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1、本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。一中 2021 届高考模拟卷 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。英语试卷四 第一局部 听力一共两节,满分是 30 分 第一节(一共 5 小题;每一小题 1.5 分,满分是 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项里面选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间是来答复有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does Miss

2、 Jamison think Ted should do?A.Drive faster.B.Leave sooner.C.Check the weather forecast.2.How often do Janets parents call her?A.About twice a week.B.Around once a month.C.About twice a month.3.Where will the man probably write his paper?A.At home.B.In a computer lab.C.At the library.4.Where does th

3、e conversation take place?A.At the gym.B.At a movie theater.C.At school.5.What is the conversation mainly about?A.Taking math class.B.Borrowing notes.C.Visiting the amusement park 第二节 听下面 5 段对话或者独白,每段对话或者独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项里面选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或者独白前,你将有时间是阅读各个小题,每一小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的

4、答题时间是。每段对话或者独白读两遍。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。听第 6 段材料,答复第 6、7 题。6.What goes on the second line in the center?A.The senders district.B.The receivers address.C.The receivers name.7.What does the woman still need to buy?A.A postage stamp.B.A proper envelope.C.

5、Airmail insurance.听第 7 段材料,答复第 8 至 10 题。8.How long does it take Jenny to write her paper altogether?A.Three weeks.B.Two weeks.C.One week.9.Which part is the most difficult for Jenny?A.Preparing an outline.B.Writing the paper.C.Doing the research.10.What does Stan think Jenny should do?A.Borrow his o

6、utline.B.Use her outline from last semester.C.Make a plan before writing.听第 8 段材料,答复第 11 至 13 题。11.What field is the man probably in?A.Finance.B.Engineering.C.Medicine 12.How does the woman travel to New York?A.By car.B.By plane.C.By train.13.What does the woman think about New York?A.She dislikes i

7、t a little bit.B.She cant stand it.C.She feels relaxed there.听第 9 段材料,答复第 14 至 17 题。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。14.Who did the woman live with in 1940?A.By herself.B.With her husband.C.With her parents and brother.15.Where was the woman in 1945?A.In Minnesot

8、a.B.In Washington D.C.C.In California.16.Which job did the woman have for the longest time?A.Politician.B.Secretary.C.News reporter.17.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Neighbors.B.Teacher and student.C.Grandma and grandson.听第 10 段材料,答复第 18 至 20 题。18.According to the talk,what

9、 is more common in the West than in China?A.Using mobile payments.B.Using cash.C.Using credit cards.19.How many people use Alipay or WeChat Pay?A.All people in China.B.Less than those who use PayPal.C.Nearly everyone who has a smart phone in China.20.How are mobile payments described in the talk?A.E

10、asy and convenient.B.Simple and free of charge.C.Popular but awkward to use.第二局部 阅读理解一共两节,满分是 40 分 第一节 (一共 15 小题;每一小题 2 分,满分是 30 分)阅读以下短文,从每一小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。涂黑。A After an old lady from Radvilikis,Lithuania g

11、ot too sick to live on her own,she was admitted to a hospital.Sadly,all of her remaining relatives were scattered分散 all over the world,so nobody could take care of the pets she was forced to leave behind.While authorities had spent months searching for ways to save her animals,“Vyni sodas,a rescue s

12、helter from Vilnius,Lithuania,stepped up.After they arrived,one of the animals,a little dog named Pluto,was clearly the one who needed help the most.Pluto had lost a lot of weight.“Suffering from Mange兽疥癣,his body was reduced to skin and bones.His eyes were hopeless,filled only with endless pain.“Up

13、on arriving at our shelter,Pluto appeared to have been completely given up,ukauskait added.“He didnt want to get up for anything.He wasnt eating,and was doing his business right under himself.The vets cleaned him,removing the dirty from his skin.The first procedure Pluto received took 5 hours.“Still

14、,he was feeling miserable and his burning skin was being treated a few times each day.Eventually,because of the Mange infection,Pluto had to be isolated without the possibility of going out for a walk.“The pup had been going through living hell for 3 months.After the isolation,he had to relearn how

15、to walk.But that was only the half of his remaining troubles.“Pluto was afraid of everything and everyone.“It took six months before Pluto gathered the courage to step outside,ukauskait said.“His first steps were very tough for him.He was so afraid,even the grass under his feet creeped him out.本卷贰 O

