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《2022-2023学年山东省部分地区高三上学期期末考试英语试题汇编:读后续写.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022-2023学年山东省部分地区高三上学期期末考试英语试题汇编:读后续写.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、山东省部分地区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题分类汇编读后续写山东省济南市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末检测英语试题 第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。As an old saying goes, we make a living by what we get, but make a life by what we give.I truly believe that a job is definitely not a job if you love what you arc doing. Many years a

2、go, I worked in an employment and insurance office, which helps people find jobs, apply for employment and insurance, and return to school for training. What could be more rewarding than to help someone find a job or change their career?I have always said that people are at (heir worst when they are

3、 unemployed or sick. I must admit that some days were challenging. But I have one amazing story that I would like to share.One day, a lady came to the office with a dream to become a registered nurse. According to my client, her family did not approve. She was a mother with young children, and her h

4、usband had returned to school for (raining. Il was not economically practical fbr her to return to school.It was clear that this lady had a passion for the nursing profession, so I encouraged her to realize her dream. I equipped her with (he information necessary to apply for nursing school, and she

5、 left the office. She went on her way, and 1 never knew whether she followed her drcam or not.Many years later, I was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer of the stomach and was admitted to the hospital fbr an operation. I must admit I was scared. My mother had died of cancer at age forty. I had a husband and t

6、wo beautiful children. I was only fbrty-eight years old. The surgery was successful. It was, however, very painful. Days flew smoothly as I recovered from the pain. 注意:1.续写词数应为150词左右;2.请按如下格式作答。But one night the pain began growing stronger.“You never know what impact your encouraging words had on me

7、, the nurse said.山东省烟台市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末学业水平诊断英语试题第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Scott Legried was a 50-year -old fanner in Frost, Minnesota. One October moming, he was driving his truck along the country road when a dog popped up out of nowhere. It was too late to hit the brake. Sc

8、ott had no choice but to turn the wheel sharply to the right to avoid running over the dog.The dog had a lucky narrow escape, but Scotts car crashed into the roadside cornfield. He got knocked out and when he came to, he found he was unable to move or even reach for his cellphone lying not far away.

9、 Scott was desperate for help.Fortunately, a motorist driving through the area found Scott and called 911. Scott was rushed to hospital. Without delay, the doctors gave Scott a thorough examination and found that he suffered multiple serious injuries and needed to be operated on immediately. After a

10、 5-hour surgery, Scott was wheeled to his ward, where the doctors told Scotts wife Susan that it would take several months fbr Scott co recover before he could do farm work again.It was really bad news. This was the busiest time of year for the farmers of the region. What the doctors said meant Scot

11、t would not be able to bring in their October harvest of soybeans and com in time, which would probably be ruined in the fields. The crops were their hard work of so many days! They meant the world to the family. Besides, wheat should be sown after (he soybeans and com were harvested. They couldnt a

12、fford to miss the farm time, but they could do nothing at all since Susan also had to stay in the hospital to accompany and take care of Scot. Feeling extremely anxious and helpless, the couple could hardly fall asleep on the first night in the hospital.The bad news that Scott had a serious accident

13、 spread quickly. The whole community were deeply concerned about him. Frank, director of the community, and some other farmers came to the hospital to see Scott the next day. 注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Frank comforted (he couple and promised to help them out.Two months later, Scott recover

14、ed and returned home.山东省青岛市2022-2023学年高三上学期质量检测英语试题47.阅读卜面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was September 1966, and I was twenty years old, facing my first class of kids as a new teacher. Like most new, young teachers, I was full of enthusiasm and determined lo make a difference. My class was made up of

15、thirty-eight angels and one street kid named Mike, a 10-year-okl kid who never knew his parents and lived with an indifferent grandmother. His clothing was in constant need of repair. Compared to the other kids around him, he was at a distinct disadvantage. Being so young, I knew very little about p

16、arenting. However, I did recognize a child in need, and decided to reach out and see if I could make a difference. And so it was that early in September, my special 44fbster fathef, relationship with Mike began.Each day as 1 arrived at school around 7:30 A. M., Mike would already be in the parking l

17、ot waiting fbr me. Because he was usually hungry, Id take him out fbr breakfast. I showed him how to sew, and together we began mending his ripped and torn clothes. Each noon hour as I shared my lunch with him, I taught him a host of new skillsfor a while we worked on the proper method of using a mi

