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《浙江省2022年中考英语真题分类汇编:阅读理解(科普类)及答案5126.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省2022年中考英语真题分类汇编:阅读理解(科普类)及答案5126.pdf(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省 2022 年中考英语真题分类汇编:阅读理解(科普类)一、阅读理解 阅读理解 Can anyone be an astronaut?Of course not.You dont have to have a science degree but most astronauts do.Most of them are pilots too.Life in a spaceship is hard so you must have a healthy body and mind.You need to be easy-going,patient,and helpful to spend so

2、much time in a small space with other people.Whats the training like?People have to train for a year to learn how to stay healthy and safe.They practise space walking and living in zero gravity(重力).They train in difficult conditions to learn how to solve problems and to work in a team.Everyday tasks

3、 like eating,washing and sleeping can be difficult on a spaceship.There is no running water so you have to wash with wet tissues;its hard to enjoy the dry food that astronauts have to eat.And to sleep you must cover your eyes because the sun rises every 90 minutes on the International Space Station.

4、You also have to tie yourself to something so you dont fly away!What health problems do astronauts have?Life in zero gravity causes changes to our bodies.Bones and muscles(肌肉)become thin and weak so you must do a lot of exercise in space to stay fit and to help the heart move blood around your body.

5、Astronauts often get backache because you grow in spaceup to 8 centimeters!Its also common to have headaches and to feel sick,especially at the beginning.You must have vitamins to take the place of fresh fruit and vegetables.But you dont have to put on sun cream because space suits protect your skin

6、(皮肤).Are you still interested?So now you know.If you want to go to space,study hard,learn to fly and take care of your body and mind.1What is a must for an astronaut?AA science degree.BA pilots license.CA healthy body and mind.DA weak character.2What must you do to prepare for a space trip?AExperien

7、ce zero gravity.Bwash with running water.CPractise long walks.DSleep with your eyes open.3Why do astronauts have to exercise in space?ATo make their bones and muscles thinner.BTo help the heart work well and keep fit.CTo avoid backache and grow much taller.DTo stop their skins from getting sunburned

8、.4What is the text mainly about?AWhat we need to know to become an astronaut.BWhy young people are interested in space trips.CWhat problems astronauts must solve in space.DWhy we need to train hard before a space trip.阅读理解 There are many different ways to solve a problem.One way is to be creative.Pe

9、ople often think creative thinking is just for artists and designers,but this is not true.Dr.Edward de Bono,an expert in creative thinking and problem solving,has shown the world that using creativity to solve problems is very useful in business and in our communities,and will continue to be so in t

10、he future.One example of creative thinking is the solution to a parking problem in a town center.In the areas close to stores,people can only park for 20 minutes.There are parking meters where people pay to park in these areas.However,the problem is that many people leave their cars there for longer

11、 than 20 minutes.Dr.Edward de Bonos solution is to make a rule that all cars parked in these areas must keep their headlights on.Of course,drivers will want to return to their cars before their car batteries(蓄电池)die.According to Dr.de Bono,people will need to use creative thinking more often in the

12、future.To help people think more creatively,he designed the Six Thinking Hat system(系统).The system helps people think about a problem in different ways in order to find a solution.In the system,there are six imaginary hats of different colors.Each hat symbolizes a different way of thinking.For examp

13、le,the white hat helps people consider the facts.The black hat is the most logical(有逻辑的)and helps people consider why a possible solution may not work.So,next time you have a problem in your community,think about it creatively,from different perspectives,and see what ideas you have.5What is the topi

14、c of the text?ABeing a creative artist in the community.BDoing business successfully in the future.CAsking experts for some useful advice.DUsing creative thinking to solve problems.6Why is the example mentioned in Paragraph 2?ATo express a result.BTo describe a problem.CTo support the topic.DTo list

15、 some numbers.7What does the underlined word perspectives in Paragraph 3 mean?AWays.BPlaces.CPeople.DRules.8Which of the following is true about the Six Thinking Hats system?AThe system is used to help people think quickly.BThe white hat helps people think about the facts.CThe black hat has to do wi

16、th peoples feelings.DSix hats of different shapes can be very helpful.阅读理解 Smartphones are getting boring.The new models are either a bit faster or have better cameras,but they are basically no different from the ones already in our pockets.This is why scientists are hoping,and working for something

