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《五年级下册英语单元话题阅读理解专练Unit1Cinderella.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级下册英语单元话题阅读理解专练Unit1Cinderella.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、【暑假话题阅读“童话故事”】五年级下册英语单元话题阅读理解专练Unit 1 CinderellaA阅读判断。Its summer. The deer and the bear swim in the lake. They are happy. I like summer. says the deer. Why do you like summer? asks the bear. Because I can swim in the lake.1 Its autumn. The deer and the bear go hiking. They eat a lot. Winter comes. T

2、he bear cant skate. The bear sleeps at home. Spring comes. The bear wakes up. The deer and the bear go to fly kites. How happy they are! I like winter. says the bear. Because I can sleep for a long time.(1) The deer likes summer.(2) The bear likes winter.(3) The deer and the bear sleep in winter.(4)

3、 They swim in summer.(5) The bear wakes up in autumn.B根据短文,选择正确的答案。Snow White is a beautiful princess(公主).Everyone likes her, but her stepmother, the new queen(皇后),does not. She asks a man to kill(杀死)Snow White.The man lets Snow White go. Then, Snow White finds a house in the forest. She goes in and

4、 sees seven dwarfs(小矮人).They become friends and live together.One day, the queen comes to the forest. She gives Snow White an apple. Snow- White eats it and falls asleep(睡着了). Many days later(以后),a prince comes. He wakes up Snow White and takes her home.答案解析部分1. (1) TT(2) FT(3) F通读短语了解到鹿和熊在湖里游泳。互相询问

5、喜欢哪个季节,为什么喜欢它。(1)由关键句T like summer.* says the deer.”我喜欢夏天.”鹿说。可知 The deer likes summer.故答案为正确。(2)由关键句“T like winter.1 says the bear.“我喜欢冬天.”熊说。可知 The bear likes winter.故答案为正确。(3)联系上下文可知文中只提到The bear sleep in winter.熊在冬天睡觉.并没有提 到 the deer sleep in winter.故答案为错误。(4)由关键句 It*s summer. The deer and the b

6、ear swim in the lake.这是夏天.鹿和熊 在湖里游泳。可知They swim in summer.故答案为正确。(5)由关键句 Its autumn. The deer and the bear go hiking. They cat a lot.这是秋天. 鹿和熊去远足.他们吃很多。可知The bear wakes up in autumn.故答案为错误。【点评】本题考查阅读理解,理清线索,理解文章大意,看题时注意确定关键词, 然后在文章中定位,找到句子相关的一致的内容,就可以轻松的判断句子是否正 确。2. CB3. CB4. C文章大意:本文是一个关于白雪公主的童话故事。

7、【点评】考查阅读理解,注意理解文章大意,找到相关的句子,分析关键词。2 .句意:不喜欢白雪公主。根据原文Everyone likes her, but her stepmother, the new queen(皇后),does not.可知新皇后不喜欢白雪公主。故选C。3 .句意:男人杀死白雪公主了嘛?根据原文The man lets Snow While go.这个男 人放走了白雪公主。故选B。4 .句意:白雪公主睡着是因为 o根据原文Snow White eats it and fallsasleep(睡着了).可知白雪公主吃了苹果睡着了。故选C。5 .句意:女王试着杀死白雪公主有几次?

8、根据原文She asks a man to kill(杀死) Snow White,这是第一次。 One day, the queen comes to the forest. She gives Snow White an叩pie.给毒苹果是第二次。故选B。6 .句意:最后白雪公主去/o根据原文He wakes up Snow White and takes her home.王子唤醒了公主,把她带回家。故选C。5. (1) TF(2) TF大意:短文讲述了丑小鸭的故事。(1)句意:鸭妈妈在家里发现了四个蛋。根据One day, Mother Duck finds four eggs at

