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《人教新课标选修六Unit4Globalwarming课堂教学导学案汇编.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新课标选修六Unit4Globalwarming课堂教学导学案汇编.pdf(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 10 南州中学课堂教学导学案 Book6 Unit4(Vocabulary)设计者:刘志香 审核者:_ 审批人:_ 学时:第 1 学时 课题:Vocabulary 课型:新授课 学习目标:Learn how to read them;pay attention to the pronunciations.Get to know some words based on the original ones.教学重难点:How to master the key words.教学与教法:自主学习,小组讨论 教学过程:一、揭示目标、学法指导:Learn how to read

2、 them;pay attention to the pronunciations.二、学生自学、教师巡导:Get to know some words based on the original ones.三、学生展示,教师精导:I.Please give the Chinese meanings.1.consume_ 2.random _ 3.phenomenon_ 4.subscrible_ 3.fuel_ 6.per_ 7.trend_ 8.flood_ 9.data _ 10.mild_ 11.consequence_ 12.economical_ 13.existence _ 14

3、.outer _ 15.advocate_ mitment_ 17.pollution _ 18.growth_ 19.can _ 20.microwave_ 21.refresh _ 22.educator _ 23.heading _ 24.nuclear _ 25.slogan_ 26.disadvantage_ II.Vocabulary Have a dictation of the bold words.1.发生 造成_ 2.同意,赞成 _ 3.数量_ 4.大量的 _-5.趋势 照顾 _ 6.上升,增长_ 7.导致_ 8.反抗,反对_ 9.陈述,说明_ 10.范围,种类_ 11.继

4、续_ 12.一憋,扫视_ 13 平稳的,稳固的_ 14.分布广泛的 _15.平均的_ 16.忍受,容忍_ 17.只要_ 18.环境_ III.Complete the following sentences according to the sentence.1.These _(现象)are most serious in the area.2.Before Jack left the company,he _(陈述)his problem.3.Generally speaking,boys have a stronger _(倾向)to fight than girls.4.Do you _

5、(同意)to her pessimistic view of the situation of the economy?5.A few _(核能)power station have been built in China.6.When did this word come into _?(存在)7.More and more fossil fuel has _in(导致)this increase in carbon 嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 10 dioxide.8.I am doing a project on _ of my school about global warming.9.

6、We do not have to _(忍受)pollution.南州中学课堂教学导学案 Unit 4(language points)设计者:杜娟 审核者:课题:Unit4 课型:新授课:To master the words and expressions.教学重难点:to master the language points 教学与学法:例题法、习题法 教学用具:blackboard 教学过程:一、揭示目标、学法指导 Master the language points:1.important words 2.important expressions 3.important sente

7、nces 二、学生自学,教师巡导 Find out the language points.Then look up the dictionary or referrence books to master their usages.三、学生展示,教师精导 1.重点单词 1.quantity in quantity 大量 quantities of+_”许多的,大量的”quantity of+_”许多的,大量的”a large quantity of”许多,大量”,既可修饰可数名词复数,也可修饰不可数名词。即学即用用 quantity 的相关短语填空(1)Its a lot cheaper i

8、f you buy it .(2)My brother bought_books.(3)There are rain in this area.2.oppose vt.。oppose sth./doing sth./sb.doing sth.反对某事/做某事/某人做某事 oppose sth.to/against sth.使某事物与另一事物对照/对抗 opposed adj.相反的;对立的 be opposed to 反对;与对立 即学即用(1)他反对修建新礼堂的建议。He to build a new hall.(2)不要用你的意愿和我的相抗衡。Do not your will mine.(

9、3)她好像很反对你出国。She seems very much your going abroad.3.range 。嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 10(1)a wide range of 一系列 a full range of 各种 in/within range 在射程以内;在范围内 beyond/out of range 在射程外;在范围外 in/out of the range of 在/超出范围 out of ones range 某人能力达不到的;某人知识以外的(2)range from.to.在范围内变动;包括(由到)之间的各类事物 range between.and.在和范围内变动

10、 即学即用(1)这家商店商品品种繁多。(2)年龄范围从 6 岁到 12 岁。(3)老师沿着小径排列他的学生。4.glance 。glance at/over/through 浏览;匆匆地看一眼 glance off 擦过;掠过 glance around/round 环视 at a glance 一眼;立刻 at first glance 乍一看;乍看之下 take/have a glance at 匆匆看一眼 steal a glance 偷偷看一眼 易混辨异 glance,glare,stare,glimpse(1)glance 指很快地看某人或某物一眼。(2)glare 指怒视。(3)s

