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1、新视野大学英语读写教程 第三册 Unit 5(Book III)Section A Graceful Hands 优雅的双手(精读)Section B Decisions of the Heart 充满爱心的决策(快读)Section C Generations 四代女人(自学)Section A Graceful Hands 优雅的双手(精读)练习:在课文中找出对应的英文:1.医疗记录 medical chart 2医疗设备 medical equipment 3用无动于衷的、医生的目光观察着病人 to observe the patient with an unemotional,medi

2、cal eye 4奄奄一息 to be dying 5骨瘦如柴的身体 a skeleton body 6随着不均匀的呼吸一起一伏 to rise and fall with the uneven breaths 7感觉那微弱的脉搏 to feel for the faint pulse 8缓解她的干渴 to ease her thirst 9尽力(没有用力)去干某事 to make(no)attempt to do sth.10开始做她所需要 to go about providing for her needs.11把某人抱起来 to pick sb.up in ones arms 12.打

3、开护肤霜的瓶盖,揩了一些在手心 to remove the lid from a jar of skin cream and put some on the palm of my hand 13.把护肤霜揉在她发黄的皮肤上 to rub cream into the yellow skin 14.她读懂/看穿了我的心思/善解人意 She is a mind reader.She senses my thoughts.15耗尽了最后的那点力气 to spend her last ounce of strength 16时间似乎停滞了 Time seems to stand still 17我感觉

4、自己的脉搏加快了。I feel my own pulse quicken.18没有一点先兆 Without warning 19.我心间涌起了一股感情。There is a swell of emotion within me。20.为她的家人省去了一幕人生插曲 to spare her family an episode 21.无力面对 to be not equipped to handle 22活跃分子 active member 23志愿者协会 volunteer associations *Text Structure Analysis:Main idea of the passag

5、e:The story deals with a doctors view of a terminally ill grandmother as a terrible-looking lady with graceful hands from the outset but a considerate lady with graceful heart and mind in the end.Part One:(Paras.1-4)Main idea:I attend to a dying patient,who is very thin.Even,she has no enough streng

6、th to swallow some water.Part Two:(Para.5)Main idea:The patient is seriously ill,too weak for anything.Part Three:(Paras.6-7)Main idea:Driven by my thoughts,I exchange with the patient,who is able to utter only broken sentences.Though,I begin to see what a kind and considerate grandmother she is.Par

7、t Four:(Para.8)Main idea:The patient dies.And the author seems to have a better understanding of the patient.Mrs.Clark spares her family from seeing her die and the author feels it a privilege to be there with the patient.Part Five:(Para.9)Main idea:It is only two days after Mrs.Clarks death that th

8、e author comes to learn more about her from the newspaper.Part Six:(Para.10)Main idea:Mrs.Clark is really graceful.It leaves readers much space for further thoughts.Devices for Developing It Double Clues(双线索法)There are two clues running through the whole passage,one being explicit and another implic

9、it.The explicit clue is the time sequence,along which the author organized her experience with the dying patient.The implicit clue is the authors emotional experience,which unnoticeably leads the reader into her emotional world.Explicit clue As a major device used in narrative,the order of time is e

10、mployed in this text like a thread to string all the events together:from“I have never seen Mrs.Clark before.”to“Two days later,I read about Mrs.Clark in the newspaper.”A fact to be noted is that the progression of time is shown not only with time markers,but also with some other means.Implicit clue

11、 Following this clue unconsciously,the reader seems to experience the same shock and change in emotion as the author did.Students are required to find the sentences which can show the progression of time and the authors emotional change.Procession of Time:(omit)The Authors Emotional Change:Step 1:Mr

12、s.Clark is a total stranger.Ive never seen Mrs.Clark before.(L.1),I return to the bed to observe the patient with an unemotional,medical eye.(L.7)Then,the objective narration and description in Paras.3,4 and 5.Step 2:I know something about her and begin to understand or admire her.I again notice the

13、 long,thin fingers.Graceful.(L.35)but I have understood what she has done.(L.40)I feel my own pulse quicken and hear my breathing as it begins to match hers,(L.42)we become aware that (L.44)I nod my head slowly,smiling.(L.45)I receive my thank you(L.46)Step 3:I am deeply touched by her.I begin to cr

