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《英语修辞写作—语法修辞篇参考材料Section5(3).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语修辞写作—语法修辞篇参考材料Section5(3).pdf(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Section 5 Composing a Discourse:Outlining and Drafting I.Key to the Exercise 1.Why is an outline important in writing a composition?Find out the answer from the lecture.2.What are the two major types of writings concerning the limit of time?Find out the answer from the lecture.3.How is the writing o

2、f outlines treated in different cases(compositions to be finished in class and writings with longer time limitation)?Find out the answer from the lecture.4.Write an outline of the following article.Suggested Outline of “Time Magazines Person of the Year:You and Web 2.0”1)Time Magazines selection of

3、you and Web 2.0 as the Person of the Year.2)Web 2.0 has become the most powerful,egalitarian,and knowledge rich platform in human history that makes the Web-goers a new generation of openness,sharing,and community.3)Quote from the cover storys lead author Lev Grossman:“that(Web 2.0)will not only cha

4、nge the world,but also change the way the world changes”;“Web 2.0 harnesses the stupidity of crowds as well as its wisdom.”4)The lead story is just the beginning and Time has prepared an extravaganza of supporting material and documentation in the form of fourteen separate stories.5)Different attitu

5、des of Jeff Jarvis,Nick Carr,and Paul Kedrosky as well as the authors comment.6)The unpredictable long-tern effect:the control over information and content becomes relentlessly decentralized.7)The aftershock:Social Computing that has the genuine potential to fundamentally remake our cultures,societi

6、es,businesses and even“change the way we change the world.”8)Summary by asking a question:Is Web 2.0 evolution or revolution?II.Translation of the Sample Text Open.III.Supplementary Samples 1.Sample(1)We are Times“Person of the Year”:The Year of YouTube Ben Compaine,December 17,2006 Time Magazine-on

7、e of the icons of traditional media-named“You”as its“Person of the Year.”With a reflective piece of Mylar on a computer monitor screen as the cover,the editors rejected newsmakers such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld or the new Speaker of the H

8、ouse Nancy Pelosi in favor of You Tube and the millions of bloggers and amateur journalists and YouTube contributors.Richard Stengel,the Managing Editor of Time,wrote by way of explanation:“The other day I listened to a reader named Tom,age 59,make a pitch for the American Voter as Times Person of t

9、he Year.Tom wasnt sitting in my office but was home in Stamford,Conn.,where he recorded his video and uploaded it to YouTube.In fact,Tom was answering my own video,which Id posted on YouTube a couple of weeks earlier,asking for people to submit nominations for Person of the Year.Within a few days,it

10、 had tens of thousands of page views and dozens of video submissions and comments.The people who sent in nominations were from Australia and Paris and Duluth,and their suggestions included Sacha Baron Cohen,Donald Rumsfeld,Al Gore and many,many votes for the YouTube guys.“This response was the livin

11、g example of the idea of our 2006 Person of the Year:that individuals are changing the nature of the information age,that the creators and consumers of user-generated content are transforming art and politics and commerce,that they are the engaged citizens of a new digital democracy.”Heady stuff for

12、 those of us who blog,who read blogs,who have recognized that the significance of YouTube(perhaps about to become the generic term for any user-content video sites,the way TiVo is often used to mean any sort of personal video recorder)just more than just silly pet tricks.Another cause for urgency fo

13、r change for traditional media.2.Sample(2)Times Person of the Year:The American Voter By Richard Stengel In a year when the nations financial institutions melted down in a dramatic confluence of events not seen since the Great Depression;a lame-duck President was rendered impotent by nearly daily cr

14、ises tumbling down on his Oval Office desk;unemployment and economic inequality reaching new,and powerfully disturbing levels;violence continuing in both Iraq and Afghanistan,with no end in sight;and the election of a charismatic young African-American Senator as President,a man whose personal narra

15、tive inspired millions upon millions of people,not only in the United States but all over the world,capturing the zeitgeist of the political and popular culture and re-defining the phrase“game-changer,”there was a sweeping development that trumped everything else.It bears repeating that TIMEs Person

