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《2022年12月英语六级真题及参考答案完整版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年12月英语六级真题及参考答案完整版.doc(38页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年12月英语六级真题及参考答案完整版英语六级试卷采用多题多卷的形式,大家核对答案时,找出具体选项,忽略套数。无忧考网搜集整理了各个版本,仅供大家参考。Conversation 01. M:Welcome to the Book Club. Todays guest is Susan Lane, the author of a new book on personal finances that has already sold half a million copies. Hi, Susan. Your book is extremely successful. Why do you

2、think that is? W:I think thats because of my message, which is making happiness a priority over money. So many of us in my generation have spent decades trying to earn more money just to consume more, but it made us more miserable. M:You yourself were once caught in that cycle, working for two decad

3、es as an executive and earning a high salary, but still accumulating debt. W: I most certainly was. I earned million. But by the time I quit my job four years ago to become a writer, I owed over $30,000.M: So how did you escape that pattern and what would you advise other people to do? W: The first

4、change isnt what we value. We need to emphasize things that actually make us happy, like relationships, the environment, or even our hobbies. Once we make the right things our priority . Our goals will change and so will our financial behavior. M:How does that translate into practical action? Can yo

5、u give our audience examples of what youre talking about? On an everyday basis?W: The major areas for action are usually housing, food, and transportation. So people might share a home with friends instead of living on their own. Bring lunch from home instead of going to restaurants and use public t

6、ransport instead of owning a car. M: Those sound like major sacrifices. I could never share my home. I need my own space, W: But they arent sacrifices. When people change their values, their desires change. So in the example of housing, if we value relationships, sharing a home isnt depriving oursel

7、ves of space. But giving us an opportunity to spend more time with our loved ones. M: Indeed it is. Q1. What message does the woman convey in her book? Q2. What do we learn about the woman before she became a writer?Q3. What does the woman say about ones financial behavior?Q4. What does the man say

8、about sharing a home?Conversation 02.W: Thank you for inviting me to the gallery, Christopher. I havent visited here since your predecessors retirement function.M: Would you like to see the newest additions to our collection First? Catherine.W: Are those the landscapes? By Danielle Gregory? I absolu

9、tely adore her work.M: This first piece was a gift to the gallery from the artist herself, and its quite exquisite.W:I love how she depicts the barren landscape. The colors compliment each other perfectly.M: You can sense the desolation in the picture. This piece was inspired by Gregorys recent trek

10、 in the Goy Desert. W: And how did you obtain her other piece over here?M: It was purchased at auction by an anonymous collector who lent it to the gallery for display.This composition is one of her most acclaimed paintings.W: It must have cost that collector a small fortune to purchase this.M: Obvi

11、ously, I cant disclose the exact amount he paid, but it was substantial. W: Theres so much detail in this painting. I feel like I can really immerse myself in the scene. I particularly like the symmetry created by the reflection of the mountain in the lake.M: This particular piece was the one that w

12、as nominated for a gateway award. I was lucky enough to attend the award ceremony as Gregorys guest.W: So you know her personally, I assume shes an eccentric artist.M:Quite the opposite. In fact, shes not at all eccentric. I would say shes one of the most easygoing and intelligent people I know.W: I

13、d love to be able to meet her. There are so many questions Id like to ask. What a coincidence.M: Im meeting her for dinner tonight. Would you like to come along?W: Id love to. thank you.Q5. What do we learn about one of the newest additions to the gallerys collection?Q6. What does the man say about

14、one of the most acclaimed paintings by Daniel Gregory?Q7. Why does the woman say she can feel immersed in the scene in the painting?Q8. How does the man describe Danielle Gregory?Passage 01. Forgiveness is the release of resentment or anger. Forgiveness doesnt mean reconciliation. We dont have to re

15、turn to the same relationship, nor do we have to accept the same harmful behaviors from an offender. Forgiveness is vitally important for the mental health of certain victims. It propels people forward rather than keeping them emotionally engaged in an injustice or trauma. Carrying the hurt or anger

