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《山东省青岛市崂山育才学校2021-2022学年九年级下学期期中英语试题(原版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省青岛市崂山育才学校2021-2022学年九年级下学期期中英语试题(原版).docx(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、九年级英语本卷分第1卷(听力)和第li卷(至试)两部分,满分12。分-考试时间12。分仲第I卷听力(共20分)I.听句子,选择最佳答语.每个句子读一遍.(每小肱I分,共5分)你将花10秒仲的时向完成有关小恻和阅读下一小型1. A. Humorous.2. A. Tom。t3. A. Very moving.4. A. Yes. it is.5. A. Very good.B. Playing tennis.B. A big party.B. About friendship.B. 20 dollars.B. Thanks a lot.C. Tall and strong.C. In April

2、.C. By cocpuicrs.C. It doesnt matter.C. All right.II.听对话和向贿,选择正确答案.对话和问题读两遍。(每小题I分,共5分)17. How did Jim and his sisters go to the city center?A. By bus.B. By cor. C. By bike.18. Why didnt they buy anything at the clothes store?A. They liked nothing there.B. Clothes were expensive there.C. They didnt

3、find the rieht size.19. Who bought a book?A. Jim.B. Alice.C. Aono.20. Whats the main idea of the passageA. An introduction (o Mothers Day.B. A shopping experience for Mothers Day.C. A smile on mothers face on Mothers Day.第II卷笔试(共100分)你格布 10秒仲的时间完成有关小吧和阅读下一小网IV.单项选择(本通10小膻,每小麴1分,共10分)21. Kitty someti

4、mes cats orange or some gropes aAcr lunch.A. aB. anC. ihcD./8. A. On Friday.9. A. Once a week. DO. A. One hour.B. On Saturday.B. Twice n week.B. Holfan hour.C. On Sunday.C. Three times a week.C. Two houre.III.听短文,完成下列任务.(每小题I分,共10分)A.听笫一边短文,按照听到的顺序进行排序,你珞有15秒钟的时何阅读下面的内容.Awcn( buck home沿 chose a pair

5、 of shoesCj finished her educationD. decided to prepare presents were filled with cxcitemcnlII. 12. 13. 14. 15.B.再听短文,完成16-20小附,你将有15秒钟的时间阅读下面内容.短文将再读两地.16. Where did Tom live?A. In a quiet village.B. In a modem city.C. In o busy town.九年级英语第1页共10页A. unlessB. irC. becauseD. ns24. From Earth, stars lo

6、ok like_ pohls of light because they arc far away.A. warmB. strong25. Idioms (习语)an: one ofC. nonual.parts of learning a language.D. tinyA. hardB. hardlyC. harder26. Henry, can you lake this box to the clnssroom?-Ok. Oh,hcny box!D. the hardestA. whatB. wlial aC. howD. how a27. The spring sunshine br

7、ings back to life and it,s time to enjoy ihc beauty outside.22. A new report snys sleeping the light on co业Lbjbnd for our health.A. byB. unde C. withD. without23. Nothing will happen you take action, no nmttcr how much thinking and planning you do.A. something B. nnytlwng C. everythingD. nothing28.

8、Shenzhen recently opened the countrys lirst pel-center to the pets while their mastersnrc not nl home.A. look up to B. run out of C. keep away from D. take care of29. The 7-yenr-old bov hns q great talent for. He can draw nice pictures though he has never learned it.A. artB. sportC. musicD. science九

9、年级英语第2页共10页3】.A. needB. mightC. mustD. could32. A. ahead ofB. along withC. instead ofD. rnther llian33. A. hodB. tookC.causedD. avoided34. A. meB. himC. myselfD. himself35. A. wayB. wordC.rushD. row36. A. touchedB. relaxedC. boredD. embarrassed37. A. cflbrtB. decisionC. messD. stress38. A. a fiordB.

10、 separateC. cancelD.exchange39. A. rcgreUedB. askedC. happenedD. dared40. A. wiselyB. heavilyC. seriouslyD. safely41. A. reliefB. angerC. prideD. pity42. A. WhenB. AlthoughC. SoD. Since43. A. happinessB. kindnessC. agreementD. achievement44. A. thankful toB. interested inC. responsible fbrD. hard on

11、45. A. convenientB. basicC. publicD. difllcult九年级英语第3页共10页30. Excuse me. Do you knowYes. You can go io Taidoog Walking StreetA. where I can get some local snacksB, where docs the boy come fromC. when can we travel to QingdaoD. how Jimmy goes to QingdaoV .完形填空(本题15小题.每小题1分,共15分)A few years ago 1 got

12、a vertigo (眩晕)health problem which caused me to feel dizzy (戚室 的).Around that time, 1 had io travel to North Carolina for a business trip that 1 _G L_ not miss. My wife wanted to go with me on the Kip._my daughter. Dey were both worried about me.Qn our hour-loog taxi ride to the airport, I _another

