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《关于养老院的外文翻译22685.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《关于养老院的外文翻译22685.pdf(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、养 老 院 养老院分为疗养院,专业护理组(首尔大学),护理院或疗养院。这是一个需要护理和日常活动有不便的人居住的地方。居住在这里的居民包括身体或精神残疾的老人和成年人,住在疗养院的人如果发生意外或疾病也会被进行物理治疗。居民的法律权利取决于机构的法律地位。美 国 在美国,一个“专业护理机构”或“民营护理机构”是指一个注册参加并可以医疗保险报销的机构。联邦医疗保险方案主要是为那些在工作时为社会保障和医疗保险做出贡献的老年人而设的,护理基金是指给予那些得到认证并参与了医疗报销的养老院的资金。联邦医疗补助计划是为每个国家提供医疗及相关服务,并为那些所谓的“穷人”实施的。所谓的“穷人”是指每个国家确定

2、的给予老人,残疾人或儿童医疗补助的资格(如儿童的健康保险计划-芯片和母婴保健和食品方案)。每个国家开办的养老院,都受到国家法律和法规的保护。护养院可以选择参加医疗保险或医疗补助。如果他们通过一项调查(检查),他们得到许可,也受到联邦法律和法规的保护。全部或部分护理之家可参加医疗保险或医疗补助。在美国,护理安老院参加医疗保险或医疗补助须有职业护士每天 24 小时值班。至少每天 8 小时,每周 7 天,必须有一个注册护士值班。护养院的管理由持牌护理之家管理员管理。不像美国护理没有标准化的培训和管理人员发牌规定,但大多数州都要求有联邦许可证,许多州,如加利福尼亚州有他们自己的系统管理员执照。到 20

3、05 年 4 月 18 日,美国共有 16094 家有许可的养老院,低于 2002 年 12 月 12 日,德尔的 16516 家。有些国家已经给能够在社区生活但需要帮助的老人和其他成年人提供不同的照料。例如,康涅狄格安老院或安老院是由公共卫生国务院授权。这些安老院提供 24 小时监管,提供了更多的“如家“的环境。许多人实际上已转化为住房,提供一个住宅社区,促进了独立的生活方式和给予他人需要的某种形式的援助,以促进更好的在社区生活 服 务 护理之家提供的服务包括护士,护理助手和助理服务,物理,职业及语言治疗师,社会工作者及康乐助理和食宿。大多数护理机构提供的认证服务是护士助理,而不是由技术人员

4、担任。平均每 100 个居民拥有 40 张病床和 40 个认证的护士助理。注册护士执照的护士和数量均明显低于每 100 个居民拥有和 7 张病床和每 100 个居民拥有 13 张病床。参加医疗保险和医疗补助的护养院都必须达到联邦工作人员和服务质量方面的要求才能为居民服务。2004 年,16,100 家护理机构中,98.5的护理机构被证实参与全国范围的医疗保险,医疗补助。医疗保险包含了在 20 到 100 天之内为那些需要熟练的护理或康复服务的护理受益人提供至少连续三天的贴身服务。该保险不包括照顾只需要监护的人。例如,当一个人需要帮助洗澡,散步,或从床上移到椅子上是不包括在里面的。要获得医疗保险


6、理之家居民的身体障碍或认知障碍,需要 24 小时护理。以满足一个国家的经济状况调查的入息及资产审查。家庭护理费用可以达到每月数千元。成本很高的护理往往都是一些消耗资源的护理。如果符合资格,涵盖在医疗护理范围内的人可以继续保留这些权利。然而,那些病人要求保护他们的毕生积蓄或资产。美国政府的管制和监督 在美国所有护理院接收医疗保险和医疗补助的资金是受联邦法规所规定的。负责疗养院检测的被称为测量师,通常叫做情况检测师。情况检测师可察看遵守执照(国家规定)认证(医疗保险和医疗补助的规定)。“最小数据集”评估是美国联邦政府规定的部分,它是指对参与了医疗保险或医疗证明疗养院的所有居民进行全面评估的过程。最

