这样可以协调一致9 2 年标 题(必需要写,对 93,95,99,2000,2001的命题产生了影响)标题:For a better understanding between parent and child1.Present situation:lack of communication between parent and child2.Possible reasons:a.different likes a

10、nd dislikesb.misunderstandingc.others3.suggestions:a.for parents b.for children第二段不管是单数还是复数,都应该写几个理由第三段不管是单数还是复数,至少要写到两点详细记录9 2 年提纲一一经典题型之一(必须写的文章)9 3 年-Advertisement on TV1.Present state;2.Reasons;3.My comments9 4 年-On making friends1 .the need for friendship(为什么要交朋友?友谊的必要性,理由)2.true friendship(解释性

11、段落 卜大经典段落之一)参看9 7年1月 四(熟能生巧)、六级考试(欲速则不达)写掉这三个段落 大学英语考试高分作文 这种题型历史上只考过一次(学会怎样写解释性的段落)3.my principle in making friends(联系 92 年的第三部分 my comments)9 5 年-The project hope(希望工程)1 .present situation 2.necessity of the project 3.my suggestion9 6年(命题的巨大失败,因为它被猜到了)-Good health1.Importance of good health;2,ways

12、 to keep fit 3.my own practice9 7(命题结构的分水岭,想到了雅思,但该年依然不成功)田界r n 二 日 4 Z:,女#1 1-T2S.-W人 n 田今.世m 坦内/l.inteipret the pictures(实际上同讲现状,只不过是图表上的)2.predict the tendency of tobacco consumption and give your reasons(容易写成畸形文章,所以说不成功)可以改为:第一,现在的状况第二项,为什么这样,第三预算未来(当年有不少o分作文,因为写了与图表无关的内容)9 8年 图 画 作 文(仍不是太成功,甚至是

13、失败的)一只母鸡拿着一张纸,上面写着“如此承诺”一一本母鸡承诺下的鸡蛋有蛋清、蛋黄、蛋 壳 ,旁 边 有 一 首 打 油 诗:各 行 各 业 兴 承 诺,欢 迎 监 督 不 推 脱,原本皆为份内事,何须高唱文明歌评论:出现了漫画作文,不小的进步,但提纲不太成熟,容易误导人写出不像文章的文章)1.write out the message conveyed by the cartoon;(message”信息、内容”)2.give your comments.9 9 年(步入正规,必写题目)Directions:A.studying the following graphs carefully

14、and write an essay in at least 150 wordsB.your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2C.your essay should cover these three points:(猴子原则)1 .effect of the countrys growing human population on its wildlife(现状)2.possible reason for the effect(理由)3.your suggestion for wild life protection(建议措施)es

15、say:论文-要有开头 introduction,主体 body,结论 conclusion91到 96年历史留给我们的是1、几个经典段落 2、提纲outline(也就是思路)图画作文比较公正客观9 9 年是经典题型之二2 0 0 0 年是经典题型之三(也是必写题目)1 .Describe the picture(描述图片,解释图表-十大经典段落之一)2.Deduce(推断,推论)the puipose of the drawer of the pictures(画家的意图-I*大经典段落之一)3.Suggest your countermeasures9 8 年命题不成功一一没有想到现实生活

16、中人是怎么欣赏漫画的看漫画的三步曲 1、看画 2、画家想干嘛(the meaning behind it)3、看了画以后会要采取什么行动(正好和提纲相对应)A brief history of world commercial fishing注意:漫画不需要动很多脑筋,看漫画时不需要想太多(练习写小鸟哭树的文章)参考样文:必须包含一下几点:第一,对图画进行描述:必须包括:clear cut the woods,the huge axe,the large tear dropof the bird第二,点出图画的寓意第三,发表议论,提出你的方法和建议Basically,what we see i

