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1、牛津小学英语4B第一单元教案The First Period (第一课时) 一、教学内容: Unit 1 B: Look, read and learn C: Ask and answer 二、教学目的: 1、学生能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:a student, a teacher, a doctor, a nurse. 2、学生能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型:Whos that boy / girl / man / woman? Hes / Shes Hes / Shes a 3、学生能听懂、会说、会读平常交际用语:Welcome back to school. 4、初步熟悉歌曲:Wh

2、os that boy? 5、通过“认人”的语言学习,培养学生实际运用英语进行交流的能力和乐于于人交流、合作的个性。三、教学重点:四会单词和句型的听、说、读、写. 四、教学难点:能对的的使用 ”he” 与 ”she”. 五、教学准备: 1、人物职业图和Yang Ling等人物图片。 2、准备学生照片两张,老师照片一张,每个学生准备自己家庭成员的照片若干。 3、录音机、磁带。六、教学过程: Step 1. Free talk 1、 以Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls. How are you? / How are you this morning

3、/ afternoon / today? Nice to see you! / Glad to see you! Are you happy today? / How old are you? 等和学生招呼,学生依照情形回答。2、 在与每位学生问候结束时,送上一句 Welcome back to school. Step 2. Presentation and practice 1、 Good morning, boys and girls . Nice to see you! Welcome back to school. 出示 Welcome back to school. 理解并领读。2

4、、 Good morning, my dear friends. Im so happy to meet you all. But where are our old friends Yang Ling、David、Su Yang、Su Hai and Helen. Lets go and meet them. 出示Yang Ling等人物的图片,故意把图片缩的很小或故意遮住一部分或者出示人物的侧面图。 T: Whos that boy / girl / man / woman? S: Hes / Shes 3、 Point to the students do ask and answer.

5、 T: Whos that boy / girl? S: Hes / Shes 4、 Let students do ask and answer in pairs then check several pairs. 5、 Sing a song: Whos that girl? (先让学生静听歌曲,然后让他们跟唱) 6、 出示改装过的,戴着眼镜穿着医生服饰的Mr Brown的图。 T:Whos that man? S:Sorry, I dont know. T:(出示未通过改装的Mr Brown 的图) Hes Mr Brown. Hes a doctor.(学习新单词:doctor) 7、

6、 借助Mrs Brown 的图,教学单词:nurse (同上)8、 出示一位学生的照片: T: Whos that boy / girl? S: Hes / Shes T: (补充说明) Yes, and hes / shes a student.(学习新单词:student)9、 出示学生熟悉的一位老师的照片: T: Whos that man / woman? S: Hes / Shes T: (补充说明) And hes / shes a teacher. (学习新单词:teacher) Step 3. Look, read, say and write 1、 Show the new

7、words in Part B, let students read after the tape.2、 出示职业特性不是很明显的人物图片。 eg: T: Is he a doctor? S: No, I think hes a nurse. 3、 Show the pictures of Part C, do ask and answer. A: Whos that? B: Hes / Shes Hes / Shes a (指导学生把关键词如:Mr Brown, doctor等写在图画旁边) Step 4 .Play games 1、 请学生上台做所学四种职业相映的动作,请其它学生猜: He

8、s / Shes a student / teacher / doctor / nurse.2、 出示白求恩、樱桃小丸子、赵薇等人物的图片,再出现老师、同学们自己的照片,并故意遮去一部分,让学生猜。 A:Whos that man / woman / boy / girl? B:Hes / Shes , I think. Step 5. Practice 1、 T: Today youve brought some photos also. Now please take out you photos and talk about your photos with your good frie

9、nds. S: (In pairs, talk about their photos use the sentences) 2、 Check some pairs. 3、 Do WB Part C Listen, choose and write. Step 6. Assign homework1、 朗读并誊录规定四会掌握的单词和句型。 2、 运用所学的句型,互相谈论自己亲人的照片。 The Second Period (第二课时) 一、教学内容: Unit 1 A: Read and say D: Look and say 二、教学目的: 1、学生能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词 new和句型:

10、Are you? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Im a 2、学生能听懂、会说和会读平常交际用语:Welcome to our school. Im new here. 3、学生能对的理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 4、会唱歌曲:Whos that girl? 三、教学重点:能对的理解掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。四、教学难点: 1、能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话内容的基础上进一步表演对话。 2、能用对的的语调朗读一般疑问句:Are you a ? 五、教学准备: 1、人物职业图片、Ben的头饰、Mike和Miss Li的人物图片 2、磁带、录音机六

