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《2019年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案(第1套).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案(第1套).pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2019年6月大英语六级考试真题(第1套)Part I Writing(30 minutes)Directions For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance ofmotivation and methods in learning.You should write at least 150 words but no morethan 200 words.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A(30 minutes)Directions In

2、this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spokenonly once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the fourchoices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the correspond

3、ing letter on AnswerSheet Iwith a single line through the centre.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.A)A six-month-long negotiation.B)Preparations fbr the party.2.A)Take wedding photos.B)Advertise her company.3.A)Hesitant.B)Nervous.4.A)Start her own bakery.B)Improve

4、her baking skill.C)A project with a troublesome client.D)Gift wrapping fbr the colleagues.C)Starta small business.D)Throw a celebration party.C)Flattered.D)Surprised.C)Share her cooking experience.D)Prepare food fbr the wedding.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.A)T

5、hey have to spend more time studying.B)They have to participate in club activities.C)They have to be more responsible for what they do.D)They have to choose a specific academic discipline.6.A)Get ready fbr a career.C)Set a long-term goal.B)Make a lot of friends.D)Behave like adults.7.A)Those who sha

6、re her academic interests.B)Those who respect her student commitments.C)Those who can help her when she is in need.D)Those who go to the same clubs as she does.8.A)Those helpful for tapping their potential.B)Those conducive to improving their social skills.C)Those helpful fbr cultivating individual

7、interests.D)Those conducive to their academic studies.Section BDirections In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you will hearthree or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer f

8、rom the four choicesmarked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.A)They break away from traditional ways ofthinking.B)They are prepared to work harder than anyone else.

9、C)They are good at refining old fbmiulas.D)They bring their potential into full play.10.A)They contributed to the popularity of skiing worldwide.B)They resulted in a brand new style of skiing technique.C)They promoted the scientific use of skiing poles.D)They made explosive news in the sports world.

10、11.A)He was recognized as a genius in the world of sports.B)He competed in all major skiing events in the world.C)He won three gold medals in one WinterOlympics.D)He broke three world skiing records in three years.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.A)They appear restl

11、ess.C)They lose consciousness.B)They become upset.D)They die almost instantly.13.A)It has an instant effect on your body chemistryB)It keeps returning to you every now and then.C)It leaves you with a long-lasting impression.D)It contributes to the shaping of your mind.14.A)To succeed while feeling i

12、rritated.B)To feel happy without good health.C)To be free from frustration and failure.D)To enjoy good health while in dark moods15.A)They are closely connected.C)They are too complex to understand.B)They function in a similar way.D)They reinforce each other constantlySection CDirections In this sec

13、tion,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three orfour questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single

14、 line through thecentre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16.A)They differ in their appreciation of music.B)They focus their attention on different things.C)They finger the piano keys in different ways.D)They choose different pieces of music to play.17.A)They manage t

15、o cooperate well with their teammates.B)They use effective tactics to defeat their competitors.C)They try hard to meet the spectators*expectations.D)They attach great importance to high performance.18.A)It marks a breakthrough in behavioral science.B)It adopts a conventional approach to research.C)I

16、t supports a piece of conventional wisdom.D)It gives rise to controversy among experts.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.19.A)Peoples envy of slim models.B)Peoples craze for good health.C)The increasing range of fancy products.D)The great variety of slimming products.

17、20.A)They appear vigorous.B)They appear strange.C)They look charming.D)They look unhealthy.21.A)Culture and upbringing.B)Wealth and social status.C)Peer pressure.D)Media influence.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have justheard.22.A)The relation between hair and skin.B)The growing i

18、nterest in skin studies.C)The color of human skin.D)The need of skin protection.23.A)The necessity to save energy.B)Adaptation to the hot environment.C)The need to breathe with ease.D)Dramatic climate changes on earth.24.A)Leaves and grass.B)Man-made shelter.C)Their skin coloring.D)Hair on their ski

