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1、人教七年级英语下册人教七年级英语下册Unit单元总复习单元总复习词汇训练营1句型大闯关2语法加油站内容大纲巩固训练营第1页/共32页词汇训练营第2页/共32页一、快速说出下列单词或短语。一、快速说出下列单词或短语。1.火车火车(n.)_ 2.地铁地铁(n.)_ 3.骑骑(v.);旅程;旅程(n.)_ 4.百百(num.)_ 5.分钟分钟(n.)_ 6.新的新的(adj.)_ train subway ride hundred minute new词汇训练营快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!take the subway 乘地铁乘地铁 ride a bike

2、 骑自行车骑自行车第3页/共32页7.开车开车(v.)_ 8.车站,停止车站,停止(n.)_ 9.横穿,越过横穿,越过(v.)_ 10.害怕的害怕的(adj.)_ 11.像,怎么样像,怎么样(prep.)_ 12.村民村民(n.)_ 13.离开离开(v.)_14.在在和和之间之间_15.实现实现 _ drivestop cross afraid like villager词汇训练营快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!bus stop 公交车站公交车站 leave betweenand come true第4页/共32页词汇训练营单词填空,考查综合运用能力!单

3、词填空,考查综合运用能力!1.My younger sister usually walks to work,but sometimes she goes to work by s_.2.In most parts of China,students r_ bikes to school.3.Be careful when you_(横过)横过)the street.4.When the girl see the dog,shes always_(害怕)害怕).5.My father is_(离开)离开)for Beijing tomorrow.He is coming back in two

4、 weeks.二、根据首字母或汉语提示填空。二、根据首字母或汉语提示填空。ubwayidecrossafraidleaving第5页/共32页句型大闯关第6页/共32页句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!1.How do you go to school?你你是怎样到达是怎样到达学校的学校的?(1)本句为本句为how引导的引导的特殊特殊疑疑问句问句,用以询问用以询问交通交通方式方式。其回其回答方式有两种:答方式有两种:A.take+a/the+表表示交通示交通工具工具的名词的名词B.by+表表示交通示交通工具工具的的单数单数名词名词 或或 on/in+

5、限定词限定词+表表示示交通交通工具工具的名词的名词(2)get此此处用作处用作不及物动词,意为不及物动词,意为“到达到达”。表示表示“到达某地到达某地”时常时常与与to连用;但当表示连用;但当表示目的地的词目的地的词是副词是副词here,there,home等时等时,则不需要用介词则不需要用介词to。第7页/共32页句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!2.I ride it to school every day.我每天骑它去上学。我每天骑它去上学。(1)ride此此处处作作及及物物动动词词意意为为“骑骑”,后后面面可可接接bike,horse,mot

6、orbike等。等。He rides a bike to school.=He goes to school by bike.(2)every形容词,意为形容词,意为“每,每个每,每个”,其后接单数可数名词。,其后接单数可数名词。3.How far is it from your home to school?从你家到学校有多远从你家到学校有多远?how far意意为为“多远多远”,用来询冋距离或路程的远近,用来询冋距离或路程的远近。常用句型:常用句型:How far is it from A to B?,其答语是:其答语是:Itsmeter(s)/mile(s)/kilometer(s)(a

7、way).第8页/共32页句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!4.How long does it take you to get to school?你到学校要用多你到学校要用多长时间长时间?1)how long此处意为此处意为“多长时间多长时间”,用以询问某个动作所持,用以询问某个动作所持续的时间,答语为表示一段时间的名词性短语。续的时间,答语为表示一段时间的名词性短语。2)take此处用作及物动词,意为此处用作及物动词,意为“花费(时间)花费(时间)”,it为形为形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语to get

8、to school。常用常用句型:句型:It takes sb.some time to do sth.“做某事花费某人做某事花费某人多长时间多长时间”。第9页/共32页句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!5.For many students,it is easy to get to school.对对于于许多学生来许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。说,到达学校是容易的。(1)for 介词,在此意为介词,在此意为“对对而言而言”。(2)many 意为意为“许多许多”,后跟可数名词复数形式。,后跟可数名词复数形式。拓展:拓展:much也表示也表示“许多许

9、多”,但它修饰不可数名词。,但它修饰不可数名词。(3)Its+adj.+to do sth.句句意意为为“做做某某事事是是”。其其中中it是是形形式主语,没有实际意义;动词不定式(短语)是真正的主语。式主语,没有实际意义;动词不定式(短语)是真正的主语。第10页/共32页句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!6.There is a very big river between their school and the village.在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条很大的河。在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条很大的河。betweenand.意意为为“在在和和之之

