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《译林版英语七年级上册unit4导学案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版英语七年级上册unit4导学案.docx(29页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、7A Unit 4 My Day Welcome to the unit设计: 执教:设计: 执教:课型:新授课使用时间:【学习目标】1 .能够熟练朗读并默写本课重点单词。2 .能够掌握并运用It is time for句型。3 .能够对自己或他人的一天进行简单描述。【学习重难点】.掌握本课重点单词及短语。1 .能够在语篇层面上对一天的活动安排进行简单描述。【自主学习】一、根据音标或汉语写出单词。1. wei k J5. kwo :to(r)9.休息2.seldom6. pa:st10.只是3. aekti vati 7.小山11.家庭作业4. ju:j uli8.需要12.从不2,去山里散步

2、4.早饭后6.知道怎样玩得开心8 ,做早操10.进行课外活动 并翻译。二、通过预习课文翻译下列短语。1 .醒来3 .很少出去5 .需要好好休息7 .起床9 .上课三、在课本上用用红色笔划出下列重点句子,l.Is it time for breakfast?2 .When do you go to school every day?3 .What time do you start lessons? At a quarter past eight.4 .Fm never late for school.【课堂学习合作探究过程】一、脑筋急转弯:What is the first thing you

3、 do in a day?生思考并抢答。二、根据屏幕上的图片,小组讨论各自每天所做的事情并由C层学生抢答。三、呈现 Welcome to the unit 部分Here is Millies day . Now lefs read it and find out what Millie does every day.T: When does she go to school?S: She goes to school at 7:20 a.m.教师用上面的句型和A层同学做示范问答。四、请同学们两人一组就Millie的时间表进行问答练习,请B、C层同学展示。五、小组讨论各自一天的活动安排,完成教材

4、第43页A部分My day表格。(A层同学指导) 六、讨论结果展示。请三到五组同学各派一名代表(B、C层)到讲台前报告本人的一天安排。 七、导入Comic strip,学生听两遍对话,回答问题1 .Whafs Eddie going to do after breakfast or lunch?2 .What are Eddies favorite activities?3 .What does Hobo think of some dogs?介词 at钟点:at six oclock用餐时间:at breakfast节日:at Christmas年龄:at 14 星期:on Monday日期

5、:on 8th April介词on 具体某个上午、下午、晚上:on the morning of 8th Septemberon a spring afternoonI.on a cold night / evening上午/下午/晚上:in the morning/afternoon/evening介词 in y 季节:in Spring年份:in 2005L月份:in December五、你能再例举一两个其他的时间介词吗?【当堂达标检测】一、用适当的介词填空1. They celebrate Halloween October 31st. Well have a holiday Octob

6、er.1.1 often play sport the morning and I do my homework the evening.3. We met the evening of January 5th, 2006.4. He usually gets up 6:30 Mondays.5. We go to school Monday Friday.6. We dont have lessons weekends.7. Karl Marx started learning English at the age of sixty.8. Mikes father was born July

7、 8th, 1945.9. My father reads newspaper breakfast. Then he goes to work 7:10a.m.10. When were you bom? -a cold winter morning 1995.11. Jeans birthday party will start 7:00 Sunday evening.12. He often watches TV lunchtime with his family .13. Father Christmas usually gives presents to children Christ

8、mas .14. My father was born 1951.15. Peter will go to the cinema the evening .16. My grandfather often watches TV news 7 p.m.17. He is going to have a birthday party the afternoon of 2nd May.18. Birds always fly to the south autumn.18.1 started to learn English 14.20. We usually have an English Corn

9、er Friday evening.二、单项选择()1. He usually gets up six Monday.A. at; inB. in; onC. on; atD. at; on()2. -What do you like to do Mid-autumn Day?A. onB. atC. ofD. in)3.the morning, old people like doing exercise by the lake.A. AtB. InC. OnD. To)4. He could ride a bike 5.A. onB. atC. inD. of)5. Jack goes t

