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《最新江苏译林版牛津英语7Bunit7单元测试卷及答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新江苏译林版牛津英语7Bunit7单元测试卷及答案.pdf(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1/8 7 上 Unit7 单元测试卷 满分(120 分)第卷(选择题)、单项选择。(20 分)()1.There _ a lot of _and fire was hot.A.are;smoke B.is;smoke C.;smoke ()2.Tom plays_ piano well.A.the B./C.a ()3.There is going to a class meeting this afternoon.A.have B.hold C.be ()4.He jumped into the water when he heard a boy help.A.call at B.call

2、ed to C.calling for ()5.She_ the old man_ a fire yesterday.A.helped;out of B.help;out C.helped;out()6.She knows _about Chinese history.A.a lot B.a lot of C.lots of()7.It is important _fire.A.be to care to B.to be care with C.to be careful with ()8.They _in the past.A.can dance B.could dance C.can to

3、 dance ()9.Zhang Hua_ the fire_ a blanket.A.put up,use B.put out,with C.put on,with()10.He was _hospital_ two month.A.in the,in B.in,for C.in the,for ()11.I forgot to bring my football boots.I _ play football.A.mustnt B.cant C.may ()12._milk it is!A.How nice B.What a nice C.What nice ()13.Id like to

4、 recommend Daniel_ the Youth Award.A.as B.for C.in ()14.She didnt know the time because she _her watch at home.A.forget B.left C.forgot 2/8()15.The _ man has a dog.It is _.A.50-year-old;5-year-old B.50 years old;5 years old C.50-year-old;5 years old ()16.Its too cold.Id like _to eat.A.anything hot B

5、.something hot C.hot something()17.Could I use your computer now?_.Im writing an important e-mail now.A.Yes,you can B.No,you couldnt C.sorry,you cant()18.Can you show me how to use the machine?_.A.Not at all B.All right C.Thats OK()19._ the girl is playing _!A.How well;piano B.What good;the piano C.

6、How well;the piano ()20.He does good work _this year and Im sure he will do better work _next year.A.in;in B.in;/C./;/、完形填空。(10 分)A There is a story about a clever dog.It was a seeing-eye dog.A see-eye dog can help blind(瞎的)people walk along the streets and do many other things.One day a see-eye dog

7、 and a blind man 21 on a bus together.The bus was full of 22 and there were 23 seats left.But one man soon stood up and left his seat.The dog 24 the blind man to the seat,but there was little space(空间)for two people.The dog began to push the people on each side 25 his nose(鼻子).He pushed and pushed u

8、ntil the people moved and 26 there was 27 space for two people.The blind man then sat down and the dog got up on the seat at his side.The dog 28 down and put his head on the leg of the 29 man.He was very comfortable and soon fell asleep.Everyone on the bus 30 at the dog.()21.A.got B.went C.came D.pu

9、t()22.A.foreigners B.policemen C.people D.farmers()23.A.no B.not many C.enough D.some()24.A.told B.asked C.carried D.took()25.A.for B.to C.with D.at()26.A.at first B.still C.at last D.last 3/8()27.A.less B.enough C.few D.little()28.A.went B.put C.lay D.jumped()29.A.old B.blind C.young D.first()30.A.

10、smiled B.watched C.laughed D.looked 阅读理解。(20 分,A 篇 2 分一题;B、C 篇 1 分一题)(A)John was nine years old,and he was a very bad boy,but his mother always wanted him to be better,Then one day,after he came back from school,Johns teacher called his mother on the phone and said,“Did you know,Mrs.Green,that John

11、saved another boy when he fell into the river while we were out for a walk this morning?”Mrs.Green was very happy when she heard this,she thought,“John is becoming a good boy.”Then she turned to him and said,“That was your teacher,why were you so brave to save one of your friends when he fell into t

12、he river this morning?”But John did not look very happy when he heard this.His face turned very red,and said,“Well,I really had to pull(拉)him out,because I pushed him in.”根据短文内容,选择合适的答案。()31.John was a student,wasnt he?_.A.No,he wasnt B.No,he was C.Yes,he was D.Yes,he wasnt()32.The teacher told John

13、s mother about John _.A.by a note B.by a letter C.over the radio D.over the telephone()33.His mother wanted him to be _.A.a bad boy B.a good boy C.a clever boy D.a foolish boy()34.When did the teacher call Johns mother?_.A.Before class B.After class C.On Sunday D.At night()35.Johns face turned red b

14、ecause he thought he _.A.was wrong B.was right C.was ill D.wasnt ill (B)One day,Lei Feng saw a woman sitting in front of Shenyang Station.She looked very worried.Lei Feng went up to her and asked,“Whats the matter,madam?Can I help you?”“Im from Shandong,and Im on my way to Jilin to see my husband.I

15、bought a ticket this morning,but I cant find it now.”“Isnt it in one of your pockets?”asked Lei Feng.4/8“No,Im sure its lost,and I have no money to buy another one.Oh,dear!What shall I do?”Then the woman began to cry.“Dont worry.Lets see what we can do?”Lei Feng took the woman to the ticket office.H

16、e bought her a ticket and said,“The train is going to leave in a minute.Lets hurry.”The woman did not know what to say.She said“Thank you.”again and again.When the train was starting,she suddenly remembered that she didnt know Lei Fengs name yet.She felt very sorry.()36.The woman was worried because

17、 she lost her _.A.letter B.money C.child D.ticket()37.Lei Feng _a ticket for the woman and sent her to the train.A.found B.looked C.bought D.gave()38.The woman was sorry because she didnt _.A.say“Thank you”B.caught the train C.missed the train D.know Lei Fengs name()39.Lei Feng helped the woman beca