17、n this picture is a bird lamenting(超纲,悲伤、哀悼)the fact thatits home has been destroyed.Of course,birds usually make their homes in trees,and sincethere are no trees left in the picture-only the stumps(超纲,树桩),to show that the originaltrees have been chopped down-the bird is left without shelter.In fact

18、,the bird has no choicebut to perch(超纲,栖息、就位于)on the handle of an axe,which has been used to destroyits original home.We can deduce from this picture that the drawer is trying to attract our attention to thetragedy(悲剧、惨事、灾难)of the destruction of forests,which is part of the threat to theecological b

19、alance of the planet.He seems to be saying that soon there will be no trees left inthe world.In my opinion,the sad little bird is a symbol of all living things,including humanbeings,and,like the bird,we too(注意 too 的用法)will be left homeless if we allow thedestruction of the environment to continue.Th

20、is simple picture is a wake-up call for the whole of the human race.If this vivid imageof the grim(超2冈,严酷的)future of our planet is not to become a reality,we must takepositive steps right now to put an end the plundering(超纲,掠夺,抢夺)of the Earthsnatural resources.It is clear that the drawer of the pict

21、ure is urging us to start with acampaign to save the forests,which is something all of us can join by urging our localauthorities to take positive measures to save the trees.竟然有五个超纲词,呵呵,胡老师手到擒来,可是却苦了我!2 0 0 0年满分例文the caption=the words read漫画中的说明文字具体的东西抽象化,抽象的东西具体化。As is shown in the pictures,we can

22、see clearly that with the increase of commercialfishing,the number of fishes sharply/dramatically decreased.In one picture,there werevarious kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900.0n the contrary,in 1995 there wasonly one fish,with3(b u t的重心在后面,w ith表示伴随的状况重心在前面)manyfishing-boats.(分析:第一句主题句

23、,二三句分析图片)仅仅分析描述picture,不要议论The;u、of this picture is to show us that due(足够的充分的)attention has to bepaid to the decreased.Owing to overfishing the number of fish has obviously decreased.Ifwe let this situation continue/go,as it is(描述t生语句 describe as it is),we wont know wherefish is in the future.By th

24、at time,our environment will suffer a great destruction.(分析:第一句主题句,后面没必要说很多Therefore,it is imperative(迫切的)(、for us to take effective(drastic,严厉的激烈的)*measure、.For one thing,we should appeal to(呼吁)our authorities to make strict laws tocontrol commercial fishing.For another,we should enhance(提高增力口)7 th

25、e awareness ofpeople that the ocean resources are very vital to us.8Only in this way can we protect ourocean resources.Also I believe that we humans(human,humans=human beings)canovercome this difficulty,and we will have a bright future.(分析:第一句仍是主题句。每一段都严格按照提纲来写,每一段的第一句话又都是每一段的主题句,这样一来,给人一种很直接的感觉,符 合


27、感觉;要注意动词副词形容词之间的搭配;5go as it is 一下子提高了一个档次,这样的语言点要学会;imperative:important essential necessary这类词是一个档次,体现不出自己的深度;imperative迫切的,这个词很好;*effective也可以,some是最低档次,只适合“安全”,用 drastic就显得技高一筹但是,a series of 一系列,但写作文时千万不要说take a series of measures,这是要受到批判的。因为measures本身就表示多,所以我们要说采取什么性质的措施,而不是多少措施,take a series o

28、f measures是中文式英语,只能表明你的无知和不地道。iEnhance这个词很好;如果用arouse用的比较不是特别贴切,仿佛别人没有觉悟需要你去提醒;8增加一个倒装句,显示自己有好的语法功底1、本文1 8 5个词(写到180个词就不会扣分)2、1 2个句子(说两分钟左右的时间,没有什么复杂)第1段3句话,5 3个单词;第2段4句话,6 0个单词;第3段5句话,7 2个单词提纲第一点里面要你干什么你就干什么答案:As is shown in the pictures,we can see clearly that(语法没问题,意义上有重叠,可改为 As is seen(shown)in

