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《2020年外研版初二上册英语Module11Wayoflife模块测试卷及答案54499.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年外研版初二上册英语Module11Wayoflife模块测试卷及答案54499.pdf(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、外研八年级英语上 Module 11 模块检测 第一部分 听力(20 分).听力理解(一)听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(其中有两幅图是多余的)。读两遍。A B C D E F G 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._(二)听句子,选择正确的答语。读两遍。6.A.Thank you.B.No,it isnt.C.Its OK.7.A.Hello!B.Congratulations!C.See you!8.A.You,too.B.Sure.C.Just a little.9.A.Its too big.B.You cant miss it.C.Its over there.10.A.Sorry

2、 to hear that.B.Well done.C.Youd better not.(三)听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第 1112 小题。11.What are they going to do together?A.Have violin lessons.B.Play tennis.C.Watch movies.12.What time will they meet?A.At 5:30.B.At 6:30.C.At 7:30.听第二段对话,回答第 1315 小题。13.What does the girl plan to wear for the dance

3、at first?A.White pants.B.New jeans.C.A skirt.14.Who does the boy want to bring to the dance?A.Peter.B.Jenny.C.Steve.15.What will the teachers do if the students bring a friend?A.They will be happy.B.They wont say anything.C.They will ask him to leave.(四)听短文,选择正确的答案。读两遍。16.How many ways are mentioned

4、 to make people look better?A.Three.B.Five.C.Seven.17.What will you do if you want to look taller and thinner?A.Walk slowly.B.Eat less.C.Sit and stand up straight 18.What can you do to make people be around you?A.Smile.B.Exercise often.C.Wash hair often.19.How will you have nice-looking skin?A.By si

5、tting straight.B.By cutting hair often.C.By drinking water.20.In which program can you probably hear the article?A.A beauty program.B.A sports program.C.A music program.第二部分 笔试(80 分).单项选择(15 分)1.What can we give to our father on Father s Day?He likes playing _ chess.How about _ chess set?A.a;the B./

6、;an C.the;the D./;a 2.Must I finish all the homework this evening?No,you _.Tomorrow is Saturday,and you have enough time for it.A.mustnt B.cant C.neednt D.may not 3.Tom _ a present from his friend yesterday,and he _ it happily.A.received;accepted B.accepted;received C.received;received D.accepted;ac

7、cepted 4._ interesting book it is!A.What B.What an C.How D.How an 5.The vegetable soup _ delicious.Can I have more?A.looks B.tastes C.sounds D.feels 6.Mike,our school doesnt allow a boy student to have such long hair.Sorry,Mr Red.Ill have it _ this afternoon.A.cuts B.to cut C.cutting D.cut 7.We like

8、 Daisy _ because she is beautiful _ she is kind and helpful.A.not only;and B.not;but C.both;or D.not;and 8.In China,when you accept a gift,you _ open it immediately.A.can B.may C.mustnt D.must 9.They are doing some _.A.clean B.cleaning C.cleaned D.cleaning 10.If you want to learn English well,youd b

9、etter _ my advice.A.take B.to take C.taking D.took 11.Im not joking.Im _.A.funny B.serious C.friendly D.outgoing 12.When someone gives you a present,you _ open it at once in the US.A.can B.mustnt C.cant D.may not 13.What are you doing?Im waiting _ Lucy.A.at B.with C.for D.in 14.Take _ what you bring

10、 here.A.off B.up C.down D.away 15.They stand _ a line to get their new books.A.in B.of C.on D.to.完形填空(10 分)Every country has its own customs.Do you want to know something about 1 customs?England is a great country with a long 2 .There are many different customs in England.As we all know,a womans age

11、 is a secret.So you 3 ask a woman how old she is.When you go out on a 4 day in England,you see many people 5 umbrellas with them.Dont laugh at them.In England,the weather changes very quickly.Although its sunny now,it may rain very 6 .When you get a present from your friend,you must open it at once

12、and say“7 ”to him or her.In England and many other Western countries,13 is a(n)8 number,so there is no Room 13,Class 13,Number 13 and so on.In England,you must 9 on the left of the road.Do remember these customs 10 you have a chance to visit England.1.A.England B.English C.China D.Chinese 2.A.histor

