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1、 第 1 页 共 10 页 高一下学期期中考试英语试题 第 I 卷 命题人、审题人:郭仕伦 韩青松 秦艳 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Assistant and

2、 customer.C.Husband and wife.2.What does the man think of Mary?A.Shes late for school every day.B.She likes to make excuses for being late.C.She must have got up late.3.What are the two speakers talking about?A.Football.B.The position of Iranian women.C.The interest of some Iranian women.4.When shou

3、ld Lucy return the womans bike?A.At about 6:30.B.After 6:00.C.Before 5:00.5.What is the woman going to do?A.Catch a plane.B.Catch a train.C.Catch a bus.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。在听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。

4、每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段对话,回答第 6 至 8 题。6.What are the two speakers talking about?A.Asian countries.B.The Spring Festival of China.C.The mans journey.7.What was the weather like when Mr.Wood went to the Long Tan Temple Fair?A.Snowy.B.Warm.C.Cold.8.How does the woman feel when she learns Mr.Wood s feeling?A.

5、She is doubtful.B.She admires him.C.She is happy.听第 7 段对话,回答第 9 至 11 题。9.What are the two speakers talking about?A.A famous novel-Les Miserables.B.The poverty of Latin America.C.Hugo Chavezs speech.10.Why did Hugo Chavez advise students to read Les Miserables?A.Its written by a famous writer.B.It ca

6、n help them understand poverty better.C.He wanted them to find out why the novel became popular.11.How does Hugo Chavez think of the poverty in Latin America?A.It is easy to get rid of.B.It will be never gotten rid of.第 2 页 共 10 页 C.It will be gotten rid of in the end.听第 8 段对话,回答第 12 至 14 题。12.What

7、are the speakers talking about?A.The flu.B.The champion.C.The chess competition.13.Who is a dark horse?A.Mike.B.Tom.C.George.14.Why didnt Tom get a better result?A.He didnt know the rules.B.He was suffering from the flu at the time.C.He was too careless.听第 9 段对话,回答第 15 至 17 题。15.What is the mans fir

8、st suggestion?A.Walking dogs.B.Buying a bike.C.Delivering newspapers.16.Why does the woman prefer the job of dog-walking?A.Its easier than other jobs.B.She can make more money.C.Its good for her health.17.What advice does the man give the woman about finding dogs to walk?A.Go from door to door.B.Put

9、 an ad on TV.C.Put an ad in a newspaper.听第 10 段独白,回答第 18 题至 20 题。18.What can we learn about discoveries and inventions from the text?A.Discoveries and inventions happen at the same time.B.All discoveries depend on inventions in some way.C.An invention helped Columbus make a great discovery.19.What c

10、an we learn from the text?A.Rubber comes from a tree.B.Rubber is a French word.C.Rubber was discovered in Europe.20.Who discovered people wearing shoes and clothes made from rubber?A.A German.B.An Englishman.C.A Frenchman.第二部分:知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节:单项选择(共 15 题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可

11、以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.-Im going to the mall,Mrs Smith.Do you have anything _?-No,thanks.A.to buy B.to be bought C.bought D.being bought 22._ in a heavy rain,the teacher fell ill and couldnt but _ for a leave.A.Caught;to ask B.Catching;ask C.Catching;to ask D.Caught;ask 23.At night,plants _carbo

12、n dioxide and at the same time _oxygen.So,we may put some in our bedrooms to purify the air.第 3 页 共 10 页 A.take in,give out B.take up,give off C.take in,give in D.take off,give up 24.He hasnt finished his homework.He must have done nothing but _ all the morning.A.play B.to play C.to be playing D.pla

13、ying 25.The children appear _ themselves at the party.Lets not stop them,OK?A.to have enjoyed B.to enjoy C.enjoying D.to be enjoying 26.Seeing the _ flood,she was greatly _.A.frightened;scary B.frightened;scared C.frightening;terrifying D.frightening;scared 27.Children growing up in an atmosphere _

14、there is violence and no security easily have mental problems.A.where B.that C.which D.when 28.He didnt give us full details of the accident.He only told us about it _.A.in detail B.in a nutshell C.in fact D.in all 29.I still cant think up a way to solve the problem,but Im sure a good idea may _ to

15、me soon.A.take place B.happen C.strike D.occur 30.The two boys are _ the same height,but not the same _age.A.of;of B.in;as C.of;in D.in;of 31.Make sure you wear your life jacket,otherwise,if you fall off the boat,youll _ feeding the fishes.A.pick up B.end up C.take up D.make up 32._ the Internet is

16、of great help,I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.A.If B.Because C.While D.As 33.-How do you find the Liu Qians performance at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala?-_.A.Quite by chance B.Online C.Perfect D.A friend told me 34.I like getting up early in summer.The morning air is so goo