18、croscope. On another day we constructed a pinhole camera, then we classified rocks and minerals. One Monday, I taught Mike to play chess. By Friday of that same week, he was giving me a really good game. Mike would then “help me teach these skills to the rest of the class. We all had a lot of fun. a

19、nd a kind of unspoken trust began to build up between us.Then early in October, at a class meeting, the kids were asked to talk about their dreams. Most of them wanted to be doctors, musicians, teachers or some such things while an awkward scene occurred when it was Mikes turn to speak out his ultim

20、ate desire in life. Standing before the whole class, he stammered (结巴)that he had no idea, with his face turning red. At that moment, the bell rang.注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。第一段:Class was over, but my new plan was just beginning.第二段:Ten years passed, and I often thought of him, wondering

21、how his life turned out and what he had become.山东省日照市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末校际考试英语试题 第二节(满分25分)47.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成篇完整的短文。“You dont have to come, you know, Lee whispered angrily.A few months ago, Dad had suggested taking Lee and his friends on a day trip to the Rocky Mountain National Park. I

22、t was meant (o be boys only, hut then Father decided at the last minute to take Frankie along. Now she was baggage her brothers unwanted baggage.Dad said. Listen up. You need to take responsibility fbr your own equipment. Frankie and the boys dutifiilly checked their equipment. Frankie looked at Dad

23、s kit. There was a compass, a survival blanket, tlrsl-aid kit, extra water, matches, and more.By the time they reached the parking lot, it was mid-morning and there were few people around. Frankie and her dad studied (he map while the boys hung around.It was raining lightly when they set out the boy

24、s racing ahead, followed by Dad and Frankie. The trail stretched before them, disappearing into the forest like a path in a fairy tale.They climbed steadily, the day brightening around them. All around, there was nothing but trees, the bright-blue sky overhead, and glimpses of the magnificent Mummy

25、Ranges.When they reached an alpine meadow (高山草甸),Dad announced it was lunchtime. Frankie took off her backpack and gazed al the vastness of the landscape surrounding her.After lunch, Frankie followed behind, determined to put some distance between herself and the boys. Frankie watched Adam climb up

26、(he rock, closely followed by Lee and Damien. Dad carefully pulled himself up after the boys, but as he went to stand up, the corner of the rock broke into pieces, and he lost his balance. Although he fell only a short distance, he landed awkwardly and hard. Frankie heard the air go out of him befor

27、e he prepared another breath to yell.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2,请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。“Dad Frankie shouted, her voice edged with tears.Not too much later Lee and Adam were back with a park keeper.山东省潍坊市2022-2023学年度高三上学期1月期末考试英语试题第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。It was an early winter morning. Joan

28、 was sleeping soundly when the phone rang in (he living room. She rolled over and glanced al the clock on the wallit was already nine oclock. Every weekend morning, her mother had to work part-time in the cafe. Although Joan was still sleepy, she knew she had to get up. After all, she didnt expect h

29、er brother Mike, who was sleeping like a log, to hear the phone. She quietly went over to the living room. When she picked up the receiver, on the other end came the warmhearted greetings, 44 Good morning, my Dear! Recognizing the voice from her father, Joan was immediately surrounded by a sense of

30、joy and (he sleepiness swept away.Joans father was a seaman, who rarely came back. Working on the sea was really hard. Born in a not-rich family, Joan and Mike felt the stress of life but they were happy to enjoy the family atmosphere. At school, they were straight-A students throughout the academic

31、 career and actively involved in school activities. They became the pride of the school and the envy of the students.“Good moning, Dad, whats up? Joan said in an easy tone. 4i have been very nice recently, my baby. Today is your mothers birthday, and I have ordered her a cake online and it should co

32、nic to the house in one and half an hour. Do remember to take the cake.”Hearing her fathers words, Joan felt a little ashamed. How she could forget Mums birthday! She took a glance at the dirty clothes piled on the sofa and the oily floor that hadnt been mopped(拖地)for a few daysThere was two hours b

33、efore her mother came back. She calculated they had enough time to prepare a surprise for Mum.Thinking of this, she felt full of excitement. uWcll, Dad, now Im going to wake Mike up.We will give Mum a surprise !”Joan hung up the phone with Dad, and hurriedly went to Mikes room to share him her Big C

