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《仁爱英语九年级上册Unit-1-Topic2重点笔记与知识点整合复习+综合训练题5392.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《仁爱英语九年级上册Unit-1-Topic2重点笔记与知识点整合复习+综合训练题5392.pdf(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 Unit 1 Topic2 重点笔记与知识点整合复习P9 1.be not in=be out=be not at home不在家 2.notany more=no more 不再(强调数量、次数不再变化)notany longer =no longer 不再(强调某动作不再持续、发生)3.get lost=lose ones way 迷路 4.call sb.=call sb.up=ring sb.up 给某人打电话 P11 1.increase by 增加了 2.increase to 增加到 3.the largest population 最多的人口 the smallest pop

2、ulation 最少的人口 4.developing countries 发展中国家 5.developed countries 发达国家 6.carry out 实施;执行 7.the one-child policy 独生子女政策 P13 1.one fifth 五分之一 Two fifths of 的五分之二 one fourth 四分之一 =one quarter 四分之一 one second 二分之一 =a/one half 二分之一 最简单的分数表达方法:分子用基数词(,分母用序数词(第 1,第 2,第 3);分子大于 1 时,分母的序数词后s 2.one 一;f

3、irst 第一 two 二;second 第二 three 三;third 第三 four 四;fourth 第四 five 五;fifth 第五 six 六;sixth 第六 3.at the same time 同时;然而 4.for example 例如 5.so far 到目前为止 6.take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事 7.be known as=be famous as作为某种身份而出名 be known for=be famous for因而闻名;8.work well in doing sth.在做某事方面很有成效;在某方面起良好作用 9.thank

4、s to 由于,辛亏 10.deal with 对付,应付,处理 11.solve the problem 解决问题 answer the question回答问题 P15-16 1.the one-child=the only child 独生子 2.be surrounded by 被.包围 3.close to 接近于;在附近 4.try to do sth.尝试/设法做某事 5.be careful with 小心 6.discourage doing sth.阻止做某事 7.help each other 互相帮助 8.have fun 过得愉快 have fun(in)doing

5、sth.做某事很有乐趣 9.the capital of China 中国的首都 10.places of interest 名胜古迹 11.take sb./sth.to some place 带某人或某物去某地 12.Tiananmen Square 天安门广场 13.make a report 做报告 14.belong to 属于 15.extended family 大家庭 nuclear family 核心家庭 现在完成时态补充内容:标志词 already,yet,just,never,ever 的用法区别 1、already 意思是“已经”陈述句句中(放 have 或 has 后

6、面)疑问句句末 She has already found her bike.她已经找到自行车了。Has she found her bike already?她已经找到自行车了?2、yet 用法 yet 否定句句末,译为“还未”;I havent found my ruler yet.我还未找到我的尺子。疑问句句末,译为“已经”Have you found your ruler yet?你已经找到尺子了吗?3、just 只用在陈述句,意为“刚刚”用在句中(放 have 或 has 后面)I have just received a letter.4、never 用于陈述句中,自带否定含义,译

7、为“从不”用在句中(放 have或 has 后面)He has never been to Beijing.他从未去过北京。5、ever 用于疑问句,译为“曾经”,用在句中(放 have 或 has 后面)Have you ever been to Beijing?你曾经去过北京吗?Unit 1 Topic2 综合测试题(满分 100)一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词。(每小题 1 分)10 1.We may meet many d_ (困难),but dont be afraid them.2.Great changes have taken place in China in r_(最近的

8、)years.3.Our country carried out one-child p (政策)4.Li Ming is an e_(优秀的)student.5.The population is (增加)by2 in this country 6.China has the largest p_.(人口)7.Li Lei doesnt like apples.N_ do I.(我也不喜欢)8.He has p_(很可能)gone home.9.Well take m (措施)to help you with your English.10.I can learn English bette

9、r now _ _(因为)his help.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每小题 2 分)20 11._(thank)to your help,I can pass the exam.12.It to the peoples republic of China.(belong)13The government measures to save pandas already.(take)14.The one-child policy has worked in controlling Chinas population.(good)15.China has the population wit

10、h 1.3 billion in the world.(large)16.The population is _ by 80 million every year.(increase)17.Our school has _ out many new rules this term.(carry)18.He had a traffic accident._,he wasnt badly hurt.(luck)19.India has the _largest population in the world.(two)20.Have you ever _the novel?(read)三、将下列汉

11、语译成英语。(每小题 3 分)15 21.(五分之二)of the students are from countryside.22.They like playing computer games.(我们也是).23.London (作为而闻名)a foggy city.24.Maria has much progress in Chinese._ _ (的确如此).25.We will (采取一些措施)to protect our homes 四、单项选择(每小题 1 分)35()26.We must the policy to control the heavy traffic in t

12、he city.A.carry out B.take out C.bring out D.look out()27.The population of Shanghai is larger than _ of Shenyang.A.that B.it C.one D.this()28._ the population of the U.S.A.in 2005?It _ about 296 million.A.What is;is B.What was;was C.How many is;was D.How many was;is()29._ of the teachers are women

13、in our school.A.Two third B.Two threes C.Two thirds D.Second three()30.Hes read this book before,_?A.hasnt he B.doesnt he C.isnt he D.wasnt he()31.Kangkang is good at English.He often speaks to foreigners.A.So is he.B.So he is.C.So was he D.So he was.()32.The little girl has _ finished reading the b