16、 of the Year is not and has never been an honor.It is not an endorsement.It is not a popularity contest.At its best,it is a clear-eyed recognition of the world as it is and of the most powerful forces shaping that worldfor better or worse.As aficionados of this special issue of TIME understand,past

17、recipients have included Adolf Hitler,Joseph Stalin,William Westmoreland,Richard Nixon,Ayatollah Khomeini,Newt Gingrich and Ted Turner,as well as Winston Churchill,FDR,Bill Clinton and Mahatma Gandhi.Happily,this years choiceThe American Voteris one of the most positive and affirmative picks in rece

18、nt memory.Readers may rightfully ask,“Why not Barack Obama?”and we pondered this very question over many long conferences and sleepless nights.While its true that President-elect Obamawith his breathtaking rhetoric,nearly flawless campaign,multi-faceted personal narrative and decisive victory on Nov

19、.4would have been the obvious choice,in fact,it was his very ascension to leader of the free world that dictated we recognize The American Voter as“Person of the Year,”for without the glorious enthusiasm and participation in the quadrennial electoral marathon by ordinary citizens from coast to coast

20、 the new President might now be preparing his return to the Senate.Yes,the United States is once again the envy of the world.In what other country,one might reasonably ask,could an election to replace an extraordinarily unpopular President be conducted without violence or even a coup detat?It is tes

21、timony to the intrinsic sense of right and wrong of our countrymen that we dont resort to such measures in the United States.And consider the riveting,and quintessentially American drama that has unfolded during the past two years.An African-American,not of the manor born,was victorious in his pursu

22、it of every childs dream,but also Hillary Clinton spoke truth to power in a way that emboldened not only the first wave of feminists but young women as well.John McCain,whose own personal narrative is etched into the mind of so many grateful Americans for his valiant military service,conducted a val

23、iant campaign that,while at times somewhat dark,connected with senior citizens and all those who revered his bucking of Washington,D.C.s“insider”cabal of lobbyists,consultants and financial contributors-for-hire in a way that wont soon be forgotten.Lets also take note of Senator Joseph Lieberman,a t

24、rue maverick in his voyage from Al Gores running mate in 2000 to defying his own partys leaders,without fear of reprisal,who endorsed the GOPs McCain;it was a profile in courage that wont soon be forgotten.And Alaskas Governor Sarah Palin electrified a segment of the countrys electorate with her no-

25、nonsense,plain-spoken embrace of Wal-Mart and hockey moms.The year 2008 will go down in history as yet another example of Americas unique form of participatory democracy,exemplified by the vast influence on the election by the Internet,its bloggers and citizen journalists and the by-now ubiquitous Y

26、ouTube.Politics in the United States had reached a fork in the road,and thanks to you,the American Voter,the correct direction was taken and we are much,much richer for it.IV.Supplementary Guides or References 1.Guide(1)Developing an Outline The Writing Lab&The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University Su

27、mmary:This resource describes why outlines are useful,what types of outlines exist,suggestions for developing effective outlines,and how outlines can be used as an invention strategy for writing.1.Four Main Components for Effective Outlines Ideally,you should follow these four suggestions to create

28、an effective outline.The examples are taken from the Sample Outline handout.Parallelism-How do I accomplish this?Each heading and subheading should preserve parallel structure.If the first heading is a verb,the second heading should be a verb.Example:I.Choose Desired Colleges II.Prepare Application(

29、“Choose”and“Prepare”are both verbs.The present tense of the verb is usually the preferred form for an outline)Coordination-How do I accomplish this?All the information contained in Heading 1 should have the same significance as the information contained in Heading 2.The same goes for the subheadings

30、(which should be less significant than the headings).Example:I.Visit and evaluate college campuses II.Visit and evaluate college websites A.Note important statistics B.Look for interesting classes(Campus and websites visits are equally significant.They are part of the main tasks you would need to do

31、.Finding statistics and classes found on college websites are parts of the process involved in carrying out the main heading topics.)Subordination-How do I accomplish this?The information in the headings should be more general,while the information in the subheadings should be more specific.Example:

32、I.Describe an influential person in your life A.Favorite high school teacher B.Grandparent(A favorite teacher and grandparent are specific examples from the generalized category of influential people in your life.)Division-How do I accomplish this?Each heading should be divided into 2 or more parts.

