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《广东省深圳市福田区外国语学校2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题及答案解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省深圳市福田区外国语学校2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题及答案解析.docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、广东省深圳市福田区外国语学校2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题及答案解析学校:姓名: 班级: 考号: 一、单项选择 Emma speaks good although shes.So docs Peter.A. Chinese; Germany B. Chinese; German C. China; German D. China; GermanyCan you tell me when you will?ril my home at six.A. arrive at, reach B. arrive, reach C. arrive at, reach to D. arri

2、ve, reach toThere are wild animals on the Earth because they have space on it.A. less and less; fewer and fewerB. fewer and fewer; fewer and fewerC. fewer and fewer; less and lessD. less and less; less and less1. I my pen everywhere, but I couldnt it. I want to who tookit.A. looked for; find out; fi

3、ndB. looked for; find; find outC. found; find out; look forD. found out; look for; find2. Look, the iPhone 13 Pio is so cool! How much does it?More than 10,000 yuan. I dont think its a good idea to so much money on aphone.A. cost; costB. spend; spend C. cost; spend D. spend; cost一People can find use

4、ful information on the Internet.Yes. Its important to use computers.A. a large amount of; learningB. a large number of; to learnC. a large number of; learningD. a large amount of; to learn3. These days,people spend time playing with the mobile phones. Thatsbad for the health.A. loo many, too much, t

5、oo muchB. too many, too much, much tooC. loo much, too many, much tooD. much too, too much, too many4. 一There are two cameras in your flat. Is that white one?No, it is my brothers. My mother bought it fbr a week ago.64 .这是一个很大的公共区域,有绿色的草地,喷泉和鸟。(with)65 .前一晚,我太兴奋了以致睡不着。(so.that)八、材料作文66.深圳,作为全国文明城市之一

6、,每年吸引了大批的游客来游玩。请你以“Visiting Shenzhen”为题,根据下面的提示,用英文写一篇介绍深圳的文章,可适当发挥。 内容提示:CityShenzhenGeographicallocationin the south of ChinaPlaces of interestLianhua Mountain, Window of the World, HappyValley.Foodseafood, dim sum (点心)Othersweather, activities.要求:L80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2 .条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,卷面整洁;3

7、.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。参考词汇:a national civilized city全国文明城市theme park主题公园VisilingShenzhenShenzhen is a national civilized city.试卷第10页,共11页参考答案:1. B【详解】句意:艾玛虽然是德国人,但中文说得很好。一彼得也是。考查名词词义辨析。Chinese中文;Gennany德国;German德国人;Chian中国。根据题干 可知,speaks+语言“说语言;although shes”可推测为她是哪国人。故选B【详解】句意:你能告诉我你将什么时候到达吗? 我会在六点到家。本题考查

8、动词。arrive at到达,是及物动词短语:arrive到达,是不及物动词;reach到达, 是及物动词,不接t。,排除CD两项。第一空后面没有接宾语,用不及物动词arrive。第二 空后面接宾语my home,用及物动词reacho故选B。2. C【详解】句意:地球上的野生动物越来越少,因为它们的空间越来越小。考查形容词比较级。fewer较少的,修饰可数名词;less较少的,修饰不可数名词。animals 是可数名词,故第一空填fewer and fewer; space是不可数名词,故第二空填less and less 故选CoB【详解】句意:我到处找我的钢笔,但我找不到。我要查出是谁拿

9、的。考查动词以及动词短语辨析。look for寻找,强调动作;find寻找,强调结果;find oui查明。 根据my pen every where”可知,第一空强调找钢笔的动作,所以第一空填looked for;根据“bul I couldnt. it.”可知,第二空强调没有找到的结果,所以笫二空填find;根据“want to . who took it”可知,第三空指想查出谁拿的,故选B。3. C【详解】句意:看,iPhone 13 Pro太酷了!它要多少钱?一一万多元。我认为花这么 多钱买手机不是个好主意。考查动词辨析。cost花费,主语一般是物;spend花费,主语一般是人。空一主

