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《Breeders《养育者》第三季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Breeders《养育者》第三季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、嗯我知道爱丽我知道Yeah, I know, Ally, I get it-但说实话亲爱的but to be honest, love,我真的不在乎她想要什么I dont really care about what she wants.不听我说No, h-hear me out.艾娃都不知道自己想要什么Ava doesnt know what she wants因为她才11岁对吧because shes 11, right?她不能投票不能上战场She cant vote, she cant fight in a war不能纹身不能骑摩托车or get a tattoo or ride a m

2、oped.有些事她还无法掌控Some things she just has no control over.而且还有一些And thats some好吧他们来了笆比夫妇Okay, theyre here. Barbie and Ken.我得挂了Uh, better go.不不我知道我们还没说完No. No, I-I know we havent,但我们可以路上再聊but, you know, we can talk more when Im on the road, eh?天啊妈的Christ Almighty. Fuck me ragged.先生女士你们的车恭候光临Sir, Madam,

3、your carriage awaits.很抱歉奔驰停在车♥库♥里My apologies. The Mercedes is in the garage摩纳哥的裸体超模在给捷豹镶金and the Jag is being gold-plated by nude supermodels in Monaco.别再提了他们干得超级烂Not again. They do a dreadful job.他们确实不擅长重型机械对吧They are shit with heavy machinery, arent they?要我说他们得重新考虑整个生意You wait till

4、your prostate enlarges to the size of the moon. 我能坚持那么久已经是个奇迹了Its a wonder I can hold it in this long而且我也没一直尿尿and Im not continually urinating.像老鼠Like mice.那是因为我睡着了Its cause I dropped off to sleep, you see.这是触发点Thats the trigger.膀胱就像水箱一样装满rBladder fills up like a cistern.我们能在下一个临时停车点停一下吗Can we just

5、stop at the next lay-by我在最近的灌木丛里解决and Ill find the nearest bush?好等一下All right, just give me a sec.我真的快憋炸了Really, Im bursting.就跟底下有个弹跳球一样Its like a spacehopper down there.这里看看到了吗Here, look. Look, look. See down there?有一片灌木丛去那吧Clump of bushes. Use that.提醒你得走好一阵Mind you, its a fair old trek, mind.不去就得失

6、去尊严Its either that or good-bye dignity.和裤子And trousers.去吧快去吧尿多斯派塞克Go on then. Off you pop, Pissy Spacek.保罗用演员名Sissy Spacek茜茜斯派塞克调侃父亲小心又大又会发光的猎犬啊And- And watch out for the giant, luminous hound!取自神探夏洛克的巴斯克维尔的猎犬篇 我会的Will do!老鼠的说法是真的吗老鼠不都是一直Is that true about mice? Are they always just constant 妈Mum.-怎

7、么了 -抱歉保罗-Hey. Hey, what is it? Im sorry, Paul.我很抱歉亲爱的Im sorry, love.你没事吧还用问你有事Are you okay? Obviously, youre not okay.你知道在临终关怀医院的克丽丝吗You know Chrissy at the hospice?该死我很她是不是已经Oh, fuck, Im so- Has she 不还没有是命不久矣但 No. Not yet. Shes dying, but- -但她还活着吗-是的-But shes still with us? - Ohh. Yes.我的天呐你还问她是不是活着

8、保罗My God, is she still with us, Paul. 此时此刻我的脑子里她的形象Shes more alive in my head at this moment 从来没这么清晰过仿佛近在眼前than she has ever been. Vivid.好吧但那是好事不是吗Right, but that- thats nice, is it?可能不是很好但I mean, maybe not nice, but, you know.有帮助或he-helpful or.这对我来说太艰难了保罗This is really difficult for me, Paul.我知道妈因为

9、她一直在你的人生中从I know, Mum, because shes been part of your life since- 不你♥爸♥. 怎么了-No. Your dad. - What?你♥爸♥保罗.吉姆他.Your dad, Paul. Jim. 嗯我爸怎么了Yes. That dad. Right?保罗Oh, Paul.怎么了妈到底怎么了What? Mum, what is it?我觉得.吉姆跟克丽丝出轨了I think. Jim had an affair with Chrissy.不我不是觉得我是知道No, I dont

