Unit3 单元测试B卷牛津译林版学年七年级英语上册(含答案).docx

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1、班级姓名分数Unit 3 Welcome to our school (B 卷能力提升练)一、单项选择1.Please tellthe news.A.himB. heC.hisD.hers2.books arent red.are white.A.Their, TheyB . Their, TheirC.They, TheyD.Its, It3.the photo on the wall, please.A.LookB , Look atC.SeeD.See at4.Mr. Wang is our friend.is very good.A.SheB. HeC.ItD.You5.AnnEngl

2、ish at 9 oclock.A.hasB. haveC.takesD.bring6.I cant see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sittingme.A.behindB , next toC.in front ofD.in the front of7.一Thats my bag. PleaseOK.A.give it to meB. give me to itC.give I itD.give I to it8.Whats hissports?A.bestB. favoriteC.goodD.nice9.I like my mus

3、ic teacher.hes funny.A.BecauseB. SoC.WhyD.And10. 一What are these?are oranges.A. ThoseB. TheyC.ThisD.That11. WhereLily and Lucy from?are from America.A. are; YouB. is; TheyC.are; TheyD.is; You5. . Ann English at 9 oclock.A. hasB. haveC. takesD. bring【答案】A【详解】句意:安9:00有英语课。考查动词辨析。has有,动词的第三人称单数形式;have有

4、;take带走;bring带来。根据语境可 知,表示“有英语课”,且主语“Ann”是第三人称单数形式,应选A。6. I cant see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting me.A. behindB. next toC. in front ofD. in the front of【答案】c【详解】句意:我看不清黑板。两个高大的男孩坐在我面前。考查介词短语。behind在后面;next to在旁边;in front of在前面,常指在外部前面;in the front of在前面,常指在内部前面。根据力cant see the b

5、lackboard clearly.”可知,是两个高大的男孩坐在前面,是在外部的前面,用infrontof。应选C。7. Thats my bag. Please.OK.A. give it to me B. give me to it C. give I itD. give I to it【答案】A【详解】句意:那是我的包。请把它给我。好的。考查动词短语和代词的位置。give sth. to sb.“把某物给某人、人称代词作宾语,要用宾格形式,排 除CD;再根据my bag”可知,此处要用代词it来指代,防止重复啰嗦。应选A。8. . Whafs his sports?A. bestB. f

6、avoriteC. goodD. nice【答案】B【详解】句意:他最喜欢的运动是什么?考查形容词辨析。best最好的;favorite最喜爱的;good好的;nice美好的;结合语境可知,此处 指的是“最喜欢的运动”,应选B。9. I like my music teacher.hes funny.A. BecauseB. SoC. WhyD. And【答案】A【详解】句意:我喜欢我的音乐老师。因为他很有趣。考查连词。Because 因为;So 因此;Why 为什么;And 和;“hes fimny是I like my music teacher” 的原因,此处应用because连接,应选A

7、。10. 一What are these?are oranges.A. ThoseB. TheyC. ThisD. That【答案】B【详解】句意:这些是什么? 它们是橘子。考查代词辨析。those“那些they“它们”;this“这个;tha俨那个”。用“these/those”问,用“they”回 答,应选B。11. 一Where Lily and Lucy from?are from America.A. are; YouB. is; TheyC. are; TheyD. is; You【答案】C【详解】句意:莉莉和露西来自哪里? 她们来自美国。考查be动词和人称代词用法。根据“Lily

8、 and Lucy”可知,此处指复数,be动词用复数形式,故排除 BD选项。还是根据问句中的“Lily and Lucy”可知,答句中的人称应为“她们”,指代莉莉和露西,即 用人称代词They,故排除A。应选C。12. Whafs that?a rabbit.favorite food is carrot.A. Its; ItsB. Its; ItsC. Its; ItsD. Its; Ifs【答案】B【详解】句意:那是什么? 它是一只兔子。它最喜欢的食物是胡萝卜。考查代词和主谓。Its它是;Its它的;第一句缺少主谓,应用it&第二空修饰其后的名词,应用 形容词性物主代词,应选B。13. .

