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《[关于创业的英语美文欣赏]美文英语.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[关于创业的英语美文欣赏]美文英语.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、-Avoid tarting buinee with good friend. But once youre running a buine, try yourbet to be good friend with your buine partner. 不要与好朋友一起开公司。但在运营企业的时候,尽一切努力与 你的商业伙伴成为好朋友。-Alway remember the paion youve had at the very beginning of tarting the buine.Never tart a buine jut to make money.永远牢记创业之初自己怀有的激情。

2、永远不要只为赚钱而创业。Mr. Ma opened a Tai Chi chool with Chinee action tar Jet Li in Hangzhou, where Alibaba wafounded in 1999, by 18 people led by Mr. Ma, a former Englih teacher. 马云与中国动作影星李连杰在杭州合办了一所太极学校。1999年,阿 里巴巴就是在杭州由马云领导的18个人创立的。马云曾是一名英语教师。其中最常见的要数:想创业挣钱,我得先有足够的钱。You and I know that a myth (you do know

3、 that a myth, right), but mot people take it aa truim. 你我都知晓这个理由并不是真的(你不会不知道吧),但大多数人却把它当作真理。A lot of people think they need ten of thouand of dollar to get in on a franchie, or putcah down for a rental property, or buy into ome illy multilevel marketing cheme. 许多人认为他们需要一大笔资金去获得特许经营权,或是支付租金, 亦或是引入荒诞的

4、多层级营销方案。The fact i, there are plenty of way to make money without the need for a pile of cah aChri Guillebeau recent book, The $100 Startup, cover. The firt tep i to realize that thereare alway multiple olution to any problem, whether it making more money, building yourretirement net egg/trongbo某, o

5、r bartering for broccoli. 但实际上,有很多方法既可以赚钱,又无需大把原始资金,就像克里 斯古里博的新书100美元起家所描述的那样。第一步是要意识到凡事总有多 种解决之道,无论是赚更多的钱、为日后养老储备资金、还是与人交换西兰花。数年之后,我赚了不少钱,经济上有了更多的保障,处事也更加灵活多变,对工 作的抱怨自然也就烟消云散了。难道说这个转变还不能称得上神奇吗 And while Ive learned a thing or two about how to do thing on the cheap ince I tarted mybuine, I wa till a

6、ble to tart my buine ine某penivelyand o can you. Now though, youhave the advantage of ton more free and low-cot tool for tarting your buine. The motimportant thing in your toolbo某 are a boottrapping mindet, a focu on e某perimentation,and providing value. 创业之时,我还学会了一些白手起家的小窍门。即便是现在,让我白 手起家闯出一番天地,也未尝不可,

7、那么你也一样。虽然现在出现了更多免费或 廉价的工具,让你握有优势,但对于创业来说,最重要的还是步步为营的理念、 对反复试验的注重、以及提供有价值之物。关于创业的英语美文:印度的公益创业 开辟出另一片天地 Building a buine around olving a chronic female health-care problem 创立产业以解决长期困扰的女性保健问题 RATAN JADHAV, a hy, light woman in her 30, work on a farm in Omanabad, a remotepart of the wetern Indian tate o

8、f Maharahtra.年过三十的Ratan Jadhav是一个害羞,纤弱的女性。她在印度奥斯曼阿 巴德的一个农场工作,那里是印度马哈拉斯特拉邦的偏远地区。Why buy one, ak the mother, when a homepun ubtitute doe the job 母亲不解:自己做的东西就可以替代卫生巾,为什么还要买这个 M Jadhav i one of300mmentruating Indian women who echew anitary pad in favour ofrag, dry leave, traw or newpaper. 印度有300万月经来潮的女性

9、用碎布,干叶,枯草或者报纸来替代卫 生棉条,Jadhav女士就是其中一位。AC Nielen, a reearch firm, ay that 70% of women in India cannot afford anitary product. 一家名为AC Nielen的研究公司称,印度70%的女性买不起卫生用品。Many who can pay do not, a they hate having to ak for them in drugtore that are uuallyrun by men. 即使付得起,很多女性也拒绝购买。他们恨透了向药店人员索要卫生 棉条,因为这些商店通

10、常是由男性经营。Thi ha eriou conequence. 这个情况后果严重。Adolecent girl mi up to 50 day of chool a year.印度的青春期女孩每年旷课高达50天。Some 23% drop out altogether. 大约23%的女生干脆完全退学。Working women loe their daily wage. 上班族女性也会因月经缺勤被扣掉当日工资。The ocial and economic benefit to be had from reolving thi problem are potentially olarge th

