UNIT 2vocabulary.ppt

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1、 UNIT 2Civil-Rights HeroesCivil-Rights Heroes 1.Breeze(para1,line1)n.a light and pleasant wind:a warm/cool breeze 凉爽的微风She let the gentle breeze cool her face.Gust-阵风,强风阵风,强风 a strong,abrupt rush of windGale-强风强风 a very strong windHurricane-飓风飓风 a severe tropical cyclone(heavy rains)Typhoon-台风台风 a v

2、iolent wind which has a circular movement,found in the West Pacific OceanTornado-龙卷风龙卷风 a rotating column of air2.Slender(para1,line2)adj.(人,身体的部人,身体的部分分)修长的,苗条的;修长的,苗条的;(柱子等柱子等)细细长的长的1)thin and delicate,often in a way that is attractive:He put his hands around her slender waist.The plants leaves ar

3、e long and slender.2)small in amount or degree:(收入收入)微少的;微少的;(希望希望)渺茫渺茫,微薄的,微小的微薄的,微小的 a man of slender means,a slender income 微薄的薪水微薄的薪水Slender,thin 这两个词都有细小,瘦弱之意。这两个词都有细小,瘦弱之意。Slender 主要表示苗条之瘦,往往含有瘦得好主要表示苗条之瘦,往往含有瘦得好看或均匀的意思。看或均匀的意思。Film actress Zhang Ziyi is a slender woman.When the wind blows,the

4、 slender tree bends but never breaks.起风时,这棵细长的树常弯曲但决不会断。起风时,这棵细长的树常弯曲但决不会断。Thin:表示人或物的直径与长度的比例较小。表示人或物的直径与长度的比例较小。People usually get thinner after an illness.生病后,人们通常变得瘦一些生病后,人们通常变得瘦一些This metal may be thin but is of great strength.这种金属虽然很薄,但强度却很高。这种金属虽然很薄,但强度却很高。3.Settlement(para1,line3)n.a place w

5、here people have come to settle/live eg.This village is said to be the of a group of artists.settle v.(cause to)live in a place for a long time (sb.)in sp.eg.People would usually choose to (themselves)in somewhere they can find adequate food and water.(cause to)become calm or quiet down eg.This medi

6、cine can your nerves.I can only fall asleep after the noise d down.make more tight or close eg.Shake the bottle to the sugar.decide,solve eg.Ill be glad when its all d.Relating phrasessettle down (使)安坐 sb.down in a chair/定 居/定下心来settle for 接受,勉强同意 such a dull lifesettle in/into 熟悉或习惯于 my new job set

7、tle on 决定,同意,选择 this dresssettle up(with)结帐 the waiter after a meal4.Plain para1,line5)1)noun C(ALSO plains)a large area of flat land:the coastal plainHigh mountains rise above the plain.2)adjective(especially of a woman or girl)not beautifulShe was a very plain child when she was ten.5.Confident(pa

8、ra1,line6)adj.feeling or showing trust in oneself or ones ability be about/of/that clause eg.练得越多,对自己越有信心。The more you practice,the more you are about yourself.confidence n.have in sb./sth.(com.)confidential adj.机密的Be confident that麦克儿相信他能被哈佛大学录取.Michael was confident that he would be enrolled by Ha

9、rvard University.Be confident of足球队非常有信心能赢得这场重要的比赛.The soccer team is quite confident of being able to win this important game.Be confident about对机器越熟悉,对使用它就越有信心.The more familiar you are with this machine,the more confident you will be about using it.5.Ironically adv.irony(FIGURATIVE SPEECH)noun Ua

10、 means of expression which suggests a different,usually humorous or angry,meaning for the words used:Her voice heavy with irony,Simone said,Were so pleased you were able to stay so long.(=Her voice made it obvious they were not pleased).Compare Sarcasm6.Stand up(for sb./sth.):支持支持(para2,line13)You h

11、ave to be prepared to stand up for the things you believe in.Dont be afraid to stand up for yourself.Stand up to:勇敢地面对,经得起勇敢地面对,经得起A soldier must stand up to the danger.Your argument just wont stand up to close and thorough examination.你的论点根本经不起仔细检查。你的论点根本经不起仔细检查。7.Principle n.a moral rule or standa