9、 name is David.am a student.A. My; IB. I; IC. I; MyD. My; My【答案】A【详解】句意:我的名字叫大卫。我是一个学生。考查代词辨析。My我的;I我。第一空修饰名词name,需要填写形容词性物主代词,使用my;第 二空缺少主语,应该使用人称代词主格I,应选A。14. is your English teacher?选出一个错误的。A. WhoB. WhereC. WhichD. Why【答案】D 【详解】句意:你的英语老师是谁/在哪/是哪一个?选出一个错误的搭配。考查特殊疑问句。who谁;where哪里;which哪一个;why为什么。结合

10、四个选项可知,可以询 问英语老师是谁,英语老师在哪里,英语老师是哪一个,只有why不符合语境,应选D。15. . Hello! Lucy,Millie.A. he isB. it isC. she isD. is it【答案】c【详解】句意:你好! Lucy,她是Millie。考查代词。he is他是;it is它是;she is她是;is it是它;根据“Millie”可知,这是女子名,应用she is表示,应选C。二、完形填空My dear friends! Welcome to our school. Let me show you 16 our school. It is not to

11、o big or too small. This is our classroom building. There 17 eighteen classrooms, a lab and a computer room in it. The computer room is on the 18 floor, so we have computer lessons on the third 19.This is our 20, It is on the left of our classroom building. We often 21 some booksfrom the library. We

12、 22 read books there often. That is our playground and it is on the right of our classroom building. To make us 23 healthy (健康),our school has three PE 24 for us a week now, but two before. At break time in the morning, our teachers 25 on the playground with us. We 26 run around the playground for a

13、 quarter. After class, we often play football, basketball and ping-pong on the playground 27 we love sports very much. We think sports are very 28. Playing sports can also 29 us relaxed (放松的),so the playground is ourfavorite place.This is our garden and it is in front of our classroom building. Ther

14、e are a lot of flowers in the garden. They are very 30 and they make us happy.I think our school is very beautiful.16. A. around B. alongC. acrossD. about17. A. be17. A. beB. amC. is18.A. firstB secondC. thirdD.fourth19.A. classroomB . floorC. crossingD.building20.A. libraryB. poolC. hallD.lab21.A.

15、returnB , takeC - borrowD.buy22.A. tooB. justC. againD.also23.A. keepB. soundC. turnD.look24.A. modelsB. gamesC. lessonsD.shows25.A. driveB. runC. rideD.walk26.A. wouldB . couldC. willD.must27.A. becauseB. soC. butD.or28.A. difficultB. interestingC. differentD.strong29.A. catchB. changeC - makeD.let

16、30.A. smallB . kindC. coolD.beautiful【答案】. A 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. D 27.A 28. B 29. C 30. D【导语】本文主要介绍了作者的学校情况。16 .句意:让我带你参观一下我们的学校。around周围;alon沿着;across穿过;about关于。固定短语show sb around”带某人参观“,应选 Ao.句意:有十八个教室,一个实验室和一个电脑室。be是,动词原形;am是,主语是I; is是,主语是第三人称单数;are是,主语是第二人称或

17、复 数。根据eighteen classrooms”可知be动词用are,应选D。17 .句意:电脑室在三楼,所以我们在三楼上电脑课。first第一;second第二;third第三;fourth第四。根据第n the third”可知是指三楼,应选C。18 .句意:电脑室在三楼,所以我们在三楼上电脑课。classroom 教室;floor 楼层;crossing 十字路 口 ; building 建筑物。根据The computer room is on thefloor,”可知此处是指三楼,应选B。19 .句意:这是我们的图书馆。library图书馆;pool游泳池;hall大厅;lab实

18、验室。根据some books from the library”可知是指图书馆,应选A。20 .句意:我们经常从图书馆借一些书。return 归还;take 拿;borrow 借入;buy 买。根据“We often.some books from the library.”可知是指 从图书馆借书,应选C。21 .句意:我们也经常在那里读书。too也,一般用于肯定句句末;just仅仅;again又一次;also也,一般用于肯定句句中。根据前句“ We often.some books from the library”可知经常借书,而且也经常在图书馆看书,位于句中用 also,应选 D。22

19、 .句意:为了让我们保持健康,我们学校现在每周给我们上三节体育课,但以前是两节。keep保持;sound听起来;turn转变;look看。根据“healthy”可知是指保持健康,应选A。23 .句意:为了让我们保持健康,我们学校现在每周给我们上三节体育课,但以前是两节。models模型;games游戏;lessons课程;shows表演。根据PE”可知是指体育课,应选C。24 .句意:在早上的休息时间,我们的老师和我们一起在操场上跑步。drive 开车;run 跑步;ride 骑;walk 走路。根据run around the playground for a quarter.”可知是指跑步

20、,应选B。25 .句意:我们必须绕着操场跑上一刻钟。would 将;could 能;will 将要;must 必须。根据“We.run around the playground fbr a quarter”结合语 境可知,此处是指学生们必须绕操场跑步一刻钟,应选D。26 .句意:下课后,我们经常在操场上踢足球、打篮球和乒乓球,因为我们非常喜欢运动。because 因为;so 所以;but 但是;or 或者。根据“we often play football, basketball and ping-pong on the play ground. we love sports very mu