10、间间”,连连接接两两个个并并列列的成分。的成分。(1)go on a ropeway意意为为“乘乘/坐索道,滑铁索坐索道,滑铁索”。(2)to cross the river为动词不定式短语,作目的状语。为动词不定式短语,作目的状语。7.So these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.所以这些学生靠滑铁索来过河上学。所以这些学生靠滑铁索来过河上学。第11页/共32页句型大闯关本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!8.One 11-year-old,Liangliang,crosses t

11、he river every school day.一个一个11岁的男孩,亮亮,每天上学都要过河。岁的男孩,亮亮,每天上学都要过河。11-year-old是一个复合形容词,作定语,修饰名词是一个复合形容词,作定语,修饰名词boy。由由“数词数词+名词名词(+形容词)形容词)”构成的复合形容词中,名词只能构成的复合形容词中,名词只能用单数形式。如:用单数形式。如:a two-month holiday 两个月的假期两个月的假期 9.Hes like a father to me.对我来说对我来说,他就他就像像父亲父亲样。样。like介词,意为介词,意为“像像”,常与,常与look或或be连用连用

12、。第12页/共32页句型转换。句型转换。1.Tom takes the train to school.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ does Tom get to school?2.His factory is 5 miles from his home.(对画线部分提问)(对画线部分提问)_ _is his factory from his home?3.My mother usually takes the bus to work.(改为同义句)(改为同义句)My mother usually _ _ _ _ _.4.I usually spend three hours doin

13、g my homework.(改为同义(改为同义句)句)It usually_ me three hours _ _ my homework.句型大闯关“学以致用学以致用”,你真的会用了吗?,你真的会用了吗?go to work by busHow farHow takes to do第13页/共32页语法加油站第14页/共32页语法加油站本单元语法知识大回顾本单元语法知识大回顾how引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句How 引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句1.【How】1)用来询问方式或手段)用来询问方式或手段如:如:How does Li Lei usually go to school?T

14、ake the bus.2)用来询问程度)用来询问程度如:如:How is your weekend?周末过得怎样?周末过得怎样?How is your mother today?你妈妈今天身体好吗?你妈妈今天身体好吗?第15页/共32页2.【how long】1)询问时间段)询问时间段如:如:-How long does it take you to go to work by bike every day?你每天骑自行车上班花多长时间?你每天骑自行车上班花多长时间?-Half an hour.半个小时半个小时2)用来询问长度)用来询问长度如:如:How long is the Yellow

15、 River?黄河有多长?黄河有多长?语法加油站本单元语法知识大回顾本单元语法知识大回顾how引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句第16页/共32页3.【how far】提问路程的距离。提问路程的距离。如:如:How far is it from your home to school?你家离学校有多远你家离学校有多远?About 2 kilometers.大约大约2千米千米4.【how many】询问可数名词复数的量。询问可数名词复数的量。如:如:How many apples are there on the table?桌子上有多少个苹桌子上有多少个苹果?果?语法加油站本单元语法知识大回顾本

16、单元语法知识大回顾how引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句第17页/共32页语法加油站5.【how much】1)询问不可数名词的量。)询问不可数名词的量。如:如:How much water is there in the glass?杯子里有多少水?杯子里有多少水?2)询问价格。)询问价格。如:如:How much is your dress?你的裙子多少钱?你的裙子多少钱?本单元语法知识大回顾本单元语法知识大回顾how引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句第18页/共32页2023/3/30第19页/共32页2023/3/30()1.You can walk to _ subway statio

17、n.Its not far.A.the B.a C.an D.不填()2.Its easy for me _ English.A.speak B.speaks C.to speak D.speaking()3.I _ my bike to school every day.A.ride B.show C.drive D.stop()4.This hat is too old.I want a _ one.A.clean B.long C.big D.new ()5.It takes me 25 minutes _ to the club by bus.A.to go B.going C.go

18、D.goes()6.For some students,its difficult _ school.A.to get to B.get to C.to get D.get()7.Sam has a bike.He _ it to school every day.A.takes B.rides C.walks D.drivesACADAAB第20页/共32页2023/3/30()8.Does Peter walk home?_.He takes the bus.A.No,he doesnt B.Yes,he does C.No,he isnt D.Yes,he is()9.How long

19、does it take you to go to the bus station?_.A.About twenty kilometers B.I ride my bikeC.About half an hour by subwayD.I get there quickly()10.Have a good day at school,Susan!_.A.Me,too B.You,too C.Bye D.Fine()11._ is it from your home to the clothes store?Three kilometers.A.How far B.How long C.How

