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1、2021年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试高起点英语本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第H卷(非选择题)两局部。总分值150分。考试时间120分钟。第I卷(选择题,共105分)一、语音知识:共5小题;每题L5分,共7.5分。在以下每组单词中,有一个单词的划线局部与其他单词的划线局部的读音不同。找出这个词。B.hear B.insideB.talkB.gpB.agreeC.early C.noise C.call C.note C.ableD.fearD.musicD.halfD.cpmeD.about二、词汇与语法知识:共15小题;每题L5分,共22.5分。从每题的四个选择项中,选出最正确的一项。6 .一

2、What about having a picnic at the beach this Saturday?一It good.A.soundsB.feelsC.smellsD.looks7 .you going to Daves birthday party tomorrow?一Yes, I am.A.W川B.AreC.WouldD.ls8 ,her mother in the kitchen.A.was cookingB.cooksC.has cookedD.cooked9 .Tommy is very in what the teacher said in class yesterday.

3、A.interestedB.interestsC.interest0.interesting10 .No other city has ever developed as fast as.A.myB.ourC.oursD.us11 .Her favorite book of bedtime stories for children was in English.A.writesB.wroteC.writing.【答案】C【应试指导】词义辨析题。因为我们在海拔7000英尺的地方,气候干燥,空气新鲜,这里 的夜晚要比白天冷得多。dirty脏的;dark黑暗的;clean洁净的,清新的;hot热的。

4、根据 语境,此题选C。27 .【答案】A【应试指导】词义辨析题。你知道新墨西哥州每年的日照时间超过3200个小时吗? receives 接收;produces生产;sends发送;earns挣钱,赢得。故此题选A。28 .【答案】B【应试指导】词义辨析题。有些人说,如果我们能利用这里所有的太阳能,我们就可以为整 个美国提供足够的电力! talk谈论,其后一般不直接加宾语;say说;reply回复;order命 令,要求。根据句意,此题选B。29 .【答案】C【应试指导】词义辨析题。如果我们能利用这里所有的太阳能,我们就可以为整个美国提供 足够的电力! provide sth.for sb.为固

5、定用法,意为“为某人提供某物。hold举办;reduce 减少;provide提供;catch抓住。故此题选C。30 .【答案】D【应试指导】固定用法题。新墨西哥州的天气很适合利用阳光发电。make out of为固定搭 配,意为“由制造出。discovering发现;returning归还;borrowing借用。故此题选D。31 .【答案】B【应试指导】词义辨析题。但有时缺雨对居住在这里的人来说是个问题。standard标准; problem问题;reason理由;purpose目的。故此题选B。32 .【答案】B【应试指导】介词辨析题。该州大局部地区都是沙漠,没有足够的水来饮用、种植粮食

6、和用 于其他用途。on在上;for (表示对象、用途等)给,供;with和一起;to向,朝,往。故此题选B。33 .【答案】A【应试指导】逻辑推理题。随着新房子越建越多,对水的需求也增加了。根据从句可知,房 子建得多了,意味着这里住的人也多了,那么水的需求量也随之增加。need需求;time时 间;aim目的;peace和平。故此题选A。34 .【答案】A【应试指导】逻辑推理题。所以,和其他地方一样,在新墨西哥州生活有很多美好的事情, 但也有一些困难。通读全文可知,新墨西哥州阳光充足,但水资源短缺,给居民生活带来一 些困难。本句中yet表示转折,因此空格处应该填和“wonderful”意义相反

7、、形成比照的单 词。difficult困难的;expensive昂贵的;beautiful美丽的;familiar熟悉的。故此题选A。 四、阅读理解.【答案】C【应试指导】事实细节题。根据第二段第一句可知,作为家长,您必须确保您的孩子从五岁 开始接受适合其年龄和能力的全日制教育。故此题选。35 .【答案】D【应试指导】事实细节题。根据第二段最后一句可知,中央政府没有直接给决定在家教育孩 子的家长拨款,但地方政府确实为家长提供指导,包括免费的国家课程标准材.料。故此题选D。36 .【答案】D【应试指导】事实细节题。根据第二段最后一句可知,地方政府确实为家长提供指导,包括 免费的国家课程标准材料。

