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1、2020小升初英语模拟考试试卷及答案精品推荐6套,高分必备2020年小升初英语模拟考试试卷及答案I.选出下列单词中不同类的项,填序号即可。(每小题1分,共10分)()I.A.IeftB.rightC.visit()2.A.pearB.bearC.dog()3.A.whiteB.puzzleC.yellow()4.A.pilotB.scientistC.factory()5.A.deepB.Friday.Saturday()6.A.twelveB.fineC.nine()7. A.yourB.yoursC.theirs()8. A.cinemaB.hospitalC.sad()9. A.sawB

2、.watchC.rode()10. A.cleaningB.colderC.thinner单项选择题,将序号填在括号内。(每小题2分,共30分)()11.How are you?A.Tm eight.B.Goodbye!C.Fine,thanks.)12.He likes stories.A. readB.reads C.reading)13.My favourite food fish.)14.My parents busy last weekend.AJsB.wasC.were)15.There are four in a year.A.seasonesB.seasonsC.season)

3、16.What would you like lunch?A.forB.inC.at()17.He is_ than me.A.bigB.strongerC.tallest)18.Look!old man is sitting on the chair.A.AB.AnC.Some()19.books on the desk?A.How manyB.WhichC.How much()20J have some.A.words bookB.word booksC.words books()21.Can you play ping-pong? -No,Ad cantB.you cant C.you

4、can()22.Tom often goes to school foot.A.byB.hasC.on()23.Go at a light.A.greenB.yellowC.red()24.1 am four cm than you.()25.We have a farewell party next Sunday.A. are going B.doC.willHI.选词填空,每词限选次,填序号即可。(每小题1分洪8分)A.Childrens DayB.herC.thereD. singingE. autumnF.theirsG. hobbiesH.near26 .What are his?2

5、7 .Is this pen?28 .Tom doesnt like.29 .Are these pencils?1.1 1 can pick apples in.31 .The hospital is the bookstore.32 .Are any flowers in front of the house?33 .The is in June.M从方框里选句子补全对话,将序号填在括号内。(每小题2分,共10分);A.The elephant is drinking water. I0:B.Whats the monkey doing?; Iii:C.What are they doin

6、g?: IM;;D.Do you see any elephants? I.ii:E.They are eating Ixinch!:II8Mike:Look at the pandas.Zhang Peng: 34Mike: Haha.35 TheyYe so cute.Zhang Peng: Oh,yes! They like bamboo.Mike: 36Zhang Peng: Its playing with its mother!Mike: 37Zhang Peng: Yes! Look there!3834. () 35. () 36. () 37. () 38.()V .阅读,根

7、据内容选择最佳的答案,填序号即可。(每小题2分,共12分)How do I like to travel(旅行)?Many people like to travel by plane, but I don*t like it because an airport(HL场)is usually far from the city. You cant open the window. You cant choose (选择)the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into

8、 the city.I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.I also like cars. You can carry many things with you in a c

9、ar. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.()39.Why do many people like to travel by plane?A.Because it is fast.B.Because it is big.C.Because you can choose the food.()40.Can you open the window in the plane?A.No.l cant. B.Yes.l can. C.No,l dont.()41 .Which is not the good thing (好事)about

10、 the train?A. It is safe. B.lt takes a little more time.C. You can see many interesting things.()42.Can you open the window in the train?A.No,l cant B.Yes.l can.C.NoJ dont()43.Are there any cars on the road?A.No,they aren*t. B.Yes,there are.C.No,there aren*t.VI .按要求写出下列各词或短语。(每小题1分,共10分)44.coach (复数

11、形式) 45.第二(汉译英)46.buy (过去式) 47.younger (对应词) 48.shoes(原形) 49.wash(第三人称单数形式)SO.jump (ing形式)51.1 (名词性物主代词)52.funny (比较级) 53.workers (名词所有格)VII.用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)54.His eyes are bigger than.(we)1.1 1 fish and tomatoes yesterday. (eat)56 .Jones went to the park and pictures, (take)57_Amy a doctor

12、now.(see)57 .She can to ten. (count)59 I didnt music class last Monday. (have)60 .Does Tom books every day? (read)61 .Let me cartoons, (draw)62 .He likes English. (speak)63 .They basketball tomorrow. (play)VIII.仿写。请根据有关pen的介绍,简单描述bag的情况。(共10分)penHadein thepenal boxshorter than a pencil do homework a

13、nd write lettersriceThis is a pen k is black. It often stays in the pencil box. It is shorter than a pencil. It can do homework and write letters Its very nice. I like it.bagredin the deskheavier than ten books cany many thingsusefii2020小升初英语模拟试卷、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)。()1.1 still remember I first met Tom

14、 Feb. 10th last year.A. inB. atC. fromD. on()2. In the very beginning, the teachers word made feel excited.A. theyB. theirC. themD. theirs()3. The show is so boring that I left the hall it was over.A. afterB.beforeC. thoughD.until()4. As a teacher, Miss Smith enjoys with her students at school all d

