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《2018初一下一般过去时讲解及训练25998.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018初一下一般过去时讲解及训练25998.pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、初一过去时讲解及训练 一般过去时 1一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。常用过去时间:yesterday,this morning,just now,a moment ago,in May,last night/year/week,once upon a time,the other day,before,when clause,in the past连用。如:What did you do yesterday 昨天你干了什么 I met Lin Tao this morning.今天上午我会到了林涛。I wa

2、s there a moment ago.刚才我在那儿 2Be 动词在一般过去时中的变化:am 和 is 在一般过去时中变为 was。(was not=wasnt)are 在一般过去时中变为 were。(were not=werent)带有 was 或 were 的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和 is,am,are 一样,即否定句在 was 或 were 后加 not,一般疑问句把 was 或 were 调到句首。3句中没有 be 动词的一般过去时的句子 肯定句:Jim went home yesterday.把动词改为过去形式 否定句:didnt+动词原形,如:Jim went home yes

3、terday.Jim didnt go home yesterday.一般疑问句:在句首加 did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。如:Jim went home yesterday.Did Jim go home yesterday 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句如:Jim went home yesterday.Did Jim go home yesterday What did Jim do yesterday 动词过去式变化规则:(1)一般在动词后加-ed。如:playplayed,offeroffered,weighweighed,destroy destroyed,signsigned

4、.(2)在以字母 e 结尾的动词后,只加-d。如:likeliked,provideprovided,hate hated,datedated。(3)在以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词后,则改 y 为 i,再加ed。如:supplysupplied,flyflied,study studied.(4)在以单短元音的重读闭音节结尾且,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词后,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ed。如:planplanned,referreferred,regretregretted,banbanned.一般过去时练习题 一、单项选择:从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。()1.Lee _

5、his mobile phone at home.A.leave B.leaves C.leaved D.left ()2._ he _ a good rest No,he didnt.A.Do,had B.Did,have C.Did,had D.Was,had ()3.As soon as he _,he _ to his family.A.arrived,writes B.arrived,written C.arrived,wrote D.arriveds,write ()4.Mr.Black was late because he _ his way.A.losted B.lose C

6、.loses D.lost ()5.When _ Lee _ school this morning A.did,got to B.did,get to C.did,get D.did,got ()6.Will you please say it again I _ quite _ you.A.didnt,hear B.dont,heard C.didnt,heard D.dont,hear ()7._ you _ at six oclock yesterday A.Do,get up B.Did,get up C.Do,got up D.Did,got up ()did you see _

7、A.now B.every day C.these days D.just now()went into the room and _ the door.A.lock B.locking C.locks D.locked ()10.What _ you _ last week I bought a bag.A.did,buy B.did,bought C.do,buy D.do,bought ()11._ he _ his lunch Yes,he did.A.Does,has B.Does,have C.Did,have D.Did,had ()12.-When did May come b

8、ack from Jinan -She _ from Jinan last Friday.A.come back B.comes back C.returned back D.came back ()13._ she _ this dictionary in the bookshop nearby last week A.Did,buy B.Does,buy C.Did,bought D.Does,buys ()14.Where _ Uncle Sun yesterday A.was B.were C.did D.does ()15.There _ a telephone call for m

9、y brother Steven yesterday A.is B.are C.was D.were()16.Liu Fengwei _ three yuan for the lost library book.A.paid B.pay C.spent D.lost ()17.He _ in this school in 1958.A.taught B.teach C.teaches D.teaching ()18.They _ tired so they stopped _ a rest.A.are,have B.were,have C.were,to have D.are,having (

10、)19.She said her brother _ in Beijing.He _ to Japan on business last week.A.wasnt,went B.hasnt,went C.wasnt,go D.isnt,went 二、请用正确动词形式填空。1.I _(have)an exciting party last weekend.2.-_ she _(practice)her guitar yesterday -No,she _.3.-What _ Tom _(do)on Saturday evening-He _(watch)TV and _(read)an inte

11、resting book.4.They all _(go)to the mountains yesterday morning.5.She _(not visit)her aunt last weekend.She _(stay)at home and _(do)some cleaning.句型转换 1、The children had a good time in the park.否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 对划线部分提问:_ 2、There were about nine hundred people at the concert.(音乐会)否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 对划线部分提问:_