19、n.25.A)Their genetic makeup began to change.B)Their communities began to grow steadily.D)Their pace of evolution began to quicken.C)Their children began to mix with each other.Part IH Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Section ADirections In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are requ

20、ired to select one wordfor each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in thehank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item onAnswer Sheet 2 with a single lin

21、e through the centre.You may not use any of thewords in the bank more than once.Pasta is no longer off the menu,after a new review of studies suggested that the carbohydratecan form part of a healthy diet,and even help people lose weight.For years,nutritionists haverecommended that pasta be kept to

22、a 26,to cut calories,prevent fat build-up and stop bloodsugar 27 up.The low-carbohydrate food movement gave birth to such diets as the Atkins,Paleo and Keto,which advised swapping foods like bread,pasta and potatoes for vegetables,fish and meat.Morerecently the trend of swapping spaghetti for vegeta

23、bles has been 28 by clean-eating experts.But now a 29 review and analysis of 30 studies by Canadian researchers found that notonly does pasta not cause weight gain,but three meals a week can help people drop more than halfa kilogram over four months.The reviewers found that pasta had been unfairly d

24、e加。山 zed(妖魔化)because it had been 30 in with other,more fat-promoting carbohydrates.The study found that pasta didnt 31 to weight gain or increase in body fat,n said leadauthor Dr John Sievenpiper.In 32 the evidence,we can now say with some confidence thatpasta does not have an 33 effect on body weig

25、ht outcomes when it is consumed as part of ahealthy dietary pattem.In fact,analysis actually showed a small weight loss.So 34 toconcerns,perhaps pasta can be part of a healthy diet.Those involved in the 35 trials on average ate 3.3 servings of pasta a week instead ofother carbohydrates,one serving e

26、qualing around half a cup.They lost around half a kilogramover an average follow-up of 12 weeks.Section BA)adverseE)contributeI)minimumM)subscribeB)championedF)intimateJ)radiatingN)systematicC)clinicalG)lumpedK)rationO)weighingD)contraryH)magnifiedL)shootingDirections In this section,you are going t

27、o read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraphfrom which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking thecorres

28、ponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.The Best Retailers Combine Bricks and ClicksA Retail profits are falling sharply.Stores are closing.Malls are emptying.The depressingstories just keep coming.Reading the earnings announcements of large retail stores likeMacys,Nordstrom,and Target is about as upliftin

29、g as a tour of an intensive care unit.Theinternet is apparently taking down yet another industry.Brick and mortar stores(实体店)seem to be going the way of the yellow pages.Sure enough,the Census Bureau just releaseddata showing that online retail sales surged 15.2 percent between the first quarter of

30、2015 andthe first quarter of 2016.B But before you dump all of your retail stocks,there are more facts you should consider.Looking only at that 15.2 percent surge”would be misleading.It was an increase that was ona small base of 6.9 percent.Even when a tiny number grows by a large percentage temis,i

31、t isoften still tiny.C More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce,the Census Bureau tells us thatbrick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016.Their data show that only 0.8 percent of retail sales shifted from offline to online betwe

32、en thebeginning of 2015 and 2016.D So,despite all the talk about drone(无 人机)deliveries to your doorstep,all the retailexecutives expressing anxiety over consumers going online,and even a Presidential candidateexclaiming that Amazon has a huge antitrust problem,the Census data suggest that physicalre

33、tail is thriving.Of course,the closed stores,depressed executives,and sinking stockssuggest otherwise.Whafs the real story?E Many firms operating brick and mortar stores are in trouble.The retail industry is gettingreinvented,“as we describe in our new book Matchmakers.Ifs standing in the path of wh

34、atSchumpeter called a gale(大 风)of creative destruction.That storm has been brewing forsome time,and as it has reached gale force,most large retailers are searching fbr a response.As the CFO of Macy,s put it recently,HWe*re frankly scratching our heads.F But its not happening as experts predicted.In

35、the peak of the bubble,brick andmortar retail was one of those industries the internet was going to kill-and quickly.Thebust discredited most predictions of that sort and in the years that followed,conventional retailers*confidence in the future increased as Census continued to report weakonline sal