15、ay long.A. beingB.beC. /D.to be()5. I am not different from else. I am just the son of an ordinary farmer. Mo Yan said.A. someoneB.everyoneC. anyoneD.each one()6. As I know, Dick did everything than his brother when they were young.A. more careful B. as carefully C. most carefully D. more carefully(

16、)7. Listen! Those young people upstairs madly again. I am really upset about that.A. singing and dancing _ B. are singing and dancingC. sing and danceD. sang and danced)8. The boy looked at his dead dog on the floor and looked very.A. sad, sad B. sadly, sad C. sadly, sadly D. sad, sadly)9. Jacky in

17、his bedroom, but he cant his pencil-box.A. looks for, find B. looks at, find C. looks around, find D. looks, find)10. 一 Can you help me to carry the heavy box upstairs?A. Thats rightC. It is my pleasureB. With pleasureD. You are welcome)11. There an exciting football game held in our school next Sun

18、day.A. is going to have B. are going to be C. is going to be D. will have()12. Dear kids, helpto the delicious food.A. yourselvesB. youC. yourself D. themselves()13. - _will the first mail arrive?一一In about 20 minutes.A. How longB. How oftenC. How farD. How soon()14. -Do you mind me opening the wind

19、ow? Its a bit hot inside. , I will open it for you.A. Of course B. Yes, I doC. No, I dont.D. No, I do.()15. Mr. Smith had an important meeting just now,?A. hadnt heB. didnt heC. had heD. did he二、完形填空(每小题I分,共10分)。Mr Smith lives in the small village, but he works in an office in a big city. He goes to

20、 work by train every morning and comes1the same way.One morning while he was2his newspaper on the train, a man3him came up to him. MrSmith had not met him before. The man said, 4 to him and then5to talk to him. The man said,Your6isnt interesting, is it? You got on the same train at the same station

21、at the same time7 morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper/When Mr Smith8this, he put his newspaper down, turned around and9to the man angrily,How do you know all that about me?“Because Im 10sitting in the same seat behind you, the man answered.()1. A. familyB. houseC.

22、 villageD. home()2. A. seeingB. lookC. readingD. finding()3. A. beforeB. behindC. besideD. next to()4. A. SorryB. Thanks C. HelloD. Goodbye()5. A. refusedB. stoppedC. orderedD. began()6. A. lifeB. workC. officeD. child()7. A. oneB. everyC. thisD. yesterday()8. A. heardB. listenedC. foundD. felt()9.

23、A. askedB. saidC. toldD. talked()10. A. neverB. hardlyC. alwaysD. sometimes三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)。(A)New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums, see all kinds of plays and films

24、. You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world.But there are serious problems in big cities, too. The cost of living is high and there are too many people in some of big cities. Every year many people move to the big cities because there are some chances to find jobs, to study at g

25、ood schools, and to receive good medical care (医了 But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also, too many people in a small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean.Some people enjoy living in big cities. Others do not. Before people move to big cities, the

26、y should think about the problems of living there.1. In big cities people canA. go to different kinds of museumsB. see all kinds of playsC. buy things from all over the worldD. A, B and C2. Which of the following is true?A. Big cities are not safe and clean enough.B. People can easily find a good pl

27、ace to live in big cities.C. Big cities are safe, but not clean.D. All people like to live in big cities.3. In this passage the writer advised(建议)people.A. to move to a big cityB. not to move to a big cityC. not to move to a big city without thinking about the problems thereD. not to think too much

28、about the problems before they move to a big city 4. Which is NOT talked about in this passage?A. New York and London are big cities, and so is Paris.B. Big cities are better than small cities.C. Big cities are exciting places to live in.D. Big cities have a lot of serious problems.5. Which is the b

29、est title for this passage?A. Big citiesB. Interesting things in big citiesC. Good schools in big citiesD. New York, London and Paris(B)School Report of New Field High SchoolName: Tom EvansGrade: 6Term: Spring Date: April 14, 2013subjectscorecommentsMathC-Must try harderP.E.C-Tries hardScienceFVery

30、poor on testSocial studiesC+Shows interestArtA+Has great abilityEnglishB-Is making progressFrenchBGood markConductBQuiet and pays attention well, but is often late for classAverage: C Rank in class: 22 of 30To parents: Tom is a good student in the subject he likes, but he does not really try in the

31、ones he does not like.He must try harder if he wants to succeed at school.( )6.1n which subject does Tom do best?A. ArtB. English C. P.ED. French( )7.What does the word “comments mean in the passage?A.闲谈B.表扬C.评价D.批评()8.Which subject does Tom dislike?A. Social studies B. Science C. Math D. English( )

32、9.How many students are there in Toms class?A. 7 B. 14C.22 D 30()10.What is the report about?A. Teachers documents on Tom B. Toms studies at schoolC. What Tom learns at school D. Toms score of each subject四、短文填空(每小题1分,共10分)One Sunday afternoon, Mr. White drove his new car to his friends house happil