12、rd of good behaviorA man of principle 有原则的人有原则的人By principle 按照原则,根据原则按照原则,根据原则Against ones principle 违反原则违反原则8.historic(para3,line15)adj.famous or important in history历史上有名的,有历史性的,有历史记载的 eg.A city with a long history usually owns many buildings.景德镇是个历史名镇。Jingde is a town.(com.)historical adj.belong

13、 to history 有关历史的,历史上的,史实的 eg.Many documents were destroyed in the fire.I am quite fond of novels cause I can learn a lot from them.historical novel 指关于真实存在的人或事的故事 historic 形容事指这事会留在历史记载中sth.historic is surely historical,but sth.historical is not necessarily historic.history history book 指叙述过去真正发生的事

14、情的书,通常是指教科书。I had traveled here to Hensons last home-now a.lines15.Why was Henson called an African-American Moses?Henson,a black who lived in America,helped other blacks escape from the US.Difficult sentences9.Mission(para4,line20)n.particular task or duty eg.They have been on a to rescue those peo

15、ple caught in a fire.他的使命就是帮助需要帮助的人。His is to help those who are in need.Carry out/perform a mission:执行任务执行任务Fulfill a mission:完成任务:完成任务Cancel a mission:取消一项任务:取消一项任务Missionary n.Josiah Henson is but one name on a long.(lines21-23)What is the part of speech of but in this sentence?And what does but

16、mean?Here but is an adverb,which means“only”.Difficult sentences10.Liberate:(para4,line23)set from(used in the pattern:liberate sb./sth.from)e.g.The new Afghan government is trying to liberate its people from poverty with international help.The Troops aim is to liberate the country by the end of the

17、 year.n.Liberationn.Liberty The Statue of Liberty中央政府拨款200亿美元建造新的大坝用来水力发电.The central government authorized$200 billion to construct new dams to generate cheap hydro-electric power.13.authorizeBe authorized to do sth他被授权发表下列声明He was authorized to issue the following statement.An authorized agent指定的代

18、理人.authorityHave authority over对有权利Supreme in authority权利无上的By the authority of 蒙的许可An academic authority 学术权威authoritiesAuthorities concerned有关当局The military authorities军事当局14.exploit:n.brave and adventurous deed or action (usu.pl)功绩,业绩My grandfather entertained us with stories of wartime exploits.

19、vt.1)to use(esp.a person)unfairly for ones own profit 剥削 e.g.The cruel boss exploited the poor by making them work for less pay.2)to use or develop(a thing)fully so as to get profit 开发,利用 e.g.to exploit the oil under the sea n.exploitation15.Be intent on sth/doing sth他在学业上很专心Hes intent on his studie

20、s.他一心一意要去法国.He is intent on going to France.16.peer:look closely or carefully,esp.as if unable to see well(followed by at/through/into,etc.)凝视,盯着看 e.g.She peered through the mist,trying to find the right path.He peered at me over the top of his glasses.He peered into his parents room and found they

21、were quarrelling.17.on the side(para7,line41)as an additional job or source of income;secretly eg.Some teachers have ways of making some money .He works at a bar in his spare time.On the side一些老师不得不找做兼职挣钱的途径.Some teachers have to find ways of making some money on the side.为了挣足够的钱送孩子上学,他在业余时间靠兼职擦玻璃挣点

22、儿钱.In order to earn enough money to send his children to school,he makes a little money on the side by cleaning windows in his spare time.Eventually he saved enough money working at this trade on the side to buy his freedom(lines40)Translate the sentence into Chinese.后来他终于靠这门手艺攒够钱赎回了自由。Difficult Sen

23、tences18.capture(para7,line45)v.go after to catch sb.or sth.,take over eg.In order to the escaped prisoner,they have worked for five days continuously.n.capturing or being captured eg.All the police involved were overjoyed by the news of the of that dangerous criminal.capturer n.捕获者捕获者In Kentucky,wh

24、ere he was now headed,there was a$1000 reward for his capture,dead or alive.(lines44)Paraphrase the sentence.In Kentucky,anyone who captured him,no matter he was dead or alive,would be rewarded$1000 and now he was going to Kentucky.Difficult SentencesThere was room for all but two(lines50)What does

25、but mean?What is the part of speech of but in this sentence?Here but is an preposition,which means“except”.Difficult Sentences19.close in(on/around)come near to,esp.in order to attack from several directions;surround eg.We need to speed up,or the capturers will on us soon.在他逃脱五分钟后,警察就包围了他。Only five