8、故此题选D。37 .【答案】A【应试指导】事实细节题。根据第三段第二句可知,你可以通过写一份报告和提供一些孩子 的作品来证明你的孩子正在接受合适的教育。故此题选A。38 .【答案】C【应试指导】推理判断题。根据第一段第一句可知,德拉法夫是新泽西州警局的发言人, 由此可推断,德拉可能是一名警察。故此题选C。39 .【答案】C【应试指导】事实细节题。根据第四段可知,一名警官给出建议,“我不建议购买这种外观 看起来像枪的手机壳。”故此题选C。40 .【答案】B【应试指导】事实细节题。根据第三段第四句可知,如果你有这种外观像枪的手机壳,你可 以在聚会上玩射击游戏。故此题选Bo.【答案】D【应试指导】事

9、实细节题。根据第二段第二句可知,那些人支持这种做法的理由在于,它(动 物园)提供了对动物的保护。故此题选D。41 .【答案】A【应试指导】推理判断题。根据第三段可知,反对动物园的人认为,“向公众展示动物”本 身就是个足够有力的反对理由,利用动物牟取私利的做法不能成为保护动物的正当理由,且 动物园虐待动物的情况时有发生。由此可推断,反对的人认为,人们应该让动物回归自然。 故此题选A。42 .【答案】A【应试指导】词义猜想题。根据最后一段可知,这些地方(动物园里)的动物受到了保护, 因为它们不会与人类 O可以推断,动物回归自然可能会与人类发生冲突,可能会遭到人类的猎杀,但在动物园里那么不会,故co

10、nflict应该为“冲突”之意。fight斗争; connection连接;argument辩论,争吵;company陪伴。故此题选A。43 .【答案】B【应试指导】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章阐述了两种观点:一种是对动物园表示支持, 一种那么是反对。第二、三段分别阐释了理由。最后一段提出,让动物待在动物园里正确与否 很难判断。因此,文章的标题应该是“让动物待在动物园里是对的吗? ”故此题选。44 .【答案】C【应试指导】推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句可知,研究发现,当学生们度过一个漫长的 暑假回到学校时,他们已经失去了一到三个月的学习成果。可以推断,暑假后孩子的数学技 能会降低。故此题选。

11、45 .【答案】A【应试指导】事实细节题。根据第二段最后一句可知,中产阶级家庭的孩子暑假期间在阅读 方面学到更多是因为他们参加了各种各样的活动,如野营和旅行。故此题选A。46 .【答案】D【应试指导】事实细节题。根据第五段可知,当你计划家庭假期时,考虑一下你的孩子明年 可能要学什么。与老师交谈,了解他们在课堂上要讲什么。故此题选D。47 .【答案】D【应试指导】事实细节题。根据第四至七段可知,库珀提出了四条建议:经常去图书馆;与 老师交谈了解孩子明年可能会学到的内容;把数学放在心上,寻找与数学相关的活动;参加 暑期学校。故此题选D。五、补全对话.Whats your name48 .How o

12、ld are you.Where are you from/Where do you come from49 .Thanks/Thank you.Where is she六、书面表达Dear Peter,How is everything going with you?Thank you so much for inviting me to your weekend party on Friday evening.Howeveclm afraid I wont be able to attend it,because Im now on a business trip in Nanjing.A

13、nd I wont be back until this Saturday evening.l feel really sorry that I cant join you this time.But Id like to visit you when I go back from Nanjing.Please let me know what time suits you best.Wish you a good time on Friday and look forward to seeing you soon!Yours, Li Hua0.written.Mary is 60 years

14、 old,she still plans to take part in the race. A.thoughB.sinceC.butD.if.Let me what I mean.A.explainB.explainsC.to explain0.explaining12 .students are there in your school,Tom?A.How farB.How manyC.How longD.How often15.When Jack heard the news,he couldnt help.A.having criedB.cryC.to cryD.crying1.1 l

15、t doesnt matter whether you win lose.A.eitherB.orC.forD.and17 .Everything changed quickly that I almost had no time to think.A.suchB.howC.asD.so18 .Don*t throw that cloth away;and youll find a for it one day.A.wasteB.bedC.dressD.use19 .Wed like to know the reason she didnt accept the job.A.whatB.whi

