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《大学英语四级考试听力讲座.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语四级考试听力讲座.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、大学英语四级考试大学英语四级考试听力讲座听力讲座四级考试听力部分解题攻略v1.四级考试新旧题型改革概述v2.四级考试对话部分考点透视v3.四级考试短文听力部分v4.听力应试综合指导四级考试新题型测试内容测试题型分值比例听力对话短对话选择8%长对话选择7%听力短文短文理解选择10%短文听写听写10%四级考试旧题型测试内容测试题型分值比例听力对话短对话选择10%听力短文(二选一)短文理解选择10%短文听写复合式听写对话部分考点透视对话部分考点透视.对话题的题型分析 听力对话按题型分类 听力对话按听力内容的表达方式分类 按答案的摄取方式分类.对话题应试高分技巧听力对话的题材十分广泛,但以贴近学生生活

2、,学习的话题为主。对话中常见的话题可以归纳为以下八种:v1.学校生活:有关课程、考试、作业、借书等方面的话题。如:M:Im exhausted,I stayed up the whole night studying for my midterm maths exam.W:But why do you always wait until the last minute?Q:What does the woman imply?v2.旅游交通:有关参观、游览、乘车、登机、海关检查等方面的内容。如:M:The taxi is waiting downstairs.Lets hurry.W:Wait

3、a minute.Ill take some food with us.I dont like the meals served on the train.Q:What are the speakers going to do?v.饮食娱乐:内容涉及餐饮、聚会、球赛、影视等。如:M:Mary,would you join me for dinner tonight?W:You treated me last weekend,now its my turn.Shall we try something Italian?Q:What do we learn from the conversatio

4、n?v.宾馆住房:内容涉及房屋租用、房间预订、住房搬迁等。如:M:I hear you are moving into a new apartment soon?W:yes,but it is more expensive.My present neighbor plays the piano all night long.Q:why is the woman moving?v5.工作状况:涉及求职、面试、职务提升、工资待遇等方面内容。如:W:You seem very confident about the job interview,dont you?M:Yes.I feel ready

5、for it.I bought a good suit in a clothing store and I had my hair cur.I had studied almost everything about finance and economics.Q:Where is the man probably going to work?v6.卫生环境:涉及气候、温度、环境卫生、疾病、就医等内容。如:M:Hello.Mrs.White,what can I do for you?W:I dont know whats the matter with me.I an always feeli

6、ng tired.I am usually worn out at the end of the day.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?v7.装饰维修:包括房屋装修、设备安装、检测维修等。如:W:Youve got your apartment furnished,havent you?M:Yes.I bought some used furniture at the Sunday Market.And it was a real bargain.Q:What does the man mean?v8.日常生活:包括活动安排、人际交往、购物消

7、费等。如:M:do you still keep in touch with your parents regularly after all these years?W:Yes,of course.I call them at weekends when the rates are down fifty percent.Q:What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?听力对话中谈话人表达自己观点或陈述某一事实的方式多种多样,大致可分为以下六类。v1.直陈表达说话人用直陈语气直接表达事实或自己的观点、态度等。说话人的真实套度或意

8、图可以从正面理解。M:Look!The view is fantastic,could you take a picture of me with the lake as a background?W:Im afraid Ive just run out of film.Q:What so we learn from the conversation?A The woman is watching an exciting film with the man.B The woman cant take a photo of the man.C The woman is running towar

9、d the lake.D The woman is filming the lake.v2.否定表达说话人以否定的方式表达肯定的意思,说话人的态度往往比较强烈,语气十分肯定。M:I really cant afford any more interruptions right now.Ive got to finish the assignment.W:Sorry,just one more thing,could you give me a ride to school tomorrow?Q:What can be inferred from the conversation?A The m

10、an will drive the woman to school.B The man has finished his assignment.C The man is willing to help the woman.D The man is losing patience with the woman.v3.祈使表达以祈使句形式表达自己的意见、建议或意愿,祈使句形式可以是肯定的也可以是否定的。M:I cant understand why Bob isnt here yet.Do you think we should try to call him or go look for him

11、?W:He probably just got holdup in traffic.Lets give him a few more minutes.Q:What are the speakers probably going to do?A Give Bob a phone call.B Go and pick Bob up.C Go look for Bob.D Wait for Bob.v4.虚拟表达以虚拟语气的形式表达自己的态度、建议或愿望,所表达的事实意思往往与语句的表面意思相反。M:Prof.Kennedy has been very busy this semester.As f