7、小数据集的评估是一个筛选评估,在对每个居民的行为能力进行全面评估的基础上,帮助养老院工作人员识别并帮助居民达到健康的标准或应付其他需求。最小数据集会产生一种,用于偿还所有医疗保险,并在许多国家用来设置网络档案系统的报销的“资源利用组”。对于美国护养院和网络档案系统服务中心,医疗保险和医疗补助有一个网站,这个网站允许用户执行监督某些机构指标。网站内容管理系统还出版了用于监督的设施清单用来衡量护养院的经营情况。美国政府责任办公室已发现养老院视察的数目问题严重已经对目前的居民造成了危险。美国政府责任办公室的结论是,虽然合作医疗监督有所改善,但在护理安老院的监督方面仍有薄弱环节。2008 年 9 月发

8、表的一份报告发现,2007 年,超过90的家庭护理存在联邦卫生和安全的隐患,约有 17的家庭护理有缺陷,这种缺陷造成了患者的实际损害或即时危害。养老行业被认为是国家两个最重要的行业之一,(另一个是核电工业)。医疗保险和医疗补助调查 适用护养院和网络档案系统的联邦监管和检查(测量)运用研究于1965 年创建的医疗服务质量模型。该模型包含护理团队,护理程序和结果的概念。护理团队 调查发现,医疗结构是养老院的资源,这包括工作人员,他们的知识和技能,政策,程序,记录,设备等,护理团队是测量组织关怀的工具。护理程序 在实际中,护理程序是养老院的资本。调查过程表明每个居民需要适当性,及时性的服务。护理程序

9、是由 5 种脑力和体力活动所组成的:测量,规划,执行(代),评估和传播。这些活动必须是完整的,并共同执行的。遗憾的是这些过程都以任务而不是以居民为中心。一个有责任的护士在发现伤口的时候可以有序的进行换药并就行伤口评估。养老中心的护士早就知道治疗会导致居民的痛苦和术前的痛苦。在治疗中,她(或他)将与居民交谈,并以此来分散他们的注意力从而达到减少居民痛苦的目的。与那些处在特殊情况下的居民讨论各种问题,可以大大的提高他们的舒适感。在这种特定的情况下,护士也能够做好纵向跟进,这保证了更持久的实施效果。结 果 在医疗服务质量模式中,结果被假定为医疗程序的结果,医疗程序被假定为需要的医疗团队。一个结果可能

10、是一个间接地支持照顾居民的结果。一种间接治疗或设施治疗结果主要用于监督和纠正或培训员工,改变员工的知识和技能。工作人员应用这些新技术的过程是一个产生更好居住效果的过程。失败的结果可能被归类为物理结果(死亡,疾病,残疾或功能障碍)和心理结果(不适,不满)。结果通常是指居民的健康状况,福利,病人满意度等,这种结果通常是用来提高护理人员的护理经验。消费者选择 目前的趋势是向他们提供满足重要人士所需要的支持和长期的生活安排。事实上,在美国,作为一个真正选择制度改革的研究结果显示很多人住在社区是都能够回自己的家。私人护理机构可以提供能够陪护的私人护士。在考虑为那些不能独立生活的人安排生活时,潜在客户认为

11、多看看养老院和辅助生活设施记住每个人并能独立照顾自己是非常重要的。许多家庭选择选择养老院都是选择那种充满爱心的,每天只要戴在养老院几个小时的养老院。从 2002 年开始,医疗补助就建立了一个在线比较网站,旨在促进养老院之间的良性竞争。趋 势 在美国,一些养老院已经开始改变他们的管理模式和组织结构,旨在创造一个更加以居民为中心的环境,所以他们更注重“家庭式”或“医院一样”的养老院,这些家庭共用一个厨房和客厅。护理人员的任务是照顾好其中的一个“家庭”。白天,当他们醒来时,当他们吃饭时,当他们想做什么时。工作人员可以为他们服务。他们也有机会获得更多的陪伴,如宠物的陪伴。运用这种管理模式的机构将它称为

