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《2018年辽宁省辽阳市中考英语真题及答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年辽宁省辽阳市中考英语真题及答案.doc(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2018年辽宁省辽阳市中考英语真题及答案考试时间100分钟 试卷满分120分第一部分 选择题(共50分)I. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。1. (2018辽宁辽阳)After years of war, the people in the country are thirsty for . A. price B. noise C. peace D. course1. C 2. (2018辽宁辽阳)What do you usually do school? I often play basketball with my friends.A. afte

2、r B. for C. about D. from2. A。 3. (2018辽宁辽阳)What you said in class very reasonable.A. looked B. sounded C. smelt D. tasted3. B。4.(2018辽宁辽阳)Mom, I plan to wash clothes by this summer vacation.Good girl! Go for it.A. me B. my C. mine D. myself4. D。5. (2018辽宁辽阳)Luckily, I arrived home before it .A. rai

3、ns B. is raining C. rained D. will rain5. C。6. (2018辽宁辽阳)I had a trip to Dalian last year. Its a nice city to visit.A. wonderful B. terrible C. dangerous D. delicious6. A。7. (2018辽宁辽阳)We can useless information in the article to make it easier to understand.A. cut up B. cut out C. cut into D. cut of

4、f7. B。8. (2018辽宁辽阳)The gift from my friend is getting old , but I still like it very much.A. usually B. suddenly C. slowly D. exactly8. C。9. (2018辽宁辽阳)As far as we know, the 2022 Winter Olympics in China.A. hold B. are hold C. will hold D. will be held9. D。10. (2018辽宁辽阳)I can lend my bike to you you

5、 promise lo take good care of it.A. while B. if C. although D. unless10. B。11.(2018辽宁辽阳)I feel after a nights good sleep. Yeah, sleeping is the best way to relax.A. very tired B. more tired C. less tired D.the most tired11. C。12.(2018辽宁辽阳) !I think so. He invented so many useful things.A. How silly

6、the king is B. How great Lu Ban isC. What a clever girl Mary is D. What smart boys they are12.B。13.(2018辽宁辽阳) The four tools people use for Chinese handwriting are called “Four Treasures of Study”.A. that B. who C. what D. whom13.A。14.(2018辽宁辽阳) Pardon me. I wonder . Im not sure. Maybe by bus.A. how

7、 he likes this new book B. how Mrs Smith fixed up her umbrellaC. how you can make fruit salad D. how the students will get to the farm14. D。15.(2018辽宁辽阳) I cant find my ID card anywhere. What should I do? You can go to the Lost and Found.A. Dont worry. B. Come on! C. Look out! D. Dont mention it15.

8、A。II.(2018辽宁辽阳)补全对话(共5分,每空1分)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项)A: Hello, customer service. 16 B: Hello. I ordered some books from you about a week age. 17 A: OK. Let me check that. 18 B: Where can I find the order number?A: Its on the top right corner of your receipt(收据).B: OK, I see it. Its 39829*1 a

9、nd my names Chris BoltonA: Thank you, Mr Bolton. 19 So it should arrive at the end of this week.B: Great! 20 Goodbye. A: Bye.A. Whats your address?B. Jenny speaking.C. Thanks.D. Can you give me your name and order number?E. But I havent received them yet.F. Im sorry to hear that.G. Your order just w

10、ent out two days ago.话题:售后服务【主旨大意】本对话谈论的是图书售后的收货问题。16. B。17. E。18. D 。19. G。20. C 。III.(2018辽宁辽阳)完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。 A boy called Tom sat near a wall with tears(眼泪) in his eyes. Mrs Bell came and asked, “What makes you so 21 ?” Tom answered, “We will have a poetry(诗歌) competit

11、ion. I dont think I can make it because other boys 22 me and call me Slow Tom.”In a kind 23 , Mrs Bell said, “Look at the snail(蜗牛) on the wall. It is slow but sure. When you 24 heart, think of the snail.” Tom thought he could run a race with the snail. So he decided to practice his poems until the

12、snail got to the 25 of the wall. 26 , the day came. Tom did best in the competition. He didnt miss a word and won the prize. The headmaster(校长) asked, “How 27 you learn the poems so well?” “The snail on the wall taught me 28 to do it.” said Tom, “I saw it climb up the wall little by little. 29 didnt

13、 stop, nor turn back, but went on. And I thought I would do the same with my task. By the time the snail had got to the top of the wall, I had learned it all.” “Well done, Tom!” said the headmaster 30 , “Now boys, let us cheer for Tom and the snail on the wall.”21. A. proud B. bored C. excited D. sa

14、d22. A. take after B.laugh at C.fall behind D.believe in23. A. voice B. smile C. face D. joke24. A. open B. give C. lose D. have25. A. top B. middle C. bottom D. side26. A. At first B. At least C. At last D. At times27. A. should B. could C. will D. must28. A. how B. when C. where D. why29. A. I B.

