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《商业计划书英文商业计划书通用模板.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商业计划书英文商业计划书通用模板.pdf(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 1 商业计划书英文商业计划书通用模板 Exeutive Summaras formed as ainin,bin response to the folloing market onditions:opportunities exist in.The need for use of effiient distribution and finanial methods in these overlooked markets.have several ustomers ho are illing to plae largeithin the next th

2、ree months.Several other prospetivehave expressed serious interest in doing business ithin six months.previousl oned a pan that as ative in the idget markets.Over the past fe ears I spent muh time studing as to improve overall performane and inrease profits.This plan is a result of that stud.The bas

3、i ponents of this plan are:1.Competitive priing Expand the markets 3.Inreased advertising 4.Loer our unit osts,5.Thereb ahieving higher profits.1.Sign ontrats Inreased advertising 3.Inrease offie staff To this end,need investment from private individuals andor panies.A total of$*is being raised hih

4、ill be used to finane orking apital,plant and equipment.The pan ill be inorporated and mon stok issued to investors.The pan ill be run as a.Finanial Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sales$1,000,000$1,400,000$1,600,000 Net Ine 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 2$25,000$250,000$375,000 Earnings per share.01.12.14 Manage

5、ment Sales groth from zero to$1,000,000 in five ears.Led market in market share-30%.Formulated advertising budgets ampaigns.Pioneered ne distribution hannels.Established national sales fore.Established national repair servie enters.6 7 8 9 10 11 Brought ne and innovative produts to the market.Design

6、ed point-of-purhase materials.Universit of Boston Boston,MA B.A.-Computer Sienes Short Biographies President John Q.Doe,Chief Exeutive Offier,and Diretor sine Februar88 and President sine Januar90.Mr.Doe as the founder and Chief Exeutive Offier of the original operating pan knon as Random Exess,In.H

7、e has had experiene in the idget field ith his on firm,John Doe Co.,of Oshkosh,from80 to87.This firm as sold to FatCat Widgets,In.in87.Mr.Doe has held a sales position ith U S West In.sine then.Mr.Doe graduated from the Universit of Colorado in81 ith a bahelors degree in philosoph.Mr.Doe is emploed

8、b the Compan on a full-time basis.Chief Finanial Offier Rihard Roe,CPA,Chief Finanial Offier,Treasurer and Diretor.Mr.Roe joined Random Exess,In.in Deember88 as a orporate ontroller and as named Chief Finanial Offier in Jul89.Mr.Roe as appointed Treasurer and a Diretor in Jul90.He served as orporate

9、 ontroller of*YZ Lumber Compan from August81 to 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 3 Deember88.Mr.Roe graduated from Metropolitan State College in Denver,Colorado in76 ith a bahelors degree in aounting.Sine79 he has been liensed as a Certified Publi Aountant in the State of Colorado and is a member of the Amerian

10、 Institute of Certified Publi Aountants.Mr.Roe is emploed b the Compan on a full-time basis.Vie President Joe Dokes,Seretar,Exeutive Vie President and Diretor.Mr.Dokes supervises the pans sales and implementations to its largest orporate ustomers,inluding US West,Great West Life Insurane,et.Mr.Dokes

11、 has served as Seretar and a Diretor sine Februar88,Vie President of Operations from Februar88 to Deember88,President of the Compan from Deember88 to Januar90 and Vie President of Contrat Sales sine Januar90.He has been involved sine86 ith the private pan originall formed as Random Exess,In.,here hi

12、s duties inluded managing the purhasing and sales department.From November84 to Ma86 he managed the sales department at Integrated Management Sstems,In.From June83 to Otober84 he as a buer for Adams Count,Colorado,Shool Distrit 50.Mr.Dokes attended Oklahoma State Universit in80 and81 and Trinidad St

13、ate College in Trinidad,Colorado in81 and8He did not reeive a degree from either universit.Mr.Dokes is emploed b the Compan on a full-time basis.Vie President Sall Seaugh Vie President of Marketing.Ms.Seaugh has been the Compans Vie President of Marketing 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 4 sine November88.From

14、September86 to Otober88 she as involved in business development and marketing for United Bank of Aurora.From Februar80 to August86 she as self-emploed as an independent oil and gas landman.Ms.Seaugh graduated from the Universit of Denver in74 ith a bahelors degree in Eduation.She is emploed b the Co

15、mpan on a full-time basis.Responsibilities John Q.Doe,Chief Exeutive Offier-Responsible for entire operation.Oversees management funtion and all other exeutives.Salar-$60,000.Rihard Roe,CPA,Chief Finanial Offier-Responsible for finanial operations,aounts p*ble,aounts reeivable,interation ith audi 6

