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1、六年级上册英语(冀教版)六年级上册英语(冀教版)Unit1Unit1 教案教案六年级上册英语(冀教版)六年级上册英语(冀教版)Lesson1Lesson1 教案教案年级年级课题课题六年级六年级学科学科英语英语主备教师主备教师复备教师复备教师课型课型新授新授Lesson1Lesson1:At the AirportAt the Airport教材分析教材分析学情分析学情分析本节课主要是使学生通过练习复习句子:What time is it?Its _.复习所学过的时同时学生能够模仿课文对话,能练习相互问候的日常用语。2.培养以旧带新掌握一定的语言技巧的能力,练习该如何表达时间间表达法六年级学生对

2、英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,所以本节课始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,注意分层教学,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯知识目标:1.学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写单词:home,time,clock2.句型“What time is it?Its _.”能力目标:1.能运用句型“What time is it?Its _.”来表达时间,如:sevenoclock,half past four,four forty-five2.可以运用所学对话熟练进行口语交际。情感目标:通过对本课的学习,学生可以了解在机场下飞机的流程以及不同的国家在同一时间的不同时间差异,提高文化素

3、养,激发英语学习兴趣。教学重点:学生对单词 clock 和 airport 的熟练掌握以及对关于时间句型教学目标教学目标教学重点难教学重点难点分析点分析What time is it?Its _.的灵活运用。教学难点:学生可以灵活运用课文的对话进行有感情的口语交际,并且运用到真实的生活中。使学生进一步提高学生的自学能力,培养学生写摘录笔记的习惯。培养学生学会学习英语的策略、方法并形成习惯。加强朗读的指导与检查,加大对学生阅读和写作的指导。教师教师学生学生多媒体课件,PPT预习课文预习课文教学活动过程设计(第教学活动过程设计(第课时)课时)教学活动教学活动教师活动教师活动Free talk:学生

4、活动学生活动设计意图设计意图教学策略分教学策略分析析课前准备课前准备教学环节教学环节1.GreetingsT:Hello!How are you?S:Im fine,and you?/Just so so./Im not bad师生对话。生生对话T:Summerholidayiscoming.Whatdoyouwant to do?对话引入,集中学生的注意力S:I want to go on a tripT:But on September 1,what will you do?S:Iwillgobacktoschool.T:Do you know what LiMingwilldoonSep

5、tember 1?(Lets listen)S:(after listening)He willgo to school in Canada.T:Why does Li Ming goto school in Canada?DoyougotoschoolinCanada?S:No.T:So why does Li Minggo to school in Canada?S:HewantstolearnNewEnglish.T:Yes,Li Ming wants togotoschooltolearnEnglish in Canada.Canyou guess how Li Minggoes to

6、 Canada and whathappens?(Please read part 1 andpart 2 silently)T:Can you find somequestions about our text?分小组(Question Teamand Answer Team)Q:1.When will Li Mingarrive?2.When will Li Ming gohome?2concept根据老师的提问,积极回答问题,完成对话新授环节主要采用对话形式,集中学生的注意力积极利用多媒体的教学手段,丰富课堂效果3.HowlongwillLiMing be in Canada?4.How

7、 does Li Mingfeel after the trip?5.Where are Danny andJennyairport)S:They are at the airport.T:Yes!Whats this?Thisis an airport(机场图片).Try to read“port”.sportshort hornT:Whataboutotherquestions?Lets go on.(学生继续提问并回答)What time will Li Mingsplane arrive?S:At five oclock.T:Good.(出示一个表示5 点的钟表)What time i

8、sit?Its five oclock,Yes,we know the time fromthe clock.T:Whats this?S:This is a clock.T:Clock!ck k(板书)(chain drills)T:What time is it?S:Its eight oclock/tenoclock/twelve oclock./nine oclock.T:What time is it now?S:Its half past four.T:half(做手势)past four.(板书)T:What time do you getup?(示范)now?(讲出示幻灯图片,

9、学生根据图片提问并回答问题。鼓励学生带着Jenny和 Danny 的感情色彩试读句子)S:At half past six.T:Yes,we usually get upat half past six.S1:What time do you goto school?S2:At half past seven.S3:What time do you gohome?S4:Athalfpasteleven.(in pairs)S5:What time do youhave supper?S6:I have supper at sixfifteen.T:At six fifteen?Can yous