14、y quietly.There is a swell of emotion within me for this stranger(L.50)it was a privilege she has allowed me,and I would do it again,gladly.(L.53)and instead shared it with me.(L.55)and I am glad I was there for her.(L.56)Yes,they were long and graceful fingers.(L.60)*Detailed Study of the Text:(15

15、key points)1 Graceful Hands (Title)graceful:a.showing a pleasing beauty of form,movement or manner 听题-Dolphins(海豚)are graceful and efficient swimmers.海豚是动作优雅的游泳高手。听题-She was a blue-eyed blonde(金发女郎),possessed of graceful manners.她是一位蓝眼睛的金发女郎,举止很优雅。2 As I stand there,the smell hits my nose,and I clos

16、e my eyes as I remember the smell of decay from past experience.(Line.5)Meaning:While I stand there,I smell the unpleasant smell of a dying person and I close my eyes as I recall the smell of decay from the experience I had before.decay:n.the action or state of gradually going bad 听题-Dental decay in

17、 children is a common phenomenon all over the world.儿童龋齿是一个全世界普遍的现象。vi.1)become bad;rot;听题-The cabbages had already started to decay.这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂。2)fall to a lower or worse state 看题-As people grow old,they will decay mentally as well as physically.人们年老时脑力和体力都会衰退。3 In my mouth I have a sour,vinegar ta

18、ste coming from the pit of my stomach.(Line.6)the pit of ones stomach:胸口 听题-I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when the news of the attack was announced.当进攻的消息宣布时,我感到胸口很难受。4 I reach for the light switch,(Line.6)reach for:stretch ones hand in order to touch or take 听题-Sinking in the sand,h

19、e reached for his friends hand,but its too far away.他陷在沙堆里,于是伸手去抓他朋友的手,可是离得太远了。5 the skin is dark yellow and hangs loosely around exaggerated bones(Line.10)hang around:(also hang about/round)(cause to)swing from or round 听题-By the clouds which hang around the mountain the locals can foretell a storm

20、.根据环绕着山峰的云的情形,当地人能预知暴风雨的到来。听题-He was so rich that he liked to hang half his fortune around his wifes neck.他十分富有,所以喜欢把他的一半家财挂在妻子的脖子上。词组辨析 hang on (打电话时)不挂断;抓住不放(vi);取决于 hang up 挂断(电话);hang onto 抓住不放=hang on to 6 taped cruelly to a board to secure a needle so that fluid may drip in(Line.11)secure:vt.1

21、)make tight or firm;fasten 2)make safe;protect 听题-The little boat was secured to the dock with the mooring rope.小船用泊绳固定在码头上。看题-He secured two admission tickets,but when he arrived at the stadium,he found they were only for the basketball game two weeks later.他好不容易弄到两张入场券,但当他赶到体育馆时,发现这两张入场券是看两周以后的篮球赛

22、的。a.having no doubt,fear or anxiety 听题-He felt secure about his future.他对未来无忧无虑。7 They are ice cold,and I quickly move to the wrist and feel for the faint pulse.(Line.15)feel for:search with the hands,the feet,a stick,etc.听题-He felt in his pocket for the key.他用手在口袋里摸钥匙。听题-Blinded by the soap,he had

23、to feel for his glasses.他被肥皂弄得睁不开眼,只好用手摸索着找眼镜。8 allow a few drops of the cool moisture to slide into her mouth and ease her thirst.(Line.20)ease her thirst:缓解干渴 其他搭配 ease the pain 镇痛 ease his headache 缓解了他的头痛 ease the passengers fears 消减了乘客们的恐惧 ease her mind 宽慰 ease ones worry and anxiety 消除某人的担心和焦虑

24、 9 She is too weak for conversation,so without asking,I go about providing for her needs.(Line.26)go about:start to work at;set about provide for:support someone by giving them what they need 翻译-如果你决心要拿硕士学位,现在就开始为之准备吧!If you are determined to pursue a masters degree,just go about preparing for it fr

25、om now on.10 Having spent her last ounce of strength she cannot go on,but I have understood what she had done.(Line.40)an ounce of sth.:a very small amount of sth.听题-There is not an ounce of truth in his stories.他说的没有一点是真的。听题-She hasnt an ounce of common sense.她一点常识都没有。11 Some unknown interval of ti