29、the pictures,+clause 或改为 From the pictures,we can seeclearly that+clause)with the increase of commercial fishing,the number of fishessharply/dramatically decreased.In one picture,there were various kinds of fish and only onefishing-boat in 1900.0n the contrary,in 1995 there was only one fish,with ma

30、nyfishing-boats.The purpose of this picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decrease ofocean resources.Owing to over-fishing the number of fish has obviously decreased,(decreased重复了三次,完全可以避免,第二个改为decline,第三个可用dropped,同样的词要尽量避免)If we let this situation continue/go as it is,we w

31、ont know where fish is inthe future.(时态上的混乱,应该为,we do not know where fish will be in the future)这样文章已经完全正确了,背下来!如何使作文的时态简单化,以最大程度地避免错误?参加国际上的任何一场考试,只要是写英语作文,主体上应该是一般现在时态;只有当你提到具体的、过去的、某一事件段发生的具体的某一件事情作为例证时,可以一般过去时。中心时态是简单的一般现在时。拳击手的故事,抓住结构,活学活用,即使有小错也是无所谓的,毕竟瑕不掩玉,这个成语对么?A_AThere are two things need

32、our to think,yun!改为:Two things are concerned.We need tothink about two things.Two things are worth consideration.(最好)受中文影响,没有英语结构,每一个句子都要问一下自己有没有参照结构。范文十Directions:A.Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in about 200 wordsB.Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET2C.Your

33、 essay should meet the requirements below:1.Describe the cartoon and the message conveyed2.Draw a conclusion and give your comment on the cartoon补充句型:it seems to me that.It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about the importance.The purpose of the picture is to show us that due att

34、ention has to be paid to.the importance of the trees in water and soil conversation,and the need for everyone tofight against the danger of the desertificationIn fact,what he is saying that is if we do not fight against the land hills,they would driveus away from the land.选这个文章的目的:其一它代表一种方向,其二这篇的特点是

35、问题有,又有解决问题的方案,构成整体的漫画Today,the earths deserts are spreading and getting larger and desertification is a seriousproblem facing the world.The major reason for this is irresponsible cutting down of trees.Asis shown in the first cartoon,when people cut down trees desert forces on and becomesirrepressibl

36、e.其问题就在于第一段就在分析原因作文在判卷的时候注重两个方面:语言、内容写完后检查:1、句子的主语和谓语是否一致 2、时态 3、名次的单复数4、定冠词和不定冠词 5、搭配 6、单词的拼写套用句型时要对句型部分句法结构功能特别清晰 如:As is shown in the pictures,we cansee clearly that后面是要加从句的,而不是单独的名词结构,或者,你可以说As is shownin the pictures,we can see clearly the relationship between people and the desert.要想用句型来包装自己,首

37、先要对该句型有完全的把握。例文:As is shown in the pictures,we can see clearly the relationship between people and thedeserts.(这是我发现的胡老师的第二个错误,呵呵自己在2000年的例文中进行了批判,结果还是用进来了,A_A)In the first picture,people are fleeing from greedy sand hillsbecause they have cut down all the trees.The caption reads:As the sand advanta

38、ges,weretreat.In the second picture,the people have returned carrying tools,water and young treesto plant the land again.The caption reads:As we advance,the sand retreats.描述图片考试的目的是考你语法和词汇的知识:词汇两个方面:1词汇面的宽度 2 词汇的难度语法的两个原则:1语法的精确性 2 语法的复杂性the caption=the words read漫画中的说明文字具体的东西抽象化,抽象的东西具体化,总而言之你把意思说出

39、来2 0 0 1年(第四个经典题型)特点:1场景 2 提纲 3 图画2004年仍然是考得这种类型Among all the worthy feelings of mankind,love is probably the noblest,but everyonehas his/her own understanding of it.There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper.Write an essay to thenewspaper to1)show your understanding of the sym