11、、教学过程: Step 1. Free talk 1、 Hello. How are you this morning / afternoon? How old are you? 2、 (指着教室里的学生)Whos that boy / girl? 3、 (出示Mr Brown、Mrs Brown、Miss Li、David等人物图片) Whos that boy / girl / man / woman? Step 2. Sing a song 1、(Show the pictures of Ben and his sister) T: Whos that boy / girl? Ss: S

12、orry, I dont know.3、 Sing the song “Whos that girl?” together. Step 3. Presentation and practice 1、 T: (让一位学生戴上Ben 的头饰) Whos that boy? Ss: Sorry, I dont know. Ben: Hello. Im Ben. Im new here. T: Hello, Ben. Welcome to our school. 启发学生们用:Welcome to our school.来欢迎Ben. (学习单词:new和句型:Welcome to our schoo

13、l.) 2、 出示Mike和Miss Li的图片: Ben: (Point to the picture of Mike) Whos that boy? Ss: Hes Mike. Hes a student. Ben: (Point to the picture of Miss Li) Whos that woman? Ss: Shes Miss Li. Shes a teacher. Step 4. Play games and learn the new sentences 1、 准备一些人物职业图 T: Look, herere many pictures. Do you know w

14、hat picture are they? Please, guess what picture is this?(举起一张图片) S: A teacher. T: Yes, youre right. Can you spell it? S: Yes, T-E-A-C-H-E-R, teacher, T: Are you a teacher? (启发)S: No, Im not. Im a student.2、 学习新句型:Are you? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Im a3、 Play a game: 发给学生一些职业图片,但只能自己看到,不能让其它同学看到。然后请

15、你的同桌或好朋友来猜。 S1: Are you a teacher? S2: No, Im not. S1: Are you a doctor? S2: No, Im not. S1: Are you a nurse? S2: Yes, I am. 4、 Show the pictures of Part D do ask and answer. A: Excuse me, are you a? B: Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Im a Step 5. Read and say 1、 T:(Show the picture of Mrs Brown) Boys and

16、girls, do you know whats her job? Ss:(Listen to the tape recorder.) Shes a nurse. 2、 Open their books, listen and repeat. 3、 Read by themselves. 4、 Read in roles.5、 Practice in groups then check. Step 6. Assign homework 1、 听录音,朗读和表演对话。 2、 根据所学对话内容改编或自编小对话。 3、朗读并誊录规定四会掌握的单词和句型。 The third Period (第三课时

17、) 一、 教学内容: Unit 1 E: Read and act. F: Listen and repeat. G: Fun house. 二、教学目的: 1 、复习句型:Whos that boy / girl / man / woman? Hes / Shes Hes / Shes a Are you? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Im a并能纯熟的运用以上句型来询问人物或认人。 2、学生能听得懂、会说和会读平常交际用语:Whos that boy in the tree? Come down,. All right. Dont climb trees again.

18、 Yes, Sir. 3、能初步了解辅音字母w 和z在单词中的读音。 4、能读懂Look and read提供的趣味小故事。三 、教学重点: 能对的的听、说、读、写句子:Whos that boy / girl / man / woman? Hes / Shes Hes / Shes a Are you? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Im a 四 、教学难点:能对的、灵活的使用本单元学过的单词、句型和平常交际用语。五、教学准备: 1、面具、教学挂图、苹果长在树上的图片、插图 2、磁带、录音机、投影仪六、教学过程: Step 1. Warmingup 1、 Sing a s

19、ong: Whos that girl? (在唱歌的同时,更换boy、girl、man、woman的图片,让学生替换歌词唱。) 2、 Play a game。按排几位学生戴上面具,然后做各种职业的动作,让其它同学先猜他们是谁用:Whos that boy / girl?可以先由教师提问,然后请学生问、学生答。猜对的同学,可以上前询问他(她)的职业。能在三次之内猜对的同学有奖。 A: Whos that boy? B: Hes Wang Qiang. A: Yes, youre right. B: Excuse me, Wang Qiang. Are you a nurse? C: No, Im

20、 not. B: Are you a doctor? C: Yes, I am. Step 2. Free talk 1. How are you today? 2. Excuse me, are you Mike?3. Are you a student?4. Are you a new student? 5. Are you a teacher? 6. Is Miss Li a teacher?7. Is your mother a nurse? 8. Is your father a doctor? Step 3. Look, listen and answer 1、 Show the

