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《高中英语真题-2014高考英语完形填空及书面表达系列训练(6)(答案)12359.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语真题-2014高考英语完形填空及书面表达系列训练(6)(答案)12359.pdf(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 高中英语真题:2014 高考英语完形填空及书面表达系列训练(6)(答案)第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2012河北普通高考模拟)When I was in my early twenties,I moved away from my home state of Wisconsin to attend graduate school.I chose to go to the University of Arizona in Tucson and _36_ the

2、re.Upon landing in early June,I was shocked by the lack of _37_ and the burning desert heat.After less than two days in that _38_,I called my parents to question whether I had made the _39_ choice and to announce that I was _40_ considering coming home.My father,in a calm and _41_ voice,indicated th

3、at I always had a _42_.I could always come home and be welcome there.But in fact,we both _43_I wouldnt come home at the time.Needless to say,I chose to _44_.Many years have passed.My fathers _45_ words remain with me.Knowing that I can always _46_,Ive been able to _47_ several challenging situations

4、unemployment,divorce and even the _48_ of my only son.I have also used these words in many cases where others need to know that someone _49_ and that they do have a choice.Whether _50_ is earthly,spiritual,or some sense of calm,knowing that we can come home will be just enough to _51_ us on our way.

5、It _52_ me,in a way,of the prodigal son(回头的浪子)who found _53_ and love upon returning home.While we dont have to be like him and hit bottom in life,it is good to know that we can wander and experience pains and _54_ in life but we still have a home where love,support and comfort _55_.36A.flew Bdrove

6、Cwalked Dcycled 37A.blue Byellow Cbrown Dgreen 38A.family Brefuge Cenvironment Ddesert 39A.new Bright Clast Ddifficult 40A.naturally Bfortunately Cobviously Dseriously 41A.gentle Bweak Csupportive Dpleasant 42A.choice Bdream Cfriend Drequest 43A.pretended Bexpected Cknew Dforgot 44A.graduate Bregret

7、 Creturn Dcontinue 45A.surprising Bencouraging Cinteresting Dmoving 46A.wander outside Bhang around Ccome home Dmove away 47A.face up to Bget away with Cmake sure of Dlook out for 48A.return Bgrowth Carrival Dloss 49A.worries Bcares Cleaves Dstays 50A.health Bmarriage Cchurch Dhome 51A.help Bstop Cp

8、rotect Dteach 52A.informs Breminds Cwarns Drids 53A.comfort Binterest Cfood Dmoney 54A.regrets Bcomplaints Csufferings Dpleasures 55A.survive Bexist Cfall Ddisappear 36A 从下文的“Upon landing”可知,作者是坐飞机去那儿的,所以用 flew。37D 从下文提到的“burning desert heat”可知,这里是不毛之地,所以缺乏绿色(green)。38C 作者在那样的环境(environment)中住了不到两天就

9、打电话给他父母。39B 此时作者质疑他是否作出了正确的(right)选择。40D 作者向父母宣布,他很认真地(seriously)在考虑是否要回家了。41C 父亲很体谅作者,所以对作者的决定表示了支持,故用supportive。从上文的“calm”也可知 C 项正确。42A 下文多次提到“choice”,这里表示我一直都可以有一个选择(choice),那就是回家。43C 但是事实上,父亲和作者都知道(knew)他是不会放弃(而回家)的,所以作者最终还是选择继续(continue)留在亚利桑那大学求学。44D 参见 43 题解析。45B 很多年过去了,父亲激励作者的话仍然影响着他,所以用 enc

10、ouraging。46C 每次当作者面对(face up to)挑战的时候,他知道他总是可以回家(come home)得到慰藉。wander outside 表示“在外闲逛”,hang around 表示“到处游荡”,move away 表示“移走”,都不符合语境。47A 参见 46 题解析。get away with 表示“做(坏事)而未受处罚”,make sure of 表示“确信”,look out for 表示“当心,提防”,都不符合语境。48D 结合上文的“unemployment,divorce”可知,这些都是人生中的失意之事,而丧子之殇(loss of my only son)则

11、更是人生的大悲。49B 作者总是用父亲的话去激励别人,让他们知道即便碰到挫折,总还有人在关心(care)着他们,他们还是可以选择(回家)的。50D 从上下文内容可知,这里在强调我们对家(home)的印象和家对我们的意义。51A 知道远方的家一直在为我们游子守候,这能够帮助(help)我们一路前行。52B remind sb.of sth.是固定表达,表示“让某人想起某事”,这里表示“我想起了一个回头的浪子的故事”。53A 从下文的“love”可知,家给了回头的浪子以慰藉(comfort)和关爱。55 空前面的“comfort”是答案提示。54C 从上文的“pains”可知,这里表示“痛苦”,故

