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《2020年重庆市江津中考英语试题及答案(B卷).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年重庆市江津中考英语试题及答案(B卷).doc(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2020年重庆市江津中考英语试题及答案(B卷)(全卷共九个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)注意事项:1. 试题的答案书写在答题卡上, 不得在试卷上直接作答。2. 作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。3. 考试结束, 由监考人员将试题和答题卡一并收回。第卷(共95分)I. 听力测试。(共30分)第一节(每小题1. 5分, 共9分)听一遍。根据你所听到的句子, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语, 并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. See you. B. Not at all. C. Nice to meet you, too. 2. A. Here you are.

2、B. Thank you. C. Never mind. 3. A. Yes, Id love to. B. Take it easy. C. Dont worry. 4. A. Thats right. B. Youre welcome. C. Sorry to hear that. 5. A. Good idea. B. Quite beautiful. C. Come on. 6. A. Well done. B. With pleasure. C. I agree with you. 第二节(每小题1. 5分, 共9分)听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确

3、答案, 并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. To the airport. B. To the bus station. C. To the railway station. 8. A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. 9. A. For one day. B. For two days. C. For three days. 10. A. Her friend. B. Her brother. C. Her sister. 11. A. A doctor. B. A writer. C. A scientist. 12. A. Once a week.

4、 B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 第三节(每小题1. 5分, 共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案, 并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听第一投村料, 回答第13和14小题。13. How is the weather in Beijing today?A. Its hot. B. Its warm. C. Its cold.14. When is Jack going back home?A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Wednesday. C. Next Thursday. 听第二段材

5、料, 回答第15和16小题。15. What is the new movie about?A. The Chinese womens volleyball team. B. The Chinese womens football team. C. The Chinese mens volleyball team. 16. What spirit of the team encourages all Chinese?A. Loving peace. B. Never giving up. C. Depending on oneself. 第四节(每小题1. 5分, 共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到

6、的短文内容, 从A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案, 并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。17. Sandy is the _of the trip today. A. guide B. teacher C. actor18. There are_ groups on the trip. A. two B. three C. four19. If you get lost, you can find Sandy_.A. on Bus No. 2B. by the riverC. at the ticket office 20. Before taking photos with the peo

7、ple who work at the palace, you should _.A. pay them firstB. wear traditional clothes C. ask them if its OKII. 单项选择。(每小题1分, 共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案, 并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. What _nice day! Lets go for a picnic.A. a B. an C. theD. /22. The wild animals are in danger now. Lets protectA. they B.

8、 them C. theirD. theirs23. The bank is _the left of the supermarket. Its not far.A. in B. for C. on D. at24. I dont know how to make a speech in public. Can you give me some _.A. waterB. moneyC. foodD. advice25. Teachers Day is in September, the _month of the year. A. nineB. ninthC. tenD. tenth26. D

9、ont drink coffee before going to bed, or you _easily. A. dont fall asleepB. wont all asleep C. didnt fall asleep D. havent fallen asleep27. When I was young, I _by my grandparents. A. look afterB. looked afterC. am looked afterD. was looked after28. Youve done a good job, and Im sure you can do it _

10、.A. worse B. worstC. betterD. best29. Wed better follow the seven-step hand-washing method _ healthy. A. to keep B. keep C. keeping D. keeps30. Dear friends, do you know_?By working together!A. when we can make the Chinese Dream come trueB. when can we make the Chinese Dream come trueC. how we can m

11、ake the Chinese Dream come true D. how can we make the Chinese Dream come trueII. 完形填空。(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)根据短文内容, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案, 并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Sam and his friend Bob, both 5, entered a painting competition. Bob won! Sam felt blue and left 31 _.As soon as Sam 32 home, he told Papa,

12、I worked hard on my picture. I made it the best I could. I wanted to win. You did work hard, said Papa. 33 is a fine picture. Ill hang it in my office. Mama gave Sam a hug and said, I hope you congratulated Bob. Sam shook his head, Bob was too busy getting his photo taken. Then he went to his room.