21、ch”可知前后句是因果关系,前果后因,应选A。27 .句意:我们认为运动很有趣。difficult 困难的;interesting 有趣的;different 不同的;strong 强壮的。根据“Playing sports canalso.us relaxed (放松的),so the playground is our favorite place可推知此处是指运动很有趣。应选Bo.句意:运动也可以让我们放松,所以操场是我们最喜欢的地方。catch 抓住;change 改变;make 使;let 让。根据Playing sports can also.us relaxed (放松的)可知

22、是指运动让学生感到放松,固定结构make sb+形容词“使某人应选C。28 .句意:它们很漂亮,它们使我们快乐。small 小的;kind 善良的;cool 凉爽的;beautiful 美丽的。根据“There are a lot of flowers in the garden”可知此处指的是花很漂亮,应选D。三、阅读单项选择AHi. Tm Cindy. Tm in No.l 1 Middle School. This is my classroom. 40 sets of desks and chairs are in the classroom. The desks and chairs

23、 are blue. I like the color. The teachers desk is white. A tape player, a notebook, a pen and a ruler are on it. On the wall are four pictures of our school. A bookcase is in the classroom, too. Many books are injt. We can read those books after class. My favorite books are about computers. My class

24、room is tidy. I like it.29 . How many(多少)sets of desks and chairs are in Cindys classroom?A. 11.B. 20.C. 40.30 . What color is the teachers desk?A. Blue.B. White.C. Brown.31 . Whats on the wall of Cindys classroom?A. Some pictures of her school.B. A clock.C. A map.32 . The underlined word(画下划线)it re

25、fers to(指代)A. the wallB. the bookcaseC. the classroom33 . Cindys favorite books are about.A. computersB. EnglishC. family【答案】31. C 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. A 【导语】本文讲述辛迪的学校,教室里的设备和物品。31 .细节理解题。根据“40 sets of desks and chairs are in the classroom.”可知,教室里有40套课桌和 椅子。应选C。32 .细节理解题。根据“The teachers desk is whi

26、te.”可知,老师的桌子是白色的。应选B。33 .细节理解题。根据“On the wall are four pictures of our school.”可知,墙上有四幅她学校的照片, 应选Ao.推理判断题。根据A bookcase is in the classroom, too. Many books are in it.”可知,一个书架也在 教室里,里面有很多书。此处让指的是“书架、应选B。34 .细节理解题。根据“My favorite books are about computers.”可知,她最喜欢的书是关于电脑的。 应选AoBIn my school, theres an

27、outdoor (户夕卜的)classroom. It is not the same as an indoor classroom. We have no chairs, desks or computers. We sit on some stones (石头) In class we put books on our legs (腿) and write on them. Its a bit hard when its windy. Paper (纸)can fly high in the air and we have to jump to get our paper back.Eve

28、ry week, each class can use the outdoor classroom for one class. My class usually has it on Friday. We finish the first two lessons in our indoor classroom, and then we have a 20-minute break (休息).After the break, its time fbr us to move. Everyone is excited. We talk and laugh (大笑)all the way to the

29、 outdoor classroom. We always have lots of fun there. There are lots of big trees around the outdoor classroom, so its cool to have the class in the outdoor classroom even (甚至)in hot summer. We can see many birds there. Some are quite nice, and we can hear lovely songs from them. Some are quite bad,

30、 and we get bird poo (粪便)on our heads.Nothing is perfect (完美),right? Every coin has two sides.34 . What does the underlined (划线)word them refer to (指的是)?A. Legs.B. Books.C. Stones.D. Computers.35 . When does the writer use the outdoor classroom on Friday?A. In the first lesson.B. In the second lesso

31、n.C. In the third lesson.D. In the fourth lesson.36 . How do the students feel in the outdoor classroom in summer?A. Hot.B. Cold.C. Warm.D. Cool.37 . What is the best title (题目)for the passage (短文)?1 . Come to My ClassroomB. Study in the Open AirC. Trees in Our SchoolD. Birds in the Trees【答案】36. B 3

32、7. C 38. D 39. B【导语】本文介绍了作者学校的户外教室,以及学生们在户外教室上课的情况。36 .词义猜想题。根据In class we put books on our legs (腿)and write on them.”可知,学生们把书放 在腿上,在书上写字,所以“them”指代的是“书”,应选B。37 .细节理解题。根据“My class usually has it on Friday. We finish the first two lessons in our indoor classroom, and then we have a 20-minute break (

33、休息、). After the break, its time for us to move. Everyone is excited.可知,作者班在周五上完两节室内课之后才是户外课,也就是第三节才是,应选C。38 .细节理解题。根据so its cool to have the class in the outdoor classroom even (甚至)in hotsummer.”可知,即使是炎热的夏天,户外教室也很凉爽,应选Do39 .最正确标题题。根据In my school, theres an outdoor (户外的)classroom. It is not the same

