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1、Unit 1 My schoolUnit 2 What time is it?Unit 3 WeatherUnit 4 At the farmUnit 5 My clothesUnit 6 Shopping第1页/共48页Places:地点 Unit 1 My schoolWhere询问地点询问地点teachers office 老师办公老师办公室室library 图书馆图书馆playground 操场操场computer room 电脑室电脑室art room 美术教室美术教室music room 音乐教师音乐教师garden 花园花园first floor 一楼一楼second floor

2、 二楼二楼next to 在在.旁边旁边under 在在.下边下边here 这里,这边这里,这边there 那里,那边那里,那边homework 家庭作业家庭作业way 方向方向Other words:第2页/共48页重点句型重点句型1 1.询问某个地方在哪里询问某个地方在哪里 -Where is the.?在哪里?-Its.它在.。e.g.:-Wheres the teachers office?-Its on the first/second floor.(在几楼一定要用序数,而不是one,two,three)-Its near/next to the art room.第3页/共48页2

3、.2.介绍某个地方介绍某个地方That/This is the.那是那是/这是这是.(陈述句陈述句)Is that/this the.?那是那是/这是这是.?(一般疑一般疑问句问句)用用is 问就用问就用is答,答,前后一致,用什么问用什么答前后一致,用什么问用什么答Yes,it is./No,it isnt.是的,它是。是的,它是。/不,她不不,她不是是e.g.:That/This is the playground.那那/这里是操场。这里是操场。Is this/that the music room?这这/那是音乐教那是音乐教室吗?室吗?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Its

4、the computer room.第4页/共48页3.Welcome to.欢迎来到某地。欢迎来到某地。Welcome to our school.欢迎来我们学校。欢迎来我们学校。Welcome to my home.欢迎来我家。欢迎来我家。4.How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少名学生?你们班有多少名学生?How many people are there in your family?你们家有几口人?你们家有几口人?同义句型同义句型How many.do you have?How many horses do you have?

5、你们有几匹你们有几匹马?马?第5页/共48页5.询问对方是否有某个地方询问对方是否有某个地方Do you have a.?你们有你们有.吗?吗?Yes,we do./No,we dont.是的,我们有。是的,我们有。/不,我们没有。不,我们没有。e.g.:Do you have a library?Yes,we do.Its on the second floor.No,we dont.6.请走这边。请走这边。This way,please.第6页/共48页7.在几楼Its on the first/second floor.8.去某个地方go to the library.go to the

6、 teachers office.go to the playground.go to the garden.Read a book.Say hello.Play football.Water the flowers.第7页/共48页Pronunciation:发音 -er (r)water 水tiger 老虎sister 姐妹dinner 晚餐computer 计算机eraser 橡皮ruler 尺子teacher 老师第8页/共48页Lets spell P6sister sister can you see?妹妹妹妹你看见了吗?a hungry tiger on the TV在电视上有只

7、饥饿的老虎。tiger tiger can you see?老虎老虎你能看见吗?dinner for you,dinner for me.为你准备的晚餐,为我准备的晚餐第9页/共48页常用表达法 Useful expressions教师办公室在哪里?它在二楼。这是教师办公室吗?不,不是。教师办公室在图书馆旁边。那是计算机房吗?你们学校有图书馆吗?是的,有。Where is the teachers office?Its on the second floor.Is this the teachers office?No,it isnt.The teachers office is next t

8、o the library.Is that the computer room?Do you have a library?Yes,we do.第10页/共48页Unit 2 What time is it?breakfast 早饭早饭lunch 午饭午饭dinner 晚饭晚饭English class 英语课英语课music class 音乐课音乐课PE class 体育课体育课oclock 表示整点表示整点now 现在现在over 结束结束nActivitiesget up 起床起床 go to school 去学校去学校go home 回家回家go to bed 去睡觉去睡觉 have