10、he Reading Club Tuesdays and Thursdays.A. onB. inC. atD. for)6. Are the boys and girls good at?A. drawB. to drawC. drawsD. drawing)7 Its time for us football.A. to playB. playC. playingD. playsevery Friday evening.D. atevery Friday evening.D. atD. timeSaturday morning .D. at)8. Daniel goes to see hi

11、s uncle A./B. onC. in)9. -Whats the today?-It is August 24.A. dayB. seasonC. date)10. My uncle often goes fishingA. inB. eachC. on()11.a cold night, he was born in a workers family .A. At B. In C. OfD. On()12 People usually work the day and sleep night.A. in; at B. on ; in C. in ; onD. in ; in()13.

12、Hed like a picture for my mother Mothers Day.A. draw; atB.drawing ; in C. to draw ; on D. draws ; in()14. -Would you like tea?一No,.A. any; I wouldnt B. some ; thanks C. any ; thanks D.some; I wouldnt()15.1 hope I can go to London next Monday.A. onB. inC. atD. /三、根据首字母提示完成短文My favourite s I is Englis

13、h. Its f 2 I can talk with others in E 3 I like English songs, too. I join in the English C 4 Every W 5 afternoon I go there and practice my English with my f 6 We w 7 the English movies, r 8 English stories. I think English is v 9useful. 1110 it.【反思】7A Unit 4 My Day Grammar 2设计

14、: 执教:课型: 新授课 使用时间:【学习目标】.掌握本课单词:always , usually , often , sometimes , seldom , never词组:go roller skating, a member of the swimming team ,have much time to play tennis.能够正确识别并使用频度副词。1 .养成健康的生活习惯。【学习重难点】.能够正确识别并使用频度副词 always , usually , often , sometimes , seldom , never1 .养成健康地生活习惯。【自主学习】一、预习导航同学们,你

15、们对频率副词有点陌生吧!频率副词告诉你事情发生的频率。请带着下面的问题阅 读教材第48页。你已经学习了哪些频率副词? 二、预习成果(-)在课本中用红色笔划出下列词组并尝试翻译。1 .经常在操场上踢足球.有许多时间打网球2 .游泳队的一员.去上舞蹈课 5.去溜旱冰(二)翻译下列句子.我和妈妈通常在周末购物。1 .他从不去超市买芒果。2 .我爸爸总是很忙。3 .你表哥经常踢足球吗?4 .他们有时去滑旱冰。三、知识点拨Sandy does not have much time to play tennis.桑迪没有许多时间打网球。句中的time为不可数名词,意为时间have time to do s

16、th.有时间做某事He has some time to read novel every day.他每天有一些时间读小说。Tom doesnt have much time to play computer games.汤姆没有许多时间玩电脑游戏。 拓展:time 做可数名词“次数, many times a day three times a week have a good time 玩得愉快at the same time 同 0寸Kitty goes to her dancing lessons every day.基蒂每天去上舞蹈课。dancing lessons 舞蹈课go to

17、 the dancing lessons 去上舞蹈 课 have dancing lessons 上舞蹈课拓展: have swimming lessons 上游泳课 have reading lessons 上阅读课【课堂学习合作探究过程】一、自由交谈通过进行师生问答,谈论日常生活及饮食习惯,引出频率副词。如:A: What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ supper/breakfast?B: A: How often do you have it/ them?B: 2.让学生相互用频度副词谈论自己的日常活动。A: What sports do you

18、do after school?B: A: How often do you do it?B: 二、观察48页的图示,归纳这几个频率副词在表示频率高低的特点并记忆这个频率副词。三、完成48页的练习,小组长核对答案并带读。四、看Sandy的活动安排表,在下列句中填入恰当的频度副词。MondayTuesdayWednesdayTues-dayFridaySaturdaySundayDanceMusicDanceBasket-ballMusicDanceDanceFilmDanceMusicDanceFilmComputerMusicMusicComputerComputerFilmDanceMus