17、d _.A.to be breathed B.to breathe C.breathing D.being breathed 35.The teacher together with the students _ discussing Reading Skills that _ newly published in America.A.are;were B.is;were C.are;was D.is;was 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Its har

18、d being an astronauts son.I 36 ,everybody expects you to be special or 37 ,and Im just an average student,and I m average,too,when it 38 basketball,football,soccer,and baseball.I often wonder 39 my father ever had a son like me.I mean hes so 40 and so good at everything.So I used to dream about doin

19、g something spectacular to 41 my father and make him 42 me.第 4 页 共 10 页 In one class,my teacher 43 a Fathers Day essay contest for us and the winners essays would be read in front of all the parents and students.After school I walked home,44 my father,who I would write about in my essay.He sat with

20、me in the 45 when I was a little kid and had a nightmare(噩梦).He 46 me with a new puppy at my eighth birthday party.He sat and tried to 47 death to me when Grandpa Bob died.To me,he wasnt a world-famous astronaut,just my dad.I wrote about all these 48 in my essay.One of our neighbors said,I 49 you 11

21、 win the contest,David.Youre the only one in town who could write about being the son of an astronaut.I 50 .I hadnt shown anyone the essay,but now I almost hoped I wouldnt win,I didnt want to win just 51 my father was an astronaut.I won the second prize.When I finished reading my essay,the 52 applau

22、ded.I sawmy father blowing his nose.I went back to my seat.Dad nodded to me,53 his throat,and put his hand on my shoulder.Son,this is the 54 moment of my life,he said.It was the proudest moment of my life,too.Maybe Ill never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize,but just then,it was 55 just to be my

23、fathers son.36.A.mean B.say C.know D.believe 37.A.strange B.honest C.perfect D.formal 38.A.refers to B.relates with C.talks about D.comes to 39.A.why B.how C.whether D.when 40.A.normal B.funny C.special D.unique 41.A.shock B.influence C.attract D.impress 42.A.proud of B.interested in C.satisfied wit

24、h D.ashamed of 43.A.reported B.announced C.claimed D.warned 44.A.caring about B.worrying about C.thinking about D.complaining about 45.A.silence B.threat C.horror D.dark 46.A.pleased B.astonished C.supported D.encouraged 47.A.describe B.explain C.declare D.remark 48.A.experiments B.incidents C.detai

25、ls D.memories 49.A.wish B.guess C.bet D.promise 50.A.smiled B.nodded C.doubted D.shrugged 51.A.because B.if C.while D.as 52.A.parents B.audiences C.students D.teachers 53.A.cleaned B.blew C.cleared D.opened 54.A.best B.proudest C.finest D.greatest 55.A.natural B.honorable C.important D.enough 第三部分 阅

26、读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。A Last summer,after finishing my work in China,1 took the trip of a lifetime on the 第 5 页 共 10 页 Trans-Siberian Railway(西伯利亚路).Leaving Beijing early on a Wednesday morning in July,my wife and I travelled through some awesome(令人惊叹的)coun

27、tryside before we arrived in Moscow the following Monday.The first part of the journey took us past the Great Wall and through the grasslands of Inner Mongolia.At the Mongolian Republic border,we had a delay(耽搁)while the wheels were changed because the railway is different.On our way to the capital,

28、Ulan Bator,we saw herdsmen on horseback looking after their cattle.There was a great thunderstorm as we crossed a vast open plain.Later we had a quick tour of Ulan Bator.Next,the train took us into Siberia.After a stop at Irkutsk,a popular holiday resort(度假胜地),where a tour group left the train,we pa

29、ssed the great Lake Baikal.Later,we saw some lovely wooden houses in pretty,sunny countryside.This surprised us,as we had imagined Siberia as being covered with thick snow.Over the next few days,we passed through Novosibirsk,Omsk and other cities in the heartlands of the Russian Federation.By then,o

30、ur body clocks were losing their sense of time.We wanted to sleep and eat at the wrong time!At last we reached Moscow.We were so tired that we slept for 16 hours that night.The next day we went sightseeing.We saw the Dremlin and some other magnificent(宏伟的)buildings in the Russian capital.Then,all to

31、o soon,it was time for us to return to our home in London.56.How many days did it take the author to reach Moscow?A.Three.B.Four.C.Seven.D.Six.57.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Ulan Bator is the capital of Inner Mongolia.B.The author travelled with a group of friends.C.The

32、 authors body clock ran faster than the others.D.The train broke down at the Mongolian Republic border.58.The author was surprised by Siberia because A.it was covered with thick snow B.the houses there were so pretty C.there were many tourists there D.it was not covered with snow but it was sunny 59