16、chC.whyD.when20 .-Must I turn in the homework tomorrow?-No,.A.you needntB.you wontC.you cantD.you dont三、完形填空:共15小题;每题2分,共30分。通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后, 从每题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处的最正确选项。Dear Tom,You asked me why I like living in New Mexico.I like it 21 it is so beautiful.We mountains,mesas(平顶ill), rivers,and forest

17、s.Mesa is the Spanish 22 for a broad, flat-topped mountain.For 12 years,! have 23 across the state several times a month,and I still find new places that take my breath away.24 else do I like about living in New Mexico?! like the sunshine.We have over 300 25 days a year,with deep blue skies.Because

18、we are 7,000 feet above 26 level and the weather is very dry,the air is very 27 and the nights here are much colder than the days.The many days of sunshine are a very good thing for our state.Do you know that New Mexico 28 more than 3,200 hours of sunlight every year?With that much sunlight,we are o

19、ne of the sunniest states in the United States.Some people 29 that if we could use the energy from all of the sunlight here,we could 30 more than enough power for the whole United States!The weather in New Mexico is good for 31 energy out of sunlight,but sometimes the lack of rain is a 32 for people

20、 living here.Most of the state is desert,and there isnt enough water 33 drinking, growing food,and other uses.Farming is very difficult here because of the water shortage(短缺),There are many laws about water use in New Mexico so that everybody uses just enough.The 34 for water increases as more and m

21、ore new homes are built.So,as with all places,there are things that are wonderful and yet others that are 35 about living in New Mexico.How about you?Do you like living where you are?Yours,AnnaB.whereC.once0.althoughB.wordC.area0.pictureB.satC.travelledD.livedB.WhatC.WhomD.WhoB.rainyC.windyD.cloudyB

22、.seaC.soilD.floodB.darkC.cleanD.hotB.producesC.sendsD.earnsB.sayC.replyD.orderB.reduceC.provideD.catchB.returningC.borrowingD.makingB.problemC.reasonD.purposeB.forC.withD.toB.timeC.aimD.peaceB.expensiveC.beautifulD.familiar四、阅读理解:共15小题;每题3分,共45分。阅读卜列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每题的四个选择项中选出最正确的一项。A number of childre

23、n with special educational needs are home educated when schools cannot meet their needs.As a parent,you must make sure that your child receives a full-time education suitable to their age and ability from the age of five .You do not need to be a good teacher and your child does not have to follow th

24、e National Curriculum (国家课程标准)or take national tests.There is no money directly from the central government for parents who decide to educate their children at home,but the local (当地的)governments do provide guidance for parents,including free National Curriculum materials.Local governments should ke

25、ep an eye on the parents who educate their children at home to make sure that a suitable education is being provided.You can provide evidence (证据)that your child is receiving a suitable education by writing a report and providing some of your childs work.You can also invite a local government office

26、r to your home or meet him outside the home,with or without your child being present-officers have no right to get to your home without permission.36 .What should the parents of home-educated children promise to do?A.Send the children to take national tests.B.Get help from schools.C.Provide a full-t

27、ime education.D.Use the National Curriculum.37 .Who will guide the parents in childrens home education?A.The central government.B.A school teacher.C.The report writers.D.The local governments.38 .What can local governments offer for home education?A.Full-time teachers.B.Enough money.C.National test

28、reports.0.National Curriculum materials.39 .What can parents do to show that their home education is suitable?A.Provide reports and some of their childs work.B.Become a school teacher in home education.C.Have a local government officer meet their child alone. D.Meet a central government officer.B“Mo

29、st children carry their phone in their back pocket,and when someone reaches for it,in my mind theyre reaching for a gun, “said Della Fave,a spokesman (发言人)for New Jersey police. Della Fave shared a photo of the iPhone case (夕卜壳)that he found on a social website (网页).In the photo,a model stands with

30、her phone in her back pocket,and the case looks like a gun.Della Fave said, “If a child draws the phone with the gun-like case before policemen,the first thing theyre going to see as its coming up is a gun.This doesnt seem like a good idea at all to a policeman.”The phone case is sold online by vari

31、ous sellers at prices from about $5 to $49 and comes in several different colors.uThe case is popular.Thats why we sell it.If you have the case,you can play games of shooting at parties,said the Trend Shop. Dont worry.You cant actually shoot anyone!”A policeman gave a few words of advice, “I would N

32、OT suggest buying this kind of phone case,which was designed to look like a gun.It is not clear who makes the case. If its on the web,then its out there somewhere;thats the bottom line/said Della Fave.40 .What could Della Fave probably be? A.A model.B.A shop owner.C.A police officer.D.A designer.41.