33、Example:I.Compile resume A.List relevant coursework B.List work experience C.List volunteer experience(The heading“Compile resume”is divided into 3 parts.)Technically,there is no limit to the number of subdivisions for your headings;however,if you seem to have a lot,it may be useful to see if some o

34、f the parts can be combined.2.Why and How to Create a Useful Outline Why create an outline?There are many reasons;but in general,it may be helpful to create an outline when you want to show the hierarchical relationship or logical ordering of information.For research papers,an outline may help you k

35、eep track of large amounts of information.For creative writing,an outline may help organize the various plot threads and help keep track of character traits.Many people find that organizing an oral report or presentation in outline form helps them speak more effectively in front of a crowd.Below are

36、 the primary reasons for creating an outline.Aids in the process of writing Helps you organize your ideas Presents your material in a logical form Shows the relationships among ideas in your writing Constructs an ordered overview of your writing Defines boundaries and groups How do I create an outli

37、ne?Determine the purpose of your paper.Determine the audience you are writing for.Develop the thesis of your paper.Then:Brainstorm:List all the ideas that you want to include in your paper.Organize:Group related ideas together.Order:Arrange material in subsections from general to specific or from ab

38、stract to concrete.Label:Create main and sub headings.Remember:creating an outline before writing your paper will make organizing your thoughts a lot easier.Whether you follow the suggested guidelines is up to you,but making any kind of outline(even just some jotting down some main ideas)will be ben

39、eficial to your writing process.3.Types of Outlines and Samples Alphanumeric Outlines This is the most common type of outline and usually instantly recognizable to most people.The formatting follows these characters,in this order:Roman Numerals Capitalized Letters Arabic Numerals Lowercase Letters I

40、f the outline needs to subdivide beyond these divisions,use Arabic numerals inside parentheses and then lowercase letters inside parentheses.Select the“Sample Outlines”PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline.The sample PDF in the Media Box above is an example of an outline

41、that a student might create before writing an essay.In order to organize her thoughts and make sure that she has not forgotten any key points that she wants to address,she creates the outline as a framework for her essay.What is the assignment?Your instructor asks the class to write an expository(ex

42、planatory)essay on the typical steps a high school student would follow in order to apply to college.What is the purpose of this essay?To explain the process for applying to college Who is the intended audience for this essay?High school students intending to apply to college and their parents What

43、is the essays thesis statement?When applying to college,a student follows a certain process which includes choosing the right schools and preparing the application materials.Full Sentence Outlines The full sentence outline format is essentially the same as the Alphanumeric outline.The main differenc

44、e(as the title suggests)is that full sentences are required at each level of the outline.This outline is most often used when preparing a traditional essay.Select the“Sample Outlines”PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline.Decimal Outlines The decimal outline is similar in

45、format to the alphanumeric outline.The added benefit is a system of decimal notation that clearly shows how every level of the outline relates to the larger whole.Select the“Sample Outlines”PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline.2.Guide(2)Writing an Effective Outline By Sa

46、cie Heaps Professional Writer and Editor Unless you are writing a very short,simple document,you should begin the writing process with an outline in order to guide your writing.An outline is a document that briefly summarizes the information that will be included in a paper,book,speech,or similar do

47、cument.It shows the order in which the information will be presented and indicates the relationship of the pieces of information to each other.Outlines are important because not only do they allow you to map your thoughts into a coherent,logical organization,they also let you know early in the writi

48、ng process if an idea for a paper,book,or other project just isnt going to pan out because you dont have enough supporting material or information or because the idea simply isnt sound.Moreover,outlines indicate early on whether you have left out important information or added superfluous ideas.Fort

49、unately,word processors have made writing outlines(and papers)much simpler because they make it very easy to add,delete,reorganize,or even completely revamp information as much and as often as necessary.Writing an outline is also a great remedy to writers block,as it allows you to express your ideas

50、 briefly without getting unduly bogged down in the details or in correct grammar or word choice too early on in the writing process.Writing the Outline Before beginning your outline,you want to have your preliminary research doneyou cant write an outline until you know more or less what it is you ar


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