21、picture of Part E Read and act, do ask and answer. (1). Whos this girl? (Shes Yang Ling.) (2). Is she a student? (Yes, she is.) (3). Whos that man? (Hes Mr Green.) (4). Is he a doctor? (No, hes a teacher.) (5). Whos this boy in the park? (Hes Liu Tao.)2、 Look at the picture and listen to the tape re

22、corder. 3、 Listen again and answer the questions: (1). Whos in the tree? (Hes Liu Tao.) (2). Can we climb the tree? (No, we cant.) (在提问时,教师可以用动作帮助学生理解这两个问题。) 4、 学习新单词:climb和新词组:in the tree (出示苹果长的树上的图片:The apples are on the tree.) 5、 Listen again and learn the new phrase: come down (compare with” co

23、me here”) Step 4. Read and act 1、 Look, listen and repeat.2、 Read the dialogue in roles.3、 Practice the dialogue in groups.4、 Act out the dialogue. Step 5. Listen and repeat 1、 T: Now, lets look at this picture. (打开投影仪,出示插图及四个单词walkman, woman, zebra, zoo) 学生听录音,并跟说这四个单词。在说的过程中让他们体会字母w 和z在单词中的发音。2、 出

24、示其它一些具有字母w和z 的单词,以便学生更好地体会这两个字母在单词中的读音。如:watch、window Step 6. Look and read 1、 规定学生仔细看图、默读句子,理解故事的风趣之处。 2、 教师提问:最后一幅图当Su Hai 说“Hi, Mr Brown”时,为什么会有三个人应答?3、 请学生分角色朗读故事。 Step 7. Assign homework 1、 默写本单元所学的规定四会掌握的单词。 2、 熟读本单元课文。 3、 创设情景用: Whos that? Hes / Shes Are you ? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 自编小对话牛津

25、小学英语4B第二单元教案牛津小学英语4B Unit 2 At a party 一、 教学内容九年义务教育六年制小学教科书牛津小学英语4B第二单元第一课时(Look read and learn,Ask and answer)二、教学目的 1、能对的地听、说、读和写单词grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, an eye, a head, an ear, a nose, a mouth, hair; 2、能对的地听、说、读和写句型Whos thewith?Hes/Shes (my); 3、能根据人物的外貌特性和穿着打扮

26、来结识人, 培养学生实际运用英语进行交流的能力和乐于于人交流、合作的个性。三、教学重点 1、能对的地听、说、读和写单词grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, an eye, a head, an ear, a nose, a mouth, hair; 2、能对的地听、说、读和写句型Whos thewith?Hes/Shes (my)。四、教学难点能根据人物的外貌特性和穿着打扮来结识人。五、课前准备 1、教具准备:单词图片及单词卡片,人物图片,录音机、磁带和实物投影; 2、学生准备:自己幼时的照片及家庭照片。六、教学过

27、程 Step 1 Revision 1、 Sing a song.Whos that girl? 2、Free talk T : What can you see in the classroom? Who can you see in the classroom? Whos the girl(in a)? Whos that boy(with )? Step 2 Presentation 1、 Teach: Whos the with ? Hes/Shes (1) 由Free talk引出句型 (2) Teach: with (3) Teach: Whos the with ? Hes/Sh

28、es a、教师运用Helen的图片提问“Whos the girl with yellow hair?”学生回答“ Shes Helen.” b、教师板书句型:Whos the with ? Hes/Shes (4) Drill(运用教室内人物进行集体问答练习) 2、 Teach: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister (1) 教师出示自己爷爷的照片,提问”Whos the man with white hair?”,在学生猜测后教师回答”Hes my grandfather. Hes a teacher.”。(2)

29、 Teach: grandfather (3) 教师出示几张学生爷爷的照片,用所学句型” Whos the with ? Hes”进行猜测问答。 (4) 教师出示学生家人的照片,通过猜测问答教学”grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister”.3、 Teach: head, a nose, a mouth, an ear (1)T : Whos the boy?(教师出示两张男生的照片,一个头大,一个头小点) S1: Which one/ T : The one with big head. S1: Hes (2)Teach: head (教师边指自