10、语“il”指代手 机,是物,用cost,可排除BD选项;空二符合spend money on slh”在某物上花费金钱”结构。故选CoD【详解】句意:人们可以在网上找到大量有用的信息。是的,学会用电脑很重要。 考查不可数名词和不定式。a large amount of后面接不可数名词,a large number of后面接可答案第1页,共10页 数名词,名词information是不可数名词,应用a large amount of。It is+形容词+to do slh.表示 “做某事是怎么样的“,此处不定式作主语,it作形式主语,故选D。4. B【详解】句意:现在,太多的人花太多的时间玩手

11、机。这对健康太不好了。考查词组辨析。 too many太多,形容词词组,修饰更数名词;to。much太多,形容词词组,修饰不可数名 词;much too太,副词词组,修饰形容词、副词和动词;people是复数意义的集体名词,time 是不可数名词,bad是形容词。故选B。5. D【详解】句意:你的公寓里有两个照相机。那个白色的是你的吗?不,这是我兄弟 的,我妈妈一周前给他买的。考查人称代词和物主代词。第一空空后无名词,此处应填名词性物主代词,即yours。第二 空空前有介词for,此处应用人称代词的宾格,即him。故选D。6. B【详解】句意:你想去世界之窗吗?是的。公园里有许多风景名胜。我对

12、这些地方 很感兴趣。考查interest的相关形式用法。interest兴趣,可以作名词;interesting令人感兴趣的;interested 感到有趣的。第一空是固定短语place of interest “风景名胜”:第二空是对这些地方感兴趣, 应用interested, be interested inuM感兴趣”,是固定短语。故选B。7. D【详解】句意:你能让汤姆今晚八点打电话给我吗?好的。他回来时我会告诉他的。考查时间状语从句。根据“when”可知,是时间状语从句,遵循主将从现原则,故选D。8. C【详解】句意:辛迪,你能代替我去参加会议吗?我很乐意,但是我有一个课后活 动要参

13、加。考查动词辨析。aitend参加,出席;take pari in参加(活动);join参加(组织);join in参加 (活动)。根据“the meeting”可知,出席会议,allend符合句意;再者根据“have an after-class activity”可知,参加活动,lake part in符合句意,故选C。9. B【详解】句意:妈妈,我想戴我的棕色手套,但是只有一只。 如果你找不到另一答案第2贝,共10页 只,就戴另一双(手套)。考查不定代词。the other意为“(两者中的)另一个人或事物”。根据句意可知,第二个空指 的是棕色手套找不见的另外一只。手套通常有两只,故另一只

14、应用the other one指代,A、 D选项可排除。第一个空指的是另一双手套,应用another表示泛指三者或三者以上中的另 一个,故选B。【点睛】辨析 olher、the other、another:Lolher作形容词时,意为“其他的、另外的“,用在名词前做定语;作代词时,意为“另外一 个”。例如:They discussed the weather and other topics.他们讨论了 气候和其他的话题。The children arc always bickering about something or other.孩子们有事没事总是在争吵。2.1heothcr意为“(两

15、者中的)另一个人或事物”。例如:He has two brolhers, one is a scientist, ihe other is an ariisl.他有两个弟弟,一个是科学家,另 一个是艺术家。3. another意为“(三者以上)中的另一个人或事物”。例如:This shirt is too large for me. Please show me another.这件衬衫我穿太大。请拿另外一件给我。 13. C【详解】句意:汤姆是一个努力的男孩,他努力学习,他几乎不和他的朋友玩。hard-working 努力工作的;hard副词,努力地;hardly几乎不。第一个空是形容词作定