9、her home.可知鸭妈妈在家里发现了四个蛋,故答案为正确。(2)句意:丑小鸭又大又黄。根据The ducklings are small and yellow.可知丑小 鸭又小又黄,故答案为错误。(3)句意:鸭妈妈不喜欢丑小鸭。根据 Mother Duck doesnt like the ugly duckling. 可知鸭妈妈不喜欢丑小鸭,故答案为正确。(4)句意:明年春天丑小鸭变成了漂亮的鸭子。根据Its spring again. The ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan.可知明年春天丑小鸭变成了漂亮的天鹅,故答 案为错误。【点评】本题考查

10、了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确 或错误。6. (DCB(2) CA(3) B大意:短文讲述了一位勇敢的王子救了一个美丽的公主的故事。(1 )根据He needed to take a bow and arrows with him.可知王子需要随身携带弓 箭去打猎。故答案为C。(2)根据 He saw a beautiful princess. She was in danger.可知公主处于危险之中。 故答案为B。(3) 根据 The prince use his bow and arrow to shoot the lion. The lion was hurt a

11、nd ran away.可知王子救了公主。故答案为C。(4)根据The lion was hurt and ran away.可知狮子受伤逃跑了。故答案为A。(5)根据 The brave prince and the beautiful princess became friends.可知勇敢的王 子和美丽的公主成了朋友。故答案为B。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据 题干信息找出相关句进行选择。9. City; films; Sunday; 5:30; Swan; Lake; 50; princess; swan; parents 文章大意:讲述了凯特和

12、父母去看电影,及所看电影的简介。(1)句意:凯特住在街道123号。根据原文:It is at No. 123 City Street.它在城市街道123号,故填Ciiy。(2)句意:她喜欢。根据原文介绍的是电影,可知她喜欢电影,故填filmso(3)句意:昨天是。根据下文 Kitty and her parents went to see the filmat 4in the afternoon.凯特和她的父母在下午看电影。图片信息只有周天有下午场的 电影。所以昨天是星期天。故填Sunday。(4)句意:凯特和她的父母在下午 看电影。根据图片信息只有周天有下午场的电影,在五点半,故填5:30

13、o(5)句意:电影的名字是。根据图片信息Name of the film: Swan Lake电影名天鹅湖,故填Swan(6)句意:电影的名字是o根据图片信息Name of the film: Swan Lake电影名天鹅湖,故填Lakeo(7)句意:它多少钱?根据原文:Kitty and her parents went to see the film 凯特 和父母去看电影。同时根据图文信息Adult (成人):20 yuan Children: 10 yuan,两 个大人一个孩子,花50元,故填50 o(8)句意:它是一个浪漫的关于一个和公主的故事。根据图片信息Ils a romantic

14、 story about a princess and a prince.它是一个浪漫的关于一个王子和公主 的故事。故填princess。(9)句意:王子变成了 o根据图文信息The princess becomes a swan.王子变成了天鹅。故填swan。(10)句意:凯特和 玩得很开心。根据上文Kitty and her parents went to seethe film 凯特和父母去看电影。故填parents。【点评】考查阅读理解。注意理解文章大意,根据所给的信息,抓关键词,填写 的单词注意大小写。10. AB11. BD12. A大意:本文介绍了青蛙王子和公主的故事。【点评】本

15、题考查了阅读理解,注意先通读全文,把握大意,再带着问题到文中 找答案。10 .句意:公主玩什么? A: 一个金球,B: 一个木球,C: 一只青蛙,D: 一滴 泪。根据原文She plays with a golden ball(金球)in her hand.可知,公主玩金球,故 答案为A。11 .句意:金球是谁的? A:青蛙的,B:公主的,C:国王的,D:王子的。根 据原文 her golden ball falls into a big hole on the ground. She is very sad.可知,公主 很难过,是因为她的球调入洞里,所以球是公主的,故答案为B。12 .句意:

16、青蛙是如何变成王子的?根据原文Her teardrops (泪珠)fall on the frog, and it changes into(变成)a nice boy.可知,公主的眼泪让青蛙变成了王子,故答案 为Bo.句意:哪个不是正确的?根据原文Keep your words. Go and in vile(邀请)lhat frog to our dinner.和 the king asks the princess to sleep with the frog.可知,国王喜欢 青蛙,选项与原文不符,故答案为D。13 .句意:“遵守诺言”这句话“意味着”.o keep your words