19、icFilmSandy dances.Sandy listens to music.Sandy goes basketball.Sandy plays computer games.Sandy watches a film.五、小组合作.让学生两人一组用频度副词谈论自己的日常饮食和生活习惯,然后每组选一位代表向 全班同学汇报:I never / seldom / sometimes /often / usually / always.1 .让学生讨论哪些是好的行为,哪些是不好的行为。【总结提升】通过本课学习,我们学到了什么?(小组内交流,教师重点关注D生)【当堂达标检测】一、根据汉语用正确的频

20、度副词填空。1 .太阳总是从东方升起,西方落下.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.2 .他通常10点钟睡觉.He goes to bed at ten oclock.3 .他上学经常迟到.He is late for school.4 .有时他晚饭后去图书馆.He goes to the library after supper.5 .莉莉不常读报.Lily reads newspaper.6 .我上学从来不迟到.I am late for school.二、句型转换Our school starts at 8:00 a.m.(对画线

21、部分提问)does your school?1. never, my, computer ,plays ,games ,weekdays ,cousin ,on(连词成句)They sometimes play football in the playground.do they play football in the playground.?2. He doesnt often go to the cinema with us.(改为同义句)He the cinema with us.3. Kitty always dances for two hours.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)一

22、 Kitty always for two hours?一Yes, L三、阅读理解Hello. I am John. Today is Monday. I have three teachers. They are Mr Carter, Miss Green and Mrs Black. Mr Carter is a new teacher. He comes from the UK(英国)and he teaches us Maths. His lesson is so funny that we all like him very much. Miss Green is our Art t

23、eacher. She is strict(严格的)but she is very kind(善良的).Mr Black is so smart. They are all nice and we all like them.)1.1 have new teacher(s).C. oneA. threeB. two)2. Mr Carter is a teacher.B. MathsC. ChineseA. English)3. Tomorrow isA. MondayB. Tuesday)4.is an Art teacher.A. Mr CarterB. Mrs Black)5.is sm

24、art.A. Mrs BlackA. MondayB. Tuesday)4.is an Art teacher.A. Mr CarterB. Mrs Black)5.is smart.A. Mrs BlackC. WednesdayC. Miss GreenB. Mr CarterC. Miss Green【反思】7A Unit4 My day Integrated skills设计:执教:课型: 新授课 使用时间:【学习目标】.能够熟练朗读并默写本课重点单词、词组及句型:1 .掌握有关排球比赛的信息,并学会将信息整理归类,听懂并能摘取相关信息。【学习重难点】.掌握本课重点单词及短语:wish

25、, luck, museum, twice, picnic, go on a picnic, good luck , twice a month once a week , Wish our team good luck!1 .学会有目的的听取材料并摘录相关信息同时用所得信息将语篇补充完整。2 .能够就校内信息与他人进行交流。【自主学习】一、根据所给汉语或音标写出单词。1. wij 2. kk3. mju zi:om 4. twais 5. pikmk6. wahs 7.幸运, 好运 (形容词) 二、阅读课文,把下列短语译成英语并用红色笔在书中划出来。L 一场排球赛.和simon谈论2 .在和

26、之间.在周末3 .看比赛.祝我们队好运! 11 .去野餐.参观博物馆12 .多长 时间一次.一个月两次13 .太棒了!(二)同学们,在完成上面练习以后请你思考下列问题:1. wish和hope都有希望的意思,他们用法有什么区别呢?【课堂学习合作探究过程】一、导入新课。观看各种体育比赛的画面,让学生回顾有关体育活动的知识。二、仔细研读P49PartAl的选择题,听两遍录音,完成P49 Part A1的选择题。1 What are the two teams in the match?a Two classes in Sunshine Middle School.b Students in Cla

27、ss 1,Grade 7.c Sunshine Middle School and Moonlight Middle School.2 When is the volleyball match?a Tuesday,27 November.b Saturday, 17 November.c Wednesday,? November.3 Where is the volleyball match?a At Moonlight Middle School.b At Sunshine Sports Centre.c At Sunshine Middle School.4 What time does