12、 3、There was only one problem.否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯定/否定回答:_ 对划线部分提问:_ 4、Ann did her homework yesterday evening.否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 对划线部分提问:_ 5、Last week I read an English book.否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯定/否定回答:_ 五、改错题 1How is Jane yesterday _ 2He go to school by bus last week._ 3He often goes home at 6:00 last month._ 4I c

13、an fly kites seven years ago._ 5Did you saw him just now._ 六、完形填空 Tom did not like doing his homework,because he liked to do some 1 things after schoolAnd his teacher always 2 a lot of mistakes in his homework Then one day,his math teacher 3 at Toms homework and saw that he got all his answers right

14、He was very 4 and surprised(惊奇)The next morning before class,he called Tom 5 his desk and 6 to him,“You got all your homework right this timeDid your father help you”Sometimes Toms father helped him with his homework,7 this time he didnt help Tom because he 8 at homeSo Tom answered,“NO,SirHe Was bus

15、y last night,so I 9 to do it 10 ”()1Aothers()2Amade()3Alaughed()4Aplease()5Ato()6Atalked()7Aand()8Aisnt()9Awanted()10Aitself Banother Bfound Bknocked Bpleased Bfor Basked Bbut Bwont be Bmustnt Bof them Cthe other Clooked at Clooked Cpleasure Cin Cspoke Cso Cwasnt Cliked Cmyself Dother Dlooked Dsaw D

16、sad Dat Dsaid Dor Dcant be Dhave Dhimself Unit 7 Topic 3 第一部分 听力(20 分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)A B C D E 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)()6.A.I hurt myself with the knife.B.It doesnt matter.C.Thank you.()7.A.Jack was.B.Jack does.C.Jack did.()8.A.Ill enjoy myself.B.Ill have a party.C.Ill

17、 get many presents.()9.A.No,I didnt.B.I dont know.C.Yes,I do.()10.A.Thank you all the same.B.This way,please.C.OK,lets go.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5 分)()11.A.She watched the magic trick.She did her homework.C.She watched TV.()12.A.A birthday party.B.Janes family.C.Their likes.()13.A.Yes,she did.B.N

18、o,she didnt.C.We dont know.()14.A.Books.B.Pictures.C.Flowers.()15.A.Because he did his homework.B.Because he watched a football game.C.Because he played computer games.听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。(5 分)()16.Tom rode a bike to school yesterday.()17.Tom fell down on his way home.()18.Tom didnt see a doctor.()

19、19.There is something wrong with Toms legs.()20.Linda tells Tom to be careful next time.第二部分 英语知识运用(55 分).单项选择。(10 分)()1.Why didnt Tom come to school yesterday afternoon He _ and hurt his leg on the playground.A.fell down B.fell off C.falls down D.falls off()2.Dont eat in class,please,Jake.Im sorry,

20、Mr.Lee._ A.I will do it.B.I wont do that again.C.Thatll be OK.D.Its my favorite.()3.We cant use computers to do our homework.We have to write it down _ hand.A.on B.in C.by D.with()4.Miss Gao often tells students _ to school early.A.come B.coming C.came D.to come()5.Do you enjoy _ at the party Yes,we

21、 do.A.yourself B.yourselves C.oneself D.myself()6.Happy birthday to you!_ A.Thank you B.Welcome to my home!C.The same to you.D.Thats OK.()7._,Bob I forgot my school bag.A.How are you B.Is there anything wrong with you C.Whats matter D.Whats the matter()8.I went to bed at about eleven forty last nigh

22、t._ it was too late.A.I wish B.I hope C.Im afraid D.Im sure()9.Where is the library,Jane_ A.This way,please.B.I dont know,either.C.Sorry,I cant.D.Of course I do.()10.What time _ Lily go to the park yesterdayAt about eight oclock.A.does B.do C.did D.was 完形填空。(10 分)Junjun wanted to buy a birthday pres