9、breakfast 吃早餐吃早餐 have dinner 吃晚饭吃晚饭have lunch 吃午餐吃午餐just a minute 稍等一会稍等一会come on 快点快点第11页/共48页重点句型1.询问时间What time is it?现在几点了?Its.oclock.现在.点了.(oclock表示整点)Its.现在.了。e.g.What time is it?Its 6 oclock.Its 6:30.p.m.下午 a.m.上午珍惜时间很重要,表达Time 有诀窍。先说小时后说分,整点时间加oclock.第12页/共48页数字1.one 2.two 3.three 4.four5.fi

10、ve 6.six 7.seven 8.eight 9.nine 10.ten 11.eleven 12.twelve 13.thirteen14.fourteen 15.fifteen 16.sixteen 17 seveteen 18 eighteen 19.nineteen 20。twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-nine 30。thirty 40。forty 50。fifty 60。sixty 70。seventy 80。eighty 90。ninety 100。one hundred 第13页/共48页2.表示到时间做什么事了。Its time f

11、or.后面跟名词。Its time to.后面跟动词原形。可以省略为:Time for./Time to.e.g.Its time for dinner./Time for dinner.Its time to get up./Time to get up.3.催促别人。Hurry up.快一点。come on.快点,加油Hurry.4.Just a minute.稍等一下wait a minute.等一下第14页/共48页5.over表示结束的意思e.g.Class is over.下课了。School is over.放学了。6.让我们一起做.Lets.后面跟动词原形。e.g.Lets p

12、lay football.OK.Lets clean the windows.OK.第15页/共48页Its time for breakfast/lunch/dinner.Its time for PE/English/music class.drink some milk。喝牛奶。have some chicken。吃鸡肉。eat some rice。吃米饭。jump and run。蹦蹦跳跳。read and write。读读写写。sing and dance。唱唱跳跳。第16页/共48页Pronunciation:发音-ir :-ur :girl 女孩birth 生孩子bird 小鸟

13、dirt 脏nurse 护士 hurt 伤害hamburger 汉堡包number 数字第17页/共48页Lets spell P16the bird is hurt小鸟受伤了oh no oh,不the bird is hurtoh nolittle girl little girl小女孩,小女孩please take the bird to the nurse请把鸟带到护士那里去第18页/共48页Unit 3 Weatherweather:天气天气sunny 有阳光的有阳光的windy 有风的有风的cloudy 多云的多云的snowy 下雪的下雪的rainy 下雨的下雨的Feelings:人

14、的感受:人的感受warm 温暖的温暖的hot 炎热的炎热的,烫的烫的cool 凉爽的凉爽的cold 寒冷的寒冷的centigrade摄氏温摄氏温度度Others:其它单词其它单词How about.怎么样怎么样 How abou tweather?=Whats the weather like in.?天气怎么样?天气怎么样?how is the weather?degree 度度outside 外面外面 inside 里面里面be careful.小心小心第19页/共48页重点句型1.询问某地方的天气。Whats the weather like in.后面跟地名。Its.后面跟表示天气的词

15、语。e.g.Whats the weather like in New York?Its rainy.一般疑问句的变化Is it.?它是.吗?e.g.Is it cold?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.第20页/共48页2.询问自己能否做.事Can I.我能.吗?(后面跟动词)Yes,you can.肯定回答/No,you cant.否定回答e.g.两人对话,我与你相对应Can I go outside now?Yes,you can./No,you cant.Its cold outside.Can you swim?Yes,I can./No,I cant.3.表示外面多少度

16、.Its.degrees.它是.度。(中间是度数)e.g.Its 26 degrees.第21页/共48页词组Be careful.小心weather report.天气预报。world weather.全球天气预报fly kite.放风筝第22页/共48页Pronunciation:发音 -ar :-al:armcarcardfarmfarballtall wall第23页/共48页Lets spell P26drow a ball on the card在卡片上画一只小鸟drow a small small ball画一个小小的球drow a car on the card在卡片上画一辆车