12、ar as I know,he works until midnight every day.W:I wouldnt have trouble him so much if I had known he was so busy.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?A The woman has trouble getting along with the professor.B The woman regrets having taken up much of the professor time.C The woman knows the pro

13、fessor has been busy.D The woman knows the professor has run into trouble.v5.重复反问对文中的主要信息词进行重复并提出反问,所表达的意见或态度往往与上下文相反。M:Lets see if the basketball game has started yet.W:Started?It must be clear who is winning by now.Q:What does the woman mean?A She is sure who is going to win.B Now it is a good tim

14、e to start the game.C The game has been going on for a long time.D The same team always win.v6.转折表达先说明原本的意图或情势,经but/instead/rather等转折后再说明后来的实际想法或事实结果。M:How did you like yesterdays play?W:Generally speaking,it was quite food.The part of secretary was played wonderfully,but I think the man who played

15、the boss was too dramatic to be realistic.Q:How does the woman feel about the man?A He played his part quite well.B He was not dramatic enough.C He performed better than the secretary.D He exaggerated his part.听力对话题的答案有的可以从谈话者的原话中摄取,有的则需要对原对话进行推理或综合判断,对话按照答案摄取方式为四类:v1.直摄型从对话中直接找到答案。W:Hi,George.Could

16、 you give me a ride?I want to buy some food for the picnic.M:OK.Im going home,but I can drop you at the supermarket.Q:What does the woman want to do?A Buy something for the picnic.B Go for a ride around town.C Go shopping with the man.D Have a picnic.v2.解释型正确选项是对话中关键词语的同义转述。W:Is that optional course

17、 as hard as everybody says?M:Its actually even worse,believe it or not.Q:What does the man say about the course?A Its not as hard as expected.B Its too tough for some students.C Its much more difficult than people think.D Its believed to be the hardest optional course.v3.计算型答案需经过计算得来。在多数情况下计算都和时间或价格

18、有关。W:Heres a 10 dollar bill,give me two tickets for tonights show please.M:Sure.Two tickets and heres$1.40 change.Q:How much does one ticket cost?A$1.40.B$4.30.C$6.40.D$8.60.v4.推理型问题所需要的答案不能直接从原文中摄取,需经过推理才能得出。M:I spent so much time polishing my letter of application.W:Its worthwhile to make the effo

19、rt.You know just how important it is to give a good impression.Q:What do we know about the man?A He wants to get a new position.B He is asking the woman for help.C He has left the woman a good impression.D He enjoys letter writing.对话内容听不懂,没有依据来判断正确答案是听力考试中最常发生的事,遇到这种情况,我们可以用以下两个方法:v与其他三个选项无关的通常不是答案A

20、 There is no more left.B It doesnt appeal to her.C Its incredibly delicious.D She has already tasted it.v结构复杂的选项往往是答案 A The ideas of the paper are not convincing.B Some parts of the paper are not well written.C The handwriting of the paper is not good.D The paper is not complete.对话部分的很多技巧都可以应用与短文中,基

21、于短文听力的特点,还用特别注意以下几点:v抓住主题句,掌握文章大意v把握关键词,做好笔记v对短文听力的选项进行分析时要把握三v条原则v第一条原则:四个选项中,只有听到一个的选v项,往往就是答案v第二条原则:选项中有原词或原词的同义词或近v义词的极有可能v第三条原则:表达意思完整的通常为答案v真题训练是听力应试的捷径。v听熟是听力提高的关键。v熟悉句型是听力训练的基础。v.观点、态度句。v I think Ill take the half-day tour of the city.v I dont think we can get a hotel at this time.v I suppos

22、e you would have arrived earlier.v I cant agree more.v I dont feel like going out.v Why not?v Why bother?v2.请求、建议句。vWould you like some fruit juice?vWhy dont we just stay at home?vYou are not supposed to be here.vWont four be wiser?v3.强调句。vBut it was he who helped me repairing my car.vI did see him

23、at the office.vHe did take the book out of the library.vI really feel nervous when the professor called on me.v4.否定句。vI dont feel like going out.vI was barely able to stay awake.vI cant agree more.v5.反问句。vDidnt you see the sign?vWerent you nervous when the professor called on you in the class?vReall

24、y?I was under the impression that the tickets were sold out a long time ago.v.转折句。vWe do need another bookshelf in this room,but the problem is the space for it.vId love to,but I have to go and sendvYes,but you have to revise some part of it.v.条件句。vIf I were you,I would stay at home and watch TV.vIf you dont mind waiting,Ill get prepared.vIf it hadnt been the snowing,I would have been home by 9 oclock.


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