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1、Unit 1 Growing UpI.Teaching plan(5 periods)ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1)grasp the main idea and the structure of the text(narration in chronological sequence)2)appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text3)master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text4)con

2、duct a series of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities related to the theme ofthe unit.Time allotment1)1st period:pre-reading;while-reading(text structure,cultural notes,language points)2)2nd period:while-reading(language points)3)3rd period:while-reading(language points,grammatical stru

3、ctures)4)4U 1 period:while-reading(grammatical structures;details;synonyms;coherence)Post-reading(main idea;exercises)5)5th period:check on students home reading(text B)post-reading(theme-related languagelearning tasks)Pre-reading tasks1)Have you listened to John Lennons Beautiful Boy(2 minutes)2)Th

4、e art of eating spaghetti(15 minutes)3)Tasks students some questions and introduce text A(8 minutest)While-reading tasks1.The grasping the structure of the text:circle all the time words;text organization exercise 2;sum up the main idea(15 minutes)2.Cultural background:explaining the American grade

5、school system and how teachers aredressed.(3 minutes)3.Explain language points and gives Ss practice.(60 minutes)4.Explain grammatical structures(25 minutes)5.Text analysis and theme-related language learning tasks(32 minutes)Post-reading tasks1.Think alone:According to Mr.Fleagle,what is the essenc

6、e of the essay?(5 minutes)2.Check students after-text exercises and solve some common errors(10 minutes)3.Check students home reading(text B)(3 minutes)4.Ss do Part IV:Theme-related Language Learning Tasks in class(1 period)5.Ask the students,to prepare the next unit(2 minutes)I.Text AnalysisRussell

7、 Baker is very good at selecting details(see Part IV Writing Strategy)to prove hispoint.For example,in Para.2 he creates an unfavorable image of Mr.Fleagle by describing his“formal,rigid and hopelessly out-of-date eyeglasses,hairstyle,clothes,jaw,nose,and manner ofspeaking.Whats more,Russell Baker e

8、mploys repletion not only to make it easy for readers to followwhat he is saying,but also to impress them more deeply.For example,in Para.2,there are 9prims or primly in as few as 3 sentences!Thus readers will have in their mind a vivid picture ofwhat Mr.Fleagle looked like.Another example of such r

9、epetition can be found in Para.5.Counthow many I wanted there are in this paragraph(there are 5!).They help to emphasize RussellBakers strong desire to write for himself.On the other hand,where this stylistic device is not justified,Baker is also expert in avoidingrepetition by employing synonymous

10、words and phrases.Here are some examples:a.dull,lifeless,cheerless,tediousb.turn out,write,compose,put downc.recapture,relived.topic,titleIL Cultural notes1.Grade schools in the US.:It is necessary to have some knowledge of grade schools in theU.S.because Ss have to realize that“the third year in hi

11、gh school”(para.1)equals”theeleventh grade”(para.9).U.S.students generally go through elementary schools(kindergarten to 5th or 6th grade),middle schools(grades 6-8)or junior highs schools(grades7-9),and high schools(grades 9-12 or 10-12).2.What American teachers wear in school:Nowadays,people in th

12、e U.S.love to dresscausally.Even among those companies with a rigid dress code some now allow employees notto wear suits on Fridays.U.S.teachers were fairly formal clothes to school,but notnecessarily suits and ties.Bow ties are considered even more old-fashioned than ties.3.Spaghetti and the proper

13、 way of eating it:Spaghetti is the Italian-style thin noodle,cookedb boiling and served with sauce.Usually you would put a fork into a plate of spaghetti,turnthe fork several times so that spaghetti will wind around the fork,then place the fork into yourmouth.It?s impolite to suck.III.Language Point

14、s1.off and on:adv.In an intermittent manner:slept off and on last night.2.possibility:The fact or state of being possible.Something that is possible.Is it a possibility that you will work abroad?There is no possibility of his coming.The new invention contains wonderful possibilities.3.take hold:to s

15、tart to have an effectThe fever was beginning to take hold.4.bore:To make weary by being dull,repetitive,or tedious:The play bored us.Im bored with this job.It*s bore to little children having to go to school every day.5.associate:To connect or join together;combine;To connect in the mind or imagina

