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《2021-2022学年安徽省芜湖市弋江区八年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年安徽省芜湖市弋江区八年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、202L2022学年安徽省芜湖市弋江区八年级(上)期末英语试卷What do you want to be in future,Carla?I want to be excellent volleyball player like Lang Ping.()A. the; anB. /; aC. the; theD. /; /1. Here are clear instructions. First them and then tell them how to make a fruitsalad. ()A. look intoB. look upC. look through3. Did you

2、 find the way to the new bookstore?一Yes.Mr.Brown gave me very directions.()A. clearB. privateC. creative4. 一I canft stop coughing, Mom.Oh, dear!Youd better _a doctor with me right away.(A. will seeB. seeC. not see5. A new car factory will be built here.一Im glad to hear that.Itll young people jobs.(D

3、. look afterD. different)D. seeingA. provide; with B. provide; toC. provide; forD. give; with6. The structure ofThe children are playing in the park now/belongs to ()A. S+VB.S+V+OCS+V+PD.S+V+DO + OC7. I was talking with my friend in the living room my mum came in.()A. becauseB. whenC. sinceD. while8

4、. 一 I fell off the bike and hurt my leg yesterday._ Be careful next time.A. Never mind.B. No problem.C. Im sorry to hear that.D. What a shame.9. 一Why are you so worried?The movie will start in 20 minutes, but the bus hasnt come.()A. stillB. alreadyC. alwaysD. also10. did it take J.K. Rowling to writ

5、e the Harry Potter series?Over 15 years.A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How farWe pay for some food at the restaurants and supermarkets, then we throw one third of it into the rubbish bin at home. This may sound crazy, (1) millions of us are doing this around the world.-电影还有20分钟就要开始了,但公共汽车还没

6、来。解答此题,需要掌握选项的意思和用法,结合题干,选出正确的答案。10 .【答案】C【解析】句意:一罗琳写哈利波特系列花了多长时间?一超过15年。how soon意为“还要多 久”,是对从某个基本时间到将来某动作结束或某动作发生这段时间提问,常用在一般将来时态 的句子中,其答语通常是“泊+一段时间”;howlong意为“多久、多长”,主要是对一段时间或 长度进行提问;how often多久一次,提问的是频率;how far多远,提问距离。根据题干Overl 5 years。 超过15年。可知问的是一段时间,应说罗琳写哈利波特系列花了多长时间?故选C。11 20.【答案】C、A、C、B、D、C、

7、A、D、A、B【解析】(1)C连词辨析。结合前文语境”我们会扔掉三分之一我们在外购买的食物,这听起来 很疯狂, 全世界千千万万人们正在做这件事”可知,此处需要填入表示转折的连接词。结合 选项,A.所以;B.或者;C.但是;D.和。只有C项符合题意,所以本题正确答案为C。(2)A动词辨析。结合本句语境”一份新的报告 世界上百分之三十几的食物会浪费掉”可知,此处需要填入“表明”的意思。结合选项,A.表明;B.学习;C.看;D.计划。只有A项符合题意, 所以本题正确答案为A。(3) C短语辨析。结合本句语境”商店会 大部分,因为它们没有被及时买走或者有的人买多 了”可知,此处应填入“扔掉”这一含义。

8、结合选项,A.清理;B.切断;C.扔掉;D.吃光。只有C项 符合题意,所以本题正确答案为C。(4) B名词辨析。结合本句语境”当我们有多余的钱时,我们会把它放入”可知,此处应填入“银 行”这一含义。结合选项,A.冰箱;B.银行;C餐馆;D.俱乐部。只有B项符合题意,所以本题 正确答案为B。(5) D动词辨析。结合前文语境”建造一个能放我们吃不了的食物的银行怎么样?包括中国的许 多国家都这个伟大的想法”可知,这里应填入“同意”这一含义的词。结合选项,A.竞争;B.居住;C. 相信;D.同意。只有D项符合题意,所以本题正确答案为D。(6)C代词辨析。结合本句语境”它们向免费食用”可知,这里应填”所

9、有人”这一含义。结合选项, A.一些东西;B.任何东西;C.任何人;D.一些人。只有C项符合题意,所以本题正确答案为C。(7) A代词辨析。结合本句语境”它说那些刚过保质期的食物仍能食用”可知,此处应填入“它的” 这一含义。结合选项,A.它的;B.我们的;C.他们的;D.他的。只有A项符合题意,所以本题正 确答案为A。(8) D动词辨析。结合本句语境”所以他们从超市这些食物,然后把它放入小咖啡馆的架子上” 可知,此处应填入叫攵集”这一含义。结合选项,A.售卖;B.借;C.问;D.收集。只有D项符合题 意,所以本题正确答案为D。(9) A名词辨析。结合本句语境”那里,那些食物没有标签”可知,即将