16、 of an offense leads the body to release stress chemicals. Eliminating the perpetual flow of those chemicals may also explain why forgiveness provides physical health benefits. There are scenarios in which forgiveness is not the best course. Sometimes a victim becomes more empowered when they give t

17、hemselves permission not to forgive. Forgiveness can be challenging . This is especially true when the offending party offers an insincere apology, or maybe they havent offered anything at all. However, its often the healthiest path forward. Its important to cultivate forgiveness by developing compa

18、ssion for the offender. Reflect on whether the act was due to malicious intent or whether it was caused by challenging circumstances in the offenders life. What about forgiving ourselves? We sometimes need to take responsibility for mistakes, but intense guilt and shame arent a desirable outcome in

19、the long run, forgiving yourself may seem like an ambiguous process. You can begin by acknowledging that you are at fault. Take responsibility for the hurt you caused. Then reflect on why the event, draw the lessons you learned and try to avoid committing a similar offense in the future. Q09. What d

20、oes the passage say about forgiveness? Q10. When is forgiveness especially challenging?Q11. What should one do in order to forgive the offender?Passage 02The Glasgow Subway first opened in 1896 as a cable hauled system. It is generally recognized as the worlds third underground railway after London

21、and Budapest. In its long history, it has never been expanded, remaining as a single loop line with a mere 15 stations. At its peak, it served the shipyard workers on the south side of the city.In the 1960s, there was a decline in the ship building industry, and the popularity of private transport g

22、rew. As a result, the subway saw a rapid decline in ridership. It ran with little further change until 1977 when its new operators closed it for major modernization investment. carriages were replaced, Ventilation was improved. And the main depot was also renovated and fitted with connecting tracks

23、to replace the outdated crane transfer mechanism. The subway in its present form reopened for operation in April, 1980. Since its relaunch, the subway has seen a revival in its fortunes. It serves as a viable alternative to other forms of transport, and has gone a long way to alleviate traffic jams

24、in the city center.In 1996, the system reached an important milestone 100 years. To commemorate this special event, the color scheme of the train carriages was updated. recently, High tech systems such as smart card ticketing machines and smart gates are used across all subway stations. The SMART ca

25、rd provides more convenient travel and passengers simply top up their cards and tap them to get in and out the subway. Since its launch, the technology has been adopted by more than 100,000 subway customers.Q12. What does the passage say about the Glasgow subway in the 1960s?Q13. Why was the Glasgow

26、 subway closed in 1977?Q14. Why does the Glasgow subway remain important today? Q15. What does the passage say about all subway stations in Glasgow nowadays?Lecture 1If you visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Chances are: you will remember the roadside or campground bears. Above all else,

27、 theirs are the most popular animals in a number of our national parks and these mountains where the population of bears runs into the hundreds. Opportunities to observe these large wild animals are plentiful during the summer. Since national parks are wildlife sanctuaries where no disturbance of th

28、e native animals is allowed, years of protection have served to break down the wild bears fear of humans. Now instead of depending on their own resources for a living, many bears, patrol park roads and campgrounds, they give the garbage cans a frequent, going over an occasional offer of food from a

29、park visitor and illegal and dangerous practice makes beggars of them. Bears are very often hungry, and since they will feed on almost any kind of plant or animal, garbage is quite acceptable. Feeding them however represents misguided kindness because the bears come to expect such generosity from ev

30、eryone, and consequently, trouble could lie ahead.Park rules prohibit the feeding of bears. Violators are arrested. Every year, Doctors who have offices near the park treat a number of cases of bear bites and bear scratches. Some of the accidents have come about in strange ways. One man was in the p

31、rocess of feeding two small cubs when the mother bear appeared and insisted upon having some of the food shoving the big bear aside with one hand.The man continued feeding the cubs when suddenly he was struck a fierce blow in the face. A bear prompted by the food that a lady kept offering to him ent

32、ered the car where the generous person was sitting. Her efforts to push the bear out of the car resulted in injuries. A man required medical attention after he applied a lighted cigarette to a bears noses.Another man tried to boost a bear into the front seat of his car so that he might take a pictur

