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1、会计学1仁爱八年级下册英语仁爱八年级下册英语(yn y)Unit复习课复习课第一页,共24页。1.词汇词汇(chu)n n请写出本单元所学的所有表示(biosh)人的情感或性格的形容词,比如 happy:excited,worried,angry,sad,afraid,active,funny,silly,kind,smart,cruel,upset,proud,lonely,lively,lovely,cute,mad,glad,disappointed,nice,frightened,shy,strict,brave,helpful,careful,nervous,calm,bored,s

2、urprised第1页/共24页第二页,共24页。2.系表结构系表结构(jigu)n n定义:系动词是表示主语定义:系动词是表示主语“是什么是什么”或或“怎怎么样么样”的词。本身有词义,但不能单独做的词。本身有词义,但不能单独做谓语,须后接表语构成谓语,须后接表语构成“系表结构系表结构”来说来说明主语的状况明主语的状况(zhungkung)、性质、特征。、性质、特征。n n常见的系动词有:常见的系动词有:n nbe,become,get,turn,grow,look,feel,seem,sound,taste,smell,appear等。等。第2页/共24页第三页,共24页。系动词系动词(dn

3、gc)分五类:分五类:n n表示“是”的be,用来表示主语(zhy)的特征、状态或性质。n ne.g.He is a doctor.他是位医生。n n We are in the classroom.我们在教室里。n n Michael is very happy.迈克尔很高兴。第3页/共24页第四页,共24页。n n 表示保持一种状态或态度的系动词,如keep,stay,remain等。n ne.g.Lily keeps still when we take pictures of her.我们给莉莉照相(zho xing)的时候她静止不动。n n The shop often stays

4、open till twelve at night.这家商店经常营业到晚上十二点。第4页/共24页第五页,共24页。n n 表示从一种状态转变为另一种状态的系动词,如become,turn,get,grow,turn,go等。n n e.g.I will become a teacher when I grow up.当我长大了,我会成为一名教师。n n The weather gets warmer and warmer.天气(tinq)变得越来越暖和了。n n The trees turn green in spring.春天树木变绿了。第5页/共24页第六页,共24页。n n 表示“看起

5、来”的系动词,如look,seem,appear。n n e.g.She looks very happy today.今天她看起来很高兴。n n Her father seems a serious man.她父亲似乎(s h)是个严肃的人。n n Everybody appears well prepared.大家看上去都做了充分的准备。第6页/共24页第七页,共24页。n n 表示其他感官感觉(gnju)到的系动词,如feel(感觉(gnju)起来;摸起来),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),sound(听起来)等。n ne.g.Silk feels soft.丝绸摸起来很柔软

6、。n n She feels unhappy.她感觉(gnju)不开心。n n The flowers smell very sweet.这些花闻起来很香。第7页/共24页第八页,共24页。Memory challenge(记忆记忆(jy)大挑大挑战战)n n1.系动词(dngc)的定义n n2.常见的系动词(dngc)n n3.系动词(dngc)的分类第8页/共24页第九页,共24页。Exercise n nI.根据汉语提示填空。n n1.Mike feels very _(孤独的).n n2.The students looked _(疲惫(pbi)的)because they did t

7、oo much homework.n n3.The little girl is always _(害羞的).n n4.My parents are very _(严格的)in my study.n n5.He feels _(失望的)because he failed in the exam.lonelytiredshystrictdisappointed第9页/共24页第十页,共24页。3.ed3.ed形容词与形容词与形容词与形容词与-ing-ing形容词的区别形容词的区别形容词的区别形容词的区别(qbi)(qbi)词义主语句中成分-ed“感到的”sb.表语/定语-ing“令人的”sth.

8、表语/定语 excited;exciting Im excited at hearing the news.They wait for something exciting to happen.surprised;surprising I was surprised at how quickly she agreed.Its surprising that they lost in the game.第10页/共24页第十一页,共24页。Exercise n nII.用括号(kuho)中适当的词填空。n n1.excited;excitingn nDo you know the Same So

9、ng to Dabieshan?Its so _and moving.n nIm very _ to see a football match this evening.n n2.interested;interestingn nShe was _ in reading books when she was eight years old.n nThis story sounds _.excitingexcitedinterestedinteresting第11页/共24页第十二页,共24页。n n3.surprised;surprisingn nI was _at why he was us

10、ed to swimming in winter.n nIts _that we all failed the exam.n n4.worrying;worriedn nWhy are you so _?n nIt must be _ for your parents that you stay in net bar the whole night.n n5.frightening;frightenedn nWould you like to go to see a _film with me tonight?n nHe was too _ to walk any more.surprised

11、surprisingworriedworryingfrighteningfrightened第12页/共24页第十三页,共24页。4.原因原因(yunyn)状语从句状语从句n n概念:原因(yunyn)状语从句表示主句所发生的原因(yunyn)或理由,通常由because,since,as等引导。n nBecause I lost my cellphone,I didnt call you yesterday.n nWe choose Michael to lead us as he says he knows the way.n nSince you are so young,you sho