10、过期被扔掉但还能使用 的食物被收集起来放在架子上免费提供给众人,所以此处应填“价钱”这一含义。结合选项,A.价 格;B.颜色;C.地点;D.名字。只有A项符合题意,所以本题正确答案为A。(10) B动词辨析。结合本句语境”你可以 你想给的钱”可知,此处应填入“给(钱)”这一含义。结合选项,A.拿;B.提供;C.赢得;D.计划。只有B项符合题意,所以本题正确答案为B。 文章介绍了食物浪费和提出了一些解决方法。考查完形填空。根据所给的短文对意思有所了解,然后根据短文的大体意思,选择每个符合题意 的答案,使短文更通顺。21 30.【答案】D、A、B、C、A、B、D、A、C、B【解析】(1)D考查名词

11、。句意:有一年我和我的兄弟姐妹们去爷爷的农场庆祝我的生日。A.holiday 假期;B.success 成功;C.festival 节日;D.birthday 生日。根据下文 my grandmother made a cake for my birthday可知这里应选“生日故选D。(2) A考查动词。句意:当他们去摘草莓时,我也跟着去了。A.pick采摘;B.grow成长,长大; C.buy买;D.hide躲藏。根据下文While the others were picking可知这里应是“采摘”草莓。故选A。(3) B考查形容词。句意:但是我不喜欢在农场工作,所以我总是拿最小的篮子。A.

12、cheapest最 便宜的;B.smallest最小的;C.hugest最大的;D.nicest最好看的。根据上文I didnt like working on the farm可知因为不喜欢在农场工作,所以那最小的篮子。故选B。(4) C考查动词。句意:当其他人在摘草莓时,我在树下休息。A.studied学习;B.talked交谈; C.relaxed放松,休息;D.waved挥动。根据上文I didn*t like working on the farm我不喜欢在农场 工作,所以当别人在摘草莓时,我在树下偷懒(休息)。故选C。(5) A考查名词。句意:有一天我在我的篮子里面放了很多草。A.

13、basket篮子;B.wallet钱包; C.bag包:D.pocket 口袋。根据下文the basket looked full (满的)可知这里是篮子。故选A。(6) B考查形容词。句意:我放了一些草在篮子里,然后最上面放了草莓,这个篮子看起来满了 就好像1我摘了更多的草莓。A.fewer更少的;B.more更多的;C.bigger更大的;D.safer更安全 的 o 根据上文 I put a lot of grass in my basket o And then I put some strawberries on the top of it,the basket looked fu

14、ll (满的)下面是草,上面是草莓。会显得草莓更多了。故选B。(7) D考查形容词。句意:那是一个很大的草莓做的蛋糕,看起来很不错。A.wrong错误的;B.strange奇怪的;C.light轻的;D.good不错的,好的。根据上文It was a big cake with some strawberries on it.可知这里是”不错的,好的”。故选D。(8) A考查名词。句意:但是当我开始吃蛋糕时发现在草莓之下除了草什么也没有。A.grass草; B.leaves叶子;C.meat肉;D.sugar糖。根据语境,像作者篮子里装的一样,下面是草。故选A。(9) C考查名词。句意:我爷爷

15、微笑的看着我。A.cousin堂兄弟姐妹;B.uncle叔叔;C.grandfather 爷爷;D.brother 哥哥或是弟弟。根据下文 My grandfather and grandmother taught me a good lesson wih the grass.爷爷想让作者明白:当你欺骗别人的时候,其实就是在欺骗自己。故选C。(10)B考查动词。句意:我在我爷爷的农场里学到了很多。A.posted邮寄;B.learnt学习;Cbroke 损坏;D.losto根据下句the experiences made me a better man.这次的经验让我成为一个更好的人可 知,这

16、里是“学习”。故选B。本文主要讲述了作者在爷爷的农场摘草莓时偷懒,结果在吃草莓做成的蛋糕时受到了惩罚。接受 了骗人就是骗己的教训。解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下 文。31 .【答案】【小题1】E【小题2】C【小题3】A【小题4】B【小题5】G【解析】66.答案:E.根据上文You seem unhappy”可知,布鲁斯看起来不高兴;根据下文 Tve just come back from the zoo”可知,他刚刚从动物园回来.由上可知,此处应为对方询问他是 否去过动物园.故选E.67 .答案:C.根据下文”Why not? ”可知,动物