14、ook you lent her.A.already B.yet C.still D.once()33.What has happened in your hometown?Great changes _ in my hometown recently.A.have been taken place B.have taken place C.have been happened D.was happened()34.I usually sleep with the window open it is very old.A.until B.unless C.as D.if()35.I have

15、never visited a paper factory._ A.So have I.B.So I have.C.Neither have I.D.I havent yet.()36.He had great difficulty it.But he didnt give up.A.finishing B.finished C.finish D.to finish()37.Have you improved your written English?Yes,Ive improved it.A.already,yet B.yet,yet C.already,already D yet,.alr

16、eady()38.The population of our city is than that of yours.Yes,Youre right.A.more B.fewer C.larger D.Less()39.Do you know who Mark Twain was?Of course.He was a famous American writer.A.used to be B.knew for C.known as D.known for()40.Miss Yang is strict us.A.for B.at C.with D.about()41.We have to wor

17、k hard to the quick development of modern society.A.keep in with B.come up with C.keep up D.keep up with()42.We are short _ energy and water the over population.A.of;because B.of;because of C.in;because of ()43.He has _ his dictionary.Have you seen it?Yes,of course.I _ it on your desk just now.A.los

18、e;saw B.lost;have been C.lost;saw D.losed;saw()44._ people live in Asia now.A.More than three billions B.More than three billion of C.More than three billion D.More than three billions of()45.I _ Fujian Museum twice.How about you?Never.I hope to visit it soon.A.have gone to B.have been to C.have gon

19、e D.went to ()46.There is _ snow outside,so it is _cold today.A.too many,too much B.too much,too many C.too much,much too D.too many,much too ()47.I really hate _ by air.A.traveling B.traveled C.to traveling D.travel to ()48.Im good at swimming,_ my sister.A.so does B.neither does C.so is D.neither

20、is()49.Have you _ been to Hongkong?No,I have _.A.never,never B.ever,never C.just,already D.yet,already()50.He seems _.He must pass the exam.A.happily B.be happy C.very happy D.to happy()51._ the population of Chongqing in 2008?A.How much is B.How many was C.What is D.What was()52.Our teacher is stri

21、cted _ us now than before.A.in B.to C.with D.at ()53.What are you going to do this weekend?I _ yet.A.havent decided B.wont decide C.have decided D.didnt decide()54.He says he has never seen _ beautiful scenery before.A.so B.such a C.such D.so a()55._ have taken place in our school.A.Great change B.G

22、reat changes C.A great change D.Much change()56.There are sixty teachers in our school._ of them are women.A.Two third B.Two threes C.Two thirds D.Second three()57.Hes read this book before,_?A.hasnt he B.doesnt he C.isnt he D.wasnt he()58.The _ population has caused many serious problems.A.increase

23、 B.increased C.increasing D.increases()59.Have you found your lost book_?No,I havent.A.already B.yet C.still D.once()60.How much is the white coat?Its_yuan.A.one thousand,six hundred,eighty-eight B.one thousand six hundred eighty-eight C.one thousand,six hundred and eighty-eight D.one thousand and s

24、ix hundred and eighty-eight 五、完形填空(每小题 1 分)10 What is the population of China?There are more than a billion and three hundred million people in China.It is almost one fifth of the worlds population.How to control the population growth is a big problem.Some people think 1 control the population growt

25、h.But I dont agree 2 them,because where theres a will,there is a way.The question is that we should make it 3 how serious the population problem is.Our farmland is becoming less and less to everyone.We have already got too many mouths to feed.4 we control the population growth,many people will die 5

26、 hunger.Too fast population growth has been and will be bad for our nation.Though laws(法律)have been 6 to control the population growth,in some places 7 is done to carry out the law.We should make people 8 that it is foolish to bring too many children into the world.They should 9 do what they have be

27、en doing for many years.We are fighting against the rapid population growth.Yes,the fighting wont end 10 everyone knows its importance and does something for it.Lets go on working hard on it together.()61.A.that is impossible for B.impossible of C.that is impossible of D.it impossible to()62A.to B.f

28、or C.with D.on()63.A.known to everybody B.known by everybody C.know to everybody D.know by everybody()64.A.If not B.Unless C.Until D.If()65.A.of B.about C.from D.out of()66 A.pass B.passed C.broken D.past()67.A.many B.little C.a lot D.much()68.A.to know B.to learn C.know D.learning()69.A.not longer

29、B.not more C.no longer D.no more()70.A.until B.after C.when D.A 六、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分)10 Most people in Britain live in small family groups.More than a quarter of homes in Britain have only one person living in them.Some of these persons are old but some are of twenty to thirty who choose to live alone.35

30、%of homes have two people living in them,and another 17%have three people.15%have four people living in them,and the other homes have five or more.The families in Britain are small.It is unusual for parents to have more than two children.When children are about eighteen or nineteen,they leave their

31、parents home,and they often go to other cities.Sometimes they only visit their parents two or three times a year.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()71.The passage is a report.()72.35%of homes in Britain have 3 people living in them.()73.The families in Britain are large.()74.Some are people of twenty to thirty who choose to live alone.()75.The passage mainly tells us the population in American.


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