26、minutes after his fleeing,he was closed in by the police.Close in on/around当苏联军队包围柏林时,希特勒自杀了.Hitler committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin.The others made it to the Ohio shore,where Parker hurriedly arranged for a wagon to take them(lines54)1.What does made it mean?Make it mean

27、s“succeed in doing something”.Here made it means“arrived(at the Ohio shore)”.Difficult SentencesThe others made it to the Ohio shore,where Parker hurriedly arranged for a wagon to take them(lines54)2.What does leg mean?Leg means“a stage of a journey or course”.For example,the last leg of the flight(

28、飞行中的最后一段路程).Difficult Sentences20.religious adj.of religion eg.People have different beliefs even they have the same nationality.serious and conscientious eg.His attitude toward arts could be called as.(antonym)irreligiousreligion n.n.a belief that people hold to direct their behavior and give them

29、moral instructions sth that people firmly believe and seriously deal with eg.Baseball is a with him.He makes a of it.Christianity,Buddhism,Islam Christianity the Bible(Old Testament&New Testament)God/Jesus,Jerusalem Islamthe Koran Allah/Muhammad,Mecca BuddhismBuddhist sutrasBuddha21.Conviction(para1

30、,line59)n.firm opinion or belief eg.The old woman had a firm conviction that there would be a better life after death.22.terminal para1,line59 n.(building at the)end of a railway line,bus route,etc.eg.Some people believe that they can reach the happy of their lives with religious conviction.a pc con

31、nects the user with a computer system eg.All staff have s attached to the companys main computer.adj.at the end eg.the station the stage 23.Impose v.impose on 1)to officially force a rule,tax,punishment,etc.to be obeyed or received:把(税,处罚等)强加于把(税,处罚等)强加于The local government tried to impose fines on

32、the factories which poured untreated waste into the river.The government has made a decision to impose a further tax on spirits.2)to force someone to accept something,especially a belief or way of living:把把(想法等想法等)强加于强加于(某人某人),强迫,强迫(某人某人)接受接受I wouldnt want to impose my religious convictions on anyon

33、e.It may not be wise for parents to impose their own tastes on their children.Impose fines on 当地政府对于那些将未处理的污水倒入河里的工厂要克以罚金.The local government tried to impose fines on the factories which poured untreated waste into the river.Impose sth on sb我不想把我的宗教信仰强加于任何人.I wouldnt want to impose my religious con

34、viction on anyone.对于父母而言将自己的兴趣强加于孩子是不明智的.It may not be wise for parents to impose their own tastes on their e to do sth.表示 do sth.at the end of a fairly long process,使用 这样的结构可以使句子更简洁。可以避免重复使用 finally,eventually,at last,gradually等表示这种意思的副词。Exercise:1)we come to appreciate the value of life.2)people w

35、ill come to like genetically modified crops someday 3),we have come to realize the necessity of hiring a computer-security expert.4)came to understand that the Chinese preferred“teaching by holding the hand”.24.as for(para 14,line77)with regard to,as to 至于,关于 eg.Some people have complained,but me Im

36、 satisfied with the working conditions here.25.transport v.take sth./sb.from one place to another in a vehicle eg.Pipe lines are used mainly to liquids or gases over long distances.用船运送货物是相对较经济的方式。It is a comparatively cheaper way to cargos through ships.n.transportation ships 26.disguise v.give sb.

37、/sth.a false appearance 改装,掩饰,伪装 sb./sth.as eg.The actress d herself as a man so that no one can recognize her.n.things used to disguise sb./sth.sth.in 指外表看不见的事实或表象与事实正好相反的事物 eg.His illness was a blessing in,because he afterwards married his nurse.(com.)distinguish v.区别,分辨27.abolish v.end the existe

38、nce of(a law,custom,system,etc.)eg.Slavery was not finally ed in the British Empire until 1833.In order to protect wild animals,we should the global fur industry.abolition n.废除,终止28.(para17,line92)make the best of:accept an unsatisfactory situation cheerful and try to manage as well as you can (对不满意

39、的条件)欣然接受;充分利用,尽量利用,善用 Make the best of我知道天气又冷又下雨,但我们现在到这儿了,就认命吧!I know its cold and raining but were here now,so lets just make the best of it.Make the best of村子里的生活条件很差,但我们只能认命了.The living conditions in the village were very poor,but we had to make the best of it.Henson worked diligently and rose f