13、y B.road C.language D.space 3.A.must B.mustnt C.need D.neednt 4.A.rainy B.windy C.snow D.sunny 5.A.throwing B.showing C.matching D.taking 6.A.early B.soon C.slowly D.late 7.A.sorry B.hello C.thanks D.goodbye 8.A.public B.common C.interesting D.unlucky 9.A.train B.park C.drive D.land 10.A.because B.i

14、f C.or D.so.阅读理解(20 分)A Different countries have different customs in giving presents.IN CHINA you must never give a clock to a Chinese person,because the sound of the word for“clock”is similar to the sound for“death”in Chinese.Also,dont wrap(包裹)a present in white,black,or blue paper,because these a

15、re the colors for funerals(葬礼).Dont give a knife,because something sharp(锋的)can cut a friendship.IN RUSSIA if we give flowers as a present,we have to give odd numbers of them(one,three,five,etc)because even numbers of flowers(two,four,six,etc)are for funerals.IN GERMANY flowers are a good present to

16、 take in your dinner hostess,but dont take her red roses because it means you are in love with her.Dont take thirteen of anything because its an unlucky number.Dont take an even number of anything,either.Dont wrap your present in white,brown,or black paper.1.Why cant we give a clock as a present to

17、a Chinese?Because in Chinese _.A.the word“clock”has the same meaning with the word“death”B.the word“clock”has the same sound with the word“death”C.the word“clock”has the same meaning with the word“knife”D.the word“clock”means“dangerous 2.You may take _ if you go to a birthday party in Russia or in G

18、ermany.A.10 flowers B.13 flowers C.9 flowers D.11 red roses 3._ thirteen is an unlucky number.A.In China B.In Russia C.In Japan D.In Germany 4.Whats the Chinese meanings for“odd number”and“even number”?A.自然数和偶数 B.基本数和奇数 C.奇数和偶数 D.幸运数字和不幸运数字 5.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Neither Chinese nor Germ

19、ans wrap presents in black or white paper.B.Both Chinese and Russians wrap presents in black or white paper.C.Both Chinese and Germans wrap presents in black or white paper.D.Neither Chinese nor Russians wrap presents in black or yellow paper.B Eating out is more popular in Britain today.British peo

20、ple like to spend more eating out than cooking for themselves and eating at home.Many British people are becoming more and more interested in how good their food tastes,and also how healthy it is.However,eating out can also be expensive,so British people do not eat out every night.When having a date

21、 with friends,or having a birthday,many people like to go to a restaurant,and people often also eat in a restaurant before going to the cinema or the theater.As in all cultures(文化),there are many rules of manners about eating.The knife and fork should be used in the correct way.It is also impolite(无

22、礼的)to speak with your mouth full then you are eating.Most British cities have a lot of foreign(外国的)food as well,from the very cheap to the very expensive French,Italian,Indian,Chinese,Thai,Japanese and many,many more.When people are too tired to cook after work,they often get a“takeaway”.This means

23、that they order(订购)from a takeout restaurant by telephone,and then go to get it.Many take-out restaurants also send it to your house.All you have to do is to open the door,pay and eat!6.When do British people often eat in a restaurant?A.After having a birthday.B.Before watching a movie.C.When they f

24、eel tired.D.If they want to have natural food.7.Many people like to eat out now because _.A.eating out is cheaper than cooking at home B.they can learn more manners in the restaurant C.people are more interested in food than before D.people dont like to stay at home after work 8.From the fourth para

25、graph,we can learn that _.A.British dishes are very expensive B.Japanese dishes are most expensive C.British people like foreign food D.French food is most popular 9.The“takeaway”in the fifth paragraph,Chinese meaning is _.A.外卖食品 B.带走,拿走 C.方便面 D.肯德基 10.What is the best title(标题)of the passage?A.Brit

26、ish restaurant culture B.British table manners C.Best restaurants in Britain D.Best food in Britain.任务阅读(10 分)In Russia,people usually keep near to each other to show their close relation(关系).1._ in Japan,people should keep a distance from each other,even if they are very familiar(熟悉)with each other

27、.One day,several Russians had a trip in Japan.One of their Japanese friends invited them to have dinner there.Although the Japanese was very friendly to the guests,he always kept distance with the Russian guests.2._,the Russians like to keep no distance with each other because they thought that woul