17、遵守诺言,故答案 为Ao(DC(2) CB(3) AA这是两位同学的读书笔记。(1)根据短文叙述Authoc Unknown (作者,不知道)可知C选项“不知道”正 确。故答案为:C.(2)根据短文叙述 Thumbelina meets the flower prince. He is as small as her.(拇 指姑娘遇到了花王子。他和她一样小。)可知C选项正确。故答案为:C.(3)根据短文叙述 When the hunters praised it, he cant help speaking and get caught.(当猎人夸奖它的时候,他禁不住说话被抓住了。)可知B选项

18、正确。故答案 为:B.(4)根据短文叙述 When the hunters praised it, he cant help speaking and get caught.(当猎人夸奖它的时候,他禁不住说话被抓住了。)可知A选项“愚蠢的”正确。 故答案为:A.(5)根据短文叙述句子Author: Hans Christian Andersen (作者:安徒生)和Its a beautiful fairy tale.(它是一个漂亮的神话。)可知A选项正确。故答案为:A.【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。首先仔细阅读,然后根据叙述细节完成各题。13. AC14. CB15. C大意:短文讲述了青蛙

19、哥哥和青蛙宝宝在池塘边玩耍,一头牛经过池塘压死青蛙 宝宝,青蛙哥哥跳回家告诉青蛙妈妈发生了什么事,青蛙妈妈很伤心,青蛙妈妈 鼓起肚子,最后肚子爆了,仍然试图再一次自吹自擂。不要试图做不可能的事。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据 题干信息找出相关句进行选择。16. 根据 They have never seen such a big animal before.可知因为他们以前从未见 过这么大的动物。故答案为A。17. 根据They are very curious.可知青蛙哥哥看到牛时,非常好奇。故答案为C。18. 根据 Baby Frog doesnt

20、see the oxs hoofs. He is crushed by the ox. He is dead.可 知突然,牛转过身来,青蛙宝宝被牛的蹄子压碎了。故答案为C。19. 根据 Her belly is already very swollen. It looks like it is going to burst any minute. By this time, Brother Frog gets a little worried.可知青蛙哥哥有点担心他的 妈妈,因为青蛙妈妈的肚子己经很肿了。故答案为B。20. 根据短文内容可知不要试图做不可能的事。故答案为C。21. TT22.

21、TA23. C大意:短文讲述了井底之蛙的故事。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确 或错误;根据题干信息找出相关句进行选择。21 .句意:青蛙住在井里。根据 There is a frog. He lives in a well and he never goes out of the well.有一只青蛙。他住在井里,从不出井可知青蛙住在井里。故答案为 正确。22 .句意:一天,一只乌鸦来到井边。根据One day a crow comes to the well.可知 一天,一只乌鸦来到井边。故答案为正确。23 .句意:青蛙认为天空很小。根据 The fr

22、og feels surprised and says, The sky is only as big as the mouth of the well. How do you fly from the sky?青蛙感到很惊 讶,说:“天空只有井口那么大,你怎么能从天空中飞翔呢?“可知青蛙认为天空 很小。故答案为正确。24 .句意:青蛙从井里出来时非常惊讶,因为。A他不知道世界这么大。B 他不知道他能跳得高C他不知道天是蓝的。根据He is very surprised. How big the world is!可知青蛙从井里出来时非常惊讶,因为他不知道世界这么大。故答案 为Ao.根据短文内

23、容是青蛙住在井里,从不出井,他不知道天空有多大的故事,最 好标题井底之蛙。故答案为C。24. FF25. FT26. T大意:短文讲述了井底之蛙的故事。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确 或错误。26 .句意:天空很小。He thought the sky was as big as the mouth of the well. 可知天空很大。故答案为错误。27 .句意:天空和井口一样大。根据 He thought the sky was as big as the mouth of the well.The crow said, The sky is ve