16、语用hard-working, 第二个空是副词修饰动词用hard;第三个空是几乎不。根据题意,故选C。14. B【详解】句意:你帮助我真是太好了。从帮助你中获得的经验对我有好处。考查形容词短语。It is nice of sb to do sth.某人做某事真的是太好了,描述人的性格、特质用 of; be good for对有好处。根据题干可知你帮助我很好,而帮助你给我很大受益。故选 BoC【详解】句意:下面哪个句子是正确的?考查句子结构。provide sb with sth“给某人提供某物”,所以A是错误的;during是介词,不 能接句子,所以B是错误的;on foot“步行”,固定搭配

17、,所以D是错误的,故选C。15. B 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A答案第3页,共10页【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者救治一只生病的大猩猩宝宝并把它送回森林的 故事。16 .句意:它病了,我照顾它。look part in 参加;took care of 照顾;look off 脱掉,起飞;look place 发生。根据It was ill” 可知,大猩猩宝宝生病了,因此作者照顾它。故选B。17 .句意:在它恢复健康后,我决定把它送回它自己的家。factory 工厂:room 房间;home 家;schoo

18、l 学校。根据下一句I picked it up, walked out to the car and drove to the forest.“ 1V知,作者开车把它载到森林里,说明是把它送回家。故选Co 18.句意:我很担心。relaxed 放松的;excited 兴奋的;pleased 高兴的:worried 担心的。根据“If mother gorilla doesnt recognize (认出)her baby, she wonl lake it back”可知,作者想到如果大猩猩妈妈认不出她的 宝宝,就不会把它带回去,说明作者很担心。故选D。19 .句意:我想着:“如果大猩猩妈妈

19、认不出她的宝宝,就不会把它带回去,甚至会把它杀 死。”protect保护;kill杀死;save拯救:kiss亲吻。根据she,H even”可知,此处应是表示会出现 更糟糕的情况,根据常识,可知,大猩猩妈妈有可能会杀死她的孩子。故选儿20 .句意:我到达一个离大猩猩家不远的地方。from离,从;of属于的;lo至 wilh和。根据“not far a way”可知此处应是far away from表示“远离”。故选A。21 .句意:接着,我停下脚步,在那看着。tried尝试;sent送;stopped停止;ran跑。根据空格后的“and watched”可知,作者应是停下 来,在那看着。故选

20、C。22 .句意:大猩猩爸爸突然就站在我的前面。Hardly几乎不;Really真地;Luckily幸运地;Suddenly突然。根据语境,可知大猩猩爸爸 是突然出现的。故选D。23 .句意:我很害怕,但我努力使自己冷静下来。proud 自豪的;frightened 害怕的;sad 伤心的;happy 高兴的。根据but I tried to calm down 可知,作者努力使自己冷静下来,说明作者当时应是害怕的。故选B。24 .句意:如果我转身逃跑,这只大猩猩就会攻击我。答案第4页,共10页 give away 赠送,泄漏;throw away 扔掉;runaway 逃跑;put away

21、 收起来。根据If I turn” 可知,作者想转身逃跑。故选C。25 .句意:过了一会儿,他转过身去,走到猩猩宝宝那里,把它抱起来。tumcd 转身;jumped 跳;walked 走;came 来。根据“went over to the baby”可知,大猩猩应 是转身走到大猩猩宝宝那里去。lurn around意为“转过身去”。故选A。26 . B 27. C 28. C 29. D 30. D【导语】本文主要介绍了四个俱乐部的信息。27 .细节理解题。根据Were excited to offer you clubs for the 20212022 school year.”及 “C

22、lubs start from late September through early June”可知,俱乐部从 2021 年 9 月卜旬到 2022 年6月初开放,B选项符合。故选B。28 .细节理解题。根据“Cooking and Eating Right”及Costs 125”可知,需要支付125元。故 选C。29 .细节理解题。根据 Music Club 中的“Ages 8-15; Club meets on Mondays 3:304:30”可 知如果一个8岁的男孩在周一和周三下午上课,他可以参加音乐俱乐部。故选C。30 .细节理解题。根据YouH get an E-mail fr