40、ar in his owners regard(line92)Paraphrase“rose far in his owners regard”.He was regarded highly by his owner.Difficult Sentences29.at risk threatened by the possibility of loss failure,etc.;in danger at(adj.)risk(of/from sth.)eg.It is reported that some areas in North China are at high risk of water

41、 shortage.木制建筑有着火的危险。Wooden buildings are from fire.Be at risk of据报道西部的一些地区正面临着沙漠化的极大危险.It is reported that some areas in the west are at high risk of desertification.30.starve v.(cause a person or an animal to)suffer severely or die from hunger eg.Some people d to death during the long drought.In o

42、rder to lose weight,she has d herself for nearly two weeks.starvation n.饥饿31.in the eyes of in the opinion of eg.his students,Mr.White is a friend more than a teacher.在所有父母看来,无论他们的孩子多大都还是小孩子。all the parents,their children are still young kids no matter how old they are.32.pass for appear like;be acc

43、epted or looked upon as(=pass as)(attention)主动形式表示被动意义 eg.He speaks English well enough to a native speaker.有些绢花看起 来就跟真的一样。Some silk flowers real ones.Grammar现在分词与过去分词现在分词与过去分词1)Many slaves traveled under cover of night,their faces sometimes caked with white powder.2)Determined to live free someday,

44、he managed to get trained in iron molding.3)Levi Coffin,a Quaker raised in North Carolina,4)Two weeks later,starving and exhausted,the family reached Cincinnati,现在分词与过去分词现在分词与过去分词.它们都属于非谓语动词,其用法和意义相当于 形容词或副词。在句子中多用作定语、状语、补语、表语或独立成分。.现在分词由动词原形加 ing 构成,过去分词一 般由动词原形加 ed 构成(有部分为不规则变 化)注意它们与动词作谓语时的现在进行时形

45、式 和一般过去时形式的区别。.现分与过分的区别 1)现分表示的意义是主动的,进行的 过分表示的意义是被动的,完成的 个别过分(多为不及物动词)不表示被动,只 表示完成。fallen leaves,newly arrived goods,boiled water2)现分有完成式,被动式和完成被动式。现分的被动式作状语时,与过分用法、意义无差 别。而如需强调分词动作在主句动作之前完成或 发生时,要用现分的完成被动式。3)分词的独立结构 主要用于当分词动作的主语与句子的主语不一致 时。有时可用 with/without+名词(或代词 宾格)+分词的结构。如:The rain having stopp

46、ed,the soldiers continued their march.The boy returned,their faces covered with sweat.He fell asleep with the lamp burning.4)分词短语作句子的独立成分(相当于状语)如:Generally speaking,I prefer rice to noodle.Judged by his accent,he must be a German.Exercises:_ economically,one gallon of oil will last at least two mont

47、hs.a.Using b.Used c.Having used d.To be used His parents _,the orphan is now taken care of by the government.a.have died b.dead c.dying d.having died _ to continue his studies,James quitted school.a.Not wishing b.Not to wish c.Having not wished d.Wishing not _,they went swimming.a.Being a hot day b.

48、It was a hot day c.Due to a hot day d.The day being hotAfter-reading-Useful expressions1.微风轻拂A gentle breeze sweeps2.前往Walk toward3.打算让某人做某事Intend sb to do sth4.不仅仅Be more than5.对某人的挚爱Devotion to sb6.家庭荣誉Family honor7.具有讽刺意义的是ironically8.支持Stand up for 9.奋起力争Stand up for oneself10.有原则的人A man of prin

49、ciple11.历史遗迹Historic site12.在许多方面In many ways13.一个更繁重的使命A larger mission14.勇敢的男女们Courageous men and women15.建立地下铁路Forge the Underground Railroad16.秘密网络A secret web17.解放奴隶Liberate slaves18.批准/委托authorize19.民权斗争Civil-rights struggle20.定与/被安排(在某时)Be scheduled to21.坚决做某事Be intent on doing sthUseful expr

50、essions1.铸铁Iron molding2.做兼职On the side3.阴冷的夜晚Chilly night4.丧魂落魄Be frozen with fear5.团团围住Close in around6.在某人有生之年Over the course of ones life7.被激发Be motivated by8.被感召Be driven by9.宗教信仰Religious convictions10.给饥者以食物,给无衣者以衣衫Fee the hungry and clothe the naked11.得到庇护Find refuge12.课以罚金Impose a fine13.短期


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