12、“文化转向”或“文化变革”,例如长期照护,这种护理之家,被称为“温室”。面向任务的护理 任务导向的护理是指给护士分配具体的任务,一个护士负责一个特定的病房。如果居民遇到特殊情况,那么,在一段时间内会有很多护士照顾她。如果居民遇到问题,护理人员随机安排,护士被要求与居民建立密切的关系、美国的护士资格培训是任务导向。在有营业资格的护士之家,它的主要从业者是有职业资格的护士。经过认证的护理之家是病人的主要照顾者。职业资格学院的培训要求培训时间和实际工作时间总共要达到 75 小时以上,并且必须通过口头或书面测试。因此,美国的养老院,对护理者的培训是一项责任。居民护理 以居民为主的护理,是指护士被分配到

13、特定的患者并有能力与病人建立良好的关系。在一个机构中,就像大多数家庭一样,患者都被治疗了。采用居民为主的护理,可以使护士与每个病人都更熟悉,照顾他们的特殊需求,无论是情绪上的还是医疗上的。与此相反,以机构护理为中心的护理院。其重点是工作人员的便利和效率。在这里工作人员只是执行任务,而不是通过与居民互动而达到理想的居住成果。凡驻地为中心的工作人员都知道你的名字,机构工作人员通过房间号码识别,诊断,例如帮助那些有需要的居民进食。科学发现 根据不同的调查结果显示,住在以居住为主的护理院,可以得到高质量的服务。护理人员被要求要多关注一下病人,并与他们多相处。大量的问题都是在初级护理检查之后才发现的。在


15、“居民转让是指轮流着照顾居民,而不是一个护士照顾一个特定的居民。因为一个看护身上的负担可能很重,所以很多看护不能用一个居民的感情和物质方面的经验来定义居民的信息,这些信息可能是错误的或者是没有事实根据的,因为很多的看护轮流照顾一个居民。应急处理 在看护病人的时候遇到紧急情况往往是令人生畏的任务,它包括着事件很容易失去控制和没有缓和的时间。(目前)只有一些可以运用的应急方案或操作标准程序。幸好,还是有很多作家出版了关于这些话题的评论性文章。英 国 2002 年,英国的护理院因为有特定的居住环境和护理人员好和总所周知。在英国护理院及护理安老院是由英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰的不同组织组成的。进

16、入一家养老院,你需要当地市议会对您的财务状进行评估。您可能还必须通过护士对你的评估,看你是否需要被护理。在英国,2009 年四月,资金下降底线是 13500 英镑,在这个水平上,所有的从退休金,补偿金,救济金和其他除了个人花费的津贴(当前是 21.9 英镑)以外的经济来源,都将用于支付房子看护。当地的政务为提供被占据房间不比当地常态的房间贵这件事做出了持续的贡献。目前,拿汉普夏郡打个比方,如果居民支出多于这个平均数字,政府就不会支付任何东西,一个三口之家必须做出贡献或者施舍,否则居民就搬到一个更便宜的房子里去。在低收入居民和高收入居民之间的居民,领着带有很少的私人花费津贴的工资。他们得到每周大

17、约是 250 英镑的工资,处在高收入和低收入居民之间。政府会支付多余的部分,国民和原来的情况一样。这是因为找到一个在政委会限定下能够使用政委会的资金而且避免日后搬走房子是很完美的。超过医药费 23,000 英镑的病人们,在看护病房需要支付全额费用,直到他们的财产跌至最低限度。那些需要额外看护的病人们估计这些费用(汉普夏郡看护在 2009 年是 483 英镑)并且通过国际健康服务接受另外的财政支持(103.80 英镑),这就是所谓的储备看护。作为卫生署网站上详细的多学科的评估过程。国民保健服务的资金已全部用于保证给居民提供的护理符合医疗保健的标准并负全部责任是确定的。英国的成人护理安老院是受护理