16、7 8 9 10 11 tors,investor relations.Salar-$40,000 Joe Dokes,Exeutive Vie President-Responsible primaril for sales and sales support.Salar-$35,000 Sall Seaugh Vie President of Marketing.Responsible for marketing,human resoures and training.Salar-$30,000.Total Exeutive Compensation$165,000.Histor Info

17、rmed apan that manufatured start-of-the-art plex idgetr.This pan as loated in.formed this pan as a.Others involved in this business ere:.The main goal of this pan as to.Finaning as arranged throughThis venture as ver suessful in generating and inreasing sales,but as not effetive in ahieving profitab

18、ilit.The main reason for this as the amount of atual overhead experiened.This overhead as not initiall antiipated b me at 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 5 the beginning of that venture.Items inluding redit heking,arrant program management,extensive travel,maintaining arehouse stok and the management and expen

19、se of a national sales fore ere expenses not originall foreast or expeted.With this level of overhead,it as mathematiall impossible to ahieve profitabilit.or:This venture as ver suessful in generating and inreasing sales,as ell as effetive in ahieving profitabilit.This as due to the folloing reasons

20、:OR:as reentl oneived and is still in the beginning stages.To this point the folloing has been aplishe d:A team onsisting oflist has been dran up.Strateg meetings are being held ever Monda,Wednesda and Frida evenings.This business plan has been dran up.We are no able to adequatel address the markets

21、 e have targeted.We have adjusted our staff,redireted our advertising and sales fore,and have added the produts neessar to meet the needs and expetations of our ustomers.Desriptionintends to offer.Thisoffers our ustomers the best possible solution as it:Offers the loest prie on the market Is the mos

22、t tehniall advaned Offers more useful features Saves them time and mone Offers our users better value per dollar spent Provides an alternative a to ahieve a similar task.Provides a servie hih is not presentl available in this area.Is strengthened b a team ith bined experiene of*ears.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-

23、百度文库 6 Saves them time and mone Provides an alternative,ost effetive a for them to realize a similar goal.We have aorfor this.This agen i 6 7 8 9 10 11 ll last until*at hih time it ma be extended for*ears or terminated.This agen agreement is anelable upon*das ritten notie.Thehas a useful life of*ear

24、s.To distribute this produt so that it remains usable for our ustomers,e must use the folloing methods of storage and transportation:1.Overnight deliver Cold storage 3.Inorporate preservatives 4.Shipment ithin to eeks to distributors.5.Speiall padded boxars.Even though the tehnolog used to reate thi

25、s produt is ne,e expet that others ill be able to substantiall reprodue our patented results ithin*ears.To remain on the leading edge of this produt,e ill need to devote approximatel*%of revenues toard researh and development.Also due to the fast hanging nature of this industr,e ill need to retrofit

26、 these mahines ithin*ears at ustomer expense.Our manufaturing plan has onsidered this.Short Examples:1.Our arpet leaning mahiner is state-of-the-art.Our onsulting pratie ill address these speialized areas:路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 7 3.We ill onl rep these speifi produt lines.Even though at this time our

27、expertise is unique in the marketplae,e expet advanes to be made and petitors to arise and offer similar servies.We ill meet this hallenge b:1.Hiring staff speialized in these ne areas.Inrease our ontinuing eduation and training expense.3.Adding plementar lines.4.Make regular investments in ne equip

28、ment.Objetives Long Termbelieves ver strongl in tehnial,finanial,business and moral exellene.To seure a stable future for all those onneted ithe have set the folloing long term goals:Present market is estimated at$*.Our goal for market share is*%.We ant to be onsidered b our peers to be the market l

29、eader in sales as evidened b:Trade industr*rds High end of sale in finanial ratios Major market share Tehnial exellene Communit involvement Short Term Market share goals-1.First Year*%Seond Year*%3.Third Year*%4.Fourth Year*%osts through aquisition of ne plant and equipment.Inrease produtivit b inve

30、sting in emploee training and eduation.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 8 1.Budget for plete puter training for appropriate appliations.Set up,Maintain emploee benefit program for ontinuing ollege eduation.3.Budget for neessar seminars andor ontinuing job-speifi eduation.4.Maintain state-of-the-art aounting sst

31、em for areful traking.5.Monthl reports on finanial status vis-a-vis the industr.6.Aggressive reruitment of the best tehnial staff in the industr.7.Support pan involvement in various loal and national harit events.Competitors Name Address Cit,State Strengths:Loation-next door to supplier fator,on maj

32、or arter,lo 6 7 8 9 10 11 se to terminal,et.Priing-Lo ost produer,knon for aggressive priing poli.Deliver-ships overnight to anhere in the orld.Management-Everone has an MBA from Harvard.Weaknesses Servie-takes more than 3 months to reeive spare parts.Dediation-If its sunn,there on the golf ourse or