26、me passes(Line.47)interval:n.a period between two events or times,or the space between two points 听题-There was a long interval before he replied.他过了很久才答复。相关搭配 in/during the interval(s)在间歇(如幕间休息)时间 at intervals 每隔一段时间或距离 如:at intervals of three feet 每隔三英尺 at 20-minute intervals 每隔 20 分钟 12 only this

27、time there is no response in them,just a blank stare.(Line.48)blank:a.without expression,understanding or interest;empty 听题-I tried to explain,but he just gave me a blank look.我试图解释,但他却茫然地看着我。n.an empty space 听题-When I tried to remember his name,my mind was a complete blank.当我试图记起他的姓名时,我脑子里是一片空白。13

28、There is a swell of emotion within me for this stranger.(Line.50)swell:n.1)an increase or growth in number,strength,degree,etc.看题-There was a swell of emotion in her for the poor old man.她心里涌起一股感情,为那位可怜的老人感到难过。2)the movement of large stretches of the sea up and down,without separate waves 听题-The boa

29、t rose and fell to ocean swells.船随着海浪起伏。14 Slowly,still holding her hand,I become aware that I do not mind this emotional battle,that in fact,it was a privilege she has allowed me,and I would do it again,gladly.(Line.52)Meaning:While I still hold her hand,I gradually realize that I do not mind this

30、emotional struggle between having her with me and saying good-bye to her.I also become aware that in effect,the struggle was a special right she has given me,and I would experience it again,and with pleasure.Note that here it refers to the emotional struggle,i.e.,the swell of emotion within me for t

31、his stranger who so quickly came into and went from my life.Note also the second that-clause(that in fact)goes together with the first that-clause(that I do not mind).15 Mrs.Clark spared her family an episode that perhaps they were not equipped to handle and instead shared it with me.(Line.54)Meanin

32、g:Mrs.Clark prevented her family from suffering an event which perhaps they were not prepared to deal with and shared it with me instead.spare:vt.prevent from(suffering sth.)听题-Being open and honest in romantic relations will spare you a lot of troubles.在浪漫的恋爱关系中开诚布公将省去你很多麻烦。Section B Decisions of t

33、he Heart 充满爱心的决策(快读)练习:看看汉语怎么说?1to suffer a stroke 中了风 2right-handed 右撇子 3to make herself understood 让人明白她的意思 4There has been no sign of improvement.没有好转的迹象。5a frequent problem with stroke patients 中风病人的常见病症 6to come along 出现 7On the one hand,On the other hand,一方面,另一方面,8let nature take its course.任其

34、自然发展,按常规进行。9to fight(off)the infection 抗感染 10to die a peaceful death/to die peacefully 死得安详 11to condemn somebody to some place 硬让某人呆在某地 12in vain 没有成效,徒劳 13close relatives 直系亲属 14anti-cancer drugs 抗癌药 15as your appetite slips away 因为你的食欲会渐渐减退 16to follow ones advice 听从某人的建议 17to take the responsibi

35、lity for sth./doing sth.承担责任;负责干某事 18to give permission to do something 允许干某事 19What it all comes down to is common sense.归根到底是个常识问题。20in the final phase 最后阶段 21 a sympathetic,reasonable decision 人道而合理的决定 22to sound one note of warning.发出(一句)警告 23to make life-death decisions 做出生死攸关的决定 24in many inst

36、ances 在很多时候 25 critically ill patient 危在旦夕的病人*Detailed Study of the Text(12 key points)1Until this time your mother has always been an active,independent person who lived on her own.(Para.2)(all)on ones own:1)alone 听题-I need some time on my own.我需要独自呆一会儿。2)without help 听题-I managed to repair the car

37、 all on my own.我终于自己把车修好了。Compare of ones own:自己的 听题-Kate has always wanted a car of her own.凯特一直想拥有一辆属于自己的汽车。2.until some other germ comes along.(Para.4)come along:arrive;appear 听题-Is your daughter married yet?你女儿结婚了吗?No,shes still waiting for Mr.Right to come along.没有,她还在等待她的白马王子出现。3.limited life