17、 new,something that will change our lives just as greatly as smartphones do.At the moment,the next invention might be smart glasses.Just imagine.Instead of having to pick up your phone and look at the screen,all of the information you need simply appears just in front of you,in your glasses.Satellit

18、e navigation(导航)directions would appear right there on the road.And your smart glasses could guide you to the right shelf in the supermarket!Smart glasses could also be used in industry.They could show engineers the instructions they need to fix things more quickly.A doctor could carry out a difficu

19、lt operation,guided in real time by someone on the other side of the world.This may sound impossible.But most of the technologies to invent them are already there.For example,one key technology is called AR,which can make digital 3D objects appear as if they are part of the real world.Weve used it a

20、 lot on our video call.Similarly,huge progress has been made in spatial audio.This is when a sound is made to give it a sense of place,like what you hear in an empty room.Some high-end earphones can already do that.Future glasses will of course need to recognize(识别)your voice to do tasks.This techno

21、logy has been widely used in our daily life.So,why arent we all wearing smart glasses yet?So far,no one has invented a good way to send images(映像)of our world onto glasses.However,with the rapid development of technology,smart glasses could arrive much sooner than we think.9Why does the writer menti

22、on smartphones in Paragraph 1?ATo start a story.BTo explain an idea.CTo introduce a topic.DTo discuss a problem.10What are Paragraphs 2 and 3 mainly about?AWhen smart glasses might be made.BWhere smart glasses could be used.CHow smart glasses would give directions.DWhy smart glasses should be change

23、d.11Which of the following technologies needs to be improved to invent smart glasses?AMaking spatial audio.BRecognizing voices.CCreating digital 3D objects.DSending images onto glasses.12How might the writer feel about the future of smart glasses?ABored.BConfident.CSatisfied.DUncertain.阅读理解 How do y

24、ou look after your cat Introduction The first step to becoming a good cat owner is to choose the right kind of cat.It is how a cat behaves that is the most important,not what she looks like or how old she is.She is going to be your best friend.You will spend a lot of time playing together.But rememb

25、er,you need to look after her every day.Not just to start with,but for all her life.Understanding your pet By watching your cat closely,you will learn her special way of talking.From the movement of her tail or ears,you will see if she is happy or sad.And you will soon understand what she is saying

26、when she miaows.Caring for your pet You will only be your cats best friend if you care for her properly.You will need to make sure that she eats the right foods,always has water,and can get plenty of exercise every day.You will also have to bathe(给洗澡)her often and spend some time training her.13How

27、long will you need to look after your cat?AFor some days after shes born.BFor the whole of her life.CUntil she has babies of her own.DUntil she is badly ill.14To understand your cat,you need to _.Awatch her very carefully Bbathe her often Ctalk to her every day Dfeed her proper food 15The last part

28、of the passage describes _.Awhich food cats like best Bhow difficult it can be to train cats Cthe type of exercise cats enjoy most Dthe things cat owners need to do 阅读理解 Recently,many people think its risky to use credit(信用)card numbers online.However,from time to time,we all use passwords and ID nu

29、mbers on the Internet.We think we are safe,but that may not be true!A new kind of attack(攻击)is being used by dishonest people to steal IDs and credit card numbers from web surfers.This new kind of attack is called phishing.Phishing sounds the same as the word fishing,and it means that a thief is try

30、ing to trick people into giving away valuable information.Like real fishermen,phishers use bait(诱饵)in the form of great online deals or services.For example,phishers might use false emails and websites to trick people into revealing(透露)credit card numbers,account usernames,and passwords.They imitate

31、(模仿)well-known banks,online sellers,and credit card companies.Successful phishers may make as many as 5%of the people believe and give away their personal information.Its really a big problem!Actually,tricking 5%of the online population is huge.Now more than 4.6 billion people have access(进入权)to the

32、 Internet,and 75%of those Internet users live in the wealthiest countries on Earth.It has been reported that phishers send more than 40 billion false messages each year.Even by tricking only 5%of the people,phishers can make a lot of money.Amy,18,from California,received an email.A man told Amy that

33、 she could get a million dollars in her account as a reward if she sent a thousand dollars to him.Amy did as the man said at once.The thief used Amys Social Security number to get credit cards in her name and transferred her money.How can people avoid being cheated online?Above all,they have to lear