10、 think. I know he did.爸出轨了Dad did?你怎么会这么What makes you-是的我在临终关怀医院看到他们了Yeah, I saw them at the hospice.我当时正打算去上厕所When Id- was meant to have gone for a piddle, 他们觉得我看不到and they thought I couldnt see.他们握着手在哭Theyre holding hands, crying.但那就不能是Right, but couldnrt that have just been- 不我清楚我看到的是什么No. I kno

11、w what I saw.我知道这意味这什么And I know what it meant.我了解他And I know him.他亲吻克丽丝的手He kissed her hand.克丽丝爰抚他的脸She stroked his face.我从来没见他这样抚摸别人.Ive never seen him touch someone else like that. 从来没见他用这样的眼神看别人 never seen him look at someone like that.我觉得他也从来没用那样的眼神看过我I dont really think hes ever looked at me l

12、ike that. 该死Fuckin hell.所以你觉得这些事情是什么时候发生的So when- when do you think all this happened?因为这一定得有一段时间了吧Cause it must have been a while ago, right?你还记得吗他当时在沃特尼酒业工作You remember when he was at Watneys, 公♥司♥后来在布莱顿市开了新办公点 and they started up that new office down in Brighton? 他就会在周三坐火车去布莱顿市And h

13、ed go down on the train mid-week帮助新办公点运营to help get them up and running.克丽丝当时住在霍夫区Chrissy was living in Hove then.好吧Oh, okay.我有时候问你♥爸♥Id sometimes ask your dad,“你去那边的时候没见过克丽丝吗”Dont you ever see Chrissy when youre down there?”她就住在附近She lives nearby.他说没有”No, Hed say.“没见过真奇怪我从来没见过她”No. No

14、, funny. I never do see her.我很遗憾妈Im so sorry, Mum.是啊奇怪吉姆那时非常奇怪Yeah. Funny, that Jim. Very funny.他还不知道你知道了吗He He doesnt know that you know?对他感觉到我对他的态度有点不对No. He sensed Im a bit off with him, 但我时常对他态度不对but Im often a bit off with him.如果我生他气了If Im cross with him,他就只会等我情绪过去he just lets it go past.他从来不问原

15、因He never asks why.他只会等事情过去He just waits for it to be over.但这件事情不是等着就能过去的Yeah, but he cant wait till this is over.我很抱歉给你添负担保罗Im sorry to land all this on you, Paul.我知道你♥爸♥爸对你来说很重要I know what your dad means to you.我也想着等到吃过午饭后再说And I wanted to wait till after our nice lunch.我不想破坏你给我们的心意I

16、 didnt want to spoil the lovely treat you made for us. 我刚刚看见了一只野兔Ive just seen a hare.天知道我有多久没见过了Havent seen a hare since God knows when.好像只是小时候见过Since I was a boy, I think.大耳朵大得过分Huge ears. Enormous.跟动画里一样Like a cartoon.还有那双后腿And the back legs, heh.真是完美的配置I mean, itrs the perfect setup, isnt it?对猎物

17、来说Ifyoure prey.能听见猎食者的动静然后跑得飞快You can hear the predator, then you run like hell. 按说绵羊也该Youd think sheep would 朝这个方向进化对吧have evolved the same way, wouldnt you?等一千年以后Over the millennia.但它们现在还是小耳朵But theyve got those tiny ears still.而且绵羊也几乎跑不动只会跌跌撞撞地走And they can barely run at all. They lollop.妈知道你和克丽丝

18、有外遇了Oh, uh, Mum knows that you had an affair with Chrissy.爸Dad.爸Dad!真蠢我的天别犯傻了Thats daft. My God, dont be daft.-你不成认吗-这种谈话太愚蠢了保罗-You denying it? - Its daft talk, Paul.好吧没有这种事吗All right, so it didnt happen?好吧你的意思是Right, youre- youre telling me这事没发生过因为妈妈好像觉得it didnt happen? Because Mum seems to think-别