13、He sulked(生闷气). He didnt feel like doing anything. Some time later, he got very 34 . He wondered what Bob was doing. He remembered the fun they had, painting their pictures togetherHe decided to do something, 35 he took out some paper and his painting set. He painted another picture, one 36 a ship i

14、n it. He knew Bob loved ships. Under the ship, he printed in big red 37 : C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S!That was the biggest word he knew. That afternoon, Sam walked to Bobs house and gave Bob the 38 .Thanks, said Bob. I love ships. Whats the 39 word?Congratulations, said Sam. Wow! Thanks again, sai

15、d Bob. This is much better than getting my photo taken. And happily they went to ride bikes together. Friendship is much better than 40 , isnt it?31. A. late B. alone C. luckily D. loudly32. A. stayed B. missed C. gotD. left 33. A. MineB. YoursC. HisD. Hers34. A. hungryB. afraidC. happyD. bored 35.

16、A. so B. orC. butD. although36. A. under B. above C. without D. with37. A. lettersB. wordsC. sentencesD. languages38. A. pen B. pictureC. mapD. bike39. A. blackB. small C. bigD. white40. A. losing B. winningC. ridingD. paintingIV. 阅读理解。(41-43 小题, 每小题 1 分, 44-59小题, 每小题2分, 共35分)阅读下列材料, 从A. B、C、D 四个选项中

17、选出最佳答案, 并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A42. Li Hua learned by himself _from February to April. A. from 8:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. B. from 11:50 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. C. from 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m.D. from7:00p. m. to 9:30 p. m. 43. The material above is about Li Huas _from February to April.A. houseworkB. homework

18、C. school activitiesD. daily lifeBCharacters: a judge(法官) Mike(a painter) Peter(a cook)Setting: a courtroom(法庭)A judge is sitting behind a desk. Mike and Peter are standing in front of her. Peter: Your honor. This man lives in a room above my restaurant. I heard him telling a friend that he was stea

19、ling from me. Mike: Smells, your honor! I just take the smells of the food coming up from the restaurant. Judge: (Looking at Mike)What do you do with the smells?Mike: The smells help me imagine that I am eating a fine dinner. Judge:(To Peter)And how much do you want for these smells, sir?Peter: The

20、5 coins he always carries. Mike: But my mother gave me the coins to save me when in need. Judge: (To Mike) Drop the coins onto the table, one at a time. (Mike drops the coins.)Case dismissed(结案). Peter: What do you mean? I didnt get paid!Judge: You want the SMELLS paid. Mike has now paid you in SOUN

21、DSthe sounds of the coins.44. _ lives in a room above the restaurant. A. The judgeB. MikeC. Peter D. No one 45. Peter wanted to get_ from Mike. A. the smells B. the food C. the sounds D. the coins46. From the material, we can see that the judge is _.A. poor B. rich C. stupid D. wise47. The material

22、above is probably _.A. a play B. a poem C. a notice D. a diaryCLast year, I went to Italy as an exchange student. Before leaving, I asked my mother what gifts I should take to the teachers and the students there. Mom said that the Chinese fan was a good choice, for China is praised as the Fan Kingdo

23、m. I couldnt agree more, because it is more than a tool for cooling. Its also an important part of Chinese culture. I went shopping and bought three kinds of Chinese fans. The first kind was the feather(羽毛)fan for the teachers, which was made of bird feathers. It was the symbol of Zhuge Liang, a ver

24、y smart man in ancient China. The fans I bought for the girls were silk fans. They were also called round silk fans. Fans of this kind were made of silk with paintings of beautiful women, birds or flowers. They were very popular with women of all ages. As for the boys, I picked the folding fans from

25、 Rongchang, a place in the west of Chongqing. The folding fans were made of paper and bamboo and there were great paintings and calligraphy(书法)on them. At the welcome party in Italy, my new teachers and classmates were all excited to get the wonderful fans. And they were even more excited after lear

26、ning about the stories and culture behind them. 48. The writer went to Italy for _last year.A. learning B. traveling C. teachingD. shopping49. The folding fans the writer bought were made in _.A. Dazu B. Rongchang C. Tongliang D. Wulong50. According to the passage, the writer gave the fans like the

27、one in Picture _ to the girls. 51. The writer wrote this passage in a _tone(语气). A. humorousB. surprising C. seriousD. proudDIn China, each year we produce about 150 million tons of city waste according to a report. Where does the waste go? People usually burn or bury(埋)it. On the other hand, we rec

28、eive waste from some developed countries. We get useful materials from it. What about the useless part? Still burnedor buried. But is it a proper way?Waste pollutes the environment, harms peoples health and causes animals to die. It also gets in the way of green and sustainable development. We cant

29、make money at the cost of the environment. We should leave clean water and green mountains to our next generations(一代人). China is getting really serious about waste now. We are taking less waste from developed countries. From January 2018, China started to stop 24 kinds of waste coming into our coun