13、vertigo. As 1 sot in the front 0che car, 1 couldnt help / 34一 Vertigo came on in a _3i_ _ and I threw up (呕吐)oil over his scat. I was so . I asked the taxi driver to pull over so that 1 could deal with the _37- I creaicd. After some cleanup and frcshu,aier, my wife asked me if we should _j8_ the tri

14、p and head back home. I told her that 1 felt OK and _3._ to go to the airport.The taxi driver got us to the airport _ _ and in plenty of time. He never showed a litc disappointment ortou-ards me. He even helped us with our bags. _42 二 he was aboutto leave. I told him I was sorry fbr what happened. A

15、nd I thanked him for his undcrstnndiug 0nd _43亡 With a gentle senile, he said “No worries, my friend. You take core. My family wcrc _ the taxi driver and were so glad that we could give hkn a large rio.Ever since then, I*ve always spread the kindness (o the people in 一 situations. Qiatcvcr that smal

16、l act of kindness may be, it means so much to the world.VI .阅读理解(本题20小题,每小题1分,共20分)阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳选项.A篇为判断正(A)误(B). B、C篇为 选择题,D篇为六选五补全短文。AWELCOME TO MY BLOG!Posted by Eoin on MondayWelcome to my blog (博客).My names Eoin. Its an Irish (爱尔兰的)name but Im not from Ireland. Im from England. 1 live in a

17、 small town in the south of England.IThe only other Eoin 1 know is Eoin Colfcr. Hes Irish, the wriler of tho Artemis Fowl books. ! II love those books. I UTint to be a writer one day. 1 really enjoy writing. Im starting this blog I so I can wriic every day. IMy other favorite thing is astronomy (天文来

18、).Im mod about space. Sometimes I spend hours looking at the stars and planets. Do you think theres life on other planets? I do.My dnd doesnt undcretand astronomy. He says I think too much about life on other planets ;Md not about life on this planet. He usually says it when he sees my school report

19、. The hero ? F the Artemis Fowl books is a talented boy but Im noL Im good at some school subjects. Science is cool. And Pm good at History. But Im not good at languages or sports. When we pl8y team sports at school and the team captains choose the people they want in their team. Im usually the lost

20、 person they choose.Dont get the wrong idea! Ive got friends. Theres Mio and_. ibercs Mia. and dont forget Mio. OK. I havent got a lot of friends. But I think its good to have one or two real friends and not hundreds of friends who arent real.* r -.一 | _ 一 _ _一 _ . _ L _I46. The blogger Eoin and Eoi

21、n Colfcr am ftom diflerent countries.47. Eoin loves writing and astronomy.48. Eoin,s fiunily support his dream very much.49. Although Eoin isnt good ot sports, hc*s popular in team sports nt school50. In Eoins opinion, people dont need too many friends and one or two true tricods arc enough BAn old

22、stccl-rnnking center in Beijing is getting new life as a place for shopping, eating and working. It is olso being shown on televisions during this years Winter Olympics. It has large cooling towers ond smokcsincks (烟囱),which were used for dealing with pollution and heat. They get attention when they

23、 arc seen with the ski jumping competition known as “Big Air”. A 64-metcr-high, 164-mcter-long ramp (坡道)also appears in the compcdtioo. It is used (o gain speed before the skiers jump into the air and do tricks.九年级英语笫4页共10页China closed the steel factory before the 2008 Summer Olympics to cut down ai

24、r pollution. Since then, the factory has been turned into a place where people work, cat and walk on grassy orcas. The old ports of the foctory are still there. But many of the spaces have been turned into offices.Big Air skiing usually takes place in mountain ski areas or in temporary (临时的)places i

25、nside sports fields. Other Big Air events in the world use materials that are easy to lake down when the event ends. But Chinese hope that Beijing will be a place fbr future competitions. The competitors like the ramp because it is secure. When they compete on temporary nunps, they do not feel as sa

26、fe. Some of them think the ramp is as good as the ones in the mountains although it is in the city. They are able (o do their usual tricks without worrying about running out of space. Aiperican skier Nick Goepper said more competition places like the oac in Beijiog would help tbc sport find new fans

27、 since more people can see the event in cities.* The rump in Bejing is built into a larger seating area and will be used for concerts and other performances.51. What were the cooling towers and smokestacks in the center used for in the past?A. For shopping, eating and working.C. For dealing with pol

28、lution and heat52. How did China change the old steel factory: A. By cutting down air pollution.B. For the television programs.D. For the Olympic competitions.The experiment wos led by a research team at the Ben-Gurion University. It was mode to see whether eoldfish could find their way in a very di

29、flhrcnt environment. Researchers developed a robotic car that could drive forward, backward, and from side to side. They called tbc car a FOV-,Fish Operated Vehicle”(鱼驱动车).a goldfish was placed inside a water box on the FOV Using a set of wheels with a camera system, the FOV recorded the fishs movem

30、ents and swimming directions, then moved in the same direction.The scientists worked with six diflerent goldfish. They plnrcd-thcxar io q small room with a pink target (目标)on one side. The fish would get food when the car touched the target. After a few days of traioing, the fish navigated to the ta