33、 ski slope.Mahiner-Slol approahing obsolesene unless replaed ithin six months.Overhead-Spend lavishl on orporate dining room,limousines and hampagne.Competitive Advantages The distintive petitive advantages hihbrings to this market are:Experiene in this 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 9 market.have*ears of han

34、ds-on experiene in this industr.Sophistiation in finane and distribution.This results in m being the lo ost supplier in these prie sensitive markets.The philosoph ofis to prie not just aording to our osts,but also aording to hat the market ill pa.Our targeted minimum gross profit margin for a ategor

35、 must be*%.B priing to the market,ill ahieve higher sales and therefore inrease m buing poer.As the amounts of m purhases inrease,m per unit osts of shipping derease andill ahieve higher disount levels from m suppliers.Through these eonomies of sale,man items urrentl on the market an be sold ith loe

36、r pries,et a higher profit.Produt priing ill inlude a range of quantit disounts as ell as an earl pament disount.Rather than being stritl regional,ill expand into the national market.To ontrol foreign exhange risks,ill monitor the markets and hedge aordingl.ill also use overseas bank aounts.With tho

37、se panies ith hihhave established a relationship or are knon to be finaniall seure,ill ork on a pre-pa basis.This allos me greater disounts.A level and poli of Capitalization that ill allo me to full address the respetive markets ith prehensive marketing and ustomer servie plans.B keeping m overhead

38、 lo,ill be able to funnel m profits bak into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities.A quarterl diret mail ampaign direted at both urrent ustomers 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 10 and prospetive ne ustomers onsisting of an informative nesletter.A toll-free national 800 number il

39、l be used for ustomer orders and inquiries.ill print plete four-olor atalogs on a earl basis.Prie lists ill be updated as needed.intend to be aggressive in trade magazine advertising.Consideration ill also be given to attending trade shos around the ountr.With this level of apitalization,should an u

40、nexpeted donturn our,ill be able to ontinue operations on a positive sale.Innovation.have a histor of innovative ideas.The distintive petitive advantages hihbrings to this market are:Experiene in this market.have*ears of hands on experiene in this industr.Sophistiation in management and finane.We ar

41、e able to run an effiient and lean struture,et still provide qualit servie to our lients and ustomers.Beause of the nature of this 6 7 8 9 10 11 industr,e ill be able to rent offie spae in more moderatel pried buildings.As a unique servie pan,e ill be able to keep our margins high,alloing us to prov

42、ide internal finaning for groth possibilities.A level and poli of Capitalization that ill alloto full address the respetive markets ith prehensive marketing and ustomer servie plans.B keeping m overhead lo,ill be able to funnel m profits bak into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sal

43、es opportunities.Our initial marketing ampaign ill allo us to 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 11 book a suffiient amount of business so that e an implement our telephone ustomer servie support program.Innovationhave a histor of innovative ideas.Summar Throughleadership,ill be able to redue overhead as a perent

44、age of sales thereb inreasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business.Beause of our priing poli,more people ill purhase our merhandise thus inreasing the size of the market and e ill be inreasing our market share.Whatproposes to use are just good solid business sense,eonomies of sale,and

45、 the use of effiient finanial tehniques.This ill allo us the folloing options:inrease servie inrease advertising redue pries inrease profits inrease seletion Throughleadership,ill be able to redue overhead as a perentage of sales thereb nreasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business.Wh

46、atproposes to use are just good solid business sense,eonomies of sale,and the use of effiient finanial tehniques.This ill allo us the folloing options:inrease ustomer servie inrease advertising expenditures inrease profits inrease seletion of servies offered This plan ill give us tremendous flexibil

47、it to use an of these options or a mix of them to effetivel attak our target markets and meet our long term goals.This bination of experiene,sophistiation,apitalization and innovation ill assistas it strives to reah its sales,profit 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索-百度文库 12 and return objetives.Priing Beforeset the p

48、rie for m plex idgets,determined on a unit basis hat m osts ere going to be.then determined hat the market prie as for the normal idget.At this prie it as determined that for all but the loest sales projetions,this produt ould turn a profit at this prie.Hoever,sine our plex idgets offer additional f

49、eatures,e felt that e ould prie it approximatel 50%above simple idgets.To test this prie,e alled a database of 50 large users of simple idgets.We first questioned them about the desirabilit of our extra features and then asked them diretl if this prie ould be aeptable if suh a produt ere available.W

50、e found that 75%of those polled ould be interested in this produt.Of this 75%,e reeived 10 firm orders representing approximatel 30%of this group.OR:We have determined that the market prie is$*per unit.This ill equal a margin of*%.OR:Our unit ost has been figured at$*.We need a margin of*%to pa our


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