人教版七年级上册 Unit3 Is this your pencil? SectionB 1a-1e 教案.docx

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1、七年级英语教学设计课 题:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section B (la-le)一、教材分析本单元以school things为话题,主题是“确认物品的所有权”,物 品主要围绕着教室内学生身边的常用物品,在教学时老师能够使用实 物进行教学,增强学生的学习效果。通过单元教学使学生学会辨认物 品的所有者,学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及学会写寻物启事和 招领启事。二、学情分析1)初一学生对中学生活既好奇又担忧;希望在新班集体里得到 他人的承认,所以很在乎他人的评价。2)初一学生对英语既感到新鲜又有所畏惧,他们希望在新的环 境中通过学好英语这门新科目来获得他人的认可

2、。但随着小学英语的 实施,很多学生新鲜感减少,畏惧感增加,两极分化从一开学就凸现 出来。分层次教学,因材施教迫在眉睫。3)思维能力:该年龄段的学生有很强的记忆力和模仿能力,有 待培养知识的扩展和运用的能力。The Third Period (Section B, la-le)Learning aims:1 .掌握表示生活物品的词汇;2 .进一步巩固 Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. It s my pencil. /No, it isn t. Its his. How do you spell it?句型 Emotion goals: Gender and ow

3、nershipLanguage points:1 .词汇:baseball, ID card, ring, bag, watch, key, computer game, notebook.2 .句型:一Is this your pencil?Yes, it is. Ifs my pencil. /No, it isnt. Its his.一How do you spell it?W-A-T-C-H.Emphasis:复习形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法Difficulties:How to identify ownership.Teaching steps:(教学步骤)Step 1.

4、Warming-up &revision (课堂热身)(l)Daily greetings to the Ss Revision【教学设计说明】通过提问书写有关形容词性物主代词和名词性物主 代词的短语复习回忆,并注意名词的单复数形式。Step 2. Show the learning aims.Step 3.Presentation (呈现新知识)(1) Present the new wordsShow pictures of different places and help Ss to understand the new words.【教学设计说明】图片教学法是呈现新知识最简单有效的方

5、法之一, 学生通过图片,能更价值观的理解新单词的含义。Step 4. Competition(l )Give students several minutes to try their best to memorize these words and then have a competition.【教学设计说明】通过竞赛的形式激发学生的学习积极性。Step 5. Work on la(1) Match the words with the places in the picture.(2) Check the answers and read these words.【教学设计说明】通过la

6、的练习,使学生进一步学会运用新单词。Step 6. Conversation practice(1) The teacher invites some of students to make conversations with herself to give students examples.(2)Have Ss get into pairs and practice the conversation with their partner. Then have them ask and answer questions about the other school things in la

7、 and perform for the whole class.Eg:A:Good morning, Bob.B: Hello,Linda.A: Whats this/that?B: It s a/an.A: How do you spell it?B: B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L.A:Is this your baseball?B:Yes, it is. Its mine.A:Thank you.C: You are welcome.【教学设计说明】此环节为对话操练,使不同层次学生初步掌握目标 语言。通过表演、改正错误使学生注意到遇到名词单复数时对话的变 化,其次对对话做了调整,使对话

8、更加完整。Step 7. Game timeWork in groups of 4. Put things on the desk. Then take one or some things to find the owner .【教学设计说明】通过游戏的形式使活动更加有趣,也可以达到巩固 目标语言的目的。Step 8. Listening practice(1) Listen and circle the places in la you hear.(2) Listen again and write the things that belong to Linda or Mike.【教学设计说明】此环节着重是听力训练。训练学生在听对话的过程 中抓住关键词汇,让他们不惧怕听力,这样可以增强他们的学习自信 心。Step 9. Work on leStudent A is Linda and student B is Mike.Make conversations about the things in Id. Then change roles.Step 1(). Summary尝试通过表格的形式总结本节课所学习的东西,让学生一目了然。


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