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《高考英语语言点综合练习及简析2141087.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语语言点综合练习及简析2141087.pdf(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 【2001】We all took _ for granted that he would agree with us.【译文】我们都想当然地认为他同意我们的意见呢。A.it B.him C.that D.what【答案及简析】A。take sth.for granted 结构,如果宾语是一个从句的话,就得用形式宾语 it。【2002】Dont be joking;its up to you _ your business.【译文】不要开玩笑了,该由你自己决定干什么事。A.setting out B.to take up C.to go on D.getting down【答案及简析】B。I

2、ts up to sb.to do sth.句型。take up 从事;go on 继续。【2003】_ in 1636,Havard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.【译文】始建于 1636 年,哈佛大学是美国最著名的大学之一。A.Being founded B.It was founded C.founded D.Founding【答案及简析】C。用过去分词表示被动的,过去的。【2004】I would love _ to the party last night but I had to work e

3、xtra hours to finish a report.【译文】我原打算去参加聚会,但我得加班完成一个报告。A.to go B.to have gone C.going D.having gone【答案及简析】B。would love to do sth.想要如果表示原打算做什么而没有做成的话,不定式一般用完成时态表示。【2005】He _ succeeding by working hard.【译文】他相信努力工作就能成功。A.believes B.believes on C.believes in D.thought it possible to 【答案及简析】C。believe in

4、 doing sth.相信做【2006】They were beginning _ they had made a serious mistake.【译文】他们开始意识到他们犯了一个严重的错误。A.realizing B.to realize C.realized D.that they eralized【答案及简析】B。begin 后面既可以跟不定式又可以跟动名词,但如果是 realize,feel,understand 等表示感觉,意识的词只能用不定式。【2007】What _ you to believe I was ill?【译文】是什么使你相信我生病了?A.led B.made C.

5、had D.let【答案及简析】A。make,have,let 后面都是跟不带 to 的不定式作宾补,只有 lead 后面带不定式符号。【2008】I had _ her not toskate on thin ice,but she wouldnt listen to me.【译文】我早就警告过她不要在薄冰上滑冰,但她不会听我的话。A.warned B.suggested C.persuaded D.made【答案及简析】A。warn sb.not to do sth.警告某人不要做某事。【2009】Soon after _ home,it began to rain.【译文】我一到家后,天

6、就开始下雨了。A.I get B.me getting C.me got D.my getting【答案及简析】D。动名词的复合结构作介词宾语。【2010】Does anyone _ Tom live here?【译文】有叫汤姆的人住在这儿吗?A.call B.called C.to call D.calling【答案及简析】B。过去分词短语作定语。【2011】A folk group was formed to demand that the bus company _ its unfair_.【译文】一个民间组织成立了,要求公共汽车公司改变它的不公正的作法。A.changed;pracit

7、ce B.change;practices C.to change;practice D.be changed;practices 【答案及简析】B。demand 后面的从句要用虚拟语气;practice 此处的意思是:作法,惯例。【2012】-Whats happened o my library books?-_.【译文】你借的图书馆的书怎么了?我也不知道怎么了。A.Ive no idea B.You borrowed them from the library C.You bought them yesterday D.Thay are about long life【答案及简析】A。情

8、景英语,B,C 是废话;D 不符合逻辑;表示“我不知道书怎么了”。【2013】Not only _ polluted,but _ crowded.【译文】城市不仅仅是被污染了,而且街上也拥挤。A.was the city;were the streets B.the city was;the streets were C.was the city;the streets were D.the city was;were the streets【答案及简析】C。not only but also引导的并列句,前面的分句要倒装,而后面的不倒装。【2014】A lot of people here,

9、_,John,would rather have coffee.【译文】这儿的许多人像约翰一样,喜欢喝咖啡。A.like that B.such as C.for example D.as though【答案及简析】C。such as 是列举;for example 只举一个例子。【2015】He is blind _ his mistake in the composition.【译文】他对自己作文中的错误视而不见。A.in B.of C.to D.about【答案及简析】C。be blind to 对视而不见。【2016】_ do we go for picnic.【译文】我们很少去野餐。

10、A.Sometimes B.Certainly C.Seldom D.Once【答案及简析】C。seldom 否定词在句首句子要倒装。【2017】When I opened the door,a parcle on the floor _ my eye.【译文】我走进房屋,地上的一个包裹吸引住我的眼睛。A.met B.caught C.drew D.attracted【答案及简析】B。catch 这儿是吸引的意思。【2018】_ can you expect to get a pay rise.【译文】只有努力工作,你才有希望提高你的工资。A.With hard work B.Although