16、tionassociate one thing with anotherWe associate China with the Greet Wall.What do you associate with such a heavy snow?6.assignment:a piece of work that is given to a particular personreceive an assignment 接收一项任务What is todays assignment in history?今天历史课指定的作业是什么?He has got a new assignment.他得到一项新任命

17、。7.turn out:a.to shut off:turned out the lights.b.to arrive or assemble,as for a public event or entertainment:A large group of protesters have turned out.c.To produce,as by a manufacturing process;make:an assembly line turning out cars.d.To be found to be,as after experience or trial:The rookie tur

18、ned out to be the best hitter on the team.e.To end up;result:The cake turned out beautifully.f.To equip;outfit:troops that were turned out beautifully.g.Informal To get out of bed.h.To evict;expel:The tenants were turned out.8.agony:The suffering of intense physical or mental pain.His last agony was

19、 over.他临死的挣扎已经过去了。He was in an agony of remorse.他处于极端悔恨之中be in agony苦恼不安death agony(=agony of death)临死时的痛苦,垂死的挣扎in agony of pain在痛苦的挣扎中in an agony of处在极端 状态中9.assign:a.To set apart for a particular puipose;designate.分派为某一特定目的分开;指派b.To select for a duty or office;appoint.选派为某项任务或工作选派;委派c.To give out

20、as a task;allot.作为任务分出;分配d.To ascribe;attribute.归于;归属be assigned to a new post被派到新的工作岗位assign a day for a meeting 确定开会日期assign property to another把财产转让给别人assign ones failure to idleness 将失败归因于懒惰assign homework留家庭作业10.anticipate:To act in advance so as to prevent;forestall.To foresee and fulfill in a

21、dvance.We anticipate great pleasure from our visit to London.我们期待伦敦之行过得非常愉快。We anticipate hearing from you again.我们期待再接到你们的来信。We anticipated our competitors by getting our products onto the market first.我们赶在竞争对手之前,先把产品推向市场。ardently anticipate 殷切地期望confidently anticipate满怀信心地期望anticipate sb.s arrival

22、 with much pleasure 万分高兴地期待某人的到来。A man who always anticipates his income can never save or become rich.总是预支工资,寅吃卯粮的人,永远不能储蓄或成为富人。He tried to anticipate all my needs.他设法将我需要的东西预先准备好。Expect,anticipate,hope,awaitThese verbs are related in various ways to the idea of looking ahead to something in the fu

23、ture.To expect is to look forward to the likely occurrence or appearance of someone or something:You can expect us for lunch.你可以等我们一起吃午饭。“We should not expect something for nothing-but we all do and call it Hope”(Edgar W.Howe).“我们不应期待收获而不付出-相反我们应去做并称之为希望”(埃德加何奥)。Anticipate is sometimes used as a syn

24、onym of expect,but usually it involves more thanexpectation.Sometimes it refers to taking advance action,as to forestall or prevent theoccurrence of something expected or to meet a wish or request before it is articulated:vSKW Anticipate有时被用作expect的同义词,但通常它不仅仅是期望这个意思,有时它指提前采取行动,来阻止预料中某事的发生或在一项要求或愿望说

25、出之前使它得到满足:anticipated the attack and locked the gates;预见会有袭击并锁上门;anticipating her desires.预先满足她的愿望。The term can also refer to having a foretaste of something expected before its occurrence:这个词也指在预料中某物的出现前就已拥有:anticipate trouble,过早陷入麻烦。To hope is to look forward with desire and usually with a measure

26、 of confidence in thelikelihood of gaining what is desired:Hope意思是热切期望并对获得所期待之物的可能性方面有一定的信心:I hope to see you s o o n.我希望不久就见到你。Hope for the best,but expect the worst.做最大的希望,但也等待最大的失望。To await is to wait in expectation of;it implies certainty:Await 意思是满怀期望的等待;暗含肯定性:eagerly awaiting your letter.热切等待你

27、的来信。11.tedious:Tiresome by reason of length,slowness,or dullness;boring.a tedious story冗长乏味的故事tedious work乏味的工作boring,monotonous,tedious,irksome,tiresome,humdrum.These adjectives refer to what is so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.Boring implies feelings of listlessness and disconte