31、i3et. At Grst, it took them about half an hour to drive to the target. But by the end of the experiment, ihcy were able (o complete the same task in less than a minute. Shochor Givon, one of the researchers said, *As anyone who has tried to Icam how to ride a bike or to drive a car knows, it is chal

32、lenging at first.*,Not only did the goldfish show tliot they could drive to the target, they werent fooled by false targets of other colors. They were also able to get free when the car hit a wall.Although the fish mny not have realized they were moving on lond, these results show that a fish has th

33、e ability to navigate outside its natural environment of water. It can enrich scicntiGcC. By pulling down the old parts. 53. Whot does the underlioed word8. By making it a place to work and relax.D. By building new office buildings.knowledge of aninwls navigation skills.56. Why did the researchers p

34、erfomi die goldfish ex peri mem? To see if goldfish couldA. High.B. Long.secoTC* mean in puragniph 3? C. Temporary.D. Safe.54. From Nick Goepper, we can learn thatA. tbc more fans like the sport, the more people will play the sport B. more competinon ploces are supposed to be built in BeijingC. buil

35、ding competition places in cities can help develop the eventD. only by watching the event io cities will people like the event 55. Which activities will you probably enjoy if you go to the ramp?A. find Ibod and living placesC. live in the lands ecosystem57. What do we know about the FOV? AJt was pla

36、ced inside a waler box. G. It was driven by a camera system.B. navigate in a didcrcot environmentD. ride a bike or drive a car like humanstj? It could control the fishs directions.D. U could follow ihc fishs movements. A rock band concert. A tea picking activity. A Chinese dance performance. A mount

37、ain climbing coinpcUtion.B.(DD. GX3)CNavigation (导航)is an important ability lor animals to find fbod and living ploccs. Researchers in Israel have performed an experiment and found that goldfish arc able to navigate oa land after receiving around io driving lessons.九年级英语第5页共10页58. The fish would get

38、 food as long as the car.A. avoided hitting q wallB. moved in the small room freelyC. touched the pink targetD. touched die target of other colors59. Which of Ihc following can be the htfUiilc (or the passage?A. Scientists Put a Robotic Car io Good Use.B. Scientists Oflcr Goldfish Food and Lessons.C

39、. Scientists Teach Goldfish to Drive a Cor on Land.D. Scientists Invent an Antmnl Navigation System.60. In which section (栏目)a website may this passage appear?A. Art ond Culture.B. Wild Anhnals.C. Agriculture and Food.D. Animnl Science.九年级英语第6页共10页Your home is a safe place, right? Think again!Many s

40、erious accidents happen in peopled homes.The kitchen and the bathroom arc the two most dangerous rooms in the house. Why? Because most accidents happen in the kitchen and the bathroom. Can people prevent certain accideots? Yes.62;So be careful!Safety tips fbr preventing accidents in the kitchen Dont

41、 stand on chairs. Many people hurt themselves by falling off chairs. Don*t use waler to put out kitchen fires. Use baking soda or salt instead. Be careful with scissors and knives! Dont keep poisons 品)in the khehen. You don,t want to bum yourself Some ihiogs coich fire easily. Dont put them near the

42、 stove!Safety tips for preventing accidents in the bathroom Never use electricity in the shower or bathtub. It can hurt you! It,s easy to slip (附倒)and fall on a wet floor. Accidents happen suddenly. Never leave small children alone in a bathtub.根据短文内容,从选项中选出能填入文中空白处的母佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项.w-How safe is yo

43、ur home?对 Many people cut themselves in the kitchen.U Be carcfol with fire and heat when you cook.D. What place makes you feel the most comfortable?u. Many accidents h8ppen_tberc because people arc careless.E-Be sure to keep the bathroom floor dry after you have a shower or bath.w.词汇运用(本题10小超,共15分)A

44、.用所给词的呼当形式填空.每词限用一次.(每小慈2个,共10分) | value-become, stidrttr66. Electric carsuisiDgly popular in the past few years.67. Im not good at drawing, so I think I wntmg stories instead.68. A great number of medical workers against tfrtic =o save patients at the moment.69. ICs believed that tea to Korea and J

45、叩an from China during tbe 6* and 7th centuries.70. Our head teacher the health of our class and were asked to take an active part inoutdoor activities.九年级英珀第7页共10页8. 根据句意和所给汉语完成句子.每空一词.(每小组1分,共5分)7L Every year, our school holds the sports meeting, leaving me many good(回忆).72. Birds often raise their

46、 young until the young can fly and find food fbr(它们).73. During the winter holiday, Tom worked as a volunteer in the community every day(除 了)Sunday.74. Our parents and teachers oflen tell us to ask (or help(礼貌)when we need to.75. Many people enjoy walking outdoors, which brings them much(接近)o nature

47、.阅读表达(本题11小题,共25分)AOn Friday rooming, the sky was bright and dear. The school bus turned onto the road that led to Toai-undtfs npplc orchard (果园).As theJms-pallcd up-tathc while house, a_bupe man unlh dark hair-an a-widc smile came outside. Ms. Hallowell shook Uncle Luiss hand. ,Thank you so much fbr oilowing our class to visit your orchard


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