17、drow a car near the wall在墙旁边画一辆车第24页/共48页Unit 4 At the farmVegetable(蔬菜):Animal(动物):tomato 西红柿西红柿tomatoespotato 土豆土豆potatoesgreen beans 绿豆绿豆carrot 胡萝卜胡萝卜onions 洋葱洋葱horse 马马cow 奶牛奶牛sheep 绵羊绵羊sheephen 母鸡母鸡goat 山羊山羊lamb 羔羊羔羊these 这些这些 this 这个这个those 那些那些 that 那个那个over there 那边那边第25页/共48页重点句型1.询问这些/那些是什

18、么?What are these?/What are those?Theyre.他们是.?e.g.What are these?Theyre tomatoes.What are those?Theyre horses.第26页/共48页2.询问这些/那些是.吗?(一般疑问句)Are these/those/they.?这些/那些/它们是.吗?肯定:Yes,they are.否定:No,they arent.e.g.Are these/those/they carrots?Yes,they are./No,they arent.3.询问你们有多少.How many.do you have?你们有

19、多少.?e.g.How many horses do you have?Seventeen.第27页/共48页4.看并描述物品Look at the.,theyre so.看这些.他们好.e.g.Look at the potatoes,theyre so big.5.love/like to.喜欢/爱.They love to eat carrots.P436.have a look去看一看have a shower冲个澡(上册课本)have a good time 玩得开心第28页/共48页Pronunciation:发音 -or:-or:horseforkforbornhomeworkw

20、orldwork第29页/共48页Lets spell P40I like to read the story我喜欢读一个故事the story about the hoese故事是关于马儿的the horse likes to work马儿喜欢工作he works hard of course他工作当然很努力第30页/共48页Unit 5 My clothes 成双成对的物品clothes(衣服):shop 商店whose 谁的pants 裤子裤子shorts 短裤短裤 socks 袜子袜子hat 帽子帽子dress 连衣裙连衣裙skirt 短裙短裙coat 外套外套sweater 毛衣毛衣

21、jacket 夹克衫夹克衫shirt 衬衣衬衣第31页/共48页重点句型1.询问.是谁的单数情况:Whose.is it/this/that?Its.复数情况:Whose.are they/these/those?Theyre.e.g.Whose coat is it?Its mine.Whose pants are those?Theyre your fathers.(勿用成fathers)Its your sweater.Its yours.Its my sweater.Its mine.Its Lilys coat.Its Lilys.第32页/共48页2.句型变化,一般疑问句及其回答单

22、数情况:Is it/this/that.?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.复数情况:Are they/these/those.?Yes,they are./No,they arent.e.g.Is it Johns?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Its MikesAre these yours?Yes,they are.Thanks./No,they arent.Theyre Chen Jies.第33页/共48页3.表示喜欢,想要 like&wante.g.I like that green skirt.Me too.I like those pants.I wan

23、t to wear my yellow dress.4.词组put on 穿上take off 脱下5.提问颜色What colour is it?What colour are they?第34页/共48页Pronunciation:发音 -le lapplepepletablelittleuncle第35页/共48页Lets spell P50the people see the apple人们看见了苹果the people see the table人们看见了桌子the table is big 桌子很大the apple is little苹果很小the little apple on

24、 the big table小小的苹果放在大大的在桌子上第36页/共48页Unit 6 ShoppingThings(物品):adj.try on 试穿glove 手套手套scarf 围巾围巾 scarvesumbrella 雨伞雨伞sunglasses 太阳眼镜太阳眼镜pretty 漂亮的漂亮的expensive 贵的贵的cheap 便宜的便宜的nice 好的,不错的好的,不错的fine 好好第37页/共48页重点句型:1.购物时常用句型:Can I help you?有什么能帮您的吗?Can I try.on.我能试穿一下.吗?e.g.Can I help you?有什么能帮您的吗?Yes

25、,this dress is pretty.是的,这件裙子挺漂亮的。Can I try them/it on.Size 6,please.我能试穿一下吗?请给我拿6号的。Sure/Of course.Here you are.当然可以,给你。第38页/共48页2.怎样形容衣服small 小的 big 大的pretty 漂亮的 nice 不错的,好的cheap 便宜的 expensive 昂贵的too 很,太,也 very 很,非常e.g.Its very pretty.它很好看。Theyre too small.他们太小了。The skirt is very nice.这件短裙很好看。3.询问