16、 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。“Thanks to the endless patience and love provided by our staff,however,Pluto started socializing.As he introduced himself to his surroundings and the other dogs,Pluto started eating more,too.Even though hes cautious around people,he ha

17、s regained most of his weight and we find Pluto playing with other dogs more and more.21.According to the first paragragh,we can know_ A.The old lady has a great many relatives in the country.B.Nobody was willing to look after the sick pets.C.The old lady had no choice but to abandon her pets.D.It w

18、as the authorities that rescued Pluto.22.What was the most serious problem did Pluto have?A.He was too thin.B.He suffered from mental illness.C.He was too dirty D.He missed his old and sick owner.23.What is the main idea of the text?A.A homeless dog was seriously sick in a shelter.B.An abandoned dog

19、 got careful treatment in the USA.C.Vets were playing an important role in curing animals.D.People rescued an abandoned dog to regain faith in life.B If you have plans to run,then the first thing that you have to purchase is a good pair of running shoes.Put simply,how can you possibly run without ru

20、nning shoes,right?There are many ways about how to choose the right running shoes but these ways differ from one person to another.That is why first-hand experience is greatly recommended.By this we mean that 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。you have to go to the

21、 store yourself to check and try on a pair of running shoes that you are looking at to see whether or not they are good for your feet and comfortable.No matter what else you take into consideration,the most important thing is for you to be able to start choosing the right running shoes because there

22、 are a lot of options out there.These options might make you feel confused as to which pair to actually buy.But when you begin your search,you will have enough time to see which pair is best for you.In the end,whatever you choose to buy should not require you to spend too much.That is to say,you hav

23、e to make sure that what you buy is just right for your budget and the kind of activity you plan to take part in.This is to ensure as well that whatever you buy can be used for a long time.So what more are you waiting for?Get up and start running by going to the different stores that sell running sh

24、oes and then see which pair is the best one for you.When you find the right pair,buy it immediately and start your new and far more active lifestyle now.24.At the beginning of the text,the author _.A.recommends several kinds of running shoes B.introduces the importance of doing exercise C.stresses t

25、he necessity of choosing the right running shoes D.suggests a couple of ways of choosing the right running shoes 25.The underlined part“first-hand experience in Paragraph 1 probably means“_.A.past experience C.advice from people older than you B.professional advice D.experience gained by doing somet

26、hing yourself 26.What does the author advise us to consider in Paragraph 3?本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。A.The variety of running shoes.B.The price of running shoes.C.The style of running shoes.D.The size of running shoes.27.What can be a suitable title for th

27、e text?A.How to Choose the Right Running Shoes B.What Kind of Store You Should Visit C.How to Save More Money on Shoes D.How to Start Running C Rain beat against the window,matching my mood.I should have known that my new job at the hospital was too good to be true.Throughout the day,rumors(传言)warne

28、d that the newest employee from each department would be laid off.I was the newest one in the training department.My boss appeared.“You probably know were cutting back,he said.“Administration wants us to offer outplacement classes to help those employees find other jobs,showing them how to act in an

29、 interview,for example.“Fine,I answered unwillingly,not knowing what else to say.I decided to go home early that day.In the hall,I met the lady who brought us cookies every Friday.She was a little woman with gray hair.Only her head and the top of her green apron were visible over the cart(小车)loaded

30、with cleaning supplies.At least she had a job!At the final meeting,laid-off workers formed a line at the door.A colleague whispered,“I cant believe our Cookie Lady is being laid off.Well miss her as much as well miss her cookies.When the colleague spoke to her in Spanish,I knew my classes would be u

31、seless for her and I realized how much better off was than this poor woman.I decided to do something for her.I wrote to a newspaper expressing how I felt about the 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。unselfishness of the Cookie Lady who needed a job.A few days later

32、,my article appeared in the newspaper and the Cookie Lady was allowed to stay in her position.On the same day,I received a letter,which seemed so unlikely that I read it twice.“An editor of a local magazine likes your piece and wants you to call her next time youre looking for work 28.How did the au

33、thor feel on that rainy day?A.Nervous.B.Excited.C.Awkward.D.Proud.29.What was the author asked to do?A.Take care of patients.B.Leave earlier that day.C.Resign from the hospital.D.Help the laid-off workers.30.How did the author help the Cookie Lady?A.He offered her a high-paid job.B.He gave her advic