28、the volleyball match start?a At 6:00 in the evening.b At 7:00 in the evening.c At 8:00 in the evening.二、根据P49 Part Al的信息,完成P49 Part A2的笔记。(小组合作讨论完成并由部分小组D同学展示)A volleyball matchTeams:Date: Place: Time: 三、再听录音,完成P49贞A3部分。(个人完成以后,由小组长带领组员讨论并核对答案并大声朗读此篇短文,然后由各组C生展示) Dear classmates,There is a volleybal

29、l match between (1)and (2) on (3). The match starts at (4), this (5)_evening, at (6). We can go there(7) .I hope everyone can come and watch the game. Thanks.Wish our team good luck!Simon四、导入P50页Speak up部分。1 .利用图片呈现Speak up部分的语境并提出问题:What does Millie like to do at weekends?2 .听录音回答问题(学生抢答)3再听录音回答以下问

30、题:(学生思考并由B、C生抢答)How often does Millie visit a museum?What does Tommy like to do?How often does Tommy go on a picnic?4.学生跟读对话并尝试表演。(A/B生能够表演对话,C/D生会背诵并尝试表演)五、学生根据speak up编写自己的对话。如:A: What do you like to do at weekends?B:I like to .A: How often do you .B: About . a month. What about you?A:I like to.B:

31、 How often do you.A: About .B: Thats great!【课堂达标检测】一、根据句意和首字母或中文提示填空:1. The children are having a (野餐)over there.2. Good 1(运气)to all my friends.3. His father goes to Beijing (two) a year.4. Kitty enjoys w a football game with her father after supper.5. They have English and math on(星期一)morning.6. If

32、 you want to become a good Marathon athlete, you must practice(跑步)every day.7. Sandy goes to the Reading Club o a week.8. -Shall we visit the m tomorrow?-OK. We can see some old things in it.9. Thank you for(tell) me the news.10. Miss Liu (teach) us Music this term. 二、句型转换.We watch this kind of matc

33、h three times a month.(对划线部分提问) this kind of match?1 .We can go to watch the basketball match by bus.(对画线部分提问) you go to watch the basketball match?2 .Amy is good at singing.(改为同义句)Amy singing.3 .They have an Art lesson once a week.(对画线部分提问) they an Art lesson?4 .everyone, hope, I ,come, the , watch

34、, and, game, can (连词成句)三、缺词填空:Dear Tom,Thanks f your e-mail. I want to tell you about my school 1 here. Our lessonss at nine oclock, U we have three lessons i the morning and two in theafternoon. We dont have 1 on Saturday and Sunday. I love sports. I am good at pfootball. I often play with my frien

35、ds on Sunday afternoon. We have a school football m inautumn every year. My friends and I always have great f then.All the bMike【课后拓展】(选做题) 任务型阅读:Hi! Do you know the three children? They are in a happy family. Xiao Xue is a helpful girl. She is beautiful. She likes study. She studies very hard. She

36、gets up early and finishes her breakfast quickly. Then she goes to school by bike. Liu Xing is a little lazy. He gets up late and then washes his face,brushes his teeth in a hurry. Then he goes to the bus stop without breakfast. He usually plays basketball after school. In the evening, he seldom doe

37、s homework. He goes to bed late. Xiao Yu is a lovely boy. He gets up very slowly and then he usually takes a shower before breakfast. He goes to school in his fathers car. He likes watching TV in the evening.读上面的短文,完成表格(每空一词)NamePersonalityHow to go to schoolHabits9Xiao XueShe is 1.She _3to school.S

38、he finishes her breakfast6.She likes study.Liu XingHe is a little lazy.He goes to school by4.He goes to school _7breakfast.He likes playing _10_.Xiao YuHe is 2.He takes a 5to school.He usually takes a _8_ before breakfast.He likes watching TV.【反思】7A Unit4 My day study skills设计:执教:课型:新授课 使用时间:【学习目标】.