10、how us with this clock?(让学生来用手拨表)T:Good.Look!It is 6:15.T:(教师用手来拨)Whattime is it?S:At four forty-five/fivefifteen.T:(game:What time isit?)出示多组电子表,让学生来问答。T:Does Li Ming comeout at four forty-five?S:No.T:Whataboutfivefifteen?S:No.T:So at that time,howdoes Danny feel?引导学生说出 DANNYis bored or worried.T:W

11、hy does Danny feelbored and worried?(Lets点名学生拨表。并观察教师动作填写电子表每个环节都重视对学生口语的练习listen and imitate.)(After listening)T:Why does Danny feelbored and worried?S:He always asks thetime like“What time isit?”T:Good!Can you readpicture 1 2 3 with yourpartner?(鼓励学生带着Jenny 和 Danny 的感情色彩试读句子)T:OK.Each of you did a

12、good job.Li Mings planewill arrive at five oclock.Why he didnt come outuntil five fifteen?Do youknow?Who knows?S:学生用英语表达的各种猜测。T:Well,(出示图片)学生看大屏幕 Lets see whathappens.S:Get off the plane./Pickhisluggage./Showhispassport to the custom.T:Oh,Li Ming comesout!How do Danny andJenny feel?S:They feel happy

13、.T:OK.Lets read p4-p6together.T:Does Li Ming have agood trip?S:Yes,Li Ming has agood trip.T:How does Li Ming feelafter the trip?S:He feels tired.T:Good.Lets see part 3and answer the questions.(学生做练习,写出答案)T:Letscheckyouranswer(学生之间一问一答)T:Lets see Part2.Whattime is it in Beijing?S:Its one oclock in th

14、eafternoon in Beijing.T:Yes.So p.m means“intheafternoon”andwhatdoes a.m.mean?S:In the morning.T:Good.What time is itin Ottawa?S:Its one oclock in themorning in Ottawa.T:OK.From these twoclocks we know“At thesametime,differentcountrieshavedifferenttimes,we call it“Jetlag”(学生跟读单词).Afterclass,you can f

15、inish nexttwo clocks.OK?S:OK.3.TaskT:Yes,this is Jetlag.Theworldweliveisbig.Different countries havedifferent times,but wealways say that the worldis too small.We havemodern transport,such ashigh speed train or plane.Many people go on a tripby plane.If your friends come tovisit you by plane,youwillm

16、eet them at theairport.Can you make upa dialogue at the airport?4.GroupworkDialogue show.Lesson 1 At the AirportclockWhat time is it?板书设计板书设计airportItshalf past four.教学反思教学反思六年级上册英语(冀教版)六年级上册英语(冀教版)Lesson2Lesson2 教案教案年级年级课题课题教材分教材分析析学情分学情分析析六年级六年级学科学科英语英语主备教师主备教师复备教师复备教师课型课型新授新授Lesson 2Lesson 2:Jenn

17、yJennys Houses House教学目教学目标标本节课是冀教版六年级上册 Unit 1 Lesson 2 My House 的内容。学生已学过一些房间的名称。这一课主要是围绕 Jenny 家里的各类房间,如 study,kitchen,living room,bedroom and bathroom 及一些常见的生活用品和家具 toilet,fridge,TV,sofa,table,bed 等展开的话题。本节课涉及到的这些东西都是学生们非常熟悉而且和我们生活息息相关的,学生也会乐于学。1.语言知识:(1)词汇:house,kitchen,study,toilet,floor(2)句型:

18、There be 句型2.语言技能:(1)能正确运用所学的单词,对房子进行简单描述。(2)能运用所学的知识去询问别人,和别人交谈有关房子的知识。3.情感态度:培养学生对家的热爱重点:能运用 There be 句型进行简单的描述。难点:综合运用语言来介绍自己的房子。教学重教学重点难点点难点分析分析本节课是新授课,我的设计主要的特点是以任务为依托,以活动为手段,通过教学策教学策各种有趣的游戏帮助学生将枯燥、抽象的语言变得生动,激发学生学习英语的略分析略分析兴趣和愿望,让学生在感知、体验、参与中获取知识,形成能力。多媒体,幻灯片多媒体,幻灯片课前准课前准教师教师备备学生学生预习课文预习课文教学活动过

