2023老高考旧教材英语高考第二轮专题总复习--题组练 3.docx

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1、2023老高考旧教材英语高考第二轮专题复习题组练(二)Passage 1(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔一模)My schedule is light than ever because I m in a final year of high school.However,! still manage to do what I can help my parents with the house work. I ve gotten into the habit of washing dishes after dinner when I turned ninth.I also do thing like

2、 washing and folding clothes.I even begin to cook for my family last month.I find that doing housework with my parents is extreme fun and rewarding.We can chat with and sometimes even sing together!Doing housework with them also let me learn to take responsibility at home and,in the long term,in soc

3、iety.Passage 2(2022安徽安庆二模)I love doing handwork.Three days ago,I visit my uncle s small factory what produced Chinese traditional carpcts.I found it hard and more dangerous than I had thought.Workers used knives,scissors and other tool.With my uncle s permission,! gave it try.When I did itjhe knife

4、was very much close (o my hand.so I had to be carefully.I did the same thing again and again.But it took me a lot of patience.lt? s easier said than did.I think my uncle is great and she is my good example.Passage 3(2022四川绵阳三模)My mother is always my role model.Last Sunday,! find that she put some fo

5、od into the bag and went out with it.I followed her and saw her gave the food to the street children.One of my neighbor told me that my mother was very kind to these children,but they even regarded her as their own mother.When we returned to home,I talked to my mother about it.She shared me some sad

6、 stories about those poor children.For much years,she helped (hose children by giving (heir food and care.I was deep moved and was proud of my mother.Passage 4(2022广西南宁二模)Last week J chosen to compete in an English-speaking contest by my school. I worked very hard and unfortunately I was beaten in t

7、he final.I fell discouraging and even lost confidence in my English study.Bul my English teachers always cheers me up and encourages her.She helps me where I am in trouble.Now,1 knowjhere is no reason to feel guilty.In fact,I should feel really proud of represent my school.In addition to,I shouldn t

8、 attach so much importance to winning.As the saying goes,“It is not the winning,but the taking part that counl. Il s impossible to win all the time and everyone must learn to accept failure peaceful.Passage 5(2022陕西榆林三模)Dear Peter,r m gladly to receive your letter where you asked me about my school

9、rules.Here I 11 tell you something about it.There are several rules to obey there.including wearing school uniforms daily,attending and leaving school on times,and not carrying cellphones.These rules are so important we are extremely careful to follow them.Who breaks them will be have punished to do

10、 extra cleaning for a week.We all knew these rules are set up to help us forming good habits and improve our self-awareness.How do you find the rules?Looking forward to hear from you.Yours,Li Hua题组练(二)Passage 1第一句:tighttighter解析考查比拟级。根据句中介词than可知,这里应用形容词比拟级形 式。故将tight改为tightero第一句:a-the/my解析考查冠词或代词。

11、这里是特指作者现在处于高中的最后一年,所以用定 冠词the或用形容词性物主代词。故将a改为thc/myo第二句:help前加to解析考查非谓语动词。分析句意可知,这里是表目的,用动词不定式结构。 故在help前加to。第三句:whensincc解析考查连词。根据句中的I ve gotten into可知,这里是现在完成时,所 以用连词since,故将when改为since0第三句:ninthnine解析考查数词。动词turn后接基数词表示年龄。故将ninth改为nine。 第四句:thingthings解析考查名词的数。介词like后的宾语为washing and folding clothe

12、s,_S. 前面没有限定词。故将thing改为things。第五句:beginbegan解析考查动词时态。根据时间状语last month可知,这里应用一般过去 时。故将begin改为begano第六句:exlremeTexlremely 解析考查副词。形容词fun前用副词修饰。故将extreme改为 extremely o第七句:去掉with解析考查动词。动词chat后没有宾语,故去掉with。第八句:let-lets解析考查动词时态和主谓一致。陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。动词力密形式 作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故将let改为letsoPassage 2第二句:visitvisil

13、ed解析考查动词的时态。根据时间状语Three days ago可知,句子的时态为 一般过去时,故将visit改为visited o第二句:whatHhat/which解析考查定语从句。先行词为factory,关系词引导定语从句且在句 中作主语,故将whal改为that/whicho第三句:hardharder解析考查形容词的比拟级。根据than可知,应用比拟级,故将hard改为harder o第四句:lool-Hools解析考查名词的数。和and前的名词scissors并列,应用复数形式。故将 tool 改为 tools 0第五句:it后加a解析考查冠词。give it a try尝试。故在

14、it后加a。第六句:去掉much解析考查副词。be close to离近。修饰形容词close应用副词,且much修饰比拟级。故将much去掉。第六句:carefullycareful解析考查形容词。be后应用形容词作表语,故将carefully改为 careful 0第八句:But*And/So 解析 考查连词。上句I did the same thing again and agaE.”和下句之间是 并列或者因果关系,应用and或者so。故将But改为And或者So。第九句:diddone解析考查谓语动词。此处为省略句,完整的句式为It s easier said than (it is)