11、 work hard C.Only with hard work D.Now that he works hard【答案及简析】C。only 引导的状语在句首,句子要部分倒装。【2019】They considered Paris _ of the country.【译文】他们认为巴黎是这个国家的大脑和心脏。A.the brain and the heart B.a brain and heart C.a brain and a heart D.the brain and heart【答案及简析】D。and 连接的短语指的是一个事物,后面不用冠词。【2020】There is a life _

12、 of happiness.【译文】这是一个缺乏幸福的生活。A.filled B.blind C.empty D.free【答案及简析】C。be empty of 缺乏;be blind to;be filled with,be free from。【2021】No sooner _ they rushed out into the street.【译文】一听到这个消息,他们就冲到街上去了。A.did they hear the news than B.had they heard the news than C.did they hear the news than D.had they h

13、eard the news when【答案及简析】B。no soonerthan.一就引导的句子在句首,主句要部分倒装。【2022】If you act like that,youll get yourself _.【译文】如果你像那样行事的话,人家会讨厌你的。A.dislike B.disliked C.disliking D.to dislike【答案及简析】B。过去分词作宾补。【2023】The meeting was over,but the problem _ unsolved.【译文】会议已经结速,但问题仍然没解决。A.kept B.left C.continued D.remai

14、ned【答案及简析】D。remain 连系动词,仍然的意思。【2024】_ that we all went out,lying in the sun.【译文】天气这样好,我们大家都跑出去,躺在阳光下。A.The weather so fine was B.So fine was the weather C.So the weather was fine D.So was the fine weather【答案及简析】B。sothat.结构中,如果 so 位于句首,主句要部分倒装。【2025】They are sisters,but they have nothing _.【译文】他们是姐妹,

15、但他们没有相同之处。A.in hand B.in common C.in public D.in need【答案及简析】B。nothing in common 没有相同之处。【2026】Jane was firm _ she felt herslef to be right.【译文】Jane 觉得队的地方她就很坚定。A.what B.where C.how D.that【答案及简析】B。where 引导的状语从句,表示他觉得对的地方。【2027】You can never imagine what great difficulty I have _ your house.【译文】你绝没有想象到

16、我在找你家的时候遇到多大的困难?A.found B.finding C.to find D.for finding【答案及简析】B。have difficulty doing sth.结构。【2028】I think youve got to the point _ a change is needed,otherwise youll fail.【译文】我想,你到了必须要改一改的地步了,否则你就会失败的。A.when B.that C.where D.which【答案及简析】C。定语从句,the point 在从句中作地点状语。【2029】-Shall I come tomorrow?-Id

17、rather you _.【译文】明天我可以来吗?我宁愿你不要来。A.didnt B.wont C.dont D.wouldnt 【答案及简析】A。would rather+从句,从句中要用虚拟语气。【2030】When I entered the zoo,I found two lovely baby lions_.【译文】当我走进动物园,我发现两头可爱的小狮子正在被喂食 A.to be fed B.feeding C.being fed D.feed【答案及简析】C。被动的进行时态,表示正在被喂食。【2031】Early in his life,Thomas showed signs of

18、 a skilll not only _ drawing,but _ science as well.【译文】在他年幼的时候,Thomas 显示出不但对绘画感兴趣而且对科学感兴趣。A.in;in B.at;at C.on;on D.to;to【答案及简析】A。skill 表示在某方面有技能跟 in 连用。【2032】You cant get the book anywhere _ here.【译文】除了这儿能买到这本书,你到其它任何地方都买不到。A.unless B.besides C.but D.otherwise【答案及简析】C。but 表示“除了”,不包含在内。【2033】-Who ta

19、lked to you?-My sister whispered _ my ear.【译文】谁在和你说话?是我的妹妹在给起我说悄悄话。A.in B.to C.at D.on【答案及简析】A。whieper in ones ear 对某人悄悄说话。【2034】The leader spoke _ the man who had given his life for the cause.【译文】领导讲话赞美这个把一生都献给事业的人。A.in praise for B.in praise of C.to praise of D.to praise for【答案及简析】B。in praise of 赞

20、美。【2035】They greeted us _ our arrival.【译文】我们一到达,他们就向我们问好。A.when B.on C.in D.for【答案及简析】B。on arrival=on arriving 一就。【2036】_ he stayed at the seaside and wrote his new book.【译文】整个暑假他都呆在海边写他的新书。A.All long summer B.In all long summer C.All summer long D.During all summer long【答案及简析】C。all summer/year/wint