38、to which the stroke has condemned her.(Para.5)I dont want to be responsible for condemning my mother to a living hell.(Para.6)condemn sb.to:1)make sb.take or accept sth.unpleasant 听题-His broken leg condemned him to a wheelchair.他的断腿迫使他只能坐轮椅。听题-I dont want to be responsible for condemning my mother t

39、o a living hell.我不愿意承担这样的责任,使母亲处于极度痛苦之中。2)punish sb.with sth.听题-In former times a murderer who was found guilty would be condemned to death.先前,杀人犯罪名成立就会被处以死刑。Compare condemn sb./sth.for:因为.而受到指责 听题-The city was condemned for its high crime rate.这座城市因犯罪率高而遭到指责。4 you hate to be the one to decide to le

40、t nature take its course.(Para.5)take(run)its course:develop naturally and come to a natural end 必定,顺其自然 听题-We cant cure the disease;it must take its course.我们无法治愈这种病,只好听其自然了。5I can make this decision because Ive gone down this road with patients many times.(Para.7)Meaning:Im able to make this decis

41、ion because Ive experienced the same thing with patients many times.Here gone down this road with patients refers to the process of making the choice mentioned in the previous paragraph,that is,Dont give her anything to fight the infection.Keep her comfortable and lets see what happens.6 Recently I

42、operated in vain on an eighty-year-old woman with cancer of the liver.(Para.7)vain:a.徒劳的;过于注重自己的,自命不凡的 听题-Next day I made a vain attempt to look for my lost wallet in the classroom.听题-I think she is rather a vain girl and thinking too much about her figure.我认为她是一个自负的女孩,过于注重自己的身材。in vain:徒劳地 听题-Our e

43、fforts were not in vain and the situation began to improve.我们的努力没有白费,形势开始好转。7 which will keep you fed as your appetite slips away(Para.8)结构:keep+n.+v.-ed:名词和动词之间是被动的关系 看题-keep the door closed 让门一直关着 keep the children amused 让孩子们不感到无趣 slip away:溜走,慢慢地离开 听题-Tom slipped away from the room when his moth

44、er was sleeping.趁着妈妈在睡觉,汤姆偷偷地溜出了房间。8Sometimes such a transparent decision is more difficult to come by.(Para.10)come by:设法得到/获得 听题-Jobs are hard to come by now with so many people out of work.由于失业的人很多,现在很难找到工作。9Chances are he wont live long,but he wont be in pain.(Para.11)Chances are(that):It is lik

45、ely that 听题-Chances are he wont come back when he gets there.他到了那里就可能不回来了。10So what should responsible persons do when confronted with the necessity of such an enormous decision?(Para.13)confront with:face with 听题-The new company was confronted with many difficulties at the start.这家新公司刚成立时遇到很多困难。11W

46、hat it all comes down to is common sense.(Para.14)come down to:归根结底 听 题-Our choices come down to demolishing the old house or restoring it.我们的选择实质上是拆毁这幢老房子还是修复它。12But there is no question that if either party insists on bringing in a so-called neutral third party(Para.16)bring in:ask sb.to come to o

47、nes help 听题-We may have to bring extra workers in to help us with this big job.我们可能不得不另外请些工人来帮我们完成这么大的工作量。*Answers to Exercises II.1The writer gets to know it from Mrs.Clarks medical chart and the report she received from the preceding shift.2Maybe it is because the idea of Mrs.Clarks dying soon mak

48、es her feel sick.3 The writer wants to show us a true-to-life picture of Mrs.Clark at the end of her life.4Because she doesnt have enough strength to do so.5Because she didnt want them to suffer from the experience of seeing her die.6 She means that they both realize that Mrs.Clark is dying and as h

49、uman beings this is an unavoidable and very special moment.7Maybe because she thought it was too much for them to cope with.8Because Mrs.Clarks fingers are very long and graceful,which at first catches the writers eyes easily.But after knowing more about Mrs.Clark,the author mentions her graceful fi

50、ngers again and again so as to imply that Mrs.Clarks heart and mind are graceful as well.III.1Preceding 2.decay 3.secured 4.dripping 5.slid 6.hints 7.interval 8.privileges IV.1.reached for 2.hang around 3.trying to avoid breathing 4.so that 5.managed to accomplish 6.sense my thoughts 7.provide for 8


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