19、管了保罗别管了Leave it, Paul! Leave it be!看在上帝的份上伙计别管了For Christs sake, man, leave it alone!你会毁了一切Everything is gonna come undone!上帝啊Jesus Christ alive.老天啊Ohh, God in fuckin heaven.我们回车上去吧太冷了Lets get back in the car. Its cold.你为什么逼我去临终关怀医院Why did you make me visit the hospice?-本来都好好的-我没逼你做任何事-It was all fi

20、ne- - Oi! I didnt fuckin make you do anything. 不要怪到我头上来And dont shift the blame onto me!-你出轨了吗爸爸-那不是-Did you have an affair, Dad? - It wasnt.不是什么Wasnt what?你不懂那是什么You dont know what it was.-你不懂-那你告诉我啊-Youve no idea. - Then tell me!那都是四十年前的事了It happened 40 fuckin years ago!是吧那就是有了Right! So it did hap

21、pen!好吧该死Okay! Fucking hell!爸爸上帝啊你Dad, Jesus Christ! You?!我所知的成为一个男人的道理Everything that I learned about being a man.都是你教的现在你却came from you, and now you-我不需要向你解释保罗I dont owe you an explanation, Paul!不是每件事都跟你有关Everything isnt always about you!-你说什么-你听到了-Sorry? - You heard.你一直改不掉这个毛病Thats always been you

22、r problem.什么事都以你为中心Everything has to be about you!你怎么被影响了你有什么反响How it affects you! How you react!”保罗会发怒吗”人人皆知的暴脾气Will Paul blow up? The famous fuckin rage.这事和你没关系好吗保罗Well, this isnt about you, Paul, okay?这事与你无关意外吧This doesnt all revolve around you. Shock-fuckin-horror.这样你就能少管闲事了So you can keep your

23、fuckin nose out.现在你要打人了是吗Oh, youre gonna hit us now, are ya?就像卢克打你一样因为他受够了Like Luke did to you, because hed had enough.棒极了Terrific.好吧动手吧打啊Well, go on then. Give us a wallop.打呀怎么不打了我活该不是吗Go on, why not? I deserve it, dont I?朝我脸上来一拳保罗问题就解决了Punch us in the fuckin face, Paul. Thatll solve it.回到车上去跟妈妈好好谈

24、谈Get back in the car and talk to Mum.我做不到I cant, can I?我怎久有脸见她How can I ever look her in the face again?她知道我做了什么她会怎么看我How can she look at me, knowing what I did?我们总不能站在荒野里像Well, we cant stand out on the moor shouting like呼啸山庄中的男女主角凯茜和希斯克利夫那样大喊大叫吧太冷了Cathy and fuckin Heathcliff, can we? Its cold.我不想让她

25、看到我的脸I dont want her to see me face.她看不到你的脸Shes not gonna see your fuckin face因为后视镜根本看不到你cause of the angle of the mirror!我想让保罗也进来I want Paul in as well.她想让你也上车She wants you in, too.你该用喷雾rYou should use your puffer.我没带I havent brought me puffer.你肯定是在临终关怀医院看到我们了So, you must have seen us in the hospic

26、e, then.我看见你亲吻她的手I saw you kissing her hand.也看到她边哭边抚摸你的脸I saw her stroking your face. Crying.好像你是跟她结婚五十年不是跟我Like youve been married to her for 50 years, not me.-对不起杰姬-为什公对不起-Im sorry, Jackie. - Sorry. For what?在临终关怀医院的事还是这一切That at the hospice or all of it?所有的事整个All of it. The whole.我现在一定要谈这个吗Do- Do

27、 I have to go into this now?不然我们该做什么呢Well, what should we do instead?我们平常做的吗不吵架Our usual thing- not have a row,两人冷战几天go silent with each other for a couple of days,然后就忘了and then forget it?不吉姆我们不能这样这件事不行No, Jim. We cant do that. Not with this.我知道不行No, I know.有多少次吉姆你还记得吗How many times, Jim? Can you ev

28、en remember?-什久有多少次-阿森纳赢得足总杯的次数-How many times what? - Have Arsenal won the FA cup.-你觉得呢-十四次-What do you bloody think? -14.你和克丽丝睡过几次How many times did you sleep with Chrissy?你不记得了You cant remember.他不记得了He cant remember.他当然不记得好吧Course he cant remember. All right, well.我们来算算好吧Lets try and work it out,