33、What do policemen say about the gun-like phone case?A.It is cool for people to carry such cases.B.lt should be widely sold online.C.lt is not a good idea buying this kind of case.D.lt should not be made in different colors.42 .The phone case is shaped like a gun so that users can. A.help improve the

34、 websiteB.play games of shootingC.hide their phones safely 0.actually shoot someoneCA zoo is a place where animals are kept and displayed (展示)to the public.Some people argue that a zoo need not be a place for animal display alone,and may also include raising animal species (物种) which are becoming le

35、ss and less.Animal rights groups are divided on the matter of keeping animals in zoos-with some in favor of this practice,and others calling for a ban (禁令).The most important reason that those in favor of this practice put forward is that it offers protection for animals.For those species which are

36、fighting for their life,zoos are the best places where they get plenty of food,water and medical care when needed.Those who are against the practice argue that the idea of“ displaying animals to the public”is itself a strong enough reason for banning.They further add that the practice of using anima

37、ls for our own selfish gains cannot be a good reason under the excuse of protection.The treatment of animals in these zoos is yet another big worry,with quite a few reports about ill-treatment (虐侍) of animals once in awhile.It*s very difficult to come up with a clear idea on whether it is right to k

38、eep animals in zoos or not. It is true that the animals are protected in these places as they dont get into conflict with humans.But, at the same time,one has to admit that keeping them in zoos equals a disrespect for nature.These animals are born to live in the wild,and we should accept this fact.4

39、3 .Some animal rights groups are in favor of the zoo because it can.A.attract visitorsB.make moneyC.train animals 0.protect animals.Those who are against the zoo think that people should. A.let animals live in the wildB.sell animals in zoosC.use animals for funD.raise animals at home.Which is the cl

40、osest in meaning to conflict (Para.4) ? A.Fight.B.Connection.C.Argument.0.Company.44 .What would be the most suitable title for the text?A.Zoos-Best Places for Wild Animalsls It Right to Keep Animals in Zoos? C.Zoos-Places for Fun to the Public D.How Should Animals Be Treated in Zoos?DDid your child

41、s brain become smaller last summer?Probably not,according to a study by Dr.Harris Cooper,professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia.The study found that when students return to school after a long summer vacation,theyve lost one to three months worth of learning.This is more harmful for math t

42、han it is for reading. All students lose math skills/says Cooper. It may be because kids (|、孩)have more chances to practice reading than math. Middle-class children actually learn more in reading than lower-income students over the summer. Cooper feels that this results from the variety of activitie

43、s that many middle-class kids take part in over the summecsuch as camping (里予营)and trips.u Parents can help their kids keep educational skills/says Cooper.He suggests the following tips to have a learning-filled summer.l.Keep lots of books around and make regular trips to the library.Most libraries

44、offer special summer events for kids.2 .Think about what your kids may be learning next year when you plan the family vacation.Talk with teachers to find out what theyll be covering in class.3 .Keep math in mind.Since kids lose more math skills than anything else over the summectry to do some specia

45、l planning to find math-related activities.4 .Consider summer school.Struggling kids can get a lot of different kinds of help from summer school programs.Summer school can also enrich and quicken learning in areas where kids show a special interest.Remember to keep it fun!You dont want to make your

46、kids unhappy with learning during the summer break.47.What did Dr.Harris Cooper find in his study?A.Kids love reading more after the summer.B.Kids show a special interest in math after the summer.C.Kidsmath skills become weaker after the summer.D.Kids have a lot of fun in the summer.48.Some kids gai

47、n in reading over the summer probably because they.A.join in a variety of activitiesB.go to the library every dayC.spend their vacation in a school0.receive a special training in reading49 .Parents can find out what their kids will study next year by.A.doing math-related activitiesB.having a learnin

48、g-filled summerC.reading the textbooks.talking with the teachers50 .What are parents advised to do for their kids in the summer vacation?A.Let their kids work in the library.B.Keep their kids studying at home.C.Help teachers prepare for new lessons.D.Send their kids to summer schools.第II卷(非选择题,共45分) 五


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