11、tare 指由于生气、好奇、害怕或吃惊而睁大眼睛注视某人或某物。(4)glimpse 意为“瞥见”,强调结果。即学即用(1)他扫视了一下会议室。He the conference room.(2)他瞥了一眼那个信封,认出是他叔父的笔迹。He the envelope and recognized his uncles handwriting.(3)球从球门柱上斜擦入网。The ball the post into the net.(4)他一眼就看出了问题所在。He could tell what was wrong.5.average adj.;n.;平均为;计算出的平均数。(1)an ave

12、rage rate/cost/price 平均比率/成本/价格 an average of 的平均数 above/below average 高于/低于平均水平 on average 平均地;通常;按平均值 up to average 达到平均数;达到一般水准(2)average out(at sth.)平均数为;扯平;最终达到平衡 嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 10 average sth.out 算出的平均数 即学即用用适当的介词填空(1)average men smoke more cigarettes than women.(2)His living standards are avera

13、ge(低于一般水平).(3)My school work is well average.(4)The average age the boys in this class is fifteen.2.重点短语与句型 e about come about 意为:,是 短语,不能接宾语,也没有被动语态。与 come 相关的短语:come across 偶然遇见;无意中找到 come on 跟着来,跟上来;口得啦;快点 come out 出来,出现;(芽)生出来;(花)开;出版,发行 come to 总计;达到;归纳为 come up 走近;上(楼)去;(从土中)长出,发 芽;被提出;流行起来 co

14、me up with 找到(答案);拿出(一笔钱等)即学即用用 come 的相关短语填空(1)She a new idea for increasing sales.(2)He never remembered having a man like that.(3)Tell me how the accident .(4)His new book will next year.7.result in result 是 动词,与 in 连用,表示“”,句子的主语是原因,in 的宾语是结果。result from 起因于;因而造成 as a result 结果;因此 with the result

15、that.为此,因此 as a result of 作为的结果 without result 毫无结果地(1)成功来自努力工作。Success hard work.(2)他的粗心致使他犯了一个严重的错误。His carelessness a serious blunder.(3)我在浴室,因此没听见电话。I was in the bathroom,I didnt hear the telephone.(4)这种化学物质因一种化学反应而形成。The chemical substance formed a chemical reaction.8.put up with I cant put up

16、with these insults any more.我不能再忍受这样的侮辱了。put up with 意为:。(1)put across 解释;表达 put aside 节省;储蓄,储存 put down 写下,记下;击败;平定 嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 10 put forward 提出建议;把向前拨 put off 延期,推迟 put on 穿上,戴上;演出 put out 熄灭;扑灭 put through 接通电话(2)keep up with 与保持一致;不落后 catch up with 赶上,追上 come up with 赶上;提出(1)我再也忍受不住牙痛,于是就去找牙科医

17、生诊治。No longer being able to my toothache,I went to consult a dentist.(2)她知道如何把歌唱得传神。She knows how to .9.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer(see Graph 1)and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问,地球正变得更加暖和(见图表 1),

18、而且全球变暖是人为的,而不是随意的自然现象。在 There is(have)no doubt 后常可跟 引导的从句;在肯定句中,doubt 后面有时可跟 引导的从句。(1)在本句型中,that从句是同位语从句,表示doubt的内容。用法与There is a chance that.是一样的。doubt 作为名词,若用在否定句或疑问句中,后面接 that 引导的同位语从句;若用在肯定句中,后面接 whether 引导的同位语从句。注意此时不可以用 if 替换 whether。doubt 作为动词,若用于否定句和疑问句中,后面接 that 引导的宾语从句;若用于肯定句中,后面一般接 whethe

19、r 或 if 引导的宾语从句。(2)doubt 组成的一些短语:in doubt 怀疑;拿不定主意 no/without/beyond doubt 无疑地,必定 常用结构:There is no/some room for doubt.没有怀疑余 地/有可疑处 There is no knowing/telling.没法知道/说 There is no need.没有必要 There is no question.没有问题 There is no reason.没有理由 There is no possibility that.是没有可能的 It is no/small wonder that

20、/No wonder(that).难怪 It is a wonder that.真奇怪/真是令人惊奇 即学即用(1)毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的。they will agree with you on this matter.(2)我相信他会成功的。I he will succeed.(3)公共图书馆的前途难以预料。The future of the public library is .嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 10(4)萨莉确实是学校最优秀的游泳者之一。Sally was one of the finest swimmers in the school.典型句式运用 1.It tak