18、use he _.A.loved the people B.knew her C.had more money D.was a soldier()40.The best title of this story is _.A.Soldier and Woman B.A lost ticket C.At a Railway Station D.A story about Lei Feng C The children in Miss Lings class are not like most children.They dont watch TV!Miss Ling asked her class

19、 not to watch TV for a week.She told them that they could have more fun doing other things.The children said,“Lets see if(是否)Miss Ling is right.”Instead of watching TV,they read made things and played games with their families.The children had so much fun that they are not going to watch TV for a ye

20、ar.Would you like to stop watching TV?()41.Miss Ling is a _.A.doctor B.teacher C.farmer D.child()42.Miss Ling asked her class not to _.A.sleep B.eat C.read books D.watch TV()43.The children _instead of watching TV.A.played games B.went swimming C.grew plants D.watched films()44.The children think th

21、ey have more fun _.5/8 A.watching TV B.reading C.sleeping D.eating()45.The children will not watch TV for _.A.one week B.one month C.one season D.on year 第卷(非选择题)(70 分)、词汇运用(15 分)A.从方框中选用所给词组并用其适当形式填空。(6 选 5)(5 分)1.If you are in danger(处在危险中),you should_.2.He didnt do well in his studies last term.H

22、e says hell _this term.3.She is good at English and she also_ Maths.4.Tom_ because he was alone at home.5.Wang Fang_ the fire.B.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10 分)6.Is Millie getting_(good)now?7.Dont forget_(turn)off the light.8.Fire can be very_(danger).9.Zhang Hua _(quick)ran back to his flat.10.His maths is quite

23、 good,but sometimes he is _(care).11.We are visiting a home for the_(old).12.Tom is giving a _(sit)to someone on the bus.13.Many_(visit)brought him flowers and cards.14.Millie does her best_(help)others.15.We look forward to _(see)you again.、完成句子。(15 分)16.两个星期前我收到我叔叔的来信。I _ _ my uncle two weeks ago.

24、17.你不可以将热东西放入垃圾箱。You mustnt _anything hot _ the rubbish box.was afraid put out work hard call for help dose well in lose his way 6/8 18.在大城市里你是很容易迷路的。Its very easy to _ your _ in a big city.19.杰克记性很好,但有时粗心。Jack has a very good _ but sometimes she is _.20.Tom 现在做作业多么细心啊!_ _ Tom _ _ his homework now!2

25、1.善良的人总是先想到别人。A kind person always _ _ _ first.任务型阅读.(20 分)A Mr.and Mrs.Green do not often go out in the evening,but today they go out for a walk after supper.They go to the park and have a good time.On their way home,Mrs Green says to Mr.Green,”A woman is running on the road very fast(快),and a man

26、is running after her.Can you see them?”Mr.Green says,”Yes,I can.Lets help her.”When(当时)the woman comes near,he says,”Can I help you?”“No,thank you,”the woman says“My husband(丈夫)and I are running home,and the later one must do the housework.”根据上文内容,完成下列各句。22.Mr.and Mrs.Green often stay _ in the eveni

27、ng.23.Today they go _ for a _ after supper.24.They go to the _ and _ a good time.25.A man is _ on the road.26.Mr.and Mrs.Green want to _the _.B Fires in Homes What should you do if your house catches a fire?Warn(警告)the family and get out as soon as possible.Dont stop to save your things,but call 119

28、 at once.Most fire safety experts(专家)advise(建议)that you should close bedroom doors at night.Can you think why?If a fire breaks out at night,it often burns for a long time before it is discovered(发现).Hall ways(过道)sometimes become full of smoke and poisonous gases(气体).A closed door stops these from go

29、ing into the bedroom where you are sleeping.If you wake up one night and smell smoke,stay calm(平静).Go to the bedroom door and 7/8 feel it.If it is warm and hot,dont open it.There is fire in the hall.Wake all of the family.Then go to the window.If you can do so safely,jump down,but dont jump except a

30、s a last way.Wait for help.If the door is not hot,open it.And make your way carefully out of the house.回答下列问题:27.What should you do if your house catches a fire?_ 28.Should you stop to save your things when your house catches a fire?_ 29.Why should you close your bedroom doors at night?_ 30.What wil

31、l you do if you wake up one night and smell smoke?_ 31.Can you open the door if it is warm and hot?_ 、书面表达。(20 分)假设你是七年级(1)班同学王凯,你想写一封推荐信,推荐你班同学周越为“本年度最乐于助人奖”。你向班主任王老师写了一封推荐信,信的开头和结尾已给出,字数要求 70 字左右。你的推荐理由如下:1.周越擅长所有学科,经常帮助同学学习功课;2.他善良又勇敢。他总是先为他人着想;3.他非常乐于助人,他花费很多的时间在养老院照顾老人;4.他经常让座,捐款;5.他曾经帮一位迷路的小孩找

32、到妈妈。Dear Miss Wang:I would like to recommend Zhou Yue for this years Most Helpful Student Award._8/8 _ We think that Zhou Yue should get an award.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully Li Dan Unit 7 单元测试卷答案 I15BACCA 610ACBBB 1115BCBBC 1620BCBCC II 2125BCDDA 2630ABADA III3135CDBBA

33、3640DCDAD 4145BDABD IV 1.call for help 2.work hard3.does well in4.was afraid5.put out 6.better 7.to turn 8.dangerous 9.quickly 10.careless 11.elderly/aged/old 12.seat 13.visitors 14.to help 15.seeing V.16.heard from 17.put into 18.lose,way 19.memory,careless 20.How carefully,does 21 think of others 22.at home23.out,walk24.park,have25.running26.help,woman 27.Warn the family and get out as soon as possible.28.No,we shouldnt 29.Because a closed door stops these from going into the bedroom where you are sleeping.30.stay calm and go to the bedroom door and feel it.31.No,we cant.VII.略


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