23、ent for his mother.But he 16 much money.He was not happy.He thought and thought.Then he had 17 .He could make a 18 by himself.So he made a nice card.On the front,he 19 a beautiful picture of birds and flowers.And on the back he 20 ,“To my dear mother,I love you very much.Happy birthday!”21 his mothe

24、rs birthday,Junjun gave her the present.After she saw the 22 ,tears(眼泪)fell down her face.“23 are you crying(哭),Mom”Junjun asked,“You dont like it,right”“24 .”She said,“I love it very much.Im the happiest(最幸福的)25 because I have a great son like you.”()16.A.didnt have B.not have C.hasD.had()17.A.a pr

25、oblem B.an idea C.a wish D.an office()18.A.present B.plane C.dinner D.book()19.A.draws B.draw C.drew D.drawing()20.A.said B.writes C.wrote D.says()21.A.At B.In C.Out D.On()22.A.bag B.cake C.book D.card()23.A.When B.Why C.What D.Where()24.A.Of course B.Of course not C.Yes,it is D.No,it isnt()25.A.peo

26、ple B.one C.mother D.father.阅读理解。(30 分)(A)Bob is eleven years old.One day,his friend Jenny said to him,“Im going to have a birthday party on Saturday.Bob,can you come”Bob asked his mother,and his mother said,“Yes,you can go.”On Saturday afternoon,his mother said to him again,“Now,Bob,when you go to

27、the party,you must be polite(礼貌的),and dont ask for food until someone gives it to you.”“All right,Mom.”Bob said,and he went to Jennys house by bike.There were many children at the party.They played games for about an hour,and then Jennys mother gave them some food,but she forgot Bob and didnt give h

28、im any.After a long time,he took up his plate(盘子)and said loudly,“Does anyone want a nice clean plate”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()26.How old is Bob A.Nine.B.Ten.C.Eleven.D.We dont know.()27.When was the birthday party A.On Saturday.B.On Sunday.C.On Friday.D.On Monday.()28.How did Bob go to Jennys house A.On foo

29、t.B.By taxi.C.On his bike.D.By boat.()29.Whose birthday is it A.Bobs.B.Bobs mothers.C.Jennys mothers.D.Jennys.()30.Why did Bob take up his plate A.Because he wanted others to look at his clean plate.B.Because he had a nice clean plate.C.Because he wanted some food.D.Because his plate was very clean.

30、(B)Betty loved only one thing in lifechocolates.She enjoyed every kind,like chocolate cake,chocolate ice cream(冰淇淋)and so on.On Bettys birthday,her best friend,Lisa,wanted to prepare(准备)her dinner at a restaurant.“Well,today is my birthday and I can order anything,right”Betty asked Lisa.“I guess so,

31、”said Lisa,“But you shouldnt eat too much.”At the restaurant,Betty ate a lot of chocolates and a large box of chocolate ice cream.When the dinner ended,she didnt look well.“You surely ate a lot!”Lisa said to her.“I know,but now I need something else.”Betty said.“What More chocolate”Lisa asked.“No,a

32、doctor.”Betty said,“Im not feeling(觉得)well.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()31.Bettys favorite food is _.A.cake B.ice cream C.bread D.chocolates()32.Betty wanted to see _after dinner.A.her mother B.best friend C.a doctor D.a restaurant()33.How was Betty after dinner A.She was fine.B.She was not.She was happy.D.We d

33、ont know.()34.Which of the following is NOT true A.Betty only ate a big cake for dinner.B.Lisa took Betty to dinner.C.Betty and Lisa had dinner at a restaurant.D.It was Bettys birthday.()35.From the passage(短文),we can know _.A.Lisa is not Bettys best friend B.on Bettys birthday,Lisa bought Betty a cake C.Betty ate too much chocolate on her birthday D.Betty needed something else to eat 书面表达。(10 分)根据提示写一篇 5060 个词的短文。提示:今天你参加了 Lucy 的生日聚会,大家给她带去了很多礼物,Lucy 很喜欢。生日聚会上有一块大蛋糕,上面有十三支点燃的蜡烛。Lucy 许了愿之后,把蜡烛吹灭了。大家在聚会上进行了表演,你表演了中国功夫,Ellen 跳了舞,Susan 唱了英文歌,大家玩得很开心。_


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