21、es a lot of energy to make things from new materials,.用新原料造东西需要大 量能源,句中 it 为 ,take 意为:(时间、劳力等);有这种含义的 take 通常 不可用于被动语态。比较:It takes sb.time to do sth.某人花费时间做某事。2.Its OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it-if not,turn it off!只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以把它开着。如果不用就把它关掉!so/as long as 引导 从句

22、,意为“”。另外此短语还可意为“在的时 间之内;既然,因为”等。3.“We cant predict the climate well enough to know what to expect,.我们预报气候不够 准确以致于不能知道要发生的事,not.enough to do sth.意为:“”;enough 表示它前面的形容词、副词的程度,表示由此产生的结果或行动,enough 后面 that 从句。南州中学课堂教学导学案 Unit 4(Grammar)设计者:杜娟 审核者:课题:Unit4 课型:新授课:掌握强调句的用法 教学与学法:自主学习,小组讨论 教学用具:blackboard 教

23、学过程:一、揭示目标、学法指导 掌握强调句的用法 二、学生自学、教师巡导:Preview grammar and finish the exercises 三、学生展示,教师精导 “强调”就是使句子的某一部分比一般情况下显得更加重要。英语表达中,要强调句子的某一成分,一般可用强调句型“It is(was)+that(who)+句子的其余部分”。It 在句中无意义,只起引出被强调部分的作用。被强调的部分指人时,除可用 that 外,还可换用 who(强调宾语指人时也可用 whom)。使用强调句型时,应注意以下事项:一、去掉强调结构 It is(was)that(who)后,剩下的词仍能组成一个完

24、整的句子。这是判断是不是强调句型的关键。试比较:1.It is strange that he didnt come yesterday.2.It is you and Tom that didnt come yesterday.二、如果强调时间、地点、原因或方式状语时,不可用 when,where,why 或 how,而仍用 that。试比较:It was because of the accident why he was late.(误),It was because of the accident that he was late.(正)。三、强调句型的反意疑问句形式为:It is/w

25、as+被强调部分+that,isnt/wasnt it?四、强调主语时,that 或 who 后面的谓语动词的形式仍然取决于原句中的主语;be 的变化只有 is 和 was 两种形式,如果要表示现在时将来时的其它各种形式时,就用 It is,表达过嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 10 去时的各种形式时,用 It was.一般要与谓语动词的时态一致。如:1.It is I who/that am an English teacher.2.It is the boy who/that speaks English best in the class.3.It was on Sunday that he

26、gave George this ticket.4.It is the little girl who/that has broken the glass.五、强调句型和(not)until 句型的结合。句式特征为:It is/was until+被强调部分+that+延续动词 It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+短暂动词 如:用强调句型对 I didnt knew the result.until he came back.中的划线部分进行强调,则变成:It was not until he came back that I knew the result.跟踪训练

27、:一、单项填空 1.-He got his first book published.It turned out to be a bestseller.-When was _?(07 浙江)-_ was in 2000 when he was still in college.A.that;This B.this;It C.it;his D.that;It 2.It is not who is right but what is right _is of importance.(07 重庆)A.which B.it C.that D.this 3.It was along the Missis

28、sippi River _Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.A.how B.which C.that D.where (08 天津)4.Was it in the room_ Mr.Johnson lived _the exhibition was held?A.that;that B.where;that C.where;where D.that;where 5.It was _ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home.A.repairing B.repaired

29、 C.to repair D.in repair 6.It is in Steven Spielbergs first film,Jaws,_ a big white shark attacks swimmers _ are spending their holidays in a small village by the sea.A.where;who B.which;that C.that;that D.where;that 7.-You seemed to have been impressed by his songs.-Well,not exactly so.It was his w

30、ay of singing_ his voice that really impressed me.A.rather than B.as well as C.but also D.together with 8.When was _you met with the famous scientist?A.it that B.it C.the place D.the place that 9.It was the photo of mine _was taken _stood the high tower.A.which;that B.that;that C.that;where D.who;th

31、at 10.Is it the years_ you worked in the factory _have a good effect on your literary works?A.that;where B.that;that C.when;where D.when;that 11.Were all the three people in the car injured in the accident?No,_ only the two passengers who got hurt.A.it was B.there was C.there were D.there had 12.It

32、was _ the exam results were known _ a lot of time on computer games.A.until;did the boy begin to regret having wasted B.not until;that the boy began to regret to have wasted 嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 10 C.not until;that the boy began to regret wasting D.until;did the boy begin to regret to waste 答案及解析:15DCCBA 61

33、0CAACD 1112 AC 单元检测试题第四单元 II.完形填空 Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music.Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her _26_ concert.She had been waiting for this _27_ for years and years.“Now it is here at last,”she thought.“How beautiful her _28_ is.”The son

