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《英语新设计江苏专用版必修五讲义Unit1单元检测卷.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语新设计江苏专用版必修五讲义Unit1单元检测卷.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、单元检测卷(总分值:100分时间:90分钟)第一局部 基础知识巩固(共两节,总分值15分)第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每题0.5分,总分值5分)1 .Tracy said she was sorry, but her eyes betray her secret delight.2 .For all those months Mark pretended he was fine while he was a very sick man.3 .How Mandy envies the other children who are allowed to go out and play while

2、 she is forced to stay in and practise the violin.1.1 ts not fair-Jane gets the credit when things go well, and I get the blame when they fail.5 .Lewis is a sensitive person, who is easily hurt or offended by things that people do or say.6 .There followed a(n) awkward(令人尴尬的)silence while we all trie

3、d to think of something to say.7 .When we were children, my sister and I quarreHed(吵架)all the time, but we still loved each other.8.In some countries, witnesses in court have to swear(宣誓)on the Bible.9.You will not be admittcd(允许进入)to the theatre after the performance has started.1().I said Good mor

4、ning! ” and Adrian responded(回应)Whats good about it? 第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每题2分,总分值10分).一旦出版,这本词典将会很受欢迎。Once published, this dictionary will be very popular.11 .李东宁愿自己一个人担忧也不愿和他的朋友们一起分担。Li Dong would rather keep worries to himself Ihan share Ihem with his friends.12 .他的惊慌说明刚刚肯定发生了什么可怕的事情。His panic suggested

5、 that something terrible must have happened just now.13 .现在空气污染如此严重,我们得下决心清除这害人的雾霾。Now the air pollution is so serious chat we have to make up our minds to get rid of this harmful haze.14 .我突然想到一个主意:为什么不对这些房间进行大扫除呢?1 suddenly got an idea: why not give the rooms a thorough cleaning?第二局部 英语知识运用(共两节,总分

6、值35分)The media provides us with the observations and experiences from which we build up our personal understanding of the world and how it works.Much of our view of reality is based on media messages.The media, to a great extent, gives us our sense of reality.Freedom of the media carries with it cer

7、tain responsibilities of honesty, fairness, accuracy and accountability.The power of the media to create and destroy human values comes with great responsibility.The media is powerful in the political system, having great influence on politics and on forming social change.The power is to decide who

8、will communicate what to whom.Television can greatly influence the election of a national leader on the basis of his or her image.Professional journalists do have a code of ethics(道德标准).Journalists make a judgment about whats safe and appropriate to report, which often involves difficult choiccs.Gcr

9、man sociologist Max Weber distinguishes between “ethics of conviction, and “ethics of responsibility. According to the latter(ethics of responsibility) , journalists must take into account the foreseeable consequences of their reporting, and the impact it will have on society.The former, on the othe

10、r hand, asks journalists to tell the truth, regardless of the consequences.According to Weber, both ideas of ethics should be considered.Without doubt, information is power, and the big owners of the mass media are very powerful peopIe.Television and radio stations, newspapers, magazines, and websit

11、es are, largely, owned and controlled by profitmaking busincsses.lt is not strange that their ideas will get promoted at times.It is my view that such power and responsibility should never be left in the hands of a few.I believe it is our responsibility as concerned citizens to make sure we are not

12、merely passive viewers, readers or listeners.Togelher we can have a huge influence on the media by making our views known.【语篇解读】媒体对公众的价值观和整个社会有着很大的影响,因此应肩负起相应的责任。 53.Whats the first paragraph mainly about?A.Responsibilities of the media.B.Influence of the media.C.History of the media.Problems of the

13、 media.答案B解析 段落大意题。第一段主要介绍媒体是如何影响公众的。54.We can learn from the third paragraph that .A.the media is more interested in politics than other fieldsB.forming social change is the main duty of the mediaC.the great power of the media is controlled by political figuresD.the media can affect politics by for

14、ming political figures images答案D解析 推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句Television can greatly influence the election of a national leader on the basis of his or her image.”可知 D 项正确。55 .As fbr “ethics of conviction and ethics of responsibility, Max Weber thinks .A.most journalists dont have the right ethicsB.it is near

15、impossible fbr journalists to obey both sets of ethicsC.the two sets of ethics shouldnt be regarded as opposed to each other.journalists shouldnt be limited by these ethics答案C解析 推理判断题。根据第四段的最后一句According to Weber, both ideas of ethics should be considered.w可知C项正确。56 . Which of the following statemen

16、ts is TRUE according to the passage?A.The mass media should be owned by the government.B.The media industry has developed into a new age in recent years.C.In most cases, journalists are more powerful than the owners of the media.D.The media tends to promote the ideas of their owners sometimes.答案D解析

17、细节理解题。根据第五段的最后一句It is not strange that their ideas will get promoted at times.”可知D项正确。Last summer I sat at a long picnic table near a breathtaking mountain.While the parents were eating dinner, the kids ran up a trail in search of a secret fort.Twenty minutes later one excited little boy, James, int