17、们并不好.由此可知,此处对方说的是,动物们 的情况并不好.故选C.68 .答案:A.根据上文Because they had to stay in cages and they were dirty”可知L 动物被关在笼 子里,身上也很脏;根据下文1 think they should go back to forests or mountains”可知,他觉得动物 应该回到森林或山里.由上可知,此处应为对动物表示同情.故选A.69 .答案:B.根据上文“Thats to。bad”可知,他认为向动物扔东西是不对的;根据下文“Of course” 和1 also told them it was

18、 our duty to protect animals”可知,他做过某事,并向告诉他们,保护动物 是我们的责任.由上可知,此处询问的是,他是否做过某事(阻止他们做某事).故选B.70 .答案:G.根据上文Of course”和“1 also told them it was our duty to protect animals”可知,他阻 止孩子们向动物扔东西;根据下文Protecting them is protecting ourselves”可知,保护动物就是保护 我们自己.由上可知,此处要表达的是,某人做的正确.故选G.A:嗨,布鲁斯.你看上去不高兴.难道你没去动物园吗?B:是的,

19、我刚刚从动物园回来.A:你是否见到了你最喜欢的老虎?B:见到了.但是它们看起来不好.A:为什么不好?B:因为它们不得不待在笼子里,它们身上很脏.A:听到此事我很难过.我认为它们应该回到森林或山里.B:更糟糕的是,有些孩子向它们扔东西.A:这太不好了 .你阻止他们了吗?B:当然了.我还告诉他们保护动物是我们的责任.A:你做的很对.保护它们就是保护我们自己.首先要通读对话,掌握大意,根据上下文之间的联系,选择恰当的语句来填空,就可以确定正确 答案.3235.【答案】A、A、D、D【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据原文Monday中的6: 00-9: 30 Outer Space (外太空)可知可以 周

20、一了解外太空。故选A。(2)细节理解题。根据原文Photography (摄影)中的Mr Smith, the UK可知Mr Smith来自英国。 故选Ao(3)细节理解题。根据原文English World; Professor Lisa中的Do you want to learn about English songs and articles?(你想学习英语歌曲和文章吗?)可知 Lisa 知道很多英语歌和文章。故选D。(4)文章出处题。根据原文 Here is the timetable for different activities in the Learning Center.(这

21、是 学习中心各项活动的时间表。)可知该文是学习各种知识的广告。故选D。该文是学习各种知识的广告。做这类题,要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细 分析,结合选项写出正确答案。3639.【答案】D、D、C、A【解析】1. D.细节理解题.根据最后一句it could solve the problem of plastic pollution它可以解 决塑料污染问题.可知,该酵素可以解决塑料污染问题.选D.2. D.词意猜测题.句意”这种酵素能PET,塑料的一种形式.根据上一句it could solve the problem of plastic poll

22、ution它可以解决塑料污染问题.可知,应该是“分解”.选D.3. C.细节理解题.根据第三段 The researchers made the discovery (发现)while examining the structure of a natural enzyme in Japan研究人员在研究日本天然酵素结构时做出了这一发现.可知,应该是 日本”.选C.4. A.推理判断题.根据最后一段 Well see that the plastic pollution may be stopped with this technology. However, there is still a

23、long way to go, John McGeehan added. John McGeehan 说:”我们会发现塑料污染可以用这种技术来阻止,但是,还有很长的路要走.可知,科学家们仍 在努力改进酵素.选A.这是一篇健康环保类阅读,主要介绍英国和美国的科学家们制造了一种新的酵素,它可以吃掉塑 料,在未来,它可以解决塑料污染的问题.这种酵素对人类和动物无害,对环境有很大帮助,但 是这种技术还有很长的路要走.阅读题型,要注重句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间逻辑关系以及对篇章的整体理解.根据所给 问题选择正确选项完成试题.4043.【答案】B、A、D、D【解析】(1) B.细节理解题。There

24、was a 10-year-old boy.He decided to study judo (柔道) although he lost his left arm in a car accident.有一个10岁的男孩,虽然在一次车祸中失去了左臂, 他还是决定学习柔道。可知,那个男孩在车祸中,他失去了左臂。故选B。(2) A.细节理解题。根据The boy still didn*t understand what his teacher said.but he believed in his teacher so he kept training.这 个男孩仍然不明白他的老师说什么,但是他相信

