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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上第二学期期末质量监控试卷初 二 英 语(完卷时间 90 分钟 满分 100分)Part 1 ListeningI. Listen to the sentence and choose the right picture (听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片): 5%II. Listen and choose the best response to what you hear (根据你听到的句子,选出最恰当的应答): 5%1. A) No, you mustnt.B) Yes, go straight ahead. C) Yes, go ahead.D) No, tha

2、nks.2. A) The same to you.B) Thank you very much. C) Please dont say so.D) Me, too.3. A) I couldnt sleep well last night.B) I am going to visit my friends. C) Never mind.D) Im glad to see you.4. A) Yes, it is.B) Sorry to hear that. C) Yes, it has.D) Yes, lets. 5. A) It doesnt work.B) It is wrong. C)

3、 Sorry to use it.D) It is not nice.III. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): 5% 1. A) No, they arent.B) No, they are white. B) Yes, they are black.D) Yes, they are not mine.2. A) To the post office.B) To the bank. C) To the bookstore.D) T

4、o the nearest place.3. A) The man cant smoke here.B) The man can smoke here. C) The woman likes smoking here.D) The woman doesnt like smoking here.4. A) Jane is.B) The mans daughter. C) The woman.D) The womans daughter.5. A) Room 307.B) Room 306. C) Room 403.D) Room 304.IV. Listen to the passage and

5、 tell whether the statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符的“F”用表示): 5% 1. My uncles hobby is to collect clocks.2. My uncle has got 1,090 different clocks.3. My uncle has to put some of his clocks in the kitchen.4. My aunt cleans these clocks every day because she likes them more

6、 than my uncle does.5. Its easy for my aunt to know the right time because there are so many clocks at home. V. Listen and complete the table (听短文,完成下列表格): 5%Description of the robberAgeAbout 1 HeightNot 2 WeightThinClothesLight 3 T-shirt, blue jeans and white sports 4 Features(特征)He wore a womans s

7、tocking on his 5 . A dragon on his right arm.Part 2 Vocabulary and GrammarI. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): 12%1. Could you lend me _ note-book? A) yourB) youC) yourselfD) yours2. There are many trees on _ sides of the street. A) eitherB) otherC) bothD) neither3. The students in our class are al

8、l interested _ English. A) onB) inC) withD) by4. We must hurry up. There is _ time left. A) a fewB) a littleC) fewD) little5. Mr Wang will _ our class next term. A) take chargeB) take charge withC) take charge inD) take charge of6. Please retell the story _ your own words. A) onB) inC) withD) by7. A

9、 thief stole my daughters new bicycle! I _ call the police. A) may B) shouldC) canD) cant8. People always put food in the fridge to _ it fresh. A) takeB) turnC) getD) keep9. Her sons death made his mother _ in bed for some days. A) stayB) stayingC) stayedD) stays 10. Everyone finds it _ to play foot

10、ball after school. A) excitedB) exciteC) excitingD) excites11. The picture always reminds _ the days when we were together in the countryside. A) me ofB) of meC) meD) of12. Can you tell me _? A) where was the nearest post officeB) where is the nearest post office C) where the nearest post office was

11、D) where the nearest post office isII. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words (用所给词的适当形式填空): 6%1. He has made a _ that he will study abroad. (decide)2. Please tell me _ what happened to you. (brief)3. We are learning the _ lesson now. (five)4. This is an interview between a famous act

12、ress and one of the _ from China Daily. (report)5. Dogs noses _ them to smell anything well. (able)6. Though it was late, he still caught the last train _. (lucky)III. Choose the word or expression which has the same meaning as the underlinedpart (选择与划线部分意思接近的单词或词组):6%A) joined together B) talk over

13、 C) failed in D) relax E) protect F) strange G) give and receive information1. Why do you have such a weird idea?2. Lets discuss it before the class meeting.3. The computer is connected to the printer by a wire.4. Half of the students didnt pass the maths test. 5. It is an easy way to communicate by

14、 e-mail.6. The most exciting idea for her is to rest comfortably at seashore.IV. Rewrite the sentences as required (根据要求改写句子,每空格限填一词): 10%1. She did very well in her study. (改为否定句) She _ _ very well in her study.2. The little boy looks strong and healthy. (改为感叹句) _ strong and healthy the little boy

15、_!3. It seems that she is very happy. (同义句转换) She _ _ be very happy.4. The camera is very expensive. She cant buy it. (合并句子)The camera is _ expensive for _ to buy.5. She has worked in the company since 1995. (对划线部分提问)_ _ has she worked in the company?Part 3 Reading and WritingI. Reading comprehensio

16、n (阅读理解): 15% (A)A young American doctor was asleep when his door bell began to ring. It was late at night. But what could the doctor do? He had to get up and put on his coat.When he opened the door, he saw a man standing with a hat in his hand. “How do you do?” said the man. “Can you come at once t

17、o a place out of town? Its quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way.”“Certainly,” said the doctor. “I can come at once.”Soon the car was at the front door. The man got on the doctors car and they drove off. They drove on for a long time, and then the man said, “Here we are. This is my

18、 home. Now I can give you money and you can go back to town.” “But I must see the patient,” the doctor said, “How can I go back without seeing the patient?” “Theres no patient,” said the man. “No one is ill. I live here. There is no taxi at this time of the night, but a doctor often makes night call