12、用sufferings,与“pains”同义。55B 从上下文可知,家永远存在(exist),它给予我们关爱、支持和慰藉。*结束 请你根据下列提示,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈“感恩”的意义。When we grow up,we often get a lot of love,support and help from our teachers,friends as well as our parents.However,we seldom express our gratitude to them.Being grateful to others is what we shouldnt forge

13、t.注意:无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;或者列举生活中一个事例,或者谈谈自己的看法;词数为 120 左右。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考范文 One possible version:As middle school students,not only should we acquire knowledge but also we should have good qualities.I think expressing our gratitude to people who helped us is one of the good qualit

14、ies we must possess.Two years ago,my classmate,Wang Wei ran into difficulty because his father was diagnosed with lung cancer.His fathers illness added to his familys trouble,so Wang Wei was in danger of dropping out of school.After learning about his bad situation,our head teacher gave him timely h

15、elp by allowing him to continue his schooling without any tuition.With the help of the teacher and classmates Wang has finished school.Just before this important exam he wrote us a letter expressing his sincere thanks for what we have done.We were deeply moved by his letter.Being grateful to people

16、who helped and supported us is what we are supposed to keep in mind forever.*结束 良好的人际关系是构建和谐社会的关键。假设你是李华,最近你校组织学生围绕“中学生如何交友?”这一话题展开讨论。请根据下表的提示,为某英语报的“Voice Your Opinions”栏目写一篇稿件,反映你们讨论的情况,并谈谈你对如何交友的看法。为何交友 建立良好的人际关系,构建和谐社会 交友对象 学习上 互相学习,共同进步 生活上 互相帮助,摆脱烦恼 情感上 互相交流,同甘共苦 如何交友(提出你的建议)注意:1对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥

17、,不要简单翻译;2词数 120 左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数;3参考词汇:和谐的 harmonious Recently we students had a heated discussion on how to make friends._ _ _ 3.参考范文:Recently_we_students_had_a_heated_discussion_on_how_to_make_friends.As well all know,good relationship plays an important role in building a harmonious society.Many

18、of us think we should make friends with those who can help us with our studies so that we can learn from each other and make greater progress.Others believe they should have friends who can help them deal with some problems in life.Still others hold that they should have friends who are willing to l

19、isten to them and share their joys and sorrows.In my opinion,to make friends,we should be friendly and helpful to others.Besides,we should learn to care about others and listen to them patiently.In brief,true friends are like sunshine that brightens our life.*结束 光明中学英语俱乐部最近在招聘英语角的组织者,假设你是李华,想申请成为英语角

20、的组织者,请按下列要点写一封申请信:1擅长英语口语,参加过许多英语活动;2有信心做好这项工作;3申请成功后的打算。注意:1词数 120 左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir/Madam,_ _ _ Yours,Li Hua 参考范文:Dear_Sir/Madam,I am Li Hua,a student in Senior One.Im writing to apply for the position of the organizer of the English Corner.Im good at spoken English and often take part i

21、n various English activities.I am sure that this job will bring me a lot of experience in organizing activities and communicating in English.I believe I can be a successful organizer.If I become the organizer,I will organize a series of activities,such as English Song Singing Contest,English Lecture

22、,English Movie Week and so on.I would appreciate it if you could give me the chance.Yours,Li_Hua (2012 湖北孝感一次统考)请根据下面提示,结合你的校园生活中的一个事例,就英语格言“Failure is the mother of success.”这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。In fact,there arent always bright sunshine and gentle breeze,birds singing and flowers fragrant in our daily li

23、fe.We have so many failures and hardships that someone will be disappointed and give up the hope of success,but life is what you make it.注意:无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;除诗歌外,文体不限;词数为 120 左右。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考范文 One possible version:Success will be gained after times of failure so long as we are g

24、ood at drawing lessons from failures or mistakes and stick to what we are doing.That is the message carried in the proverb“Failure is the mother of success”For example,when I began to learn English,I was slow and clumsy that I read the words wrong from time to time.My poor pronunciation made myself

25、laughed at by my classmates.But I didnt give up and kept practising reading aloud English every day.And my teacher gave me a helping hand,getting me right whenever I made an error.In a word,as long as we dont lose heart and keep on trying,we are sure to go through failure and achieve our aims.2014 高