18、errupted the adults conversation.“Mom, Mom, you cant believe what we found ! ”Lovingly, his mother smiled and whispered, cant wait to hear, James, but grown-ups are talking, and there will be a pause in the conversation.Please wait for the pause.On my other side, another boy came running up to his m

19、other with equal enthusiasm.“Mom, Mom, we had so muchu am talking! DonH interrupt, “ she said.“But, Mom.”Be quiet! Cant you see that I am talking?“But Mom wc found the.”“Shut up, Steve! ” she yelled.My heart sank.I knew what was coming.James, on my right, patiently waited for the pause, enthusiasm s

20、till alive and well.Steve, on my left, walked away from the table, looking shamed, carrying with him stories of secret forts never to be shared.What markedly different messages to the child! ”Wait for the pause“ versus “Shut up” gets incorporated(包含)so differently into a childs developing sense of s

21、elf.Harsh(刺耳的)words have bad effects.That why I want you to promise to delete the phrases “Shame on you, or “You should be ashamed, from your vocabulary.I have seen countless patients whose parents5 thoughtless words echoed in their heads and chipped(消除)away at their self- worth ,even decades later.

22、So we have to discipline ourselves to make our instructions constructive.One great tool is to look fbr positive behavior to reinforce.Dont ignore the things that your kids are doing right.Thank your children.Tell them that you noticed how they waited patiently or cleared their plate without being as

23、ked.Chances are that they will do it again.Let them feel noticed, appreciated, and valued.There?s no better way to shape behavior.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过两个孩子的母亲在同一件事上用不同的言 语导致的不同结果来告诉我们,父母在孩子的成长过程中要对孩子有耐心,要从正面引导和 强化,恰当地使用一些鼓励性的语言来促进孩子的成长。57 .Why does the writer tell us the story at the beginning?12/16

24、A.To praise James mother.B.To introduce the topic.C.To stress Steves bad manners.D.To describe the beauty of nature.答案B解析 目的意图题。通读全文可知,本文的写作手法是先叙后议,即先讲故事以引出下文要 谈论的话题。应选B。58 .The writer suggests parents not use harsh phrases such as “Shame on you“ because .A.they can show parents? weaknessB.kids may

25、be likely to copy themC.harsh words have bad effects on kidsD.their meanings are hard to understand答案C解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句Harsh(刺耳的)words have bad effects. ”可知,刺 耳的话对孩子会产生不良影响。应选C。59 .Which of the following is NOT proper for parents when offering advice?A.I like the way you deal with it.B.Awesome, yo

26、u just make it.C.Fantastic!D.Must I keep repeating?答案D解析 推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者提倡父母对孩子要有耐心,应从正面引导和强化, A项、B项和C项都是正面积极的言语,只有D项是负面言语,不适合父母对孩子说。应选Do.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.Love kids through proper languageB.Let kids realize their mistakes aloneC.Never ignore kids mental grow

27、thD.Learn to share secrets with kids答案A解析标题概1括题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述父母在孩子的成长过程中要对孩子有耐心, 要从正面引导和强化,恰当地使用一些鼓励性的语言来促进孩子成长。应选A。第四局部 任务型阅读(共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 People say teenagers are no good.They make too much noise in shopping malls; they drive recklessly u

28、p and down Americas main streets; they carry chips on their shoulders as big as the Sears Tower. A nd at least some of the time those things are true. But we shouldnt forget that there are hard moments in the life of a teenager too.I watched such a moment not long ago at a womans Mineral(葬礼).1 didnt

29、 expect the event to affect me.Through much of the ceremony, in fact, I remained unmoved.Then her teenage grandson stepped forward.With his very first deep breath, every heart in that church was achingly reminded of something we had all forgotten.Softly he began: ”I want to share a few values that N

30、ana taught me.She never failed to see light in any situation.When our family dog would literally attack her, what would Nana say? Oh, what beautiful markings that dog has/ That was Nana. ”“She was a strong woman who often lived in the shadow of my grandpa, who was a successful businessman in this ci

31、ty.But she was the one behind the scenes who provided the strength and support fbr Grandpas career, “ he said, with a voice now trembling. That was Nanas way. ” Through a muffled sob, he continued. u Whenever she did anything worth recognition, youd have to hear about it from a different source, bec

32、ause she was never one to brag. ”Finally, in a voice breaking free of sorrow, he looked up and said, uNana taught me courage.She put up an incredible fight to the end, when she died peacefully, which is how she lived her life.That was Nanas way, and 1 hope I can carry on in the same manner. ”There a

33、re no hearts as sensitive as those of teenagers, because everything is happening to them for the first time.The trouble with teenagers is that they havent learned to be controlled.When that boy rose to speak about the woman who surely had been his truest ally and dearest friend, his honest voice dra

34、gged each of us out into the open where we could no longer hide in the calm ritual.He exposed us to the truth about this very real woman who believed in a boy who probably tried the patience of many adulls.He reminded us that his grandmother was more than another dot on the chart of life and death.A