18、质量委员会所管的,这取代了社会的监管。英国的成人护理安老院至少每 3 年要被检查一次。在威尔士,威尔士照管标准监察局负有监督的责任,在苏格兰,苏格兰委员会的护理法规和北爱尔兰的法规质量促进了北爱尔兰委员会的法律监管力度。2010 年 5 月,联合政府宣布成立一个独立的委员会负责资助长期护理,这是由 12 个月份的人口老龄化医疗融资报告造成的。护理质量委员会本身也重新实施了登记过程,2010 年十月竣工,这将导致 2011 年四月新的管理形式的产生。资料来源:Nursing home EB/OL.http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nursing_home,2010.6 外文

19、原文:Nursing home From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia A nursing home,convalescent home,Skilled Nursing Unit(SNU),care home or rest home provides a type of care of residents:it is a place of residence for people who require constant nursing care and have significant deficiencies with activities of dai

20、ly livingcitation needed.Residents include the elderly and younger adults with physical or mental disabilities.Residents in a skilled nursing facility may also receive physical,occupational,and other rehabilitative therapies following an accident or illness.Residents may have certain legal rights de

21、pending on the location of the facility.United States In the United States,a Skilled Nursing Facility or SNF is a nursing home certified to participate in,and be reimbursed by Medicare.Medicare is the federal program primarily for the aged who contributed to Social Security and Medicare while they w

22、ere employed.A Nursing Facility or NF is a nursing home certified to participate in,and be reimbursed by Medicaid.Medicaid is the federal program implemented with each State to provide health care and related services to those who are poor.Each State defines poverty and;therefore,Medicaid eligibilit

23、y.Those eligible for Medicaid may be aged,disabled or children(e.g.Childrens Health Insurance Programs-CHIPs and Maternal-Child wellness and food programs).In the United States,each State licenses its nursing homes,making them subject to the States laws and regulations.Nursing homes may choose to pa

24、rticipate in Medicare and/or Medicaid.If they pass a survey(inspection),they are certified and are also subject to federal laws and regulations.All or part of a nursing home may participate in Medicare and/or Medicaid。In the United States,nursing homes which participate in Medicare and/or Medicaid a

25、re required to have licensed practical nurses(LPNs)(in some States designated vocational nurses or LVNs)on duty 24 hours a day.For at least 8 hours per day,7 days per week,there must be a registered nurse on duty.Nursing homes are managed by a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator.Unlike U.S.nursing t

26、here are no standardized training and licensing requirements for administrators,though most states require a Federal License,and many states such as California have their own licensure for administrators.On April 18,2005 there were a total of 16,094 nursing homes in the United States,down from 16,51

27、6 on December 12,2002.There are states that have other levels of care offered to elderly and other adults who need assistance and are able to live in the community.For instance,Connecticut has Residential Care Homes or RCH that are licensed by the State Department of Public Health.These homes provid

28、e 24-hour supervision and typically offer a more home-like environment.Many are actually large homes that have been converted to dwellings that offer a residential community that promotes an independent lifestyle and fosters fellowship with others who need some form of assistance to live in the comm

29、unity.1 Services Services provided in nursing homes include services of nurses,nursing aides and assistants;physical,occupational and speech therapists;social workers and recreational assistants;and room and board.Most care in nursing facilities is provided by certified nursing assistants,not by ski

30、lled personnel.In 2004,there were,on average,40 certified nursing assistants per 100 resident beds.The number of registered nurses and licensed practical nurses were significantly lower at 7 per 100 resident beds and 13 per 100 resident beds,respectively.Nursing homes that participate in the Medicar

31、e and Medicaid programs are subject to federal requirements regarding staffing and quality of care for residents.2 In 2004,98.5%of the 16,100 nursing facilities nationwide were certified to participate in Medicare,Medicaid,or both.Medicare covers nursing home services for 20 to 100 days for benefici

32、aries who require skilled nursing care or rehabilitation services following a hospitalization of at least three consecutive days.The program does not cover nursing care if only custodial care is needed for example,when a person needs assistance with bathing,walking,or transferring from a bed to a ch

33、air.To be eligible for Medicare-covered skilled nursing facility(SNF)care,a physician must certify that the beneficiary needs daily skilled nursing care or other skilled rehabilitation services that are related to the hospitalization,and that these services,as a practical matter,can be provided only