29、 shall we?-妈别这样-不不-Mum, dont. - No, no.我们来算一下保罗Well do the maths, Paul.一周一次一共六个月Once a week for. six months?那是多少25次Whats that? 25 times?然后呢吉姆Then what, Jim?再加上后面算十次Ten more times over the next few我们没上过床We never slept together.-扯淡-胡说-Fuck off. - Bollocks.我们没上过床我向上帝发誓We never did, I swear to God.-我以你的

30、生命起誓保罗谢了-1 swear on your life, Paul. - Oh, cheers.我们每周都见面吃晚餐Wed meet up for dinner every week.在莱恩斯的一家意大利餐厅At an Italian restaurant in the Lanes.就这样And that was it.意大利餐厅Italian?你什么时候开始吃意面了Since when did you eat pasta?你讨厌意面You hate pasta.我会点肉菜Id choose the meat course instead.小牛肉或者鸡肉Veal or some chick

31、en.或者熏腿煮土豆Gammon, maybes. Boiled potatoes.我♥操♥你是猫途鹰吗Fuck me, its Trip Advisor.不好意思老爸我不信你Im sorry, Dad, I dont believe you.那怎么解释临终医院的事Cause how does that explain all the hospice stuff?怎么解释你刚才在外面走来走去How does it explain you out there just now, pacing around?我才不管你信不信保罗I dont care what you

32、believe, Paul.就像我说的这跟你没关系They need to rethink the whole operation, if you ask me.-是啊-我想我们只能将就了-Yeah. -1 suppose thisll have to do us.我们不介意过穷日子保罗We dont mind slumming it, Paul.天啊妈Jesus, Mum.我们就是去马尔文山玩一天You know, its a day trip to the Malvern Hills.又不是要徒步穿越秘鲁Its not trekking across Peru.就是一些小东西Just a

33、few bits and bobs.外套之类的可能会冷Extra coats, et cetera. Might get parky.已经很冷了Its already parky.那就是更冷Parkier then.我不能这玩意要插在哪I cant. Which thing does the wossname go into?离你最远的那个插口Its the one furthest away from you.好吧这真是很不合理Well, thats very counterintuitive.好了大家都系好平安带准备出发吗Okay, all buckled in and ready?-好了

34、 -准备好了-Yep. - Ready to go.好我们出发All right, lets roll.养育者第三季第八集我脑子里突然想到了那首歌♥Oh, that songs just come into my head.“记忆“那首歌♥叫什么来着Memories. Whats it called?一是记忆吗-往日情怀-Is it called Memories? - The Way We Were.-就是这首-没错-Thats it. - Oh, yeah.Like I said, this isnt about you.有关系吉姆这是家事Yes, it is,

35、 Jim. Its a family thing.你做那些乱七八糟的事的时候Paul was nine when you were doing保罗才九岁whatever it was you were doing.你是他的父亲Youre his dad.这件事不仅与我有关也与他有关Its to do with him as much as me.我发誓我从没跟她上过床杰姬I swear I never slept with her, Jackie.所以呢你每周与她共进一次晚餐So, what? You saw her once a week for dinner, 持续了半年 for half

36、 a year,你们就只是聊天是吗and you just chatted. did you?津津乐道Bit of an old chin-wag?为世界寻求正义Put the world to rights?是的Yes.那你为什么要保密So why did you keep it a secret? Hmm?为什么她也保密Why did she keep it a secret?她从没提到她见过你She never said shed seen you.你总是说你从没遇上她And you always said youd never bumped into her, 我就不理解了so I d

37、ont understand why.怎么了What?吉姆跟玛丽那时一样是吧Jim. its Mary again, isnt it?杰姬Oh, Jackie.-玛丽是谁-没必要让他知道这件事-Whos Mary? - He doesnt need to know this.吉姆遇见我的时候When Jim met me,他已经和一个叫做he was already engaged to be married玛丽可里克的女人订婚了to a woman called Mary Creek.-可里克-克里克-Creek? - Crick.-克里克-克里克-Crick. - Crick.我跟你&he