24、ry big. You always stay in the well, so you dont know the world is big.可知青蛙自己认为天空和井口一样大,实际天空很大。故 答案为错误。28 .句意:乌鸦撒谎了。根据 The crow said, The sky is very big. You always stay in the well, so you dont know the world is big.可知乌鸦没有撒谎了。故答案为错 误。29 .句意:青蛙从未出过井。He lived in a well and he never went out of it. n

25、J 知青蛙从未出过井。故答案为正确。30 .句意:乌鸦会飞。根据I fly from the sky.可知乌鸦说自己会飞。故答案为正 确。2. does not like Snow White.A. The princessB. The prince3. Does the man kill Snow White?A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesnt.4. Snow White falls asleep because LA. she sees the queenB. she is tiredC. The queenC. No, he cant.C. she cats

26、 theappleHow many limes(次)does the queen try to kill Snow White?A. Once (一次).B. Twice (两次).C. Three times.5. Snow White goes in the end(最后).A. to the forestB. back homeC. to the princes home.阅读短文,判断下列句子正误Its spring. One day, Mother Duck finds four eggs at her home. Three are small and one is big. Sh

27、e sits on the eggs. Three small eggs open. The ducklings are small and yellow. The big egg opens later. Its big and grey. Ils ugly. Mother Duck doesnt like the ugly duckling. He is sad and swims away. In winter, it*s cold. He has no home. Its spring again. The ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan.

28、(1) Mother Duck finds four eggs at her home.(2) The ugly duckling is big and yellow.(3) Mother Duck doesnt like the ugly duckling.(4) The ugly duckling becomes a beautiful duck next spring.7 .根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Once upon a time, there was a brave prince. One morning, the prince decided to go hunting. He

29、needed to take a bow and arrows with him. On his way, the prince stopped to take a rest. Suddenly, he heard someone scream. He went to see what was happening. He saw a beautiful princess. She was in danger. A lion wanted to eat her. The prince use his bow and arrow to shoot the lion. The lion was hu

30、rt and ran away. The prince ask his servant to send the princess back home. The brave prince and the beautiful princess became friends.(1) The prince needed to take with him to go hunting.B. arrowsC. a bow andanows(2) The was in danger.C. princeC. princeC. diedA. lionB. princess(3) The save the prin

31、cess.A. lionB. princess(4) The lion was hurt and .A. ran awayB. screamed(5) The brave prince and the beautiful princess A. marriedB. became friendsC. lived together happilyA根据图片信息完成短文。City CinemaName of the film: Swan LakeTicket price(票价)Adult (成人):20 yuanChildren: 10 yuan10:15 a. m. 11:3() a. m. On

32、 Saturday9: 40 a. m. 5: 30 p. m. On SundayIt is at No. 123 City Street.Its a romantic story about a princess and a prince. The princess becomes a swan.Kitty lives at No. 23 Street. She likes . Yesterday was . Kitty and her parents went to see the film at in the afternoon. The cinema was near her hom

33、e. The name of the filmwas. They bought the tickets. It was yuan. The film was very interesting. It was a romantic story about a and a prince. The princess became a . Kitty and her had a great time.B阅读短文并选择正确答案。One fine evening, a nice princess(公主)goes out to take a walk in a wood(森林). She plays wit

34、h a golden ball(金球)in her hand. Suddenly, her golden ball falls into a big hole on the ground. She is very sad. Then, a frog comes.Frog: My beautiful princess, why do you cry?Princess: Because my golden ball is in the hole. I cant get it.Frog: Dont worry, I can help you. But can you promise(答应)me a

35、kiss after getting the ball?Princess: OK. I promise.The princess gets her golden ball, but she doesnt like the ugly frog. She runs away because she doesnt want to kiss it. She talks to her father, the king.King: Whats the matter, my dear?Princess: The frog is too ugly. I cant kiss it.King: Keep your

36、 words. Go and invite(邀请)lhat frog to our dinner.After dinner, the king asks the princess to sleep with the frog. She cries again. Her teardrops (泪珠)fall on the frog, and it changes into(变成)a nice boy. Hes a prince!At last, the princess and the prince live happily together.9. What does the princess

37、play with?A. A golden ball.B.A wooden ball.C. A frog.D.A teardrop.10. Whose golden ball is it?A. The frogs.B.The princess*.C. The kings.D.The princes.11. How does the frog change into the prince?A. The princess kisses the frog.B. The princess teardrops fall on the frog.C. The king helps the frog.D.