34、g made her _29_ to the days when she was Laurens _30_.As a young _31_,Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer.She studied _32_ in France,Italy and in the United States.“You can become a fine _33_ in the future,”her teachers told her.“But you must be _34_to study hard and work for many years.There will

35、 be _35_time for anything but music in your life.”Dorothy was _36_ at that time and she was _37_ that music was all she wanted or needed to _38_ her life.For almost a year Dorothy _39_ of nothing else.Then she _40_ David,a young engineer travelling Europe.They soon fell in _41_.David asked her to be

36、 his _42_.Dorothy also wanted to marry David.But she loved _43_,too.She didnt know what to do.David was against her being a singer.He said,“If you want to be a singer,you must forget about getting married.You cant _44_ do both.”Thus her days were gone and would never return.Now Lauren became a singe

37、r instead of her,which was her _45_.26.A.sorry B.successful C.first D.wonderful 27.A.dance B.moment C.show D.party 28.A.voice B.face C.dress D.life 29.A.think of B.bring back C.go back D.come back 30.A.age B.friend C.mother D.teacher 31.A.musician B.pop star C.lady D.girl 32.A.French B.music C.piano

38、 D.dance 33.A.actress B.student C.singer D.dancer 34.A.prepared B.learning C.driven D.waiting 35.A.some B.any C.no D.enough 36.A.eight B.eighteen C.eighty D.eighty-eight 37.A.lucky B.sure C.afraid D.fond 38.A.fill B.live C.lead D.take 39.A.heard B.knew C.talked D.thought 40.A.saw off B.learned from

39、C.heard of D.met with 41.A.love B.feeling C.music D.touch 42.A.assistant B.teacher C.wife D.student 43.A.him B.engineering C.herself D.music 44.A.certainly B.possibly C.only D.mainly 嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 10 45.A.thought B.hope C.purpose D.will 26-30CBACA 31-35DBCAC 36-40BBADD 41-45ACDBB III 阅读理解 第一节:阅读下列短文,

40、从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(A)Animation9(动画片)means making things which are lifeless come alive and move.Since earliest times,people have always been astonished by movement.But not until this century have we managed to take control of movement,to record it,and in the case of animation,to retranslate

41、 it and recreate it.To do all this,we use a movie camera and a projector(放映机).In the world of cartoon animation,nothing is impossible.You can make the characters do exactly what you want them to do.A famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat,created by Pat Sullivan in America in the early nin

42、eteen twenties.Felix was a wonderful cat.He could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail,using it as a handle and then putting it back.Most of the great early animators lived and worked in America,the home of the moving picture industry.The famous Walt Disney cartoon

43、 characters came to life after 1928.Popeye the Sailor and his girl friend Olive Oyo were born at Max Ficischer in 1933.But to be an animator,you dont have to be a professional(专业人士).It is possible for anyone to make a simple animated film without using a camera at all.All you have to do is to draw d

44、irectly on to an empty film and then run the film through a projector.50What does the passage mainly discuss?AAnimal world.BMovie camera.CCartoon making.DMovement.51Which of the following statements is TRUE?APeople were unable to cause the movement to last or record it in the last century.BPat Sulli

45、van was a famous early cartoon character.CIt is impossible to make cartoon characters do what they are designed to do.DIn ancient times people were surprised by movement.52According to the passage,Felix the Cat .Awas created by the American cartoonist Felix Bwas designed by Pat Sullivan in the early

46、 twentieth century Cwas unable to do what natural cats could not do Dwas created in the United States in the nineteenth century 53It can be inferred from the passage that .AWalt Disneys cartoon characters were born earlier that Pat Sullivans Bonly professionals can create cartoon characters CPopeye

47、the Sailor and Olive Oyo were famous cartoonists Dthe cartoon industry started in the United States 54Which of the following statements best describes the authors attitude towards cartoon making?ACartoon making is an easy job.Anyone can do it.BOnly trained people can be employed in cartoon making in

48、dustry.CAnyone can make cartoons under the instructions of professionals.嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 10 DCartoon making is no easy job.You have to spend much time drawing onto the empty film.CABDA (B)Tea drinking was common in China for nearly one thousand years before anyone in Europe had ever heard about tea.Peo

49、ple in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like,mainly because tea was very expensive.It could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable curiosity.Some of them were not sure how to use it.They

50、thought it was a vegetable and tried cooking the leaves.Then they served them mixed with butter and salt.They soon discovered their mistake but many people used to spread the used tea leaves on bread and give them to their children as sandwiches.Tea remained scarce and very expensive in England unti


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