34、 on an inpatient basis.For example,a beneficiary released from the hospital after a stroke and in need of physical therapy,or a beneficiary in need of skilled nursing care for wound treatment following a surgical procedure,might be eligible for Medicare-covered SNF care.SNF services may be offered i

35、n a free-standing or hospital-based facility.A freestanding facility is generally part of a nursing home that covers Medicare SNF services as well as long-term care services for people who pay out-of-pocket,through Medicaid,or through a long-term care insurance policy.Generally,Medicare SNF patients

36、 make up just a small portion of the total resident population of a free-standing nursing home.Medicare also covers nursing home care for certain persons who require custodial care,meet a states means-tested income and asset tests,and require the level-of-care offered in a nursing home.Nursing home

37、residents have physical or cognitive impairments and require 24-hour care.The cost of staying in a Nursing home can cost several thousand per month or more.3 Some deplete their resources on the often high cost of care.If eligible,Medicaid will cover continued stays in nursing home for these individu

38、als for life.However,they require that the patient be spent down to a low asset level first by either depleting their life savings or asset-protecting them,often using an elder law attorney.U.S.Government regulations and oversight All nursing homes in the United States that receive Medicare and/or M

39、edicaid funding are subject to federal regulations.People who inspect nursing homes are called surveyors or,most commonly,state surveyors.State surveyors may inspect for compliance with licensure(State regulations)and/or certification(Medicare and Medicaid regulations).The Mininimum Data Set assessm

40、ent(MDS)is part of the U.S.federally mandated process for comprehensive assessment of all residents in Medicare or Medicaid certified nursing homes.The MDS assessment is a screening assessment that forms the basis of a comprehensive assessment of each residents functional capabilities and helps nurs

41、ing home staffs identify and help residents meet or cope with health and other needs.The MDS also yields Resource Utilization Groups(RUGS)which are used for all Medicare reimbursement to SNFs,and is used in many States to set reimbursement for NFs.For United States SNFs and NFs,the Centers for Medic

42、are and Medicaid Services has a website which allows users to see how well facilities perform in certain metrics(see Nursing Home Compare Tool in the external link section below).CMS also publishes a list of Special Focus Facilities-nursing homes with a history of serious quality issues.45 The US Go

43、vernment Accountability Office(GAO),however,has found that state nursing home inspections understate the number of serious nursing home problems that present a danger to residents.The GAO concluded that while CMS oversight has improved,there are still weaknesses in its oversight of nursing homes.67

44、A report issued in September 2008 found that over 90%of nursing homes were cited for federal health or safety violations in 2007,with about 17%of nursing homes having deficiencies causing actual harm or immediate jeopardy to patients.8 SNFs and NFs are subject to federal regulations and also strict

45、state regulations.The nursing home industry is considered one of the two most heavily regulated industries in the United States(the other being the nuclear power industry).9 Medicare and Medicaid surveys Federal regulation and inspection(surveying)of SNFs and NFs applies a model of health care quali

46、ty created for research by Avedis Donabedian in 1965.The model uses the concepts of structure,process and outcome.Structure For surveying,structure is the nursing homes resources.That includes staff,their knowledge and skills,policies,procedures,records,equipment,buildings,etc.Structure surveying lo

47、oks at the instrumentalities of care and their organization.Process Process is the nursing homes resources in action.Process surveying looks at the appropriateness,timeliness and quality of care and services in relation to each residents needs.Process can be organized into 5 kinds of intellectual an

48、d physical activities:assessing,planning,implementing(acting),evaluating,and communicating.These activities must be integrated and often occur together.Unfortunately these processes can be task or resident-centered.A task nurse implements a physician ordered-dressing change,perhaps assessing the wou

49、nd while it is uncovered.A resident-centered nurse would already know if the treatment causes the resident pain and pre-medicated the resident.During the care,she(or he)will talk with the resident about topics they have both shared before,distracting the resident from discomfort and addressing socia

50、l needs.Communication is heightened when residents feel comfortable discussing various issues with someone who is experienced with their particular case.In this particular situation nurses are also better able to do longitudinal follow up,which insures the implementation of more lasting results Outc


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