23、om your club teacher one week before the first club meeting”可知老师会在第一次俱乐部会议前一周给你发电子邮件。故选Do3().推理判断题。根据“IMPORTANT things to remember:以及全文可推知本文主要介绍了四 个俱乐部的信息,所以文章是为学生提供有关俱乐部的信息。故选D。31 . D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D【导语】本文主要讲述/ Thomas Dambo川回收的木头做艺术品的故事。32 .细节理解题。根据“So he works with recycled (回收利用的)wood.”I知

24、他用回收利用 的木头制作艺术品,故选D。33 .细节理解题。根据He gives a lot of speeches at school and factories. He wants to teach people to make art pieces from rubbish.”可知他在学校和工厂发表演讲,教如何用垃圾制作艺 术品。故选Bo.细节理解题。根据Sleeping Louis is one of them. He is sleeping on a hill. People can go into his mouth to play or even sleep inside.可知

25、Sleeping Louis 的嘴大得足以让你进去。故选 A。34 .细节理解题。根据“He hid the giants in some of his favorite places”可知他把巨人藏在他最答案笫5页,共10页 喜欢的地方。故选C。35 .细节理解题。根据“There are some maps on Thomas website and poems on the rocks near the giants. With the help of the maps or the poems, you can find all of the giants in a day.“可知可以

26、 用托马斯网站上的地图或者岩石上的诗来找到巨人,故选Do. D 37. C 38. C 39. B 40. B【导语】本文主要讲了亚运会在中国的发展以及带来的影响,同时介绍了 2022年杭州亚运 会的主题。36 .细节理解题。根据“The Games helped the world see China and its achievements(成就).Since then, China has improved its global image (国际形象),China Youth Daily reported.”可知,北京亚 运会让世界看到了中国和中国的成就。自那以后,中国的国际形象有所改

27、善”。故选D。37 .推理判断题。根据AH the Gamesbuildings will be environmenlal-friendly”可知,亚运会 的主题是围绕“环保”,所以此空应填入一个与环保有关的词语,故选C。38 .细节理解题。根据Hangzhou got the chance for the 2022 Asian Games in 2015. It will be the third Chinese city to host the Asian Games after Beijing and Guangzhou in 1990 and 2010”可知, 杭州将是第三个举办亚运

28、会的中国城市。选项C“中国已经举办三次亚运会”表述错误,故选Co39 .主旨大意题。通读全文可知,短文主要讲了亚运会在中国的发展及其影响。选项B“亚 运会在中国的发展符合语境。故选B。40 .推理判断题。根据“according to China Youth Daily”可知,本文是一篇新闻报道,故选B。41 . D 42. E 43. A 44. B 45. C【导语】本文主要介绍了细菌的相关知以。41 .结合下文的介绍“Germs are tiny living things”可知,下文是介绍了有关细菌的相关情 况,D选项“让我们更多地了解细菌”符合,故选D。42 .根据“They are

29、 so small that you cant see ihem”可知,此处介绍细菌的微小程度,E选项“事 实上,一支铅笔的末端可以发现1000个细菌”符合,故选E。43 . 根据“They are in the air you breathe. They are in the food you eat. They are in the water you drink.”可知,细菌无处不在,A选项“细菌无处不在”符合,故选A。44 .根据“but why arent wc always sickFJ知,此处回答细菌为什么不会总是让我们生病,B 答案笫6页,共10页选项“事实上,并非所有的细菌都

30、是有害的“符合,故选B。45 . 根据Thats why we should wash a cut with soap and water and use medicine to kill germs on it”可知,如果有伤口,细菌就可以趁虚而入,C选项“只要没有割伤或划伤,细菌就无法进 入”符合,故选C。46 . E 47. C 48. B 49. F 50. A【导语】本文介绍了六个网站和五位同学各自的需求,需要根据五个人的需求为他们选择合 适的网站。46. 根据“Tara has got a new video camera. Wherever she goes, shed like