15、done;在句中作谓语,和句子的主语II之间为被动关系,应用动词的过去分词形式。故将did改 为 done。第十句:shehe解析考查代词。此处指代my uncle,应用he。故将she改为he。Passage 3第二句found解析考查动词的时态。根据时间状语Last Sunday可知,时态为一般过去 时。故将find改为found。第二句:lhea解析考查冠词。句中的bag为可数名词,泛指,所以用不定冠词a来修饰。故将 the改为a。第三句:gavegiving/give解析考查非谓语动词。see sb doing/do sth为固定句式,可表示动作 正在进行或表示动作的全过程。故将gav

16、e改为giving或give。第四句:neighborneighbors解析考查名词的数。onc+of+可数名词的复数形式。故将 neighbor 改为 neighbors o第四句:butand解析考查连词。前一分句意为“我的母亲对这些孩子很好”,后一分句意为“他 们甚至把她当作自己的母亲”。两个分句之间不存在转折关系,而是并列关系。故将but改为 ando第五句:去掉第一个to解析考查介词。当home意为“回家”时,为副词,其前不加介词。故去掉 第一个to。第六句:me前加wilh解析考查介词。share s【h wilh sb/share wilh sb sth和某人提供某物。故在 me

17、 前力口 with。第七句:muchmany解析考查形容词。many修饰可数名词复数,而much修饰不可数名词,根 据years可知,此处应用many。第七句:theirthem 解析考查代词。此处担当give的间接宾语,用宾格形式。故将their改为 them。第八句:deep-deeply解析考查副词。deep指的是具体的深度,为空间深度,没有感情色彩;而 deeply指的是抽象概念的深深地,指的是感情上的深。故将deep改为deeply,Passage 4第一句:chosen前加was解析考查动词时态和语态。由时I瓦状语Lasl week可知,该句陈述发 生在过去的事情,应使用一般过去时

18、;而谓语动词choose与主语I之间应该是动宾关系,故在 chosen 前加 was。第二句:andbut解析考查连词。分析前后句逻辑关系可知,存在转折,应使用表转折的连词 buto第三句:discouragingKliscouraged 解析考查形容词。discouraging 令人沮丧的;discouraged 泄 气的,心灰意冷的。此处表示人的主观感受,故将discouraging改为discouragedme解析考查代词。此处cheers me up与encourages要表达的显然是同一含义,即 英语老师鼓励“我”,应使用代词me。第五句:where-when解析考查时间状语从句。根

19、据句意可知此处为时间状语从句,应使用 when引导,故将where改为when。第七句:represent-representing解析考查非谓语动词。此处作of的宾语,应使用动词形 式。故将 represent 改为 representingo第八句:去掉第一个to解析考查固定短语。in addilion to相当于一个介词,后需接宾语;而in addition在句子中单独作状语,意为“此外,另外“。故去掉第一个to。第九句:countcounts解析考查强调句与主谓一致。分析句子可知,该句符合强调句结构it is.Jhat.;主语是由not.but结构连接的两个动词吆形式,谓语动词的数符合

20、就近原贝山而单个动 词形式作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。故将count改为countso第十句:peacefulpeacefully解析考查副词。分析句子可知,此处作状语,应使用副词形式。故 将 peaceful 改为 peacefully 0Passage 5第一句:gladlyglad解析考查形容词。此处要用形容词glad作表语,故将gladly改为glad。第二句:it-them 解析考查代词。此处要用代词them代替上文提到的复数名词rules(规章制 度)。故将it改为thcnio第三句:therehere解析考查副词。我在讲述我们学校的规那么,所以应该是“here”,是指“在我们 学

21、校这里“。故将there改为here。第三句:timesHi me解析考查名词。on time按时。故将times改为time。第四句:we前加ihal或and解析考查连词。so.lhal.如此以至于,所以在we前加that,构成状语从句;也可以在we前加并列连词and,使前后两旬构成并列句。故在we前加that 或 ando第五句:WhoWhoever解析考查主语从句。根据句意可知此处要用whoever(无论谁)引导主 语从句,在从句中作主语。故将who改为whoever。第五句:去掉have解析考查助动词。此处要用一般将来时的被动语态,故去掉have。第六句:knewknow解析考查动词的时态。本句是在说现在的事情,要用一般现在时;因为主 语是We,所以要用动词原形knowo第六句:forming-form 解析考查非谓语动词。help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事。故将 forming 改为 form。第八句:hearshearing解析考查非谓语动词。look forward to(盼望)中的to是介词,所以后边要 加名词或动词-Eg形式。故将hear改为hearing。


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