19、程设计(第教学活动过程设计(第课时)课时)教学环教学环节节教学活动教学活动教师活动教师活动S:Where do you live?T:I live in an apartment.T:I think many Chinese学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图WarmWarmupupFree talk.people live in an apartment,学生和老师互动but also many people live inhouses.Now lets see somebeautiful houses.随着老师的引入,学生积极T:Look at this house.Its a配合老师NewN

20、ewlovely house.Can you guessConceptsConceptswhose house it is?S:Its Jennys house.T:Bingo.Write house on the(拓展:take a bath 和take a shower 的区别,用图展示bathtub 和shower)blackboard,teachthepronunciation of“au”.Showthe houses I made it.S:This is a house.T:Lets go to Jennys house.First,listen and answer thequ

21、estions:Howmanybedroomsarethere in Jennys house?How many floors(楼层)arethere in Jennys house?S:There are four bedroomsin Jennys house.S2:There are two floors.T:Yes,two floors.(Teachfloor using the card and PPT.Show the first floor and thesecondfloor)Howmanyfloors are there in this officebuilding?S:Th

22、ere are four floors.Weare on the second floor.This time listen and imitate,then answer the questions:How many rooms are thereon the first floor?What arethey?How many rooms are thereon the second floor?Whatare they?T:Jennyshouseisbig.There are eight rooms.Letsgo inside and have a look.T:Which room do

23、 you wantto go?S:I want to go to room 1.T:Whats this?学生猜(show ppt 用猜图片的方式,遮住一部分,让学生猜 study)S:Its a bed.T:What room is it?S:Its a bedroom.(write“bedroom”blackboard)T:Do you have a bedroom?S:Yes,I do.T:Whats in your bedroom?S:There is a bed/a lamp/acloset in my bedroom.Xx,whats in your bedroom?S2:Ther

24、e is a mirror andsomeflowersinmybedroom.T:A beautiful bedroom.Letsgo on.Which room do youwant to go?S:I want to go to room 2.(for example)T:(PPT)A living room.Thisis a living room.What canyou do in the living room?S:I can watch TV in theliving room.T:Which program do youlike best?S:Cartoons./Films.T

25、:Whatsyourfavouritecartoon character?S:T:What else can you do inthe living room?S:I can sit on the sofa/readthe newspaper/play checkerswith my father/talk with myfriends on the phoneT:There is another name ofontheliving room.We call it sittingroom.They are the same.T:Lets go on.Which roomdo you want

26、 to go?S:I want to go to room 3.T:(PPT)A bathroom.Theweather is so hot.I need totake a bath in theS:Bathroom.(拓展:take a bath 和take ashower 的区别,用图展示bathtub 和 shower)T:Do you like to take a bathor take a shower?What elsedo we need in the bathroom?We need it everyday,so it isa toilet(pay more attention

27、aboutthepronunciation)Practice toilet one by one.T:Guess,which room is it?Your mother always cooksthere.S:It is kitchen.(write ki andchen on the blackboard thenwrite t,tell students t issilent)T:Who cooks in the kitchen?S:My mother or my father.T:Whats in the kitchen?S:Thereisapot/fryingpan/flour/eg

28、gs/milk/butterT:Look,what is it?There aremany books in it.(show ppt用猜图片的方式,遮住一部分,让学生猜 study)T:Right.It is the study.Chant:(齐说)Study,study,配合教师的问题,积极回答what s in the study?(一个人说)Books,books,there are many books in thestudy.(齐说)Study,study,what sin the study?(一 个 人 说)Bookcase,bookcase,there is a bookca

29、sein the study.T:Look at the blackboard,can you say something aboutJennys house?S:This is Jennys house,there is a T:Show me your paper part2 Look and write.You canwrite more sentences.3)TaskT:We visited Jennys housejust now.Can you show usyourhouseoryourapartment?Talk in pairs andthen show us.First

30、I willshow you my home.Look!S1:Heresmyhouseapartment,comein,please!Ill show you theroomsinmyhouseapartment.(Welcometo my apartment!)This isthe.Its big/small/beautiful.There is.in it.It is(colour).I.in the.4)HomeworkMiss Song bought a newapartment.Please help her todesign the apartment.(youcan get th

31、e furniture withyour star.)Jenny s house板书设板书设计计There arefour bedroomsand a studyon the second floor.There isa living room,a bathroom and a kitchenon the first floor.教学反教学反思思年级年级课题课题学科学科英语英语主备教师主备教师复备教师复备教师Lesson 3 Making Breakfast课型课型本课主要借助多媒体辅助教学。本节课是信息技术与英语课的整合,利用多种方法最大限度的拓宽教学资源,利用多媒体技术将图片、文字巧妙融合