21、er/month/day long 是一常见结构。【2037】You must know _ youve done.【译文】你应该知道你做的错事。A.wrong B.a wrong C.the wrong D.wrongs【答案及简析】C。do wrong 做错事,如果 wrong 作为先行词,定语从句前要假定冠词 the。【2038】While building a tunnel through the mountain,_.【译文】在大过山隧道的时候,工人们发现了这个地下湖。A.an underground lake was discovered B.there was an underg

22、round lake discovered C.a lake was discovered underground D.the workers discovered an underground lake【答案及简析】D。现在分词短语作状语,那么这个句子的主语必须能发出这个分词短语动作的人。【2039】Hidden _ by a big tree,his house was not to be seen.【译文】由于隐藏在一棵大树后面,他的房屋是看不见的。A.as it was B.as it is C.as it did D.as he did【答案及简析】A。as 引导的让步状语从句,要倒

23、装;主句是过去时态,当然从句的时态要和主句的一致。【2040】Who is the fellow of _?【译文】谁是那个高尚的人?A.high mind B.noble mind C.low mind D.easy mind【答案及简析】B。noble mind 高尚。【2041】The unpleasant weather delayed _.【译文】这个坏天气推迟了我们的出发。A.us to start B.we starting C.to start D.our starting【答案及简析】D。delay 后面一般跟名词,动名词或动名词的复合结构作宾语。【2042】Who is _

24、 the arrangement for the next meeting?【译文】谁负责安排下次会议?A.connecting to B.seeing to C.leaving out D.crossing out【答案及简析】B。see to 负责。【2043】What he said just now _ me of that American professor.【译文】刚才他说的话使我想起了那个美国教授。A.mentioned B.informed C.reminded D.memorized【答案及简析】C。remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事;reform sb.of

25、sth 通知某人某事。【2044】I doubt _ he will come here on time.【译文】我怀疑他是否能按时来这儿。A.that B.whether C.when D.where【答案及简析】B。doubt 在否定句或疑问句中,后面的从句用 that 引导;在肯定句中时,后面的从句用 whether/if 引导。【2045】Exam in progress-Dont _.【译文】正在考试-请勿打扰。A.disturb B.interrupt C.break D.insert【答案及简析】A。disturb 扰乱,打扰;interrupt 使中断,打断。【2046】“Mu

26、m,I think Im _ to get back to school.”【译文】“妈妈,我想我已经好了可以上学了。”A.so well B.so good C.well enough D.good enough【答案及简析】C。well 表示身体健康;good 表示,特征,性质;enough 常和不定式构成句型。【2047】No one can be sure _ in a million years.【译文】没有人能够肯定百万年后人类是什么样子。A.what man will look like B.what will man look like C.man will look like

27、 what D.what look will man like【答案及简析】A。look like 后面缺宾语;宾语从句应该是陈述语序。【2048】I feel _ that we ought to send this bad servant away.【译文】我坚决认为应该把这个坏仆人赶走。A.strong B.strongly C.strength D.strenghten【答案及简析】B。feel 这儿是认为的意思,用副词修饰动词。【2049】The car slowly _ its way up the mountain road.【译文】车在上山的路上慢慢地蜿蜒前行。A.wound

28、B.turned C.bent D.took【答案及简析】A。wind 作为动词,它构成 wind its way 的结构,“蜿蜒前进”。【2050】Im getting tired _ aloud in the room.【译文】我讨厌他在房间里大声地讲话。A.of talking B.with his talking C.to talk D.of his walking【答案及简析】D。be tired of 讨厌;be tire with 因为而疲倦。【2051】In 1863,Abraham Lincoln gave _ to all amercian slaves.【译文】在 186

29、3 年,林肯给所有美国黑人奴隶自由。A.strength B.freedom C.education D.laws 【答案及简析】B。give freedom to sb.给某人自由。【2052】I have not found my bike yet;in fact,Im not sure _ I could have done with it.【译文】我没找到我的自行车,事实上,我相信我也找不到。A.whether B.where C.how D.what 【答案及简析】D。do with 常和连用,表示“处理,对付”。【2053】If a man _ succeed,he must wo

30、rk as hard as he can.【译文】如果一个人想成功,他就得尽可能地努力工作。A.will B.is to C.is going to D.should【答案及简析】B。be to do sth.表示按计划,设想,安排的做事;is going to 是打算做什么事。【2054】-After that,what happened to John?-The chance to enter _ came and he took it.【译文】那以后,John 有什么事发生?上大学的机会来了,他抓住了这个机会。A.to college B.the college C.for colleg