28、d show they were very friendly.3._ when the Japanese moved to keep distance,the Russians moved toward him.4._,both the Japanese and the Russians moved around the table.(A)_.The story tells us that we should remember that(B)When in Rome,do as Romans do.任务一:根据短文内容从方框中选择适当的单词填空。so,however,later,but 1._

29、 2._ 3._4._ 任务二:选择句子填空。5.从下列句子中选出最合适的一句填入(A)处。A.They had a good time in the end.B.They became good friends at last.C.As a result,they couldnt enjoy the dinner.D.From time to time,they enjoyed themselves.任务三:根据短文内容回答问题。6.How do people usually do to show their close relation in Russia?_ 任务四:把(B)处划线句子译

30、成汉语。7._.语法填空(10 分)I went to England last year.I 1._(enjoy)my stay,and I noticed something 2._(interest)with the English way of life.For example,you must 3._(say)Mr.or Mrs.when you meet someone for the 4._(one)time.When you get to 5._(know)each other better or when they ask you to,you can use their f

31、irst names.One day we visited some friends and 6._(have)afternoon tea together.It is 7._(介词)around 4 pm.We ate sandwiches and a large fruit 8._(cake).In England you usually drink tea 9._(介词)milk.So I tried to 10._(drink)tea with milk too.书面表达(15 分)不同的国家有不同的习俗。请你根据下列提示,写一篇介绍中国和英国的不同习俗的英语短文。要求:1.80 词左

32、右;2.文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;中国习俗 1.双手接受礼物,晚些时候打开。2.节日习俗:春节第一天,不打扫卫生,不打碎物品,正月不理发。英国习俗 1.不大关注接受礼物的方式。2.人际交往:初次见面以 Mr 或 Mrs 称呼。3.生活习惯:喝下午茶是一个传统习俗;且在茶中加牛奶。Boys and girls,Id like to tell you some culture differences between China and England.As the saying goes,“When in Rome,do as the Rome do.”It means differen

33、t countries have different customers._ _ _ _ _ _ What do you think of the customers?You can learn a lot about them from the Internet.参考答案 第一部分 听力 1-5 DBFGC 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 BCBAC 16-20 BCACA 第二部分 笔试 单项选择 1-5 DCABB 6-10 DBCBA 11-15 BACDA 完型填空 1-5 BABDD 6-10 BCDCB 阅读理解 1-5 BCDCA 6-10 BCCAA 阅读表达 1.But

34、2.However 3.So 4.Later 5.C 6.In Russia,people usually keep near to each other to show their close relation.7.入乡随俗。语法填空 1.enjoyed 2.interesting 3.say 4.first 5.know 6.had 7.at 8.cake 9.with 10.drink 书面表达 Boys and girls,Id like to tell you some culture differences between China and England.As the sayi

35、ng goes,“When in Rome,do as the Rome do.”It means different countries have different customers.In China,people should accept gifts with both hands and open them later.But in England,people dont pay much attention to that.In China people mustnt do any cleaning or break anything on the first day of th

36、e Spring Festival.And they never cut their hair during the Spring Festival month.In England,people say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time.Its a tradition for English people to have afternoon tea and they drink tea with milk.What do you think of the customers?You can learn a lot about

37、 them from the Internet.1、人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。 2、利所在的地方,天下人都向那里去。二二年八月五日 2020 年 8 月 5 日星期三 3、不宽恕众生,不原谅众生,是苦了你自己。06:298.5.202006:298.5.202006:2906:29:318.5.202006:298.5.2020 4、办事刚愎自用,即使失败了也从不反悔。8.5.20208.5.202006:2906:2906:29:3106:29:31 5、努力不不一定成功,不努力一定不成功。Wednesday,Augu

38、st 5,2020August 20Wednesday,August 5,20208/5/2020 6、你必须非常努力,才能看起来毫不费力。6 时 29 分 6 时 29 分 5-Aug-208.5.2020 7、决不能放弃,世界上没有失败,只有放弃。20.8.520.8.520.8.5。2020 年 8 月 5 日星期三二二年八月五日 8、人生就像卫生纸,没事的时候尽量少扯。06:2906:29:318.5.2020Wednesday,August 5,2020 亲爱的读者:春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。


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