26、对一件衣服的看法How do you like.你觉得.怎么样?询问观点e.g.How do you like this skirt?你喜不喜欢这件衬衣?你觉得这件衬衣怎么样?1.Its nice/fine.I like it.2.Its too small.adj.adv.第39页/共48页How do you like Lily?你觉得丽丽怎么样?She is a good girl.她是个好姑娘。4.询问价钱How much is/are.?.多少钱?Its.yuan./Theyre.yuan.元。(人民币)Its./Theyre.美元(美元)one dollar two dollars

27、e.g.How much is this skirt?这件衬衣多少钱?Its 89 yuan.89元。Its 89.89美元。第40页/共48页词组put on 穿上 put on your shirt.hang up挂上 hang up your dress.take off 脱掉 take off your hat.put away整理,把.收拾好 put away your pants.第41页/共48页a,e,i,o,u五元音+r字母组合Welcome to the R-familyIm“ar”,Im in“car ”.Im in“art”.I say/a:/,/a:/我是“ar”,我

28、在car里,我在art里,我发/a:/,/a:/,/a:/Im“er”,Im in“ruler”.Im in“tiger”.I say/,/,/.Im“ir”,Im in“shirt”.Im in“skirt”.I say/:/,/:/,/:/.Im“or”,Im in“world”.Im in“work”.I say/:/,/:/,/:/.Im“or”,Im in“fork”.Im in“horse”.I say/:/,/:/,/:/.Im“ur”,Im in“nurse”.Im in“hurt ”.I say/:/,/:/,/:/.第42页/共48页Recycle 21.will(将,将要

29、)Tomorrow will be warm and sunny.明天将会很暖和且阳光充足。I will go to Dalian to see you 我将去大连看你。2.Have a picnic.去野餐。Have a look.去看看。3.in total 总共4.look hungry 看起来饿了 第43页/共48页5.Thank you for the hat.谢谢你的帽子Thanks for lunch.6.Its my ruler.=Its mine.Its your ruler.=Its yours.My coat is black.=Mine is black.Your sh

30、oes are blue.=Yours are blue.Lilys dress is red.=Lilys is red.My fathers shirt is yellow.My fathers is yellow.第44页/共48页7.one yuan for one一元一个ten yuan tor four十元四个8.Thank you for the hat.谢谢你的帽子。Thank you for the lunch.谢谢你的午餐9.How is my dog?我的狗怎么样了?How are you?你怎么样了?/你好吗?第45页/共48页英语考试的重点、难点一、听力:听准关键词,

31、运用你的逻辑思维(有的题不用听就能做对),单词的发音一定要咬准,排除干扰(缩小答案范围,听第二遍时马上确认)难点:听句子选答语,听关键词(where,whose,what colour,what,what time,whats the weather,how is the weather,can I,can you,how do you like,how much,how many,Is it,Are they/these/those,)二、笔试:1.选出不同类的一项(A.根据汉语意思B.根据发音)2.单项选择:单复数is,are;sheep,sheep;tomato.potato,加es),

32、前后一致(单数对单数,复数对复数,什么问什么答),词组(put on,take off,try on,put away,hang up,look at,have a look,Its time tor,Its time to do,how many),看图选答案,根据前句选后句(Its snowy today.We wear a T-shirt)第46页/共48页3.连词成句:先看标点符号,再看哪个字母大写了(I一直大写),看有没有疑问词(what,where,whose,how,can,Is,Are,Do,),有没有指代词(It,This,That,These,Those,They),有没有词组(put on,take off,try on,put away,hang up,look at,have a look,Its time tor,Its time to do,how many),多背诵课本后面的常用表达法。阅读理解:找关键词,答案肯定在原文中。第47页/共48页谢谢大家观赏!第48页/共48页


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