40、bolic meaning of the picture below,2)give a specific example,and3)give your suggestion as to the best way to show love.第1段包涵两个经典段落:描述图画、画家意图 第2段具体例证第3段建议措施,具体做法2 0 0 1年大纲样题(第五个经典题型)Widespread tobacco consumption has led to grave consequences,yet the tobacco companiesstill claim that they make a valu

41、able contribution to the world economy.There is a discussionin a newspaper on the above two viewpoints.Write an essay to the newspaperl)criticizing(评论)their view and2)justify(证明什么的合理性)your stand.In your essay,make full use of the information provided in the pictures printed below.Youshould write abo

42、ut 200 words on answer sheet 2.H r T?1=1 S H 4 Z:,K 屿 心/勺 1 1彳Z 金 勺 W N C交g 人 D M.7 K H=-W 1 火(picture:the year 1997)特点:原来的经典图表题:提纲+图表1、描述图片2、几个可能的理由3、建议措施经典题型之五:现在的图表题:场景+提纲+图表十大经典段落03-04重点1 现状 2 解释性段落 3 描述性段落(图表图画)开 头 段 落(1.2.3)4 原因列举(a list of reason)-主体段落(4)5 举 例(2 0 0 1年考研题,参看9 7 年 1 月四六级考题)6 意

43、图分析 7 利和弊(自己总结)中 间 段 落(5.6.7)8 结 尾(自己总结)9 建 议 措 施 1 0 预测未来(从没有出现过)(8.9.10)学术性英语的功能段落考的是你的科研能力,胡 敏(精彩):你在读研究生的时候,你是在搞研究,你必需会描述现状,你必需会解释概念,你必需会把图表转化为文字,你必需会对现在的现状分析它的原因何在,你还要会看一个问题比较客观的看,公正的看它的利与弊,你还要拿具体的事实和例证来说明问题,最后这样还不行,你作为搞研究来说,你不只是描述现状,不只是解释定义,不只是可观分析原因,分析利与弊,说它到底是什么样的真正的背后的意图,你还要怎么样,你还要拿出解决问题的方案

44、,你的建议措施,你还要怎么样,搞科研你还必需会预测未来。从这种角度来说这些功能是作为读研究生必需会的能力,不是survival 而是 academic,这是考研究生,不是去移民。理解 Academic functional paragraphs.(AFP)学术性英语的功能段落把十大段落进行排列组合,就能产生新的提纲。横向的集中的看一项问题,干事情要找到一个focus0作业:1.沙进我退,我进沙退的那篇写掉2.3段,2.看2000年还要什么可以改进的地方3.把下面两篇文章看可以有什么修改的地方:(20页有详细分析)(1)Among all the worthy feelings of manki

45、nd,love is probably the noblest.It is of theutmost importance to the human beings,Everybody not only needs love,but also should givelove.As is described in the picture,love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places.M Thisis indeed true.People in darker places need more light than ordinary people.

46、Maybe even adim light can give them much hope for a better life and progress.Maybe just a thread of lightwill call forth their strength and courage to step out of their difficulties.For instance when someone is starving to death,just a little food and water from youmay save his life.Or when a little

47、 girl in a poor rural area drops out of school because ofpovertyJ ust a small surn of money from you may support her to finish her schooling andchange her life,you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is mostneeded.So to sum up,we should offer our help to all who are in n

48、eed.We expect to get lovefrom others and we also give love to others so when you see someone in difficulty or indistress and in need of help,dont hesitate to give your love to him.I believe then theralationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for usto live in

49、.(20 分)(2)It is generally believed that love is a hot topic which is most talked about.This is truenot only in China but also in other countries.We live in different countries,speak differentlanguages,but love is something common to us all.But how to show love may be differentwith different people i

50、n different countries.This is something we should give more thoughtto.As shown in the picture,love is like a lamp which shines brightest in dark places.Thistells us a simple truth:Love is lika a lamp.It is most valuable when it is most needed.Forexample,once I saw a foreign lady get lost in the stre


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