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《2022年浙江省衢州江山市、龙游县、柯城区中考二模英语试题(word版含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年浙江省衢州江山市、龙游县、柯城区中考二模英语试题(word版含答案).docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年浙江省衢州江山市、龙游县、柯城区中考二模英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号: 一、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选 项,使文章完整、通顺。When I was in seventh grade, I was a volunteer at a local hospital in my town. I worked about thirty to forty a week during the summer. Most of the lime I spent there was with Mr. Gillespie. 2 seemed t

2、o care about his condition and he never had any visitors.I spent many days there holding his hand and 3 to him. He became my close friend, even though he reacted with only a squeeze (捏)of my4from time to time.Mr Gillespie was in a coma (昏迷).I left for a week to vacation with my parents, and when I5M

3、r. Gillespie wasgone. I didnt have the 6 to ask the nurses where he was. I was afraid that they might tell me he had 7.Several years later, I was at the gas station when I 8 a familiar face. I asked him if he was Mr. Gillespie, 9if he had been in a coma five years ago. With anuncertain look on his f

4、ace, he replied yes. I 1() how I knew him and that I had spent many hours talking with him in the hospital. His eyes became wet and he gave me the11 hug I had ever received.He began to tell me how he could hear me talking to him and could 12 me holding his hand the whole time. He thought it was an a

5、ngel, who was there with him. He13 believed that it was my voice and touch that had kept him alive.14 I havent seen him ever since, he fills my heart with happiness every day. I know that I made a 15 between his life and his death. 1 will never forget him and what he did fbr me: he made me an angel.

6、1. A. secondsB. hoursC. minutesD. days2. A. AnybodyB. EverybodyC. NobodyD. Somebody3. A. listeningB. reportingC. introducingD. talking4. A. noseB. handC. armD. face5. A. came backB. went outC. ran awayD. turned aroundand bought presents for them, so they are hoped 54 (spend) the festival with local

7、people and enjoy a real festival environment. said the teacher. 44Inviting students to my home is 55 good way to make friends with them. I teach international studentsChinese language, I also want to build true friendship between us J he said.六、话题作文56.新冠肺炎疫情以来,我市各校先后启动了线上教学。请你根据线上教学期间 的学习、生活情况和个人感受,

8、写一篇英语短文,向所氓s/?O3仅报社投稿。 要求:短文应包括上述要点,可适当发挥,参考词汇仅供选择使用;短文不能出现真实的人名和校名;词数:90HOo参考词汇:epidemic (流行病);have an NAT (做核酸检测);mask (口罩);DingTalk (钉 钉)参考答案:1. BC2. AB3. AC4. AD5. CA6. CA7. BD8. DC9. DD10. BA11. DA12. CB13. AD14. CB15. D答案第1页,共3页16. Bswim17. exceptfront18. holeWhen theyre in danger.19. metespec

9、ially20. fifteenfull21. eitherexamples22. activemyself23. preparingchance24. (heirwith25. were invitedfirst5(). becauselucky51. has takenstudents52. to spenda53. 例文:Since a novel coronavirus epidemic broke out in China, I have welcomed a new way oflearning on DingTalk that is online study. I listen

10、to what the teachers say in the video carefully答案第2页,共3页and take notes in my notebook every class. If I dont understand some difYicult parts of the lesson, I can go over the video again until I fully understand them. During the epidemic, I always wear the mask and have an NAT actively. Besides, when

11、 I stay indoors, I start to do daily exercise to keep myself strong and healthy. More importantly, 1 learn to do some housework such as cooking.Its a pity that 1 cant go outside as usual to breath fresh air and meet my best friends face to face. However, I think its another interesting way to experi

12、ence life. It reminds us to treasure what we have at present and live a full life.答案第3页,共3页6. A.interestB. abilityC. courageD.energy7. A.diedB. returnedC. forgottenD.stopped8. A.hadB. becameC. madeD.noticed9. A.soB. andC. orD.but10. A.explainedB. askedC. decidedD.showed11. A.quickestB. calmestC. war

13、mestD.luckiest12. A.feelB. seeC. catchD.leave13. A.easilyB. stronglyC. suddenlyD.hardly14. A.BecauseB. IfC. WhenD.Although15. A.mistakeB. wishC. dealD.difference二、阅读单项选择FACTS ABOUT EARTHWORMSSend us your questions. Dr. Francis Rogers is a doctor who studies animals. Todays topic is the common earthw