31、 to take it with her and record everything she finds interesting.可知Tara有一台新的摄像机,无论她走向哪里,她都 想随身携带并记录下她觉得有趣的一切。选项E“人们可以在这个网站上播放各种类型的视 频。全世界的人们都能看到你的视频,分享你的快乐符合Tara的需求。故选E。47. 根据“Mary is an animal-lover. She wants to keep a pet, but her family dont allow her to do so, so she chooses to have a pet onlin

32、e.”可知玛丽是一个动物爱好者,她想养宠物,但家人不允许 她这样做,所以她选择在网上养宠物。选项C“你可以养,宠物,并在网站上照顾它们。宠 物可以长大,甚至在网上互相玩耍”符合玛丽的需求。故选C。48. 根据“Lily is clever with her hands and likes making toys. She wants to find a way to show and sell her hand-made toys to others.”可知莉莉想找一种展示并出售自己手工制作的玩具的方法。 选项B“它是一个,买卖所有手工制品的地方,。你可以在上出售你自己制作的所有东 西,从服装

33、、玩具到音乐”符合莉莉的需求。故选B。49. 根据“Jack worries about his phone fees every month. Making phone calls and sending messages are part of his job. It costs him lots of time and money.”可知杰克担心他每月的电话费 用,打电话和发信息是他的工作的一部分,这会花掉他许多时间和金钱。选项F”在这个网 站上,你可以一次给许多人发信息。你不必担心你的电话费用,因为你的信息是免费发送的“ 符合杰克的需求。故选F。50. 根据“Tony travels

34、a lot in his free time. He wants to find a way to share his travel experiences with his friends and let them know where he is.“可知托尼在业余时间经常旅行,他想找一种方 法与朋友分享他的旅游经历,让他们知道他在哪里。选项A”在这个网站上,用户可以知道 他们的朋友在哪里。它允许您快速地容易地与朋友聊天”符合托尼的需求。故选A。答案第7页,共10页A. yours; heB. your; heC. your; himD. yours; him9. Do you want t

35、o go to the Window of the World?一Yes. There are many places of in the park. I am in these places.A. interests; interestingB. interest; interested C. interest; interesting D. interests; interested10. Could you ask Tom to call me at eight tonight?OK. I when he back.A. will let him know; will comeB. le

36、t him know; will comeC. let him know; comesD. will let him know; comes11. Would you please the meeting instead of me, Cindy?PH be glad to, but I have an aftcr-class activity to.A. join; attendB. take part in; join inC. attend; take part inD. attend; join12. Mum, I want to wear my brown gloves, but t

37、here is only one.Wear pair if you cant find one, please.A.other; anotherB.another; the otherC.the other; the otherD.another: other13. Tom is a boy, he studies and he plays with his friends.A.hard-working; hard;hardB.working-hard; hardly;hardlyC.hard-working; hard;hardlyD.working-hard; hardly;hard14.

38、 一 It is you me.It is good me to gain experience from helping you.A. nice for; helping; forB. nice of; to help; fbrC. nice for; to help; ofD. nice of; helping; for15. Which of the following sentences is CORRECT?A. The Earth provides us tor air, water and food.B. I visited many places during I stayed

39、 in New York.C. I live in a house close to (he library.D. I go to school on feet every day.二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并试卷第2页,共11页51 . won 52. on 53. youngest 54. second 55. ways 56. easily 57. to learn#leaming 58. him 59. the 60. will work【导语】本文介绍了滑雪运动员苏翔鸣。52 .句意:苏翊鸣在国际滑雪联合会(F【S)滑雪和世

40、界单板滑雪锦标赛中获得冠军。根据“It was held.Dec 4, in Colorado, US.“可知,本句描述的事情发生在过去,需用一股过去时。故 填 won。53 .句意:它于12月4日在美国科罗拉多州举行。根据Dec#可知,此处是具体的时间, 需用介词ono故填on。54 .句意:作为单板滑雪领域最年轻的选手之一,17岁的苏在比赛中展现了出色的技术Jone of+最高级+名词”表示中最故填youngesto.句意:他在第一和第二回合中完美着陆。根据first”可知,此处and前后连接并列的两 个序数词。故填second。55 .句意:这使他成为第一位在FIS赛事中以两种不同方式降