26、考英语完形填空及书面表达系列训练(6)(答案)第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2012河北普通高考模拟)When I was in my early twenties,I moved away from my home state of Wisconsin to attend graduate school.I chose to go to the University of Arizona in Tucson and _36_ there.Upon landin

27、g in early June,I was shocked by the lack of _37_ and the burning desert heat.After less than two days in that _38_,I called my parents to question whether I had made the _39_ choice and to announce that I was _40_ considering coming home.My father,in a calm and _41_ voice,indicated that I always ha

28、d a _42_.I could always come home and be welcome there.But in fact,we both _43_I wouldnt come home at the time.Needless to say,I chose to _44_.Many years have passed.My fathers _45_ words remain with me.Knowing that I can always _46_,Ive been able to _47_ several challenging situationsunemployment,d

29、ivorce and even the _48_ of my only son.I have also used these words in many cases where others need to know that someone _49_ and that they do have a choice.Whether _50_ is earthly,spiritual,or some sense of calm,knowing that we can come home will be just enough to _51_ us on our way.It _52_ me,in

30、a way,of the prodigal son(回头的浪子)who found _53_ and love upon returning home.While we dont have to be like him and hit bottom in life,it is good to know that we can wander and experience pains and _54_ in life but we still have a home where love,support and comfort _55_.36A.flew Bdrove Cwalked Dcycle

31、d 37A.blue Byellow Cbrown Dgreen 38A.family Brefuge Cenvironment Ddesert 39A.new Bright Clast Ddifficult 40A.naturally Bfortunately Cobviously Dseriously 41A.gentle Bweak Csupportive Dpleasant 42A.choice Bdream Cfriend Drequest 43A.pretended Bexpected Cknew Dforgot 44A.graduate Bregret Creturn Dcont

32、inue 45A.surprising Bencouraging Cinteresting Dmoving 46A.wander outside Bhang around Ccome home Dmove away 47A.face up to Bget away with Cmake sure of Dlook out for 48A.return Bgrowth Carrival Dloss 49A.worries Bcares Cleaves Dstays 50A.health Bmarriage Cchurch Dhome 51A.help Bstop Cprotect Dteach

33、52A.informs Breminds Cwarns Drids 53A.comfort Binterest Cfood Dmoney 54A.regrets Bcomplaints Csufferings Dpleasures 55A.survive Bexist Cfall Ddisappear 36A 从下文的“Upon landing”可知,作者是坐飞机去那儿的,所以用 flew。37D 从下文提到的“burning desert heat”可知,这里是不毛之地,所以缺乏绿色(green)。38C 作者在那样的环境(environment)中住了不到两天就打电话给他父母。39B 此时

34、作者质疑他是否作出了正确的(right)选择。40D 作者向父母宣布,他很认真地(seriously)在考虑是否要回家了。41C 父亲很体谅作者,所以对作者的决定表示了支持,故用 supportive。从上文的“calm”也可知 C 项正确。42A 下文多次提到“choice”,这里表示我一直都可以有一个选择(choice),那就是回家。43C 但是事实上,父亲和作者都知道(knew)他是不会放弃(而回家)的,所以作者最终还是选择继续(continue)留在亚利桑那大学求学。44D 参见 43 题解析。45B 很多年过去了,父亲激励作者的话仍然影响着他,所以用encouraging。46C 每

35、次当作者面对(face up to)挑战的时候,他知道他总是可以回家(come home)得到慰藉。wander outside 表示“在外闲逛”,hang around 表示“到处游荡”,move away 表示“移走”,都不符合语境。47A 参见 46 题解析。get away with 表示“做(坏事)而未受处罚”,make sure of 表示“确信”,look out for 表示“当心,提防”,都不符合语境。48D 结合上文的“unemployment,divorce”可知,这些都是人生中的失意之事,而丧子之殇(loss of my only son)则更是人生的大悲。49B 作者

36、总是用父亲的话去激励别人,让他们知道即便碰到挫折,总还有人在关心(care)着他们,他们还是可以选择(回家)的。50D 从上下文内容可知,这里在强调我们对家(home)的印象和家对我们的意义。51A 知道远方的家一直在为我们游子守候,这能够帮助(help)我们一路前行。52B remind sb.of sth.是固定表达,表示“让某人想起某事”,这里表示“我想起了一个回头的浪子的故事”。53A 从下文的“love”可知,家给了回头的浪子以慰藉(comfort)和关爱。55 空前面的“comfort”是答案提示。54C 从上文的“pains”可知,这里表示“痛苦”,故用 sufferings,与