15、He C. She D. It30. A. nervously B.happily C.angrily D. silently题材记叙文话题故事词数248【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。小Tom是个学东西有点慢的孩子。有一次诗歌比赛前,他担心自己背不好,急得哭了起来。在老师的开导下,Tom诗歌比赛取得了第一名的好成绩。校长问他是如何做到的,他说,看到蜗牛的锲而不舍的精神,他受到了启发。故事告诉我们:有志者事竟成。21. D。22. B。23. A。24. C。25.A。26. C。27. B。28. A。29. D。30. B。IV. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题1分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四

16、个选项中选择一个正确答案。(2018辽宁辽阳)Passage 1 Anna was a 9-year-old girl from a small village. She got very pleased knowing that she was accepted by a very famous school in a city.Today was her first day of school. When seeing her simple clothes and knowing that she came from a small village, other students star

17、ted making fun of her. The teacher soon arrived and asked everyone to keep quiet. She introduced Anna to the class and told them that she would study with them from that day on.Then the teacher told the students to be ready for the surprise test. She told everyone to write down the Seven Wonders of

18、the world. Everyone started to write their answers quickly. Only Anna thought for a while, then began to write. After everyone handed in their answer papers, the teacher started to read everyones answer and most of the students answered correctly. Their answers included the Great Wall of China, Grea

19、t Pyramid (金字塔), Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) and so on. The teacher was happy as the students still remembered what she had taught them. In the end, she picked up Annas paper and started reading, “The seven wonders areto be able to see, to be able to hear, to be able to feel, to laugh, to think, to be kind and

20、to love!”The teacher stood there without any word and the whole class was in silence. Today, the girl from a small village reminded them about the valuable gifts that God has given them, which are true wonders.31. Annas introduced her to the whole class.A. classmate B. parent C. teacher D. friend32.

21、 The other students made fun of Anna because of her .A. pronunciation B. mistakes C. carelessness D. clothes33. The students were asked to be ready for .A. the surprise test B. the ball gameC. the new lesson D. the class meeting34. Annas answers included being .A. rich B. beautiful C. smart D. kind3

22、5. In Annas opinion, the true wonders are .A. the buildings that people have built B. the gifts that God has given usC. the wealth that people have made D. the inventions that scientists have invented体裁记叙文话题故事词数248【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了一个来自农村小学的9岁小姑娘安娜,进入城市小学第一天发生的事情。31. C。32. D。33. A。34.D。35. B。(20

23、18辽宁辽阳)Passage 2Where would you sit inside a park?On a good day, you go to a park. Where would you choose to sit in the park? This will tell whether you can deal with a lot of responsibility(责任) or not. on a chair beside a near the lake in a pavilion(亭子) under a big treebusy path(小路)Analysis(分析)A. Y

24、ou do too much work, and some is not your responsibility. You need to learn to say no.B. You only think about your own business and problems. You dont usually care about others.C. You like to ask for help while there is a problem. You need to learn to solve problems alone.D. You dont like trouble. S

25、o you try to avoid taking too much responsibility.Just for fun. Dont take it seriously.36. The passage is about the sense of .A. humor B. art C. direction D. responsibility37. If you choose Picture A, you might .A. only care about yourself B. take much responsibilityC. depend on others more D. disli

26、ke any difficulty38. Tom often asks his parents for help. In the psychological test(心理测试), he may choose to sit in a park.A. on a chair B. near the lake C. in a pavilion D.under a big tree39. No matter which picture you choose, you should .A. take it easy B. believe the result C.take it seriously D.

27、 go to the doctor40. The passage may come from a(n) .A. instruction B. magazine C. science book D. novel体裁应用文话题社会行为词数167【主旨大意】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要讲述了一种心理测试。这个测试根据你选择坐在公园的哪个位置进行分析你的责任感。当然,这只是一种测试,不能太当真。36. D。37. B。38. C。39. A。40.B。(2018辽宁辽阳)Passage 3Where were dominoes (多米诺骨牌) from? Modern dominoes first sh

28、owed up in Italy during the 18th century. But it is believed that the earliest dominoes were Chinese playing cards. Italian missionaries(传教士) in China may have brought the game to Europe. Do you think so?Do you like to play with dominoes? Dominoes are small rectangular (长方形的) pieces made of wood or

29、plastic (塑料) . People can place dominoes in different shapes. Then, they push one domino down and the rest of the dominoes fall one by one. It is interesting to watch.But placing dominoes is hard. To make sure the dominoes fall smoothly, the space between each domino is important. According to domin

30、o, if a domino is about 4cm long, then the space between two dominoes should be 1-2 cm. If the space is too big, the dominoes will stop falling halfway. If the space is loo small, the dominoes will fall too quickly and wont look interesting.Beginners can start by putting dominoes in a straight line.