32、,充分调动教材教材了学生的多种感官,激发学生的学习兴趣,创设有利于激发和支持学生想象的情分析分析境,给学生以乐趣,更给学生以启迪,为学生创设了自主学习情境,提高了教学效率。学情学情针对六年级学生的年龄特点,教学设计在符合学生学习知识的过程的前提下,还分析分析要能激发学生的情感,培养学生语用,给学生以语言思维和语言表现的空间。1知识与技能目标:a.复习食物类单词,并能使用 What would you like for breakfast?Id like_.来谈论自己想吃的早餐,进行口语交际。b.能通过短文阅读了解中西方食物的差异,并进行简单的总结复述。2情感态度目标:教学教学目标目标a.能为父

33、母制作简单的早餐,或帮助父母制作早餐,做孝顺的好孩子。b.拓展国际视野,了解不同的中西食物。3学习策略目标:a.积极与同伴合作,能够运用所学的知识与他人讨论早餐。b.能够在思维导图的帮助下进行简单的口语输出。教学重点:教学教学1学习四会单词(听懂、会说、认读,书写):breakfast,half,table,put.重点重点:What would you like for breakfast?Id like.难点难点2掌握新句子(会听、会说)分析分析教学难点:教学难点:中西文化对比的文章理解。教学教学教师要在教学过程中与学生保持眼神的交流、语言的交流和情感的交流,对学生策略策略的反应作出恰当的

34、评价分析分析课件,食物类单词卡片,早餐制作食材课前课前教师教师准备准备学生学生预习课文预习课文教学活动过程设计(第教学活动过程设计(第课时)课时)教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动创设Good morning.How areyou?Watch the video.情境Heres a video for you.激发Breakfast兴趣Which meal do they have?b-r-e-a-k-f-a-s-tLets spell breakfast.Today were going tolearn lesson 3“MakingMy mother/father.Breakfast”.教学

35、教学环节环节教学活动教学活动设计意图设计意图六年级六年级视频内容紧扣主题breakfast,直接把学生引到了今天的课中来。创设情景,同时渗透情感教育。以旧代新初步感知课文学习随文理解Who makes breakfast inyour family?Yes,your parents loveyou very much.Nowyoure big kids,youcan help them.Todaylets learn to makebreakfast for parents.What food do youremember for breakfast?I know bread.I knowT:

36、Ive got some food inmy bag.(边拿边说)学生跟着一起说Wow,delicious food.Id like some bread.(边说边拿)What would you like for Id like a sandwich.breakfast?Sandwiches are westernThank you.food.Here you are.What would you like forPlease ask your friend,breakfast?please.Id like an egg.Pair work.Pair work,please.Show.Wha

37、t would Li Ming andListen,choose andJenny like forwrite.breakfast?What would Li Ming like Hed like some bread,for breakfast?eggs and juice.What would Jenny likeShed like some milk andfor breakfast?bread.Mrs.Smith is makingListen,follow andbreakfast for them.learn.Lets listen andfollow.This is the fr

38、idge.Whats this?Fridge,fridge.This isthe fridge.One by one.The juice is in theLook,heres somefridge.juice.The juice is in theS1:The_ is/are in thefridge.fridge.This is Jennys fridge.S2:I want to show my PPT.Whats in your fridge?This is a fridge.The在情景中回顾食物单词,唤起学生的旧知。以旧词带新句,Whatwould you like forbrea

39、kfast?Id like_.从课本中走到生活中,将知识与学生的生活联系起来。Wow,you made a fridge.Wonderful.I like your fridge.AndI love the food.Can Ihave some food?Id like some bread andmilk,please.Put them on my dishes,please.Thank you.Look,this is a dish.These are dishes.Jenny and Li Ming putsome dishes on thetable.Go on listening.