30、己的头边说) a、出示音标词带领学生读音标; b、跟读、齐读、个别读; c、扩展词组:big head,small head (3)T: I have a big head, I have black hair and small eyes, I have big nose .(教师指自己的身体部位进行介绍) (4)Teach: a nose (5)同法教a mouth, an ear 4、 Say a rhyme(身体部位歌) 5、Drill(运用教室内人物进行问答练习) a、教师问,学生回答; b、让一名学生提问,其余学生回答。 Step 3 Ask and answer 1、 教师出示A

31、sk and answer的第一幅图,师生示范问答; 2、教师出示其余三幅图两两自由问答。 Step 4 Consolidation1、 教师运用板书引导学生小结本课所学的单词和句型;2、 Play a game: (教师运用实物投影出示姚明,赵薇,冯巩等人物图片,通过提问让学生猜猜是谁) T : Whos the man? S : Which one? T : The one in the white vest. S1: Hes Yao Ming. (先教师向学生提问,再由一名学生向其余学生提问)3、 出示一张教师自己小时侯的全家照 (1) T: Whose family photo?(让学

32、生猜测) (2) The man in a blue shirt is my father, the woman with long hair is my mother, the man with white hair is my grandfather, the woman with small eyes is my aunt, the boy in a yellow sweater is my brother.(教师指照片中的人物进行介绍)(3) 教师让学生同桌之间互相介绍自己的家庭照片; (4) 让学生介绍自己的家庭照片。 4、 Wb. C Listen, choose and writ

33、e D Look, think and write Step 5 Homework 1、 誊录本课单词; 2、用本课所学句型编演对话。2、Unit 2 At a party(第二课时)一、 教学内容九年义务教育六年制小学教科书牛津小学英语4B第二单元第二课时(Read and say, look and say, Fun house 3)二、教学目的 1、能对的地听、说、读和写单词white; 2、能对的地听、说、读和写句型Is that your ? Which one? The one in the; 3、能对的地听、说和读平常交际用语Nice to meet you; 4、能有表情有节奏

34、地朗读歌谣My brother, 通过朗读激发学习英语的爱好。 5、能对的理解和掌握对话内容,并能用对的的语音、语调朗读并表演对话; 6、能运用所学句型编演对话,通过合作表演培养团结协作的精神,增进师生间的情感交流。三、教学重点 1、能对的地听、说、读和写单词white; 2、能对的地听、说、读和写句型Is that your ? Which one? The one in the; 3、能对的理解和掌握对话内容,并能用对的的语音语调朗读对话。四、教学难点能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话内容的基础上进行对话编演。五、课前准备 1、教具准备:单词图片及单词卡片,人物图片,课文挂图、录音机、磁

35、带、课文对话的VCD、实物投影; 2、学生准备:自己幼时的照片及家庭照片。六、教学过程 Step 1 Revision1、 Sing a song.Whos that girl? 2、 Free talk (1) T: Whos the with/in ? S: Hes/shes (2) T: Whos the ? S: Which one? T: The one in/with S: Hes/Shes (师生个别问答,学生问教师,两两问答)3、 让学生介绍自己家庭照片 Step 2 Presentation 1、 Teach: Is that your ? Which one? The on

36、e in the (1) T: Is that girl Helen?(教师出示Helen和Wang Ying的图片) S: Which one? T: The one with yellow hair. S: Yes, she is. (2) 教师出示几组人物的图片进行问答练习(教师问学生,学生问教师,学生两两练习) (3) 教师出示一张学生的家庭照片(有两名男士) T: Is that man your father? S: Which one? T: The one in the blue shirt. S: Yes, he is. (板书:Is that your ? Which on

37、e? The one with /in the Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.) 3、 Look and say (教师出示课文中Look and say的图片进行问答练习,先师生示范,再同桌互练) Step 3 Read and say1、 T: Whos the boy?(出示Ben的图片) S: Hes Ben. T: There is a party in Bens home. Lets go and have a look. 2 Watch TV.(播放两遍)2、 Answer the questions: 3、 (1)Whos the boy wi

38、th big eyes? (2)Whos the girl in the white dress? 4、 T: What are they saying?(出示第一幅图) Listen and repeat. 5、 出示第二幅图,先让学生复述内容 Listen and repeat. 6、 出示第三幅图,听录音并复述。 7、 出示第四幅图,听录音并复述。 8、 Read in pairs. 9、分角色朗读。 9、 分角色复述。 Step 4 Say a rhyme 1、 Show a picture(Joe坐在椅子上,David坐在小汽车上的图片) T : Whos that boy? S :