20、much D.How oldACBA第21页/共32页2023/3/30()12.There are no _ now,so we cant cross the river.A.boats B.cars C.trains D.subways()13.My brother and I _ sports every day.I love _ tennis,but he doesnt.A.do;play B.do;to play C.does;play D.does;to play()14.Does Mike always drive a car to the radio station?_.He

21、goes there by bike.A.Yes,he does B.Yes,he is C.No,he isnt D.No,he doesnt()15.Have a good time on the weekend._.A.You,too B.Yes,please C.Sounds good D.Im not sure ABDA第22页/共32页2023/3/30()16.Peter usually goes to school by _ bus.A.a B.an C.the D.不填()17.My English teacher is very good.She is like my mo

22、ther _ me.A.to B.for C.with D.of()18._ does your father go to work?He rides his bike.A.Where B.When C.How D.Why ()19.The train _ the train station at 8:40 every morning.A.crosses B.runs C.leaves D.comes()20._ is it from your school to the train station?Five kilometers.A.Hows B.How old C.How long D.H

23、ow farDACCD第23页/共32页补全对话补全对话根据对话内容写出所缺句子。A:Morning,Linda!B:Morning!A:(46)_?B:I live in a village.A:(47)_?B:I think it is far.Its about ten kilometers from my home to school.I need to get up early.A:(48)_?B:I usually get up at 5:40.A:(49)_?B:Yes,I eat breakfast at home.A:(50)_?B:I always walk to scho

24、ol.Sometimes,I take the bus.A:I think walking is good for your health.B:You are right.I like walking very much.WheredoyouliveIsitfarfromyourhometoschoolWhattimedoyouusuallygetupDoyoueatbreakfastathomeHowdoyougotoschool第24页/共32页根据对话内容在空白处填入恰当的句子。A:Hi,Peter.B:Hey,Mary.(46)_?A:Yes,I walk to school ever

25、y day.My home is not far from school.B:Wow!(47)_?A:About ten minutes.Is your home far from our school?B:Yes,very far.A:(48)_?B:Its about 15 kilometers.A:(49)_?B:I take a bus to the subway station.Then I take the subway to get to school.A:Oh,thats a long trip.(50)_?B:I usually get up at half past six

26、.A:Oh,so early.DoyouwalktoschooleverydayHowlongdoesittakeHowfarisit(fromyourhometoourschool)HowdoyougettoschoolWhen/Whattimedoyouusuallygetup第25页/共32页A)根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1.There are n students in the small school.Forty of them are boys and fifty are girls.2.Bob has a car and he d it to work ever

27、y day.3.There is a bus stop b the library and the club.4.My parents are busy and I have to l with my grandparents.5.He thinks his dream can come t .B)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6.Its ten _(kilometer)from the bus station to my school.7.What does your friend _(think)of the book?8.There are two _(boat)in the

28、 river.9.Jane _(cross)the bridge to school every day.10.The students are all from one _(village)inetyrivesetweeniveruekilometersthinkboatscrossesvillage第26页/共32页C)根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。11.I can see two _(桥)in the picture.12.Tony has _(许多)friends.13.My grandmother is _(八十)this year.14.These _(村民)are h

29、ealthy.15._(每个)student in Ricks class can dance.D)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。16.Half an hour is thirty _(minute).17.Do the _(bus)stop here?18.There are three _(river)in this city.19.The boy has two _(hundred)books about history.20.Sally usually _(drive)to work.bridgesmanyeightyvillagersEveryminutesbusesri

30、vershundreddrives第27页/共32页完成句子.1.They go to work by bike every day.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ to work by bike every day?2.Does Dave play basketball after school?(作否定回答)_,he _.3.The boy usually gets to school on foot.(改为同义句)The boy usually _ _ school.4.It takes about an hour to get to the library.(对画线部分提问)_ _

31、 does it take to get to the library?5.Mary goes to the train station by subway.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Mary go to the train station?6.work,to,father,does,your,drive_?7.takes,minutes,bus,about,the,ride,thirty_.8.bike,dream,really,new,to,have,it,my,is,a_.goDoNodoesntwalkstoHowlongHowdoesDoesyourfatherdrivetowork


33、_Jane.15.珍妮想成为一名教师。她的梦想能实现吗?Jennywantstobeateacher.Canherdream_?Forsomestudents,itiseasytogettoschoolHeneedstwentyminutestogettothebusstopkilometers fromten-year-oldaandbetweentruecomethinkof第29页/共32页16.WangDantakestheNo.5bustogettoschool.(改为否定句)WangDan_theNo.5bustogettoschool.17.Hisparentsdrivethei



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