19、s (出夜诊). So, excuse me. Here is your money. Thank you, doctor. And good night!”True or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文意思,符合的用“T”表示, 不符合的用“F”表示)1. When the doorbell began to ring, the doctor was in bed.2. The doctor was sent to see a patient.3. The man lived in a place far away from the doctor.4. In fact, the ma

20、n wanted the doctor to take him home by car.5. The doctor and the man knew each other very well. (B) NamePersonal InformationLudwig vonBeethovenBorn in 1770 in GermanyA musicianDied in 1827FlorenceNightingaleBorn in Italy on May 12, 1820An English nurseDied in 1910Bill GatesBorn in 1955 in the USAWr

21、ote Business the speed of Thought Owns MicrosoftThomas EdisonBorn in 1847 in the USAMade over 1,000 inventionsDied in 1931Yao MingBorn on September 12, 1980 in Shanghai, ChinaA basketball playerPlaying for the Houston Rockets, USAChoose the best answer (选择最佳答案)1. Florence Nightingale is from _. A) C

22、anada B) the USA C) Italy D) China2. The _ was born in 1770. A) musician B) nurse C) businessman D) scientist3. Business the speed of Thought is the name of a _. A) song B) book C) school D) film4. Thomas Edison died in _. A) 1910 B) 1827 C). 1847 D) 19315. Which of the following is true? A) Yao Min

23、g is going to play basketball for the Houston Rockets in America. B) Florence Nightingale was once a doctor in a hospital. C) Edison was a great inventor. D) Bill Gates owns many inventions. (C) A new supermarket put on a notice inside the entrance. It said, “Remember, once a week, one of our custom

24、ers gets free goods (things that cost nothing). This may be your lucky day!” All the housewives who went to the supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky customer who didnt have to pay for her shopping. For several weeks Mrs Blake hoped to be the lucky customer. Unlike many other customers, sh

25、e never gave up hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things she did not need. She dreamed of the day, when the manager of the supermarket would come and say to her, “Madam, this is your lucky day and everything in your basket is free.” One Friday morning, after she finished her shopping a

26、nd had taken all the things to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy tea. She went to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the check-out. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket come to her. “Madam,” he said, “Congratulations! You are our lucky customer and everythi

27、ng in your basket is free!”Answer the questions: 1. Where was the notice?2. What was Mrs Blakes hope?3. Why did Mrs Blake go back to the supermarket after her shopping?4. Many other people gave up hope to be the lucky customer, didnt they?5. How did Mrs Black feel when she became the lucky customer?

28、 II. Cloze test (完型填空):12%A. Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage (选择最恰当的词或词组,完成短文): 6% What do you know about the sea? Some people often see it, 1 the others dont. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day. Millions of people hope to take their 2 by the sea. They can swim in it

29、, or lie on the beaches in the sun. They 3 themselves there. But it can be very dangerous when there is a strong wind. What other things do we know about it? Of course, the sea is very large. Looking at a 4 of the world, you can see it is much bigger than land. There are 5 islands in the sea. Some o

30、f them are big and the others aresmall. Did you swim in the sea? If you answer “Yes”, you may know that the water is salty. Rivers carry salt from the land to the sea. Some places of the sea are saltier than 6 places. Do you know the Dead Sea? Fish cant live in it. And people can easily swim in it.

31、Nobody is afraid to sink in the water. 1. A) and B) soC) butD) or2. A) classesB) holidaysC) sportsD) meetings3. A) enjoyB) likeC) stopD) took4. A) bookB) mapC) newspaperD) picture5. A) a lotB) a littleC) fewD) a lot of 6. A) anotherB) othersC) other D) the other B. Read the passage and fill in the b

32、lanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,首字母已给,每空格限填一词): 6% In England nobody under the a 1 of eighteen was allowed to drink in a bar. Everyone knows it well.It was Jacks eighteenth birthday yesterday. Mr Smith, his father t 2 him to his usual bar for the first time. They drank for half an hour

33、, and then Mr Smith said to his son, “Now, Jack, listen to me. You must always be c 3 not to drink too much.” “But how can I know I have had e 4 ?” “Well, I will tell you. Do you see those two lights a 5 the corner of the bar? When you see four there, youve had enough and should go h 6 .”“But, Dad,”

34、 said Jack, “I can only see one light there.”III. Complete the dialogue with proper sentences in the box (选择恰当的句子,完成下列对话): 6 %A) Has he ever been there before? B) Ive just received a letter from him.C) Does he enjoy his stay in Japan? D) Its very nice of him to say so.E) What did he say? F) He also

35、wanted me to give his best wishes to you.G) Hes gone to Japan to see his grandfather.A: Have you seen Jim these two days? B: No. 1 A: 2 B: Of course! He lived there before he came here. A: Have you heard from him?B: Yes. 3 A: 4 B: Yes. He said he had a good time there and would stay there for another month. Then he was going to return to England. 5 A: 6 IV. Write at least 50 words on the topic “ The place I like best” ( 以所给的题目“我最喜欢的地方”写话,不少于50字,意思明确,内容连贯):8%1. What kind of place do you like best?2. Why do you like it so much?专心-专注-专业


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