34、leaning plan. After listening to Joan, Mike readily accepted her idea.注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。The Big Cleaning plan began.With (he cake placed on the table, Mum came in.答案:山东省济南市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末检测英语试题One possible version:But one night (he pain began growing stronger. A nurse was sent

35、for special medical help. After that, Ifelt more relieved. 44Thanks to your timely care, I feel much better,I said gratefully to the nurse. “It is you that I should express my sincere thanks to actually. Remember the stniggling mother many years ago?” she asked. Amazed and surprised, I recognized sh

36、e was the young lady who had been interviewed by me. How did you make it?” I asked, wondering how she pursued her drcam.“You never know what impact your encouraging words had on me,“ the nurse said. She told me that she was determined to achieve her goal following my advice. Having overcome tremendo

37、us difficulties in economy and got support from her family, she returned to school for study and eventually fulfilled her dream as a registered nurse. So fantastic was this encounter. How blessed we were to have met each other! What could be more rewarding than to help someone fulfill their drcams.

38、Helping others will benefit yourself as well.山东省烟台市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末学业水平诊断英语试题Frank comforted the couple and promised to help them out. Greatly relieved, Scott and Susan expressed their heartfelt gratitude repeatedly. On rectum. Frank posted a notice on their community website, calling on people to

39、 help harvest Scotts crops. Hours later, over a dozen farmers signed up voluntarily in response. Then Frank made a detailed arrangement. Some farmers were assigned to harvest Scotts com and soybeans, some were in charge of bagging the grain and some transported and dried them. Frank even arranged fo

40、r wheat seeds to be bought and sown in Scotts fields. Everything went pretty well.Two months later; Scott recovered and returned home. The moment the couple stepped into iheir house, they could hardly believe (heir eyes. Inside were neat rows of bags filled with dry corn and soybeans. A wave of warm

41、th rose from the bottom of their hearts. When they got to (heir fields, they were overwhelmed with what came into sight. Bathed in the bright sunshine, the green wheat was waving at them like long-lost friends. Then from the distance came Frank and some farmers, to whom Scott and Susan hurriedly wen

42、t over, with grateful tears streaming down their checks. They felt lucky to live in a community where people always looked out for each other.山东省青岛市2022-2023学年高三上学期质量检测英语试题【答案Class was over, but my new plan was just beginning. After class, I asked what his dream was. He answered that his ultimate de

43、sire in life was to be a gangster. I was totally amazed. Afterwards, I usually took him to a law library. In fact. I made the arrangement on purpose. He was so absorbed with the book that we usually stayed there for the whole weekend. I said to him that to be a good gangster, he had to know somethin

44、g about criminal law and reading up on laws was the only way to learn. His young mind was eager and he dove right in.Ten years passed, and I often thought of him, wondering how his life turned out and what he had become. Then one day, I decided to look up the number of a former colleague, opened the

45、 telephone directory, and there on the page, as if it were in twinkling neon lights and lit up just for me .I dialed the number ,and about fifteen seconds later, I was talking with a husky voiced gentleman. His opening state was“ Teacher, Ive missed you. At that moment, I realized that it was Mike t

46、hat used to be a street kid whose dream was to be a gangster, now is a famous criminal lawyer. He sincerely repeated that I was the figure he had ever had, and that he owed it all to me. Had it not been fbr me, he wouldnt be what he was today.山东省日照市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末校际考试英语试题【答案】Dad fell!” Frankie sh

47、outed, her voice edged with tears. Lee and his friends heard the cry and hurriedly came back to Frankie and his father. Dad could hardly breathe normally and lost his strength to move any little. Seeing that, Lee gave first aid quickly, with the help of his friends. But Dad remained motionless as if

48、 he had been planted on the ground. Without hesitation, Frankie left the scene, heading fbr the foot of the hill.Not too much later, Lee and Adam were back with a park keeper. The keeper checked Dads situation and quickly called 911. A few minutes later. 4 medical workers came here, with a stretcher

49、 to carry Dad to the ambulance already waiting there. Dad was rescued and everyone breathed a sigh of relief and went home. Lee felt so proud of Frankies bravery, wit and calmness as well as so ashamed of not wanting her to go with them at beginning.山东省潍坊市2022-2023学年度高三上学期1月期末考试英语试题The Big Cleaning plan began. Joan collected the clothes from sofa and then put them in the water of a basin. After pouring in som


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