30、try. And more laws and rules about dealing with waste have been made. Anyone who breaks the law will be punished. China also tries to put waste into good use. One example is the waste electricity factories. They burn waste to make electricity in a green way. No harmful gases or water will get into t

31、he environment. The Chinese government is encouraging people to do waste sorting(分类). Cities like Shanghai, Chongqing and Beijing have their own sorting systems. More will join them soon. As President Xi Jinping said during a visit to Shanghai, waste sorting is a new fashion(时尚). More and more peopl

32、e are forming the habit of separating their waste. 52. The writer starts the passage by _.A. telling storiesB. comparing numbersC. raising questions D. giving suggestions53. The underlined word sustainable in Paragraph 2 means _in Chinese.A. 可享受的B. 可持续的C. 可借鉴的D. 可复活的54. From the passage, we know tha

33、t _.A. waste does harm only to the environmentB. those who break the law may not be punishedC. China stops getting waste from developed countriesD. waste sorting starts to become popular in China55. The structure of the passage may be. (=Paragraph1 =Paragraph2 =Paragraph 3 =Paragraph4 =Paragraph 5 =

34、Paragraph 6)EFacial recognition technology(人脸识别技术)is widely used today. For example, police use it to search for bad guys. Its also used to unlock phones or doors. Now, a similar technology, known as facial detection(探测), is entering a new field: the business of advertising(广告). Such systems are goi

35、ng through tests in a small number of stores. One facial detection system can judge a persons happiness or fear level. That helps businesses see how people feel as they lo at products or advertisements in the store. Another system can detect whether someone is wearing eyeglasses. If so, stores can s

36、end advertisements for new glasses to him. Facial detection technology is also placed inside some large advertising boards. Cameras in those boards can detect information like peoples ages and five levels of feelingsfrom very happy to very unhappy. Supporters of the technology say it could improve b

37、uyers experience by showing products they might like or by offering them products at lower prices. Some are against the idea of using such systems. Pam Dixon, the head of a privacy(隐私)group, is one of them. She thinks . For example, a business could raise the price of a product according to a person

38、s age and feelings. However, one store testing the technology explained they wouldnt store peoples information like names or ages. And the advertising board system maker said it didnt keep any personal information or record any videos. 56. Facial detection technology can tell peoples _, according to

39、 the passage. A. weight B. feelings C. height D. jobs57. Which of the following sentences can be put in the ?A. nobody likes to have their feelings collectedB. it is very important to protect peoples privacyC. the strange actions may cause something unfairD. businesses may use them to have more cust

40、omers58. We can infer from the passage that facial detection technology _. A. can detect buyers names and record themB. is put inside some large advertising boardsC. may be used to sell cheaper goods in all storesD. may need some time before being widely used59. The best title of the passage may be_

41、.A. Facial Recognition Technology Entering a New FieldB. Facial Recognition Technology Looking for Bad GuysC. Facial Detection Technology Going into Advertising FieldD. Facial Detection Technology Improving Buyers ExperienceV. 口语运用。(每小题1分, 共5分)阅读下面对话, 从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话, 并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A. Wh

42、at about this one?B. Can you help me?C. Its too expensive. D. 25 yuan. E. What can I do for you?F. I will take it. G. He is interested in fishing.A: Good morning. 60 B: Im looking for some books for my father. His birthday is coming. A: Well. What is he interested in?B: _61 He goes fishing every wee

43、k. A: Its a good hobby. Is he god at it?B: No, not really. He often comes back without any fish. A: I see. 62 B: Let me have a look. Oh, its for beginners. A: Yes. Its very helpful. Im sure your father will like it. B: Hmm. . . Thanks. 63 How much is it?A: 64 B: Here you are. A: Thank you. 第卷(共 55分)

44、VI. 任务型阅读。(65-67题, 每小题2分, 68小题3分, 共9分)阅读下文并回答问题。How can I become a better person? This question has been in my head for long. As students, we spend most of our time studying. I know learning at school, of course, makes us better persons, but I always dream of doing more. Last year, I got to know a g

45、roup of autistic(患自闭症的)children. We called them the Snails(蜗牛). It was hard to communicate with them at first, because they wouldnt like to. After a two-week training, I became more skilled. I got closer to them day by day. To my surprise, I found that every one of the Snails had his or her own talent And their colorful pictures on the wall attracted my special attention, though it was difficult to tell what they were trying


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