33、y. He wanted to pick his friend up at five and then went to sj._ a new movie together. Mr. White got there at twenty to five. It was a I 2 earlier. He stopped his car and waited inside.Suddenly he heard a terrible sound(戸音).He got 3 of his car to see what happened. T 4 was a dent(凹痕)in one of the do

34、ors of his car. He looked around and saw a little boy standing there with a few stones in his h 5. He caught the boy and asked, “Why did you t 6 the stone at my new car? The boycried and said, Theres nobody e 7 here. I just want you to notice。主意)me. My grandpa fell down, but Im too young to help him

35、. Hearing these words, Mr. White was moved(感动)and followed the boy quickly. W 8_ his help, the old man was safe. The boy thanked him very much.Mr. White looked at his watch. It was already twenty past five. He remembered his friend and hurried b 9. But it was too late. His friend was very angry. Mr.

36、 White said nothing but only one word S 101.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10五、句型转换(每空1分,共10分)1. His sister likes bananas very much.(改为否定句)His sister like bananas at.2.1 go to school by metro every day.(对划线部分提问)you go to school every day?3. The picture is very nice.(改为感叹句) nice picture it is!4. Tom cant spe

37、ak French. Jack cant speak French, either.(同义句转换)Tom Jack can speak French.5. Harry Potter is an English boy of twelve years old.(同义句转换)Harry Potter is English boy.六、句子翻译(每句3分,共15分)1 .下周天,我们班打算举行次晚会。2 .公园里有各种各样的花和草。3 .不要坐在这里,这是老师的座位。4 .我想要更多得了解中国历史。5 .女孩们正在楼上唱歌和跳舞。参考答案1-25 CABCA BACBA CCACB ABBAB AC

38、AAC-33 hobbieshersingingtheirsautumnnearthereChildren s Day34-38 CEBDA3943AABBB44-53 coaches secondminefunnier workersboughtoldershoewashesjumping5463 ours ate tookwill playis seeingcounthave readdrawspeaking仿写:This is a bag. It is red. It often stays in the desk. It is heavier than ten books. It ca

39、n carry many things. It s very useful. I like it.小升初英语模拟试卷及答案第二部分笔试六、根据要求写单词(5分)l.study (单三式)2.big(比较级)3.sit(ing 形式)4.far(比较级)5.foot(复数形式)5.warm (反义词)七、单项填空:(15分)()1. Would you like the football match ?A. to watch B. to see C. watch D. see()2. There is going to be a good film at theA. stadium B. cin

40、ema C. office D. school()3. My family usually go to the park together Sunday .A. in B. on C. at D. /()4.1 would like to go to Beijing the morning of Monday .A. in B. on C. at D. for()5 is the first day of the week .A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Friday()6. 一Would you like something to drink ? 一Y

41、es ,.A. I would like B. I would like to C. I would D. I like()8. He and his mother going shopping.A. is B. are C. be D. am()9. Jackie Chan is my film star.A. like B. best C. favorite D. good()10. Would you like water ?A. some B. any C. a D. a()11. 一What day is it today?.A .Monday B. fine C. sunny D.

42、 May 1()12. Let me the teacher to help answer the question.A. ask B. to ask C. asks D. asked()13. My son has piano every week.A. class B. lesson C. classes D. lessons()14. 一Let s play basketball on Sunday.A. That s a great idea B. You re welcomeC. That s right D. That s all right()15. To be a good s

43、wimmer, I must have lessons.A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swims、阅读下面的对话,从所给的七个句子中选择六个句子补全对话,并将选项前的字母编号 写在相应的横线上。(6分)Peter: Hi, Amy. Look at that girl.?Amy: No. She is my new classmate. Peter:?Amy: She is Huang Zhiyu. Her English name is Kitty. Peter:?Amy: Yes. She speaks English very well.Peter:

44、 She is quite strong.?Amy: She often climbs mountains. Peter: How did you feel?Amy: It was interesting.九、把下面短文补充完整。每空只填词,每词只用一次。注意大小写的规范哦!( 5 分)Today is 1, Jane 2 going to the library 3 her friends this afternoon. But this morning , she 4 feel well. She got a high 5 . Her mother 6 her to the hospita

45、l. The 7 said she must 8 at home and have a rest. So she 9 go to the library. She is so 10 . 十、根据短文内容,判断对错,符合短文内容的在括号里打,否则打x。( 10分) AIt was June 1st yesterday. It was Nacy s birthday. There was a big birthday party in her house. Many classmates went to her home. They are Amy, Lucy, Kitty, John, Mike

46、 and Tom. Nacy s mother cooked a big dinner for them. Her grandma made a beautiful cake for them. Nacy got many presents. Her father gave her a new bike. Her grandpa gave her a new bag. She was very happy. Everyone had a good time. ()1. There were nine people in Nacy s house.()2. Yesterday was Children s Day.()


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