33、e of a bear sitting beside his wife who was behind the wheel. Because bears prefer roads and campgrounds. The possibility of a hiker meeting up with a bear along park trails is small, but theres always that chance for a bear seems to know if you are carrying a lunch or a candy bar, he may even insis

34、t on taking it.Question 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard. Question 16 what does the speaker say about the bears in National Parks now?question 17 what does the speaker say about visitors feeding bears in national parks? Question 18 what is the speakers advice to people who car

35、ry some food while hiking on a park trail?Lecture 02Why do we form opinions or attitudes about someone or something without really knowing much about them? Just hearing something good or bad about a person, a place or thing can influence our opinions positively or negatively. But letting the opinion

36、s of another person determine what our opinions will be is dangerous. Forming opinions about someone or something before really knowing them well is called prejudice. Pre means before, and Judice refers to judgment, hence prejudice means to judge before having adequate knowledge, we can be prejudice

37、d toward or against someone or something. In either case, we are only allowing ourselves to see half of the picture. Very few people or things in this world are all good or all bad. Prejudiced attitudes are usually based on myths, half truths or incorrect information, and theyre dangerous because th

38、ey can keep us from learning the truth about someone or something. People form prejudices against others for many reasons, differences in their race, religion, gender, or occupation. prejudices keep people apart. They keep us from really knowing and understanding each other. We should feel proud of

39、who we are and the group of people we represent. If feelings of pride begin to turn to feelings of superiority, when we think that our group or our beliefs are better than those around us, however, then we begin to develop prejudiced attitudes that can be harmful. For example, the prejudiced attitud

40、es of one group may keep another group from attending certain schools, from living in any neighborhood they want or from getting a job or a promotion. Extreme feelings of prejudice have caused the deaths of innocent people. We are responsible for our own thoughts and opinions. When we let someone el

41、se tell us what to think about someone or something, we are giving up some control of our own. Before you form an attitude or opinion, find out for yourself about the person or the thing in question. Sometimes we dont realize that we hold prejudiced attitudes toward or against someone or something.

42、We need to carefully examine our lives and our fears and to ask ourselves whether our attitudes come from our personal knowledge and experience, or from rumors and fear of the unknown. The good news about prejudice is that we are not born with it. Prejudiced attitudes and opinions develop over time,

43、 but with education and knowledge, we can replace our prejudices with cooperation and understanding.Q19. Why does the speaker say about prejudice?Q20. Why does the speaker say prejudiced attitudes are dangerous? Q21. When does the speaker say we begin to develop prejudiced attitudes?Lecture 03When I

44、 started high school, it was a shock. I had spent eight years fighting my way to be the most popular kid in the Catholic school student body.I had been a big, tough eighth grader, and suddenly I was a lowly ninth grader, bullied by the big, tough 12th grade seniors who ran the high school.I realized

45、 then that its nice to strive for something. But that you also have to enjoy the moment youre in and be happy where you are.Rock and Roll had always been an important part of my life. I remember my friends and I used to drive around until the late hours of the nights listening to the Music of Rock a

46、nd Roll Legends.During those teenage years, I built friendships that I thought would last a lifetime.Most people that age think the same thing, but people drift apart. Jobs, families, and tragedies separate people from those lasting friendships. The tragedy that separated me from my friends forever

47、was the Vietnam War.A year after I graduated from high school, I left for Vietnam.I came back burned out and tired, as though I had lived 10 lifetimes in the short span of 14 months.The 14 months I was in the war. I couldnt relate to the friends I had had in high school. They still seemed childish,

48、concerned with childish things that werent important to me. I was still trying to cope with the death, destruction, and evil I had seen in Vietnam.I felt like we had done terrible things to innocent people there, and in turn, I had seen terrible things done to my friends. I withdrew from my friends

49、and started college.Then I quit collage and took many different jobs. I spent a lot of my time and money on alcohol and other drugs. Finally, in an effort to get my life going in the right direction again, I sold everything and took what little money I had and bought myself an airplane ticket to Israel.I went there to study history wh


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