12、uld be hard-working.第13页/共24页第十四页,共24页。Exercise 单项选择题单项选择题n n1.Why do you like watching Lucky 52 program?n n -_its very interesting.n nA.How B.Because C.What D.Whichn n2.The old man asked the girl to take another seat _ he wanted to sit next to his wife.n nA.because B.so that C.so第14页/共24页第十五页,共24页。

13、5.形容词的同级形容词的同级(tn j)比较比较n n(1 1)形容词有比较)形容词有比较(b(b jio)jio)等级的变化:等级的变化:n n 原级比较级最高级happyhappyhappierhappiestbigbigbiggerbiggest第15页/共24页第十六页,共24页。n n(2)英语形容词比较级 n n 1.一般(ybn)句式的构成:n nA+is/are+形容词比较级+than+B n nA 是主格 B 是宾格 n n如:She is taller than me.n n 主格 形容词比较级 宾格 第16页/共24页第十七页,共24页。n n2.2.2.2.英语形容词比

14、较级的构成英语形容词比较级的构成英语形容词比较级的构成英语形容词比较级的构成 n n规则规则规则规则(guz)(guz)(guz)(guz)变化变化变化变化n n 1 1 1 1)一般情况加)一般情况加)一般情况加)一般情况加-er-er-er-er,-est-est-est-est;n n 2 2 2 2)以)以)以)以e e e e结尾,加结尾,加结尾,加结尾,加-r-r-r-r,-st-st-st-st;n n 3 3 3 3)闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须)闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须)闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须)闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母

15、,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加先双写这个辅音字母,再加先双写这个辅音字母,再加先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er-er-er-er,-est-est-est-est;n n(双写辅音字母再加(双写辅音字母再加(双写辅音字母再加(双写辅音字母再加-er,-est-er,-est-er,-est-er,-est)n n 4 4 4 4)以辅音字母)以辅音字母)以辅音字母)以辅音字母+y+y+y+y结尾的词,变结尾的词,变结尾的词,变结尾的词,变y y y y为为为为i i i i,再加,再加,再加,再加-er-er-er-er和和和和-est-est-est-est。n n 5 5 5 5)多音节词皆在

16、前面加单词)多音节词皆在前面加单词)多音节词皆在前面加单词)多音节词皆在前面加单词moremoremoremore和和和和mostmostmostmost。n n 第17页/共24页第十八页,共24页。n n不规则变化不规则变化(binhu)(binhu)n ngood/well better best good/well better best n nbad worse worst bad worse worst n nmany/much more most many/much more most n nlittle less least little less least n nfar f

17、arther/further farthest/furthestfar farther/further farthest/furthest第18页/共24页第十九页,共24页。n n(3)形容词的同级比较(bjio)n n a)肯定结构n n A+be+as+形容词原级+as+Bn n The film is as interesting as that one.n n b)否定结构n n A+be+not+as/so+形容词原级+as+Bn n Spring is not as/so cold as winter.n n c)表示倍数,如half/twice/three/fourtimes+

18、asas”n n The room is three times as large as that one.第19页/共24页第二十页,共24页。Exercise Exercise 适用形容词的同级比较结构翻译适用形容词的同级比较结构翻译适用形容词的同级比较结构翻译适用形容词的同级比较结构翻译(fny)(fny)一下一下一下一下句子。句子。句子。句子。n n1.汉语不如英语(yn y)难。n nChinese is not as/so hard as English.n n2.他跟他的哥哥一样高。n nHe is as tall as his elder brother.n n3.我的书不如你

19、的书的一半多。n nMy books are not half as many as yours.第20页/共24页第二十一页,共24页。6.使役使役(shy)动词的用法动词的用法n n(1)(1)概念:概念:“使役使役”就是叫别人去做事情的意思就是叫别人去做事情的意思(y s)(y s)。n n(2)(2)使役动词使役动词makemake和和letlet的用法:的用法:n n make sb.do sth.make sb.do sth.n nFather makes me wash his car tomorrow.Father makes me wash his car tomorrow.

20、n n make sb.+adj.make sb.+adj.n nThe song makes me happy.The song makes me happy.n n make sb.+n.make sb.+n.n nWe agree We agree toto make him monitor.make him monitor.n n let sb.do sth.let sb.do sth.n n He let me drink the water.He let me drink the water.第21页/共24页第二十二页,共24页。Memory challenge again!(记

21、忆记忆(jy)大挑战大挑战)n nWhat have we learned today?What have we learned today?我们今天我们今天(jntin)(jntin)都学了些什么?都学了些什么?n n“6“6项项”:n n词汇(关于心情词汇(关于心情/性格的形容词)性格的形容词)n n系表结构系表结构n n-ed-ed形容词和形容词和-ing-ing形容词形容词n n原因状语从句原因状语从句n n形容词的同级比较形容词的同级比较n n使役动词的用法使役动词的用法第22页/共24页第二十三页,共24页。homeworkn n复习(fx)今天所讲内容,背诵六项n n做练习册Unit5的所有内容。第23页/共24页第二十四页,共24页。


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