37、“pains”同义。55B 从上下文可知,家永远存在(exist),它给予我们关爱、支持和慰藉。*结束 请你根据下列提示,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈“感恩”的意义。When we grow up,we often get a lot of love,support and help from our teachers,friends as well as our parents.However,we seldom express our gratitude to them.Being grateful to others is what we shouldnt forget.注意:无须写标题,不得

38、照抄英语提示语;或者列举生活中一个事例,或者谈谈自己的看法;词数为 120 左右。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考范文 One possible version:As middle school students,not only should we acquire knowledge but also we should have good qualities.I think expressing our gratitude to people who helped us is one of the good qualities we must p

39、ossess.Two years ago,my classmate,Wang Wei ran into difficulty because his father was diagnosed with lung cancer.His fathers illness added to his familys trouble,so Wang Wei was in danger of dropping out of school.After learning about his bad situation,our head teacher gave him timely help by allowi

40、ng him to continue his schooling without any tuition.With the help of the teacher and classmates Wang has finished school.Just before this important exam he wrote us a letter expressing his sincere thanks for what we have done.We were deeply moved by his letter.Being grateful to people who helped an

41、d supported us is what we are supposed to keep in mind forever.*结束 良好的人际关系是构建和谐社会的关键。假设你是李华,最近你校组织学生围绕“中学生如何交友?”这一话题展开讨论。请根据下表的提示,为某英语报的“Voice Your Opinions”栏目写一篇稿件,反映你们讨论的情况,并谈谈你对如何交友的看法。为何交友 建立良好的人际关系,构建和谐社会 交友对象 学习上 互相学习,共同进步 生活上 互相帮助,摆脱烦恼 情感上 互相交流,同甘共苦 如何交友(提出你的建议)注意:1对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译;2词数 1

42、20 左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数;3参考词汇:和谐的 harmonious Recently we students had a heated discussion on how to make friends._ _ _ 3.参考范文:Recently_we_students_had_a_heated_discussion_on_how_to_make_friends.As well all know,good relationship plays an important role in building a harmonious society.Many of us think w

43、e should make friends with those who can help us with our studies so that we can learn from each other and make greater progress.Others believe they should have friends who can help them deal with some problems in life.Still others hold that they should have friends who are willing to listen to them

44、 and share their joys and sorrows.In my opinion,to make friends,we should be friendly and helpful to others.Besides,we should learn to care about others and listen to them patiently.In brief,true friends are like sunshine that brightens our life.*结束 光明中学英语俱乐部最近在招聘英语角的组织者,假设你是李华,想申请成为英语角的组织者,请按下列要点写一

45、封申请信:1擅长英语口语,参加过许多英语活动;2有信心做好这项工作;3申请成功后的打算。注意:1词数 120 左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir/Madam,_ _ _ Yours,Li Hua 参考范文:Dear_Sir/Madam,I am Li Hua,a student in Senior One.Im writing to apply for the position of the organizer of the English Corner.Im good at spoken English and often take part in various Eng

46、lish activities.I am sure that this job will bring me a lot of experience in organizing activities and communicating in English.I believe I can be a successful organizer.If I become the organizer,I will organize a series of activities,such as English Song Singing Contest,English Lecture,English Movi

47、e Week and so on.I would appreciate it if you could give me the chance.Yours,Li_Hua (2012 湖北孝感一次统考)请根据下面提示,结合你的校 园生活中的一个事例,就英语格言“Failure is the mother of success.”这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。In fact,there arent always bright sunshine and gentle breeze,birds singing and flowers fragrant in our daily life.We have s

48、o many failures and hardships that someone will be disappointed and give up the hope of success,but life is what you make it.注意:无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;除诗歌外,文体不限;词数为 120 左右。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考范文 One possible version:Success will be gained after times of failure so long as we are good at drawi

49、ng lessons from failures or mistakes and stick to what we are doing.That is the message carried in the proverb“Failure is the mother of success”For example,when I began to learn English,I was slow and clumsy that I read the words wrong from time to time.My poor pronunciation made myself laughed at by my classmates.But I didnt give up and kept practising reading aloud English every day.And my teacher gave me a helping hand,getting me right whenever I made an error.In a word,as long as we dont lose heart and keep on trying,we are sure to go through failure and achieve our aims.


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