38、A fairy helps the frog.12. Which one is not true?A. The princess cries because her ball is in the hole.B. The princess doesnt like the ugly frog.C. At last, the princess and the prince live happily together.D. The king doesnt like the ugly frog.13. The sentence Keep your words, means1A.遵守诺言B.注意你的言语C

39、.坚持你的观点D.保持你的单词Ac事I read The Tortoise and the Cranes in the Aesop*s Fables last week. It*s an interesting storyI read Thumbelina by Andersen. Its a beautiful fairy tale.Title: The Tortoise and the Cranes(鹤)Author: UnknownCharacters: a tortoise, two cranes, two huntersThe story: Two hunters wanted to

40、 catch the tortoise. The tortoise asked the cranes for help. The cranes help a stick on each side, then the tortoise bit(咬 住)the stick and flew with the cranes. But the tortoise liked talking. When the hunters praised it, he cant help speaking and get caught(被抓).My favourite part: The tortoise is cl

41、ever to think out the idea to fly with thecranesTitle: ThumbelinaAuthor: Hans Christian AndersenCharacters: Thumbelina the toad the mouse, the blue bird, the flower prince The story: Thumbelina was born in a flower. She is very small. She has some adventures with a toad, a mouse and a blue bird. In

42、the end, she meets a flower prince.My favourite part: The ending of the story. Thumbelina meets the flower prince. He is as small as her. He gives her a pair of wings.They lives happily ever after.阅读短文,选择正确答案。(1) Who wrote The Tortoise and the Cranes ?.A. The GrimmsB. Hans Christian AndersenC. We do

43、nt know.(2) Thumbelina is as small as the.A. the toadB. the mouseC. the flowerprince(3) In the story of the Tortoise and the Cranes, the tortoise got caught because.A. the two cranes threw it down.B. he liked talking too much.C. the hunters hit it down.(4) In your opinion(观点),the tortoise is in end

44、of the story.A. sillyB. cleverC. strong(5) Thumbelina is a by Hans Christian Andersen.A. fairy taleB. fableC. novelB阅读短文并选择正确答案Brother Frog and Baby Frog are playing near a pond. Just then, a farmer and his ox pass the pond. The two frogs jump into the pond to hide. They have never seen such a big a

45、nimal before. They are very curious. So they follow the ox from behind. But suddenly the ox turns around. Baby Frog doesnt sec the oxs hoofs. He is crushed by the ox. He is dead.Brother Frog hops home and tells Mother Frog what has happened. Mother Frog is very sad, Brother Frog tells his mother tha

46、t the big monster is as big as a mountain. Il is bigger than you, says Brother Frog. Mother Frog puffs up her belly. Her belly is already very swollen. It looks like it is going to burst any minute. By this time, Brother Frog gets a little worried.Mother Frog still tries to puff herself up one more

47、time. Dont try to do the impossible. Its too dangerous, says Brother Frog. But Mother Frog takes in more and more air. She is swollen like a balloon. Finally, it happens. Her belly bursts!14. Why do the two frogs jump into the pond to hide?A. Because they have never seen such a big animal before.B.

48、Because they want to play.C. Because they like to stay in the pond.D. Because they like to swim in the pond.15. When the Brother Frog sees the ox, he is very .A. happyB. worriedC. curiousD. afraidWhen suddenly the ox turns around, Baby Frog is crushed by.A. the oxs tailB. the ox*s hornsC. the oxs hoofsD. the oxs bellyWhy does Brother Fr


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