41、落1800米的选手。数词“two” 后跟名词复数形式。故填ways。56 .句意:155.25分的总分足以让他轻松夺冠。空处修饰动词“win”,需用副词形式easily”容 易地故填easily。57 .句意:苏出生于吉林省,4岁时开始学习滑雪。start to do sth=start doing sth开始做某事”, 是固定短语。故填(o learn/learningp.句意:一位香港导演在网上看到苏翊鸣滑雪的视频后,让他在自己的电影中扮演一个滑 雪男孩的角色。let sb do sth“让某人做某事”,是固定短语。动词后跟代词宾格形式。故填him。58 .句意:随后,他在13岁时入选中国

42、国家队。attheage。厂在岁时”,是固定短语。 故填the。59 .句意:如果苏翊鸣参加冬奥会,他将来会更加努力提高自己的技能。根据“If Su takes part in the Winter Olympics,可知,此处是if引导的条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现“原则,即空处 所在句子需用一般将来时(will do)。故填will worko. There are also many people like you and me on the earth.【详解】根据所给提示可知此句要用there be句型。many people”许多人;also”也”,用于be动词之后,实义动词之前;

43、like“像;you and me“你和我;on the earth”在地球上。manypeople 为复数,be 动词要用 arc 故填 There arc also many people like you and me on the earth.答案第8页,共10贞60 . Its nice to go on a picnic at this time of year.【详解】在一年的这个时候:at this time of year:去野餐:go on a picnic;是很好的:its nice too结合语境可知,此题为般现在时,表示做某事让人感觉怎么样用Itis+形容词+todo

44、sth. 句式,因是一般现在时,因此 be 动词用 iso 故填 Its nice to go on a picnic at this time of year. 63. Im going to take as many photos as I can.【详解】根据题干可知,本句是一般将来时(be going 10)。Vm going to“我打算”;take photos”拍 照”;as many as尽可能多”;take as many photos as I can”尽可能多地拍照“。故填 Im going (o take as many photos as I can.64. Its

45、a large public area with green grass, fountains and birds.【详解】large“大的:public are洋公共区域”;green“绿色的”修饰名词短语grass, fountains and birds草地,喷泉和鸟”;with“有”表伴随,后面加名词短语作伴随短语。故填It,s a large public area with green grass fountains and birds.65. The night before, I was so excited that i couldnt sleep.【详解】分析句子可知,本句

46、是一般过去时。the night before“前一晚”,作时间状语;1“我”, 和后跟be动词was; so excited that”如此激动以至于“;I couldnt sleep“我睡不着故填The night before, I was so excited that 1 couldnt sleep.66. 例文Visiting ShenzhenShenzhen is a nalional civilized cily. 1( lies in ihe south of China. The weather in Shenzhen is hot in summer. 1( often

47、rains heavily in summer. The best time to visit Shenzhen is in winter because the weather is very warm. There are many places of interest in Shenzhen, such as Lianhua Mountain. Window of the World, Happy Valley and so on. The tourists can enjoy delicious food, such as seafood and dim sum. People fro

48、m all over the world like going on holiday there. They can swim in the sea and enjoy the sunshine.【详解】总体分析题材:本文是一篇记叙文,为材料作文;时态:时态为“一般现在时”;提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏,适当增加细节完整表述内容。 写作步骤第一步,介绍深圳的地理位置,天气,名胜古迹,特产;答案第9页,共10贞第二步,介绍人们喜欢来这的原因。亮点词汇in the south of 在南部place of interest 名胜古迹such as例如高分句型The best time to visit Shenzhen is in winter because the


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