39、 Which one? T : The one sitting on the chair. S : He is Joe. T : Lets go and say hello.2、 Listen to the tape. 3、 跟录音边打拍子边说。 4、 教师运用图片或教室里的人物进行替换说唱。 Step 5 Consolidation 1、 Play a game: Guessing Game T : Whos my friend? S1 : Is that boy your friend? T : Which one? S1: The one in the black coat. T : Y

40、es, he is. (先师生示范,在四人一组练习并表演)2、 教师出示一张学生的家庭照片,提问“ Whose family photo?”,在学生猜对后,和这一学生用所学句型编演一段小对话。 3、 Practise in groups. 4、 Act it out. 5、 教师引导小结本课所学。 6、 Wb. A Listen, find and circle B Listen and colour Step 6 Homework 1、 听录音,朗读和表演对话; 2、 和同伴围绕本课的句型编演对话 Unit 2 At a party(第三课时)一、 教学内容九年义务教育六年制小学教科书牛津小

41、学英语4B第二单元第三课时(Read and act, Fun house 1,2)二、教学目的 1、复习本单元所学习的家庭成员和身体部位的单词; 2、能听、说、读平常交际用语Were late for the party. Lets hurry! 3、了解辅音字母组合ck在单词中的读音; 4、能比较纯熟地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和平常交际用语,并能围绕“认人”这一主题编演对话。三、教学重点、难点进一步掌握和运用本单元的句型,并能围绕“认人”这一主题编演对话。四、课前准备 1、教具准备:人物图片,录音机、磁带和实物投影; 2、学生准备:家庭照片五、教学过程: Step 1 Revision

42、 1、 听歌谣My brother. 2、 Free talk. 3、 Play a game: Whos the boy/girl? (记忆游戏:教师让学生根据教师的提醒猜人) T : Whos the boy? S : Which one? T : The one in the with black coat. S : Which one? T : The one with big eyes, small mouth. S1: I know, he is . (先教师提醒让学生猜测,再学生提醒学生猜测) 4、Ask and answer: (教师出示学生的家庭照片,与学生用“Is that

43、 your ? Which one? The one in/with ” 进行对话,再让学生小组练习并问答)Step 2 Read and act1、 Teach: Were late for Lets hurry. (1)T : Whats this in the box?(教师把一个钟用盒子装起来) S1: Its a , I think. T : Whats the time? S1: Its eight oclock. T : Were late for the school.(教师做出很着急的表情) S1: Yes. T : Lets hurry.(教师做出匆忙的动作) (2)Tea

44、ch and explain: were late for Lets hurry. (3)Drill: A: Whats the time? B: Its Were late for A: Yes. Lets hurry. (先师生示范,再同桌互练并表演) 2、教师出示Read and act的挂图 T: Whos the girl? Whos the boy? Whos the woman? 3、Listen to the tape, answer the questions: (1)Whats the time? (2)Wheres David? 4、Read after the tape

45、. 5、分角色朗读。 6、分角色表演。 7、教师创设“At a party”的情景和学生编演一段对话。 8、Practise in groups. 9、Act it out. Step 3 Listen and repeat 1、 T: Now, lets look at this picture. (打开投影仪,出示插图及四个单词black, clock, jacket, sock) 学生听录音,并跟说这四个单词。在说的过程中让他们体会字母组合ck在单词中的发音。 2、让学生边看图边听句子”His sock, jacket and clock are black.”,并理解句子的意思,最后跟

46、录音读句子,并注意语调和节奏。Step 4 Look and read 1、 规定学生仔细看图、默读句子,理解对话的风趣之处。 2、 请学生分角色朗读对话。 Step 5 Draw and ask1、 T: Lets play a game. OK? Guess. My fathers father, I ask him”_. My fathers brother, I ask her”_”. 教师解释grandfather指fathers father(爷爷)或mothers father(外公);grandmother指fathers mother(奶奶)或mothers mother(外婆);uncle指fathers brother(伯父、叔叔)或mothers brother(舅舅);aunt指fathers sister(姑姑)或mothers sister(姨妈)等。2教师出示Li An的家庭人物关系图,指Li An问 : Whos the boy? Hes fathers father. Whos he? 引导学生理解Li Ans fathers father为什么是 Li Lin,而不是 Wu Wei。 3、T : Shes Li An


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