31、e D.college【答案及简析】B。enter the college=go to college 上大学。【2055】-How did you get to my office so quickly?-I entered the building _ the side door.【译文】你如何这样快就进入我的办公室?我是从则门进入的。A.in B.into C.with D.by【答案及简析】D。by 表示“通过”。【2056】The old man said the accident _ careless driving,so a lot of money _ be paid by t

32、he driver.【译文】老年人说事故源于粗心驾驶,所以大笔赔款应该由司机付给。A.was due to;was due to B.dued to;was due to C.is due to;was due to D.is due to;was due to 【答案及简析】A。be due to 由于,应归于,应该。【2057】The lady looks prettier _.【译文】在远处看,这位女士很漂亮。A.in the distance B.in a distance C.at the distance D.at a distance【答案及简析】A。in the distanc

33、e 在远方;at a distance of 在的距离。【2058】_ deep down in the earth,the dead forests rotted away and became coal.【译文】由于深深地埋藏在地下,死掉的森林腐烂后变成了煤。A.Buried B.Burying C.To bury D.Being buried【答案及简析】A。buried deep down.=as the dead forests were buried.【2059】Tie Zhu _ taller than any other student in his class.【译文】铁柱应

34、该比他班上其他同学都高一些。A.is supposed to be B.was thinking that C.is going to be D.thinks to be【答案及简析】A。is supposed to 应该;is going to 打算;think 后不能跟不定式。【2060】-_ will we have to go?-Just one mile.Keep walking!【译文】我们得还要走多远?继续走,只有一英里!A.How long B.How far C.How many longer D.How much farther【答案及简析】D。情景对话。解题的思路在 ke

35、ep walking,表明问的应该是“还要走多远?”【2061】Mrs Black went back to _ place _ she had found the ring.【译文】Mrs Black 回到她原先找戒子的那个地方。A.the same;where B.the same;as C.the same;that D.as the same;as【答案及简析】A。where 引导的定语从句在从句中充当状语。【2062】He enjoyed a cup of coffee sometimes,but _ he drinks tea.【译文】他有时喝咖啡,但大多数情况下喝茶。A.most

36、 B.almost C.mostly D.nearly【答案及简析】C。mostly 主要地,大多数情况下。【2063】We didnt plan to meet.We met _ in the street.【译文】我们没打算见面。我们在街上碰巧遇上了。A.by the way B.by chance C.on purpose D.in surprise【答案及简析】B。by chance 碰巧。【2064】Washingtong,a state in the United States,was named _ one of the greatest american president.【

37、译文】华盛顿,美国的一个州,是为了纪念一位伟大的美国总统而命名的。A.in honor of B.instead of C.in favour of D.by means of【答案及简析】A。in honor of 为了纪念。【2065】It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year,_ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.【译文】今年对于这些足球迷来说,是一个令人激动的时刻,他们的球队第一次获得了世界杯。A.that B.while C.wh

38、ich D.when【答案及简析】D。非限制性的定语从句,修饰 the moment。【2066】-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.-Well,now I regret _that.【译文】你真勇敢,在会议上提出反对意见。唉,现在我还后悔呢。A.to do B.to be doing C.to have done D.having done【答案及简析】D。gret doing sth.后悔作了什么。【2067】I know its not important,but I cant help _ about it

39、.【译文】我知道它不重要,但我忍不住要想到它。A.to think B.and think C.thinking D.being thought 【答案及简析】C。cant help doing sth.禁不住,忍不住。【2068】I suppose that you ar one of the best students in your grade,_?【译文】我认为你是你们年纪最好的学生之一,是吧?A.dont you B.do I C.arent you D.are you【答案及简析】C。主句中有 6123 结构中的动词,而且主语是一人称,反意疑问句,要和从句一致。【2069】I kn

40、ew nothing about the accident _ I read in the newspaper.【译文】除了我在报纸上读到的东西,对这个事故我什么都不知道。A.except that B.except for C.except when D.except what【答案及简析】D。该句中 read 是一个及物动词,需要跟宾语。【2070】The problem just _ to be discussed at the next meeting.【译文】刚才提及到的问题就是要在下次会上讨论的问题。A.referred is B.referred to be C.referrin