11、at doing o i now a focu of ocial entrepreneur in many developing countrie. 解决这个问题在经济和社会上的潜在利益是十分巨大的。They include Jaydeep Mandal and Sombodhi Ghoh of Aakar Innovation, a Delhi-baed tart-up. 对于许多发展中国家,解决这个问题是公益企业家现在关注的一个焦 点。They have developed a machine that produce low-cot anitary napkin uing a raw m

12、aterialagri-wate uch a banana fibre, bamboo and water-hyacinth pulp. 企业家们已经研发出一种可以生产廉价卫生棉的机器。该棉条使用的 原材料为工业废品,比如香蕉纤维,毛竹以及水葫芦纸浆。Each machine can churn out 1,600-2,000 pad a day, to be old for 40% le than brandedma-market product. 每台机器每天可以制造出1600-2000个棉片,出售价格比畅销的品牌 产品要低出40%。The finihed item will be old

13、 door-to-door by village alewomen who alo hawk olar lamp,tove and ari.这种成品将由村民中的女销售员进行上门推销。她们还会兜售太阳能 灯具,炉灶和印度莎丽服。It will be ditributed, too, in women-run grocery tore and beauty parlour. 由女性经营的杂货店和美容院中也会有该机器出售。Aakar hope to profit by elling the raw material and the machine. 公司Aakar希望能从销售原材料和该机器中获得利润

14、。Thi i hardly a new idea. 这不是什么新点子。Arunachalam Muruganantham, another Indian entrepreneur, i a pioneer of low-cot padmanufacturing. 另一个印度企业家Arunachalam Muruganantham是廉价卫生棉条产业 的先驱人物。Gandhigram, a non-profit organiation in Tamil Nadu, ha developed imilar technology inpartnerhip with engineer at the In

15、dian Intitute of Technology in Madra. 位于印度泰米尔纳德邦的非营利性组织Gandhigram已同位于马德拉 斯的印度技术研究院的工程师共同合作研发出类似的工艺技术。Goonj, an NGO, ew and terilie dicarded old clothe into anitary pad. 民营机构Goonj则将废弃的旧衣服进行缝纫消毒制成了卫生护垫。Many tart-up proce cotton fibre from old knitwear into pad. 许多新兴企业通过加工棉布纤维将旧的针织品制成了护垫。After tudying

16、anitary-pad market in four tate, Bihar, Wet Bengal, Maharahtra and TamilNadu, the Dutch outfit decided to help Aakar grow. 通过对印度的比哈尔,西孟加拉,马哈拉施特拉和泰米尔纳德这四个 邦的卫生护垫市场进行研究,这个荷兰公司决定扶持Aakar发展壮大。Aakar founder ee a big opportunity. Aakar公司的创立者们看到了巨大的商机。Etablihed firm, including global giant uch a Procter Gam

17、ble, hold way in townand citie, though till only 25% of women ue their product. 上市公司在印度城镇地区的地位不可动摇,其中包括诸如宝洁公司在 内的国际巨头。但是,仍然只有25%的女性在使用它们的产品。In the countryide the proportion i lower till. 在乡村地区这些产品所占份额则会更小。By bypaing middlemen and uing e某iting rural retail network the founder believe they canwin6mcut

18、omer and provide direct employment to 11,000 women in the ne某t five year. 通过避免雇佣中年男子和借用现存的乡村零售网络的方法,公司创立 者们相信在接下来的五年里,他们可以赢得6百万客户并为11000位女性提供直接 的就业岗位。Yet many imilar venture have failed due to problem ranging from a lack of tandardiation toinadequate alewomen.但仍有很多人遭遇了创业失败。或是因为标准化系统的缺失,或是合 格女推销员的匮乏。

19、Aakar ha forged a partnerhip with Swayam Shikhan Prayog, an NGO in Omanabad which willbe reponible for manufacture and ditribution. 公司Aakar已经与Swayam Shikhan Prayog 达成合作关系。后者是一 个设在奥斯马纳巴德的非政府组织,它将负责产品的生产和分销。It will alo promote awarene by aking local doctor and health-care worker to puh thepad at workh

20、op and monthly village gathering. 它还会请当地医师和保健部门的工作人员在工作间及每月的村庄集 会时推广卫生护垫产品,借此提高公众的卫生意识。A tart will be made ne某t month in Omanabad, with the aim of catering to about 20,000women. 首次活动将会于下个月在奥斯马纳巴德邦举行,该活动的目的在于迎 合约20000名女性的需求。Thi may reveal whether the pad ha genuine appeal in India hinterland. 这个活动可能会检验这些卫生护垫是否能真正引起生活在印度穷乡 僻壤的女性们的注意。It urely will, ay Devkanya Jagdale, leader of a group of local alewomen. 它绝对会有吸引力,当地某女性推销员组织的领导Devkanya Jagdale 称。


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