40、Im Mrs.Smith.Whowants to be Li Ming/Jenny?Lets read.拓展场景初步运用选择任务分层展示T:Next day is coming.Im Mrs.Smith.(穿围裙)Mrs.Smith:Its halfpast seven.Time forbreakfast.Jenny,LiMing,what would youlike for breakfast?Mrs.Smith:For me?Mrs.Smith:Id like asandwich and some juice,please._is/are in thefridge.There is/are

41、_in the fridge.S3:I want to show myfridge.S3:Theres _in thefridge.The _is inthe fridge.S3:What would you like?S3:Here you are.One by one.分角色朗读课文Group workShowS1-Jenny S2-Li MingJenny:Mum,what wouldyou like for breakfast?Li Ming:Today wellmake breakfast for you.Jenny and Li Ming:Whatwould you like fo

42、rbreakfast?Jenny:Im making thesandwich.Li Ming:This is thefridge.The juice is inthe fridge.Jenny:Lets put somedishes on the table.Li Ming:Breakfast isready.现场示范,体验深刻,为最后的输出任务作铺垫,同时进行情感渗透。Jenny:Lets eat,Mum.Mrs.Smith:Verydelicious.Thank you.I Group work to act.love you.Show.Exercise 1:Act thedialogue

43、s on P6.Exercise 2:Make a newdialogue.Some people like Chinesesteamed stuffed bunfood.These areporridgetraditional Chinesesoybean milkfood for breakfast.fried bread stickWatch a video.The Robins family aremaking the traditionalCereal and milkEnglish food forToast and jambreakfast.Bacon,egg,sausage,W

44、hat food can you see?tomato and fried breadEnglish food is western Exercise 1:Read.Tick orfood.cross.延伸Chinese food and Western拓展food are different.Doknow the differences文化youbetween them?Exercise 2:Complete the渗透Lets read.thinking map.Check answer.Say with teacher.Read it again andThere are morecom

45、plete the thinkingvegetables in Chinesemap.food.There is much meatCheck answer.in Western food.Chineselike to eat cookedLook at the mind map.vegetables.WesternLets talk about thepeople like to eatdifferences betweenuncooked vegetables.Chinese food and westernChinese people like tofood.drink hot wate

46、r.Westernpeople like to drink icePractice to talk aboutwater.Chinese peoplethe differences between use chopsticks to eat.Chinese food and westernWestern people usefood.knives and forks to eat.Who wants to have a try?Talk about theI think Chinese food is differences between第一遍速度,通过判断正误反馈文章理解。第二遍细读,获取

47、信息,把思维导图填写完整。在思维导图的帮助下复述文章,即用自己的话说一说中餐和西餐的区别。the best.There is a TV Chinese food and Westernprogram calledA Biteoffood with the help ofChina.Its verymind map.famous.It introducesChinese food to peopleall over the world.Sothe national one is theinternational one.The winner is Team 2.Congratulations.H

48、omework:1.Listen and read thetext on P6.2.Make a breakfast foryour family.(video,PPT or poster)Class is over.Goodbyeboys and girls.Lesson 3 Making BreakfastWhat would you like for breakfast?板书板书Id like _.设计设计bread,eggs,sandwich,cake,hamburger,milk,juice,vegetables课后反思课后反思1.知识的学习过程:第一阶段是知识的领会。创设情境,呈现

49、新的语言知识,让学生在情境中了解语言知识的音、形、义。教学教学反思反思第二阶段是知识的巩固与转化。通过练习或任务,让学生巩固新的语言知识。第三阶段是知识的应用、迁移。启发学生对所学内容进行概括总结,有意识地教学生学会如何运用所学知识,最后达成教学目标。根据学生学习知识的过程,设计合理有效的教学环节,帮助学生一步一步地学习、掌握、运用新知。六年级上册英语(冀教版)六年级上册英语(冀教版)Lesson4Lesson4 教案教案年级年级课题课题六年级六年级学科学科英语英语主备教主备教师师复备教复备教师师课型课型新授新授Lesson 4 Making DinnerLesson 4 Making Din

50、ner本课是冀教版小学英语六年级上册第一单元的第四课,是一节新授课。本单元的主题是李明来到加拿大,生活在詹妮家和詹妮一起认识房间,饮食并做家务。在教材分析教材分析本课中介绍了李明和詹妮帮助史密斯夫妇做晚饭、洗盘子,包含了饮食及做家务方面的内容,在第 3 课我们已经学了 Making Breakfast,所以我采用温故知新的方法来引出新的内容。本课学习对象为小学六年级学生,他们已具有一定的英语基础。大部分学生能够用简单的英语谈论一些话题。但与此同时,随着年龄的增长,学情分析学情分析他们的个体差异更加明显,呈现出明显不同的学习需求和学习特点。基于培养学生继续学习兴趣的目的,我巧妙地借助图片、道具、


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