38、arts;爸♥是因为工:作认识的Id met your dad at work.我们都在厄斯菲尔德的亨特公♥司♥上班We both worked at Hunts in Earlsfield.办公地点在高粒特巷in the offices there in Garratt Lane.我们开始一起做一些小事And we started doing little things together.彼此都心无杂念Uh, all very innocent.拍照啊去巴特西游乐场玩啊Pictures, Battersea Funfair.还有其他地方Other p

39、laces.-动物园-伦敦动物园-Zoo. - London Zoo.然后我们变得很亲近And. we got very close to each other.我那时以为他会吻我你知道吗And I thought he might kiss me, you know?但他从来没有But he never did.他都没有尝试He never tried, even.有一天我就问他为什么So, one day, I asked him why.你还记得你怎么说的吗吉姆And do you remember what you said, Jim?记得Yes.你说你爱上我了You said you

40、 were in love with me.如果我们再进一步and if it went any further,你就得取消跟玛丽的婚约youd have to break off your engagement with Mary, 而这一步会让你跟她分手and taking the next step would break you and her up. 落实也确实如此And it did.你爱上了克莉丝You were in love with Chrissy.如果你们俩上了床And ifyou two had slept together,你就得离开我you wouldve had

41、to leave me.我没有爰上她杰姬I wasnt in love with her, Jackie.我只是这么以为当时我太傻了I just thought I was. I was daft你知道这样更糟吉姆You do know its worse, Jim.知道吗Do you know that?这样更糟Its worse than.糟过在办公室派对后的做♥爱♥some leg-over after an office party,或与复印员的亲吻调戏or some kiss-and-fumble by the photocopier.爱.“吉姆Love.

42、 Jim?你爱着另一个女人Being in love with another woman却要回到我的家中when youre coming home to me.那我对你来说算什么吉姆So what was I to you then, Jim?我爱你杰姬I love you, Jackie.我一直爱你I always have.我碍着你了吗Was I in the way?我只是个无聊的老太婆Was I just some boring old bag你在见到真爱的女人后that you were forced to come home to被迫回到我这里来吗after seeing th

43、e woman who you really loved?我们该走了保罗We should get going, Paul.一回家吧好-Get back. - Okay.你的炸鱼薯条怎么样保罗How was your fish and chips, Paul?我之前都没问I didnt ask.还不错Uh, yeah, it was all right.嗯就是酒吧的炸鱼薯条Yeah. Its pub fish and chips.不是炸鱼.薯条专卖♥♥店You know, its not- not chippy fish and chips, 但也很好吃but it

44、 was nice all the same.青豆很不错Peas were good.我的意式水饺好吃极了My ravioli was beautiful.我只有在出门用餐时才能吃到意面I only ever have pasta when I go out to eat.你们经常煮意面对吧You cook a lot of pasta, dont you?对我们靠这个续命Yeah, we live on it, yeah.做起来很快也很简单Its. quick. So easy to cook.孩子们很喜欢Kids love it.你们想买&h ea rts;&h earts;什么吗Anyb

45、ody want anything from the shop? 如果店里有我要旅行糖果Ill have some of them travel sweets, if theyve got them.用罐子装的那种-好-In the tin. - Okay.还要一份镜报你♥爸♥喜欢玩填字游戏 And the Daily Mirror. Your dad likes the Quizword.谢谢Thanks.每一次吉姆Every time, Jim.每次你与克莉丝去吃晚餐every time you went to dinner with Chrissy. 我都会在

46、前一晚把你的衬衫洗好熨平Id have washed and ironed your shirt the night before. 我会擦亮你的鞋吉姆Id have polished your shoes, Jim, 因为你是去工作你要看上去精神抖擞 because it was work, and you needed to look smart, 你总说我&h ea r ts;干&h e a r ts;得比你好 and you always said I did a better job than you did. 当你跟她彼此倾诉When you and her were telling each other 你们有多么相爱时how much in love you were.别说了杰姬拜托Stop it, Jackie, please.我一个人在家里带着保罗I was at home with Paul.希望你不会寂寞hoping you werent lonely.我希望你不是一个人I was hoping you werent on your own 待在破破烂烂的旅馆里in some rotten old B&B.现在看来Well.你一点都不寂寞对吧You weren


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