41、g to is D.referred to is【答案及简析】D。过去分词短语作定语;refer to 意为“提及到的”。【2071】The sunken ship was slowly _ from under the water.【译文】沉船被慢慢地抬起来。A.rising B.raising C.risen D.raised【答案及简析】D。raise 是及物动词,“抬起来,升起来”。【2072】He is so good at tennis that I have never _ him.【译文】他太擅长于乒乓球了,我从没有赢过他。A.struck B.hit C.beat D.def

42、eated【答案及简析】D。动词辩异;在比赛中击败某人或某队,可以用 beat,defeat 但这儿需要一个过去分词,故只有 defeated 是正确答案。【2073】-Whats the matter?-I cant understand _ so suddenly.【译文】怎么回事?我不理解他什么离开得这么突然。A.he leaving B.him to leave C.him leaving D.hes leaving【答案及简析】C。understand 后面可以跟动名词的复合结构作宾语。【2074】-Dont play with them,my son,they are danger

43、ous.-But they are _.I like these people.【译文】儿子,不要和那些人一起玩,他们很危险。但他们令人感到激动,我喜欢他们。A.excited B.exciting C.disappointed D.disapponting【答案及简析】B。现在分词表示特征;过去分词表示状态。【2075】The salesman scolded the girl _ and let her off.【译文】售货员责备了那个被抓住偷东西的姑娘,然后让她离开了。A.caught stealing B.caught to steal C.catching stealing D.ca

44、tching stolen【答案及简析】A。catch sb.doing sth.结构的过去分词形式作定语修饰the girl。【2076】She wont leave the TV set,_ her husband and childenare waiting for her supper.【译文】即使她的丈夫和孩子等着她的晚饭,她也不会离开电视机的。A.as if B.even if C.once D.so long as【答案及简析】B。考察连词。as if 好像;even if 即使;once 一旦;so long as 只要。【2077】-Is that 110?A thief i

45、s in my house.-OK,help is _.【译文】是吗?我家来了一个小偷。好。援助马上就到。A.in the way B.in its way C.on the way D.by the way【答案及简析】C。on the way 在的路上。【2078】-Can children swim in this pool?-Yes.However,at no time _ they do so alone.【译文】这个池子里能游泳吗?能。但是,绝不能让孩子单独游泳。A.may B.need C.could D.should【答案及简析】D。should 情态动词,表示“应该”。【20

46、79】Hard work and lack of sleep has _ her beauty and youth in recent years.【译文】这些年的艰苦工作和缺乏睡眠抹去了她的美丽和青春。A.worn out B.tried out C.made out D.sent out【答案及简析】A。短语动词辨析。wear out 磨掉;try out 试验,试用;make out 开列,证明;send out 派遣。【2080】The best way to forget your worries is to think about the trouble of _.【译文】最好的忘

47、记自己忧虑的办法是去想别人的苦恼。A.others B.the other C.other D.another【答案及简析】A。others=other peoples trouble。【2081】-His plan sounds _,doesnt it?-But it is difficult to _.【译文】他的计划听起来很好,是吧?但是实现起来较难。A.good;realize B.well;realize C.well;come true D.good;be realized【答案及简析】A。it is difficult to.后面用不定式的主动形式表示被动。【2082】Where

48、 was _ you picked up the wallet?【译文】你是在哪儿捡到这个钱包?A.it B.it that C.the place D.the place that【答案及简析】B。该题考查的是强调句型。被强调的是句子中的地点状语。【2083】It is up to you _ your men _.【译文】该你让你的人干活。A.to get;work B.getting;work C.to get;working D.making;work【答案及简析】C。it is up to sb.to do sth.句型,意思是“做某事是某人的责任。”【2084】I think To

49、m _ you,to blame.【译文】我认为该抱怨的视汤姆而不是你。A.rather than;is B.rather than;are C.more than;are D.less than;is【答案及简析】A。rather than 而不是;blame 报怨,埋怨。【2085】You dont have to _your father,but you should _ what he said just now.He was telling the truth.【译文】你不必非得要信任你的父亲,但你应该相信他刚才说的话,他讲的是真话。A.believe;believe B.belie

50、ve in;believe in C.believe in;believe D.believe;believe in【答案及简析】C。believe 意为“相信某人的话”;believe in 指的是“信任”。【2086】I really _ you for your way of making decisions.【译文】我真的很羡慕你做决定的方式。A.accept B.absorb C.advise D.admire【答案及简析】D。动词辨析,admire sb.for.sth.因某事羡慕某人。【2087】_,I saw her eyes _ on me in surprise.【译文】抬


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