34、n to recognize the email that has been sent by a phisher.Always be careful with any email with urgent(紧急的)requests for personal information.Phishers typically write upsetting or exciting,but false,statements in their emails so that people will reply right away.Never give out personal information to

35、phishers.And if an offer sounds too good to be true,it is.16Phishing is compared to _ according to the passage.Amaking money Bplaying games Ccatching fish Dwriting emails 17Which writing skill is used in Para.3?AGiving examples.BListing numbers.CRaising questions.DUsing sayings.18Which of the follow

36、ing in the dictionary best explains the underlined word transfer in Para.4?transferv.(transferred,transferring)to move from one place,school,job etc to another to connect the call of someone to someone elses to move money from one account to another to change from one bus,plane etc to another A B C

37、D 19Besides introducing what phishing is,the writer also tells us how to _.Ahelp to catch phishers Breply to urgent emails Cpay by credit card Dprotect ourselves online 阅读理解 Scientists are looking for ways that we can effectively use the light and heat from the sun.One idea that has caught their ima

38、gination is solar roads.They are expected to produce clean and renewable energy.With solar panels on the surfaces,solar roads cost more than traditional roads.However,besides the functions of traditional roods,they have the panels to receive sunlight and change it into the energy to supply power to

39、homes,factories and street lighting.There are four layers in a solar panel:Base layer:It is made of insulation material and forms a good grip with the road below this layer.Middle layer:This is the most important layer.It holds all kinds of power lines connecting all the solar parts in the panel,lik

40、e LED lights and the heating system.Top layer:This layer is super-strong glass.It allows the panel to hold the weight of the heaviest vehicles.Capping:This is the topmost layer used to offer extra protection to the solar parts in the panel.The layer must be rough enough to provide the traction for t

41、he safety of vehicles.With the smart design,solar roads can successfully charge the vehicles on them.And the roads have inbuilt LED lights to replace the traditional rood signs and lines,which are usually painted and harmful to humans.Whats more,the heating systems in the solar roads can take care o

42、f the snow and ice on the roads for drivers.Test solar roads have been built in several countries(France,China,USA,etc.)since 2014.The first word solar road project,Metrics of Watt Way in France,was set up by a French company called Construction Colas.It was an example of low effectiveness.In the fi

43、rst year,it had been expected to produce around 767 kWh of energy a day,but it only produced 409 kWh.Even so,the production could increase with design improvements.Of course,more time is needed before this technology is put into use.Solar roads may not be widely used in the near future,but they are

44、indeed great for an environment-friendly and energy-saving world.20Solar roads _.Aoffer power to homes Bget energy from factories Ckeep the sunlight away Dcost less than traditional roods 21Which of the following about the layers of a solar panel is TRUE according to the passage?AThe base layer is t

45、he most important layer.BThere are many power lines in the middle layer.CThe top layer lies on the top of the solar panel.DThe capping should be smooth enough for drivers.22The first world solar road project _.Awas set up in China in 2014 Bshowed high effectiveness as expected Cwas started by a US c

46、ompany Dcould get better with design improvements 23What is the best title for the passage?ASolar Roads:A Widely Used Invention B Solar Roads:A Safety Guard for Drivers CSolar Roads:A New Idea for Clean Energy DSolar Roads:A Way to Produce LED Lights 阅读理解 Would you like to get fewer colds and feel b

47、etter?Would you like to have a taste of a special plant?Would you like to keep a plant with little care?An Aloe Vera plant could be just what the scientists may suggest!Growing Aloe Vera plants at home can make the air clean and fresh.Studies have shown that they give off oxygen(O2)and take away har

48、mful things from the air.With clean and fresh air,you are more likely to stay away from colds,sore throats and dry coughs.And even if you do get sick,Aloe Vera plants may help you get better from the illness faster.Did you know that Aloe Vera plants can be used as medicine?Aloe Vera gel(胶体)helps to

49、deal with the pain of burns.And it also helps with itchiness(痒)caused by insect bites.To get this gel,just cut off a part of the plant,peel it,and put the gel on the affected skin(患处).This easy-to-get and safe-to-use medicine is available to you all year round.Apart from medical use,Aloe Vera plants

50、 are also popular in food industry.Whether you are interested in Aloe juice or crazy about Aloe yogurt,youll easily find them in the supermarket.Aloe Vera can also go with other vegetables to make a safe dish on your dinner table.They like dry,warm air with bright light,so they grow best when placed


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