31、 This is the easiest shape. Professional (专业的) players can place dominoes in many other shapes, including big circles, beautiful flowers and even famous paintings. In March, a US team broke the Guinness World Record (吉尼斯世界记录) for the most dominoes to fall in a circle. They used 250,000 dominoes! It

32、is really unbelievable.41. Modem dominoes first appeared in during the 18th century.A. China B. Italy C. the U.S. D. the U.K.42. Some dominoes are made of .A. wood B. silk C. gold D. steel43. If a domino is about 4 cm long, the space between two dominoes may be .A. less than 1 cm B. more than 2 cmC.

33、 about 1.5 cm D. about 4 cm44. Its interesting to watch dominoes falling .A. halfway B. together C. too quickly D. one by one45. Dominoes are usually put in the shape of by beginners.A. straight lines B. big circles C. beautiful flowers D. famous paintings题材说明文话题游戏与休闲词数252【主旨大意】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了多米诺骨牌的起源

34、及玩法。41. B。42. A。43. C。44. D。45. A。 (2018辽宁辽阳)Passage 4If you are hungry, what do you do? Have your favorite meal and stay quiet after that? Just like your stomach, even your mind is hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and so on.

35、 If you always think of such meaningless things, your creativity (创造) will get a full stop.In fact, hunger of the mind can be satisfied through reading. Now why reading but not watching TV? Because reading is the most useful tool from the childhood. We can ask for help from reading. There are a larg

36、e number of books in this world. They will answer most of your “How to?” questions. When you read a book, your mind will work on it and explain it to you.The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed (种子). Now this seed is used in your future to develop new ideas. If the same see

37、d is used many times, it can help you connect a lot of things together. The more books you read, the more widely your mind will open up. This will also improve your speaking skills and increase your vocabulary (词汇).I had a problem in speaking English before. But as I read, I could improve it a lot.

38、So friends, do follow me and give food for thought by reading, rending and more reading. Now what are you waiting for? Go, find a book, and let me know.46. According to the writer, you can if your mind is hungry.A. watch TV B. play games C. read books D. do sports41. The underlined word“storedin the

39、 passage means .A. kept B. told C. bought D. sold48. If you read more books, .A. you will be hungrier B. your mind will be widerC. you will be richer D. your body will be stronger49.Which of the following is Right?A. The writer had a problem in writing English.B. Few books can answer“How to?”questio

40、ns.C. Reading is the most useful tool only when people get old.D. Your creativity will stop if you always think of meaningless things.50. The best title of the passage is “ ”.A. Feed your mind B. Choose right booksC. Improve speaking skill D. Develop new ideas题材说明文话题爱好词数259【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了读书的益处满

41、足心灵上的饥饿,激发我们的创造力,发展新的思想,提高我们的说话技巧,增加我们的词汇等。46. C。47. A。48. B。49. D。50. A。 第二部分 非选择题(共70分)V. (2018辽宁辽阳)补全对话(共5分,每空1分)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。A: Did you listen to the weather report this morning?B: No. 51 ?A: There is a rainstorm coming.B: 52 ?A: It will be here by tomorrow night.B: Bad l

42、uck! We will have a vacation the day after tomorrow.A: 53 ?B: Not decided yet. Maybe Shenyang or Benxi.A: Why not look up the weather information for the coming 3 days on the Internet?B: 54 . I will do it right away. Thank you.A: 55 .51. Whats up/Whats the matter/Whats wrong/What happened/ 52. When

43、will it come here 53. Where have you decided to go on vacation54. Good idea/Sounds great/ 55. Youre welcome/Not at all/My pleasure/Dont mention it/VI. 句子翻译(共15分)(A)(2018辽宁辽阳)根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(共11分。局部翻译,每小题1分;整句翻译,每小题2分)56.十分钟之前,飞机就起飞了。The plane ten minutes ago.57.彼得天生具有音乐才能。Peter the talent of music.58.振作起来!毕竟我们还有机会。Cheer up! , we have chances.59.不要为你的错误编造任何借口。Dont any excuse for your mistake.60.她正沿着街走,这时有人喊她的名字。She the street when someone called her name.61.这块手表你买了很长时间了吗? ?62.他过去喜欢游戏节目,但现在他喜欢体育节目。 .63.我每天有如此多的工作以至于我经常熬夜。


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