28、nt:I had expected the book to be boring,but on the contrary it was fascinating.我本以为这本书很乏味,但正好相反,它竟让人着迷。What is monotonous bores because of lack of variety:表示 monotonous 的东西令人厌烦是因为缺少变化:There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the seaCJames Russell Lowell).“没有东西更象大海一样单调到让人绝望了”(詹姆士 罗素洛威尔)。Tedious

29、suggests dull slowness or long-windedness:Tedious 说明令人乏味的缓慢或漫长的曲折:When we travel from coast to coast,we take a plane to avoid spending tedious days onthe train.当从一个海滨旅行到另一个海滨时,我们乘坐飞机以避免在火车上打发无聊时光。Irksome describes what is demanding of time and effort and yet is dull and often unrewarding:Irksome指需要时

30、间和努力,然而是单调而且通常是没有回报的:“I know and feel what an irksome task the writing of long letters is”(Edmund Burke).“我知道也感到写长信是一件多么令人烦恼的任务”(埃德蒙 布克)。Something tiresome fatigues because it seems to be interminable or to be marked byunremitting sameness:tiresome的东西令人厌倦是因为它看起来无穷无尽或毫无变化:“What a tiresome being is a

31、man who is fond of talking?(Benjamin Jow ett).”夸夸其谈的人多么令人讨厌”(本杰明 乔维特)。Humdrum refers to what is commonplace,trivial,or unexcitingly routine:Humdrum 指陈腐、琐碎和无趣平凡的东西:She led a humdrum existence-all work and no play.她过着相当单调的生活只有工作,没有玩乐。12.reputation:The general estimation in which a person is held by th

32、e public;The state orsituation of being held in high esteem.;A specific characteristic or trait ascribed to a person orthinga man of no reputation默默无闻的人;没有声望的人a person of reputation有信誉的人,体面的人build up a reputation 博得名声a blot smirch,stain on ones reputation 名誉上的污点have a good bad reputation 名誉好 坏have a

33、 reputation for sth.(=have the reputation of)因.而著名,以.闻名live up to ones reputation不负盛名;名副其实lose ruin ones reputation 名誉扫地make an evil reputation for oneself 弄得声名狼藉of great good,high reputation很有声望的,享有盛名的of no reputation声名狼藉的of reputation有名望的13.inability:Lack of ability or means.employment inability无就

34、业能力,失业inability to b o x 丧失比赛能力inability to defend oneself 没有自卫能力14.inspire:To fill with enlivening or exalting emotion:inspire a new thought into sb.将新思想灌输给某人inspire sb.with courage鼓起某人的勇气inspire sth.in sb.使某人产生某种感情;激发某人的某种感情inspire sb.with sth.使某人产生某种感情;激发某人的某种感情inspire sth.into s b.把某种思想灌输给某人15.f

35、ormal:Stiffly ceremoniousa formal manner;a formal greeting;a formal bow to the monarch.16.rigid:Not flexible or pliant;stiff.rigid in ones views 意志坚定rigid discipline严格的训练rigid adherence to rules 严守规则17.excessively:adv To an advanced or unusual degree;extremely.过分地,过度地Besides,excessively large masses

36、 of human beings working in a single gigantic buildingoverburden public transportation.”此外浒许多多的人在一幢大楼里上班工作,加重了公共交通的负担。”18.out of date:no longer useful,correct or fashionableout of date theories on educationThe information in last years tourist guide is already out of date.19.prim:Precise or proper t

37、o the point of affectation;excessively decorous.一本正经的过于准确或合适以致于造作的;过分端庄的Those young ladies are much too prim and proper to enjoy such a rude joke.那儿位年轻的太太太拘谨和正经,不会喜欢这种粗俗的笑话。”a prim garden整洁的园子prim and proper 一本正经的;循规蹈矩的20.severe:Very serious;grave or grievous:severe mental illness.Severe,stern and s

38、trict:These adjectives mean unsparing and exacting with respect todiscipline or control.Severe implies adherence to rigorous standards or highprinciples;the term often suggests the imposition of harsh conditions:“Praise or blame has but a momentary effect on the man whose love of beauty in the abstr

39、actmakes him a severe critic on his own worksM(John Keats).“赞扬或指责对这个人只有瞬间效应,对抽象美的热爱使他对自己的作品严加批判(约翰凯兹)。Stern suggests unyielding disposition,uncompromising resolution,or forbidding appearanceor nature:Stern指强硬的处理、不妥协的决定或冷峻的外表或气质:thought her husband a man fatally stern and implacable(George Meredith).