34、e on job hunting.C.He made her story known to others.D.He taught her how to pass an interview.31.Which proverb best suits the topic of the passage?A.Good deeds have their rewards.B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.C.Little people can make a big difference.D.Love brings more joy to people than wor

35、k does.D A new railway design is allowing the latest high-speed rail line to pass through national natural reserves while causing only minor effect to local wildlife.The Xian-Chengdu high-speed rail is the first bullet train to cut through the Qinling Mountains,in Shaanxi province,which are home to

36、many rare wild animals including the giant panda,golden monkey,crested ibis and golden takin.It is one of three major habitats for the wild giant panda,with about 345 of Chinas 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。1,864 wild giant pandas living there,according to the

37、 fourth National Survey on Giant Pandas released in 2021.The railway will also pass through a major Tianhuashan Mountain reserve,a giant panda habitat.When researching the railway route,we avoided laying tracks more than 1,500 meters above sea level,where the majority of wildlife gathers,said Lai We

38、nhong,an engineer from the China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group,who is in charge of the railways environmental design.More than 90 percent of the railway through the Qinling Mountains is tunnels and bridges,said Liu Shuangjin,general chief designer of the lines Shaanxi section from

39、the China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group.The advantage of tunnels is to reduce vibration(震动)when a train passes by,Lai said.The average depth of the tunnels is 400 meters,and the deepest is 1,000 meters.Bridges are constructed to link tunnels.Protective things have been placed at th

40、e mouths of tunnels in the Qinling Mountains to keep wild animals from falling.During operation,trains are forbidden from using horns in wildlife habitats.The line also passes through the Yangxian county reserve,home to crested ibis,a rare bird.The 4-meter-high mesh(网状物)on the sides of bridges highe

41、r than 10 meters will prevent the birds from flying into the path of trains,which is safer for the birds and the trains.32.The Xian-Chengdu high-speed rail passes through the following reserves except _.A.the Qinling Mountain reserve B.the Yangxian county reserve C.the Taihang Mountain reserve D.the

42、 Tianhuashan Mountain reserve 33.What animals is the Tianhuashan Mountain reserve set up mainly for?A.The golden monkey.B.The elephant.本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。C.The crested ibis.D.The giant panda.34.Why are so many tunnels built on the Xian-Chengdu high-

43、speed rail?A.To protect endangered wildlife.B.To lower the cost of construction.C.To reduce the distance of the line.D.To connect different bridges.35.Whats the best title of the passage?A.The railways environmental design is important C.Rail design keeps wildlife safe B.The Xian-Chengdu rail is und

44、er construction D.More national reserves are set up 第二节 一共 5 小题;每一小题 2 分,满分是 10 分 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项里面选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项里面有两项为多余选项。How to Relieve Your Pets Separation Anxiety During the Holidays The holidays are festive for humans,but for animals they can be full of anxiety.Anytime pets are separated fro

45、m the person theyre most bonded to,theyre likely to experience anxiety.Separation anxiety is a very serious disorder characterized by extreme emotional and behavioral reactions._36_Therefore,it should not be taken lightly.Heres valuable insight from an animal behavior expert._37_.Destructive behavio

46、rclawing at the door,chewing through window screens,chewing up the couch.Constant barking,meowing,howling Refusing to eat or drink when left alone Dealing with a mild case of separation anxiety Try counterconditioning(对抗条件反射作用),in which you associate a bad thing(which in this 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学

47、复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。case is your leaving),with something they enjoy,like a treat.“_38_ says an expert.A little background noise might help as welltry leaving the TV or stereo on.If you go with music,something may be created specifically to calm pets,whether it be a dog,cat

48、,or bird.Managing a moderate case If treats,music,or the TV wont do the trick,desensitize(使不敏感;使麻木)your pet to your leaving.You do this by disassociating your normal signs of leaving from your actual leaving.The expert says,“Pick up your car keys,then sit on the couch to watch TV._39_ By leaving the

49、 house calmly and confidently,you help your pet realize that leaving is normalyou might do the same thing with a child anxious about being left at pre-school.When you come home,try to ignore your pet for the first few minutesagain,youre trying to normalize leaving and returning.Ease your pets modera

50、te to severe case of separation anxiety _40_,you should consider investing in professional help.A.Reasons for separation anxiety.B.Common signs of separation anxiety C.Put on your coat,then go wash the dishes.D.At its most extreme,it can result in death.E.Though the suggestions above are useful,F.If


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