25、他的老师,所以他继续训练。可知,当教练拒绝 教男孩更多动作时,他像往常一样继续训练。故选A。(3) D.词义猜测题。根据前句Quickly,the boy used his move to beat him.很快,那个男孩用他的招 数打败了他。可猜测出,后句应是:他成了冠军。故下划线单词的意思应是“冠军故选D。(4) D.细节推理题。根据You won for two reasons.nthe coach answered.nFirst,you have learned one of the most difficult moves of judo.And second,the only wa

26、y for the other player to beat you is catching your left arm.教练告诉小男 孩赢得比赛的原因:第一,他几乎掌握了在所有的柔道曲拐中最难招式的其中之一;第二,对付 小男孩使出的那招,唯一的防守就是抓住他的左臂,而小男孩没有左臂,他的对手无法破解小男 孩的招式,输掉了比赛。故作者想通过这篇文章告诉我们,有时一个人的缺点可以转变成他的优 点。故选D。本文通过讲述了一个失去左胳膊的小男孩练习柔道并打败强大的对手,赢得比赛的故事告诉我们: 有时候你最大的弱点能成为你最大的优势。做题时首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意.其次,细读题材,各

27、个击破。掌握全文 的大意之后,细细阅读材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获 有关信息。44 .【答案】【小题1】His family.【小题 2 Its a kind of the water sports.小题 3 It was the most wonderful trip of his life.【解析】细节理解题。(1) His family.根据 Last year,I had a three-day trip to Goa with my family.去年,我和家人去 Goa 旅 行了三天。可知作者是和家人一起去的。故答案为His family.(2)

28、 Its a kind of the water sports. I 艮据 The water sports were the most exciting part of the trip.Of all the water sports,my favourite sport was jet-skiing .水上运动是这次旅行中最激动人心的部分。在所有水上 运动中,我最喜欢的运动是jet-skiing。可知jet-skiing是一种水上运动。故答案为Its a kind of the water sports.(3) It was the most wonderful trip of his l

29、ife .根据 I finished my trip there,and it was the most wonderful trip of my life我在那里结束了我的旅行,这是我一生中最美妙的旅行。可知作者觉得这次Goa旅 行是他一生之中最棒的旅行。故答案为It was the most wonderful trip of his life.旅行是我们生活的一个重要部分。它让人们对外面的世界有了更多的了解,同时丁它消除了人们 的压力,改善了人们的健康和精神。做题时首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意。其次,细读题材,各个击破。掌握全文 的大意之后,细细阅读材料后的问题,弄清每题要

30、求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获 有关信息。45 .【答案】olite【解析】根据句意可知,polite礼貌的,形容词作表语。故填:politeo在公共汽车上给老人让座是礼貌的。首先要掌握这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的用法,可以确定正确答案。46 .【答案】culture【解析】根据提示“文化”可知,填不可数名词culture。故答案为:cultureo在你去外国旅行之前,你必须多了解一下它的历史和文化。翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。47 .【答案】ying【解析】躺,英语表达是:lie。此处是过去进行时was+doingo故答案为

31、:lying。当我回到家时,我的宠物猫躺在我的床上。做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化。48 .【答案】heer【解析】由中文提示可知为动词cheer,分析题干为祈使句,应填入动词原形。故答案为:cheero来为我们的团队加油吧!首先要掌握句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目以及给出的提示,就可以确定正确答案。49 .【答案】uckily【解析】分析句子可知,句子不缺主要成分,因此推断,此处使用副词作状语修饰整个句子。luckily” 幸运地,幸运的是”,副词。故答案为:Luckilyo幸运的是,当我遇到困难时,我的朋友总是

32、和我在一起。掌握副词的用法,结合所给汉语,认真分析,得出答案。50 .【答案】Hello, everybody.Spring is my favourite season.(喜欢的季节)Its not too cold or too hot.【高分句型一】Its usualy warm and sunny.(天气) Everything grows in nature. Trees turn green and flowers come out. Bees and butterflies play amon g flowers. Different colours of the flowers

33、 make our city more beautiful.(这个季节是什么 样子) At the weekend, I always invite my friends to do some outdoor activities.【高分句型二】Sometimes we fly kites when it is windy. We run happily on the grass and feel very excited. Moreover, we can go on a trip to a hill or have picnics on sunny days.(活动)Thats the b

34、est part of spring.Thats all. Thanks for listening.【解析】【高分句型一】Its not too cold or too hot.既不太冷也不太热。tooto太不能【高分句型二】I always invite my friends to do some outdoor activities,我总是邀请我的朋友做一些户外活动。 invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事。能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连 贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。A new report (2) over

35、30 percent of the food in the world goes to waste. Shops (3) most of it because they arent able to sell it in time, or some people buy too much.Do we have to do so? We should say no. When we have some extra (额夕卜的) money, we put it in a (4) . So how about setting up banks” for food that we cant eat?