35、ll over again we felt those powerful losses crisscrossing our own hearts, and we knew that when you say goodbye to a beloved grandparent, you say goodbye to something happy, something young in yourself. A nd that something never really returns, and the pain never really goes away.TeenagersAccording

36、to the passage, people dont think 61 .highly of teenagers.I seldom felt 62.moved at a funeraLBut from the boys speech , I know his grandmother had great 63.influence on the boy when she was alive.This time at the funeral, the author felt great differently.She would always find something 64. valuable

37、 eveninsome unpleasant situation.She was a respectful woman who never 65. showed offhertalent in 66. business .She had a strong will and would never 67. drophercareer till she died.The author was in deep 6 8. sorrow atthemoving situation.The author has changed his 69. mi nd on teenagers through this

38、 funeral ceremony.Theonlyproblem withtheyoungisthattheycant 7Q.control themselves well.第五局部 书面表达(总分值25分)请认真阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。John was traveling by ship to Europe when a terrible storm came.A great leak was filling the ship with water.No matter how hard the sailors and passengers worked at

39、the pumps, the water was still rising.The ship was sinking fast.There seemed to be no hope.But the captain told them not to give up hope.He said that there was hope so long as the ship remained above water.He promised that if they didnt give up hope, he would land them safely.The captains powerful w

40、ill moved them all.In the end he did land them safely.After they landed, John found the captain to show his appreciation.But to his surprise, the captain said to him that he was the boy of 30 years ago who bought a geography book in his bookstorc.John suddenly thought of the boy. At that time the bo

41、y didnt have enough money, but he had gone from shop to shop and believed he could get what he wanted.Finally, he made it.Now, it was the same willpower of him that saved the lives of all the passengers.【写作内容】在一次课外阅读中,你读了上面的故事,决定写篇文章针对“毅力与成功”发表自己的看法。 内容要点包括:1 .用约30个词概括故事的内容要点;.用约120个词就“毅力与成功”的话题发表你的

42、看法,内容包括:表达你或你的同学凭借毅力取得成功的事例;你认为取得成功,主要是靠毅力还是智力?【写作要求】.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;.不必写标题。【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。【参考范文】In the story, a captain always insisted on doing something, even when he was a little boy.In one voyage, it was just his willpower that made him save all the passengers5 liv

43、es.The story reminds me of my classmate, Linda.In study, she lagged far behind us, but she did not give up.Instead, she kept a notebook in her pocket, and took it out to read on the bus, at the school gate and in the queue before the dining hall.Unluckily, her English did not improve much.She took u

44、p this challenge and worked even harder.Besides, she kept turning to the teacher for help.Finally she made great progress.Many elements contribute to success, of which the most important is willpower.A man of strong will never gives up before any difficulty, nor does he lose heart whatever happens.S

45、o I think willpower is more important than intelligence on the road to success.第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。16 .The driver was at loss when word came that he was forbidden to drive because of speeding.A.a; the B./B./; /C.the; theD.a; /答案D解析 alaloss不知所措,困惑不解;word作“消

46、息”时是不可数名词不用冠词,应选D。17 .The schoolboys are more not to make any mistakes in spelling than ever before.A.cautiousB.daredC.shyD.brave答案A解析 句意:男学生们在拼写时比以前更加小心,以防止发生错误。be cautious not to do sth 意为“小心不做某事”。应选A。18.1 dont like Mary.She is always to please her boss.A.angryB.eagerC.anxiousD.delighted答案B解析 句意:我

47、不喜欢玛丽。她总是极力讨好她的老板。beeagertodo意为“急欲,竭力做”。 此处不是某种担忧或者焦虑,所以不能用anxious; angry意为愤怒的;delighted意为“高 兴的“,均不合题意。19.5 he is still hesitating her son to college.A.sendB.at sendingC.in sendingD.about sending答案D解析 句意:她对要不要送儿子进大学一事还在犹豫不决。hesitate about doing sth表示“对 某事犹豫不决”,应选D。2O.He is shy and quiet, and with st

48、rangers often makes him feel awkward.A.surroundedB.surroundingC.being surroundedD.having surrounded答案C解析 句意:他害羞且很安静。被许多陌生人围着经常使他感到尴尬。因为surround与其逻 辑主语he存在动宾关系,故用动名词的被动式作主语。21.He says what he thinks, other peoples feelings.A.other thanB.regardless ofC.rather thanD.instead of答案B解析 句意:他怎么想就怎么说,不考虑别人的感受。regardless of意为“不管,不顾。other than表示“除了; rather than表示“而不是;instead of表示代替”,均不合题意。22.She admitted trouble her studies and playing basketball.A.to have; balancingB.having; to balanceC.to have; to balanceD.having; balancing答案D解析 句意:她成认很难在学业和打篮球之间求得平衡。admit后的动词应该用动名词形式, 即 admit d


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