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《【精编版】仁爱英语七年级下册过去式及练习.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【精编版】仁爱英语七年级下册过去式及练习.pdf(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1 一般过去时一般过去时:指已经发生过的动作或事件,至今为止这个动作或事件已经停止。标志词:yesterday,last Eg:I went to Eric s party last week.助动词:did Eg:Did you go to school yesterday morning?Be 动词:was,were Eg:Was the dog here just now?动词的过去式变形1.+ed(一般动词的过去式直接在动词后面加上ed 即可)2.+d(以 e 结尾动词,过去式直接加上d 即可)3.去 y+ied(以 y 结尾,并且 y 旁边没有元音字母的动词,把y 变成 i,再加上

2、ed)4.动词的不规则变形(以下为常用动词的不规则变形,要牢记这些动词哦!)Irregular verbs 不规则动词infinitive Past tense infinitive Past tense(原形)(过去式)(原形)(过去式)am/is was will would are were shall should do/does did can could go went may might come came must must run ran leave left become became lend lent begin began lose lost break broke

3、make made bring brought mean meant build built meet met buy bought pay paid catch caught ride rode 2 choose chose rise rose come came run ran draw drew say said drink drank see saw drive drove sell sold eat ate send sent fall fell sing sang feed fed sit sat find found sleep slept fly flew speak spok

4、e forget forgot spend spent get got stand stood give gave swim swam go went take took grow grew teach taught have/has had tell told hear heard think thought hold held throw threw keep kept wake woke know knew wear wore learn learned/learnt win won leave left write wrote hit hit let let put put read

5、read 句型变换1.一般疑问句:变换句型的规律与一般现在时一致,但是助动词必须使用did,动词的过3 去式要变回原形。e.g.I went to school yesterday.Did you go to school yesterday?He was five years old last year.Was he five years old last year?They had a good time last Sunday.Did they have a good time last Sunday?2.特殊疑问句:同一般现在时规律,注意助动词和be 动词的变化e.g.I played

6、 football with my friends yesterday afternoon.When did you play football with your friends?练习一.写出过去式am _ ride _ buy _ watch _ write_ is _ visit_ bring_ go _ water_ are _ swim _ take _ run _ do_ 二.用“am,is,was”填空。1.I _ a teacher now.But ten years ago I _ a student.2.He _ a little boy five years ago.3.

7、Where _ it last Sunday?4.She _ at school yesterday.二.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Tom _(visit)his grandparents last week.2.The twins _(water)the flowers in the garden Thursday morning.3.I _(watch)a film with my friend last Sunday.4.My father _(be)in Newyork last year.5.What_(do)you do last night?6._(be)there any

8、people in the classroom last week?7.What_(do)you do just now?I _(wash)my clothes.三.按要求改写句子。1.We are all happy.(改成一般过去时)We _ all happy.2.I visited my grandparents last week.(改成疑问句)_ 4.I played a lot of games with my friends in the park.(对划线部分提问)_ 5.I did my homework last night(改成疑问句并作肯定否定回答)_ 6.There

9、 were some ducks in the zoo last year.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ 7.Jack often does morning exercise.(改成否定句)Jack _ often _ morning exercise.四.用所给词的适当形式填空:1.The dog _(be)there just now.4 2.Where _(be)the library now?It _(is)there just now.3.It _(be)my birthday yesterday.4.The ball _(be)on the ground just now.5.

10、Sally _(go)to visit a museum last week.6.My father _(watch)TV last Friday.7.I _(go)London last year.8.Where _(be)you just now,Lihong?五 选择题()1.I watered the flowers _ A now B last week C tomorrow()2.what _ you do last night,Jack?A do B does C did()3.Lihong _his room last Sunday.A clean B cleaning C c

11、leaned()4._ you _ TV last Sunday?A Did,watch B Do,watch C Did,watched()5._ your father _ his car last Sunday morning?A Did,wash B Do,wash C Did,washed()6.Did they play football last Friday.-_.A Yes,they did B No,they did C Yes,they do.()7.they _ basketball last Saturday.A play B played C plays()8.we _ to school on foot last Saturday morning.A go B went C goes 六 连成句1 did,what,do,you,yesterday,?,morning _ 2 Sally,did,TV,watch,weekend,last,?_ 3 went,park,to,I,bike,by,last,Friday _ 4 lived,last,Jerry,year,China,in _


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