36、Many countries, includingChina, (5) on this great idea.Some people in Shanghai put a fridge in a community, filling it with cakes and canned food from nearby markets and restaurants. They are free for (6) to enjoy.The Real Junk Food Project is a company in the UK. It says that food past (7) sell-by

37、date (保 质期)may still be OK to eat. So they (8) such food from supermarkets,and put it on shelves in cafes (小咖啡馆), There,the food has no (9) label (标签).You can (10) as much money as you want. There are now more than 120 Real Junk Food Project cafes around the world.Do you often buy too much food? Whe

38、re is the food that you bought but cant eat? Will it become junk?Its up to you to decide.11. A.so12. A.shows13. A.clean up14. A.fridge15. A.fight16. A.something17. A.its18. A.sell19. A.price20. A.takeB. orB. learnsB. cut outB. bankB. liveB. everythingB. ourB. borrowB. colourB. offerC. butC. looksC.

39、throw awayC. restaurantC. believeC. everyoneC. theirC. askC. placeC. winD. andD. plansD. eat upD. clubD. agreeD. someoneD. hisD. collectD. nameD. planAs a child,I loved to visit my grandfathers farm.There was always something new to do,to see and to enjoy.My grandfather was always there to be my fri

40、end.One year,! went to Grandfathers to celebrate my (21) with my brothers and sisters.They all liked eating strawberries.When they went to (22) them,! liked to go too.But I didnt like working on the farm,so I always took the (23) basket.While the others were picking,! just (24) under the trees.One d

41、ay,! put a lot of grass in my。5) .And then I put some strawberries on the top of it,the basket looked full (满的)and it seemed (似乎)that I had (26) strawberries.My grandfather just smiled without saying anything.The next morning,my grandmother made a cake for my birthday.lt was a big cake with some str

42、awberries on it.lt looked (27) !But when I began to eat it,I found nothing but (28) under the strawberries.You can imagine how surprised I was.My (29) looked at me with a smile. When you cheat (欺骗)others,you cheat yourself*he said.My grandfather and grandmother taught me a good lesson with the grass

43、.I (30) many things at my grandfathers farm.For me,the experiences made me a better man.21. A.holiday22. A.pick23. A.cheapest24. A.studied25. A.basket26. A.fewer27. A.wrong28. A.grass29. A.cousin30. A.posted31. A:B. successB. growB. smallestB. talkedB. walletB. moreB. strangeB. leavesB. uncleB. lear

44、ntC. festivalC. buyC. hugestC. relaxedC. bagC biggerC. lightC. meatC. grandfatherC. brokeD. birthdayD. hideD. nicestD. wavedD. pocketD. saferD. goodD. sugarD. brotherD. lostHey,Bruce! You seem unhappy. (66)B : Yes.Fve just come back from the zoo.A: Have you seen your favorite tigers?B: Yes. (67) A:

45、Why not?B : Because they had to stay in cages (笼子) and they were dirty.A: (68) I think they should go back to forests or mountains.B : Even worse,a few children threw something at them.A: Thafs too bad. (69) A: (70) Protecting them is protecting ourselves.B : Of course.! also told them it was our du

46、ty to protect animals.Alm sorry to hear that.B.Did you stop them?C.But they didn!t look well. D.When did you go to the zoo? E.Didnt you go to the zoo? F.How do you like tigers ? G.You did quite right.(1) (3)(4)(5)Here is the timetable for different activities in the Learning Center.TimetableMonday 6

47、: 009: 30 Outer Space (夕卜太空)Mr Carpenter, the USWould you like to know more about the outer space ? (3 weeks)Tuesday 6: 30-8: 30 Photography (摄影)Mr Smith, the UKLearn to take good photos. (4 weeks)Wednesday 6: 30一9: 00 Music Mrs Wang, ChinaLearn how to play traditional instruments.(传统乐器) (8 weeks)Fr

48、iday 7: 00一9: 00 Modern Technology Professor JimWould you like to know more about the future? (4 weeks)Saturday 2: 30-4: 30 English World Professor LisaDo you want to learn about English songs and articles? (6 weeks)Sunday 8: 00-10: 30 Drill Instructor (头脑奥林匹克)Do you like great inventions (发明)? (2 weeks)


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