39、 了解常见的元音字母及组合的发音。语音:a: : i: e u: u a: a.学会运用本课所学读音规律,准确朗读新单词。1 .学会流利的语音语调,享受顺利沟通带来的愉悦。【学习重难点】1,掌握常见的元音字母及组合的发音。2 .学会运用本课所学读音规律,准确朗读新单词。【自主学习】一.预习课本第51页1 .听第51页Part A录音,模仿读音并能正确朗读下列语音。/a: / , /。: / , /i: / , /e/ , /u:/ , /u/ , /。:/ , /。/.朗读第51页PartB的单词及Part C的短语并对比录音进行矫正。二、翻译下列短语1 .穿裙子的一个女孩 2.在中午做饭2

40、.为早饭做准备 4.在墙上行走5 .清理街道 6.在上班的护士【课堂学习合作探究过程】一、导入新课。L向学生呈现两段绕口令,引入本课教学内容T: Do you like tongue twisters? I have two here, would you like to have a try to read them?Mr. Cook says to a cook, “Look at the book. It9s very good.Dr Keep says to a keeper, Look after the tiger. Its very clever.”2.领读绕口令,指导学生朗读,

41、并且用彩色笔将发音为i:u:u3:冏的元音字母组合标注出来i:: keep keeperu : cook look book goods : a tiger clever after keeper3.通过小诗,呈现元音字母组合及发音a:eGood weather, bright star。Father Horn is in his carShakes head, plays the guitarWith Dog Ball goes far二、将课本51页表格右边的音标遮挡起来,跟读录音。学生自己总结单词中字母组合的发音。思考:相同的元音字母组合是否有不同的发音?表格中字母组合。,ea, or分

42、别有几种发音并给 出例词?(小组内讨论交流,每组派一位代表展示)ooeaor八、再放录音,学生跟读,注意语音语调。九、朗读,背诵,表演该对话(要求:读音准确、流畅,表情丰富)【知识点】小组内讨论、交流本课知识点,小组间相互补充、评价,教师对各小组没有讨论的内容进行追 问、补充。1. wake up叫醒 wake sb. up把某人叫醒(sb.可使用宾格,也可使用人名)wake up sb.把某人叫醒(sb.只能为人名)如:wake me up 把我叫醒 wake up Millie/wake Millie up 把米莉叫醒翻译:把她叫醒 把Peter叫醒It is time for break

43、fast.到了 吃早饭的时间 了。It is time for +n.我们还可以用另一个句型来表达:It is time to do sth.如:It is time to have breakfast.扩充:It,s time for sb to do sth.对某人来说该做某事了。2. do homework 做家庭作业do after-school activities 做课外活动do morning exercises 做早操 do eye exercises 做眼保健操have fun 玩得开心,过得愉快 =have a good time enjoy oneselfhave les

44、sons 上课 have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早、中、晚饭【课堂达标检测】一、单项选择:()l.Is it time class?A. to B. for C. at D. in()2. My mother at six oclock every morning.A. wakes me up B. wakes up me C. wakes up I D. wakes I up()3.We must know.A. how have fun B. how to fun C. what to have fun D. how to have fun()4 Its elev

45、en oclock Its time.A. going to sleep B. going to bed C. to go to bed D. go to sleep()5.Do you have work to do every day?A. a lotB. muchC. manyD. lots二.词汇知识1. My school(start) at 6:30 a.m. every day.2. If you want to be thin, you should take some(exercise).3. We do morning(exercise) every day. Becaus

46、e it is good for us.4. Millie and her classmates sometimes do after-school舌动)in the afternoon.5. We have too much(家庭作业)to do every day.6. Millie is(从不)late for school. She is a good student.7. They have PE lessons(two) a week.8. Simons classroom is on the(one) floor.9. Its time for Millie(tell) us a story.10. Amy is a good(swim), she(练习)s every day.三、句型转换试判断各组单词中黑体部分字母组合的发音是否相同:(由每组D生抢答)sport work(x)foot good(Y)thirty girl (4)tea sweater(x)三、学生大声朗读A部分的单词并按照读音进行归类。(由各组B/C同


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