36、es.And then the gale G It is becoming increasingly clear that retail reinvention isn,t a simple battle to the deathbetween bricks and clicks.It is about devising retail models that work for people who aremaking increasing use of a growing array of internet-connected tools to change how theysearch,sh

37、op,and buy.Creative retailers are using the new technologies to innovate just abouteverything stores do from managing inventory,to marketing,to getting paid.H More than drones dropping a new supply of underwear on your doorstep,Apples massivelysuccessful brick-and-mortar-and-glass retail stores and

38、Amazons small steps in the samedirection are what should keep old-fashioned retailers awake at night.Not to mention thelarge number of creative new retailers,like Bonobos,that are blending online and offlineexperiences in creative ways.I Retail reinvention is not a simple process,and its also not ha

39、ppening on what used to be calledInternet Time.Some internet-driven changes have happened quickly,of course.Craigslistquickly overtook newspaper classified ads and turned newspaper economics upside down.But many widely anticipated changes werent quick,and some haven*t really started.With thebenefit

40、of hindsight(后 见 之 明),it looks like the internet will transform the economy atsomething like the pace of other great inventions like electricity.B2B commerce,fbr example,didnt move mainly online by 2005 as many had predicted in 2000,nor even by 2016,but thatdoesnt mean it won,t do so over the next f

41、ew decades.J But the gale is still blowing.The sudden decline in foot traffic in recent years,even though ithasnt been accompanied by a massive decline in physical sales,is a critical warning.Peoplecan shop more efficiently online and therefore don*t need to go to as many stores to find whatthey wan

42、t.There*s a surplus of physical shopping space for the crowds,which is one reasonwhy stores are downsizing and closing.K The rise of the mobile phone has recently added a new level of complexity to the process ofretail reinvention.Even five years ago most people faced a choice.Sit at your computer,p

43、robably at home or at the office,search and browse,and buy.Or head out to the mall,orMain Street,look and shop,and buy.Now,just about everyone has a smartphone,connectedto the internet almost everywhere almost all the time.Even when a retailer gets a customer towalk in the store,she can easily see i

44、f there*s a better deal online or at another store nearby.L So far,the main thing many large retailers have done in response to all this is to open onlinestores,so people will come to them directly rather than to Amazon and its smaller onlinerivals.Many are having the same problem that newspapers ha

45、ve had.Even if they get onlinetraffic,they struggle to make enough money online to compensate fbr what they are losingoffline.M A few seem to be making this work.Among large traditional retailers,Walmart recentlyreported the best results,leading its stock price to surge,while Macy*s,Target,andNordst

46、roms dropped.Yet Walmarts year-over-year online sales only grew 7 percent,leadingits CEO to lament(哀叹),Growth here is too slow.*Part of the problem is that almost twodecades after Amazon filed the one-click patent,the online retail shopping and buyingexperience is filled with frictions.A recent stud

47、y graded more than 600 internet retailers onhow easy it was fbr consumers to shop,buy,and pay.Almost half of the sites didnt get apassing grade and only 18 percent got an A orB.N The turmoil on the ground in physical retail is hard to square with the Census data.Unfortunately,part of the explanation

48、 is that the Census retail data are unreliable.Our deeplook into those data and their preparation revealed serious problems.It seems likely thatCensus simply misclassifies a large chunk of online sales.It is certain that the Censusprocedures,which lump the online sales of major traditional retailers

49、 like Walmart with Hnon-store retailers like food trucks,can mask major changes in individual retail categories.Thebureau could easily present their data in more useful ways,but they have chosen not to.O Despite the turmoil,brick and mortar wont disappear any time soon.The big questions arewhich,if

50、any,of the large traditional retailers will still be on the scene in a decade or twobecause they have successfully reinvented themselves,which new players will operate busystores on Main Streets and maybe even in shopping malls,and how the shopping and buyingexperience will have changed in each reta


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