14、orm.修 ,V职DonnaIwhy do I sometimes see earthworms on the sidewalk after raining? Its reallyawful to clean them off my shoes. Ive heard that they die if their holes are filled with water.Earthworms breathe (呼吸)through their skin, but theyre also able to live fbr a long time in water. Scientists think

15、that earthworms leave their holes because the rain hits the ground.FrancisSidI,ve been thinking about starting an earthworm farm. I can make lots of money by selling them to fishermen. Ive heard that iff cut one in half each half will grow into another worm. Ifthis is tnie, I,ll be rich in no time.I

16、 hope you havent started cutting yet. Thats only a playground legend. If you cut a worm in half, one half will die and the other half, with the head, may be dead too. Put your knife away and feed your earthworms a lot instead.露Francis1dcbB.cdbC.acbdD.cbdWhich can best describe Xue Gailian according

17、to the passage?A. Creative and helpful.B. Brave and loving.C. Polite but strict.D. Hardworking but shy.22. The best title for this passage is.A. Skills in Gourds Planting B. Gourds on FarmsC. Researches into GourdsD. Pictures on GourdsYou,ll need to create a password to do just about everything on t

18、he Web, such as checking your email, banking online, logging in WcChat and so on. And while its simpler to use a short, casy-to-rcmcmbcr password, this can also cause serious risks to your online safety. To protect yourself and your information, youll want to use passwords that are long, strong, and

19、 difficult for someone else to guess while still keeping them easy for you to remember.A strong password is one thats easy fbr you to remember but difficult fbr others to guess. Lets take a look at some of the most important things to think when setting a password. First, never use personal informat

20、ion such as your name, birthday, users name, or email address. This type of information is often publicly available (可获得的),which makes it easier for someone to guess your password. Second, use a longer password. Your passwords should be at least six characters long or even longer. Then, dont use the

21、 same password for each account (账户).If someone discovers your password for one account, all of your other accounts will be in clanger.You can try to use numbers, symbols, and both capital and small letters. You have to avoid using words that can be found in the dictionary. Like “swimming, it would

22、be a weak password. So random (随机的)passwords arc the strongest.Instead of writing your passwords on paper like books or notebooks where someone might find them, you can use a password manager (a kind of App) to store them safely online. Password managers can remember and enter your password on diffe

23、rent websites. That means you wont have to remember longer passwords. So it is a good and safe way to keep your passwords.23. The underlined word “this refers to.A. checking your emailB. banking onlineC. using a short passwordD. sharing information24. According to the passage, is the strongest passw

24、ord.A. 20080618B. Sywi2008! C. Swimming D. Betty!25. The last paragraph is mainly about.A. when to store your passwordshow to set safe passwordsB. when to remember passwordshow to keep passwords safely26. The purpose of (his passage is mainly to.A. encourage people to check emails and banking online

25、help people with setting and storing safe passwordsB. stop people from using their personal information onlinetell people the differences between easy and difficult passwords 三、多任务混合阅读阅读下面材料,根据文中信息完成比照图。任务A:补全1-4题的信息。每空限填一 词。任务B:回答下列问题,完成第5题。不超过10个词。There arc about 250 kinds of turtles. Most turtles

26、 live near fresh water. However, land turtles, also known as tortoises, do not swim at all. Sea turtles live nearly their whole lives in salt water.TortoisesTortoises are slow. They have short, thick back legs. Their front legs are very good for digging. Many tortoises can pull their heads, legs, an

27、d tails inside their shells. They quickly do so at any sign of danger. Their strong shells can protect them. Unlike most other turtles, tortoises cat only plants. Tortoises hatch from eggs. The mother tortoise digs a hole, lays some eggs, and covers them with earth. When the baby tortoises hatch, th

28、ey must dig their way out of the hole. The largest tortoises can grow to four feet long. They may weigh up to 600 pounds.Sea TurtlesLike tortoises, sea turtles lay their eggs on land. The mother turtle conics out of the ocean onto the beach. She digs a hole, lays her eggs, and returns to the sea. Wh

29、en the baby turtles hatch, they head straight for the water. Sea turtles can swim very fast. They use their front legs like wings to through the water. Although most turtles can pull their heads and legs inside their shells, sea turtles cannot. The green sea turtle eats only plants. Other sea turtle

30、s eat both plants and animals. The largest of all sea turtles can weigh over 1,000 pounds.Get to know different kinds of turtles and compare them.Live in salt waler and very fast.They use their front legs to fly through water.They cant pull their heads, legs and tails inside the shells.They eat both plants and animals the green sea turtles.They are slow and dont swim at all.Their legs arc used for digging.Mo


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