33、.The passage mainly tells us .A.how to travel to Moscow from Beijing B.how wonderful the capital of Russia is C.the trip from Beijing to Moscow D.the Trans-Siberian Railway B It seems that beauty and women are twins.You are joking?No,I do not.Observe for yourself ads on fashion TV screens,radio prog

34、rams,magazines,newspapers,and the streets.Whether they have realized it or not,women are surrounded(包围)hy a sea of fashion.They are taught to think that without beautiful clothes they will grow old and lose their charm.So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and youth?But

35、 I do not agree with the opinion that women have to show their Beauty through their looks.The richness of their minds proves lo be more beautiful and attractive than their looks.A woman who has experienced many troubles and may be called aunt or granny can still keep up her beauty if she has such ex

36、cellent qualities as knowledge,ability,a kind heart,great courage,concern for others,etc.第 6 页 共 10 页 In addition,old and young,beautiful and ugly are relative concept.People who keep a young mind will never feel old.Interested in new things and eager to learn more,they keep up with the tide.Plainly

37、(简述地)dressed women may have a type of beauty that is pure and real.Reading and learning is the best way to keep one youthful.Good books are rich soil which can feed the flower of ones heart and looks.60.According to the first paragraph,why are women caught by a sea of fashion?A.Because they are rich

38、.B.Because they are taught to follow any fashion.C.Because they dont dare to look attractive.D.Because they think that they will look youthful and charming with beautiful clothes.61.Which is more important to a wolnan in the authors opinion?A.Richness of ones mind.B.Looks.C.following the fashion.D.W

39、ealth.62.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?A.The richness of womens minds proves to be more beautiful than their looks.B.A woman who may be called aunt is no longer beautiful.C.A woman who has experienced many troubles may still keep up her beauty.D.It is not necessar

40、y for women to show their beauty through their beautiful clothes.63.What is the best way for a woman to appear young according to the writer?A.Dressing up.B.Reading and learning.C.Feeding the flower.D.Making up.C What do you want to be when you grow up?A teacher?A doctor?How about an ice-cream taste

41、r?Yes,there really is a job where you can get paid to taste ice cream.Just ask John Harrison,an Official Taste Tester for the past 21 years.Testing helps manufacturers to be sure of a products quality.During his career Harrison has been responsible for approving large quantities of the sweet ice cre

42、am-as well as for developing over 75 flavors(味道).Some people think that it would be easy to do this job;after all,you just have to like ice cream,right?No-theres more to the job than that,says Harrison,who has a degree in chemistry.He points out that a dairy or food-science degree would be very usef

43、ul to someone wanting a career in this cool field.In a typical morning on the job,Harrison tastes and assesses 60 ice-cream samples.He lets the ice cream warm up to about 12F.Harrison explains,You get more flavor from warmer ice cream,which is why some kids like to stir it,creating ice-cream soup.Wh

44、ile the ice cream warms up,Harrison looks over the samples and grades each one on its appearance.Tasting begins with the eyes,he explains.He checks to see if the ice cream is attractive and asks himself,Does the product have the colour expected from that flavor?Next its time to taste!Continuing to t

45、hink up new ideas,try out new flavors,and test samples from so many kinds of ice cream each day keeps Harrison busy but happy-working at one cool job.64.What is John Harrisons job?A.An official.B.An ice-cream taster.第 7 页 共 10 页 C.A chemist.D.An ice-cream manufacturer.65.According to John Harrison,t

46、o be qualified in the cool field,it is helpful to .A.keep a diary of work B.have a degree in related subjects C.have new ideas every day D.find out new flavors each day 66.What does Harrison do first when testing ice cream?A.He stirs the ice cream.B.He examines the colour of the ice cream.C.He taste

47、s the flavor of the ice cream.D.He lets the ice cream warm up.67.Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?A.Tasting with Eyes B.Flavors of IceCream C.John Harrisons Life D.One Cool Job D The Book of Life So far,scientists have named about 1.8 million living species(物种),and th

48、ats just a small number of what probably exists on Earth.With so many plants,animals,and other living things covering the planet,it can be tough to figure out what type of grass is growing by the roadside or what kind of bird just flew by.A soon-to-be-started Web site might help.An international tea

49、m of researchers has announced the creation of Web-based Encyclopedia(百科全书)of Life(EoL).The project aims to list every species on Earth in a single,easyto-use reference guide.To get the encyclopedia started,the creators will use information from scientific databases(数据库)that already exist.And eventu

50、ally,in special sections of the site,nonscientists with specialized knowledge will come to help.Bird-watchers,for example,will be able to input what birds theyve seen and where.To make sure the encyclopedia is accurate,scientists will review much of the information added to it.As the EoL develops,yo


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