40、“认为她丈夫是一个极端严厉而且毫不容情的人”(乔治马里蒂斯)。Strict means requiring or showing stringent observance of obligations,rules,or standards:有计划地克制做某事,没有别的理由只因你最好别做它(威廉杰姆森)。Strict指要求或显示严格遵守义务、规则或标准:“He could not be severe nor even passably strict”(W.H.Hudson).“他根本不能做到严厉,甚至连稍稍严格一点都做不到”(W.H.N哈德森)ic:Characteristic of or ha

41、ving to do with comedy.Of or relating to comic strips.Amusing;humorous:a comic situation involving the familys ic opera 喜歌剧comic relief(悲剧中穿插的以宽松观众情绪的)喜剧性镜头comic book 美 连环图画杂志comic paper报纸的连环图画版comic strip连环图画tragic(来 自希腊语tragikos).a d j悲剧的;悲惨的;不幸的a tragic accident 不幸的事故22.antique:An object having s

42、pecial value because of its age,especially a domestic item orpiece of furniture or handicraft esteemed for its artistry,beauty,or period of origin.The antique is a fake.那古董是一,件鹰品。an antique dealer 古董商old,ancient,archaic,antediluvian,obsolete,antique,antiquatedThese adjectives describe what belongs t

43、o or dates from an earlier time or period.Old is the most general term:old lace;an old saying;old colleagues;an old Dutch painting.Ancient pertains to the distant past:“the hills,/Rock-ribbed,and ancient as the sun(WiHiam Cullen Bryant).Archaic implies a very remote,often primitive period:an archaic

44、 Greek bronze of the seventh century b.c.He was convicted under an archaic statute that had never been repealed.Antediluvian applies to what is so old and outdated that it seems to belong to the periodpreceding the biblical Flood:lived in a ramshackle,antediluvian tenement;“a branch of one of your a

45、ntediluvian families(William Congreve).Obsolete indicates the fact of having fallen into disuse:an obsolete custom;obsolete methods of research.“Either man is obsolete or war is”(R.Buckminster Fuller).Antique is applied both to what is very old and to what is especially appreciated or valuedbecause

46、of its age:“in hat of antique shape,(Matthew Arnold).She collects antique French furniture and porcelains.Antiquated describes what is out of date,no longer fashionable,or discredited:“No idea is so antiquated that it was not once modern.No idea is so modern that it will notsomeday be antiquated”(El

47、len Glasgow).23.tackle:try to deal with;To take on and wrestle with(an opponent or a problem,for example).着手处理接受(比如一名对手或一个问题)的挑战并与之拼搏.Everyone has his problem to tackle.每人都有一些问题要去解决。The policeman tackled the thief.警察捕捉小偷。tackle sb.about on,over sth.为某事与某人交涉,与某人坦率地谈谈某事24.essay:A short literary compos

48、ition on a single subject,usually presenting the personal view ofthe author.political essay 政论文essay question(与填充题、是非题相对而言的涧答题make an essay to assist sb.试图帮助某人25.distribute:To deliver or pass outdistribute books among the students 把书分给学生be distributed into three classes 分为三类distribute seeds over a f

49、ield 在田间播种distribute.over.把 配给到 分配至(散布于 distribute sth.t o 把某物分 配,发 给distribute sth.among把某物分 配,发 给distribute,dispense,divide,allocate 都 含“分配”的意思。distribute指“将某物分成一定的部分或数量,通常各份的数量不一定相等,然后分给某些人或地方”,0:distribute leaflets分发传单。In the 19th century the government distributed land to settlers willing to cu

50、ltivate it.Divideimplies giving out portions,often equal,on the basis of a plan or purpose:在 19 世纪,政府将土地分发给愿意耕种的定居者。dispense stresses the careful determination of portions,often according to measurement orweight:Dispense强调根据测理或称重对所分的份额,认真作出决定:dispensingmedication;配药;Dispense指“分配给一群人中每个人应得的份”,如:They


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