34、as an indoor classroom.”以及整个文章的理解可知,主要是介绍学校的户外教室及学生们在户外教室学习 的情况,应选B。CThis is a new and popular school in Shenzhen, Guangdong. There are 45 classes for students from Grade One to Grade Seven. Because of a video (视频),people from around China began to know about this school.In the video, some students

35、are busy in their classroom at noon. They move all the desks and chairs to the middle of the classroom. Then they pull beds out of the drawer (抽屉)against the wall. At last, one by one, all the students find their beds to sleep in. Just in a few minutes, the classroom turns into a bedroom!The idea of

36、 the drawer bed is from the head teacher Luo Can. She thinks with a good nap (小睡)at noon, the students can learn better in the afternoon. Thats why she made the drawer bed.“I saw the drawer bed on Douyin. It is so great. Good school, good head teacher!” said one parent.根据材料内容选择最正确答案。38 . What do we

37、know about this school?A.It is a high school.B.It is in Guangxi.C.It is a small school.D.It is a popular school.39 . In the video, the students are.A.going to take a classB.busy doing their homeworkC.playing in the classroomD.busy in their classroom40 . Students can use the drawer bed to.A. do homew

38、orkB. drawC. have a napD. play chess. What does it in the last paragraph refer to (指的是)?A. The classroom.B. The school.C. The drawer bed.D. The short video.41 . Which of the sentence is TRUE?A. From the passage, we know Luo Can made the drawer bed. B. Students use the drawer bed to have a rest at ni

39、ght.C. We can know the head teacher is a young and kind man.D. Because of a video (视频),people all of the world began to know about this school.【答案】40. D 41. D 42. C 43. C 44. A【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了深圳的一个学校因为为学生创造了午睡抽屉床而备受 关注。40 .细节理解题。根据“This is a new and popular school in Shenzhen, Guangdong.”可知这是一所新

40、的 并且受欢迎的学校。应选D。41 .细节理解题。根据In the video, some students are busy in their classroom at noon.”可知在视频 中,一些学生正在他们的教室里忙碌。应选D。42 .细节理解题。根据“At last, one by one, all the students find their beds to sleep in. Just in a few minutes, the classroom turns into a bedroom!”可知学生们能使用抽屉床睡觉,应选C。43 .细节理解题。根据上文“I saw the

41、 drawer bed on Douyin丁可知it应是指代这个家长看到的抽屉 床。应选C。44 .细节理解题。根据The idea of the drawer bed is from the head teacher Luo Can.Thats why she made the drawer bed.”可知这个抽屉床的主意来自于罗灿。应选A。DHello, my dear friends! Welcome to our school. My name is Han Mei. Tm a Chinese girl. Tm 14 years old. Now I am studying at No

42、.l High School. Now let me show you around our school. Our school is very big and nice! You can see a small garden(花园)in our school. We often read books in it. There are six buildings in our school. The classroom building is in the center(中央)of our school. The playground is on the right. Every day m

43、any students do sports on the playground after class. The library is at the back of our school. Students can read books there after school. They can borrow some books, too. Its a nice place to study. You can see a swimming pool near(在附近)the school gate. Many students like swimming in it.Look! They a

44、re swimming now.The teachers in our school are very kind to the students. They teach us well and we love them. I love my school!45 . Where does Han Mei come from?A. England.B America.C. Japan.D. China.46 . How many buildings does Han Meis school have?A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven.D. Eight.47 . Where do th

45、e students play sports after class?A. In the gym.B , In the park.C. In the garden.D. On the playground.48. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Han Mei is a high school student.C. Han Meis school is small but nice.B. Students can borrow books from the library.D. The playground is on the right of th

46、e school.49. The title(标题)of the passage(短文)can beA. My SchoolA. My SchoolB. My ClassroomC. Our TeachersD. The School Buildings【答案】45. D 46. B 47. D 48. C 49. A【导语】本文主要介绍了韩梅的学校。45 .细节理解题。根据“My name is Han Mei. Im a Chinese girl”可知韩梅来自中国,应选D。46 .细节理解题。根据“There are six buildings in our school”可知有六栋建筑物

47、,应选B。47 .细节理解题。根据“Every day many students do sports on the playground after class”可知课后许多 学生在操场上做运动,应选D。48 .细节理解题。根据“Our school is very big and nice”我们学校又大又好,可知C选项“韩梅的学校 很小但很好。”错误,应选C。49 .最正确标题题。根据Welcome to our school.Now let me show you around our school. Our school is very big and nice!”以及通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了韩梅的


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