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《2020年中考一模考试《英语试题》解析版.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年中考一模考试《英语试题》解析版.pdf(38页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2020 年中考综合模拟测试英语试卷学校 _ 班级 _ 姓名 _ 成绩 _听力题1A I hope so B Good idea C Im worried about it 2A He is 14 B He is tall and heavy C He likes sports3A Go straight on B Its quite far C Five minutes walk 4A Next Friday B Next Saturday C Next Thursday5A See a dentist B Get an X ray C Drink more hot water 听力题6A.

2、B.C.7A.B.C.8A.B.C.9A.B.C.10 A.B.C.听力题11Basic life(1)young people need UK students*Dealing with the button*Doing some(2)gardening or iron(熨烫)clothes US*Checking their tire(3)students*Cooking is another basic life skill that has been(4)Reason:(5)in technology have made young people far away from many

3、basic life skills听力题12Airport Information Card Leaving Flight FA(56)is now boarding at Gate 6 Waiting Flight BA 985,leaving time changes from 10am to(57)pmCoffee,(58)and a lunch meal will be offered Lost&Found Someone is looking for a(59)handbag with a(60)on it选择题1.Would you mind _ the window?Its a

4、little cold A.close B.closing C.to close D.closed 2.I like pandas because they are very _/frendli/.A.funny B.follow C.fight D.friendly 3.I enjoy _my bike in the mountain Its not always easy,but exciting A.riding B.rode C.ride D.to ride 4.Many of the students never _/li:v/the village.A.learn B.leave

5、C.leaf D.live 5.Lisa wants to join the chess _/kl?b/.A.cloud B.camp C.candy D.club 选择题6.Is Kate your sister?Shes my cousinA.No,she isntB.No,it isntC.Yes,she isD.Yes,it is7.Linda,why do you often go to see the pandas?I go to see_because they are very interestingA.theyB.themC.theirD.theirs 8.There is

6、elephant in the zooelephant is from Africa A.an,The B.the,An C.an,An 9.Can I have _ water,Mum?Im so thirsty.Sorry,there isnt _,but we still have some green tea.A.any;any B.any;some C.some;any D.some;some 10.Dinner is ready.Help yourself!Oh!It _ delicious.You are really good at cooking.A.tastes B.sou

7、nds C.gets D.feels 11.Most of the villagers took part in the Dragon Boat races 9:00amthe morning of June 18A.at;in B.at;on C.on;in D.on;on 12.I wont go to Lindas party unless _.A.I will be invited B.I am invited C.I will not be invited D.I am not invited 13.Would you like some _?Yes,please.I like dr

8、inking it.A.noodles B.beef C.pears D.coffee 14.For the safety of all the passengers,objects like guns,knives or fireworks be carried onto trains,planes or coachesA.may B.neednt C.should D.mustnt 15.-_ football?-Its a very popular game.I like it very much.A.What do you like B.How do you think C.What

9、do you think of D.Do you like 16.We read 2008 _ A.two thousand and eight B.two thousands and eight C.two thousands and eighty D.two thousand and eighty 17._Kate _her homework on Saturday afternoon?A.Does;/B.Does;do C.Is;do D.Does;does 18.Acting has brought me great enjoyment.A.movement B.pleasure C.

10、luck D.success 19.The green one is than the yellow one A.much expensive B.much more expensive C.more much expensive D.expensive 20.Your backpack is nice _A.Thank B.Thanks C.OK D.Thanks you 21.Where do we usually see the sign?A.On the bus.B.In the street C.Inside the museum.D.In the swimming pool 22.

11、Be careful when you are driving,_ in a rainstorm like this.Thanks.I will.A.especially B.probably C.nearly D.hardly 23.Elephants are in danger Lets stop _ themA.to hunt B.hunting C.hunt D.is hunt 24.-The new dress looks good on you.-Thanks.And it _ very soft.A.tastes B.smells C.sounds D.feels 25.-Two

12、 tickets for Sunday,please!-Sorry There is _left A.nothing B.none C.some D.anything 26._ work it is!But we will try our best to finish it on time.A.What easy B.How easy C.What hard D.How hard 27.-You mustnt swim here.look at the sign.It _ No swimming.-Oh,I _ notice it.Thanks for telling me.A.says;do

13、nt B.writes;dont C.says;didnt D.-writes;didnt 28.So kind of you to give me a ride to the bus stop A.My pleasure B.Never mind C.It doesn t matterD.Thats nothing to do 29.Be careful with the stones,boysYou may hurt _ A.youB.yourselvesC.yourD.yourself 30.The Olympic Games of 2016 _ in Brazil.A.took aft

14、er B.took off C.took place D.took away 31.I tried to make the baby _ by singing,and that worked well at last.A.to stop to cry B.to stop crying C.stop to cry D.stop crying 32.Every year many foreigners _ to China to learn Chinese.A.come B.have come C.came D.will come 33.China has many special forms o

15、f traditional art,_ sky lanterns,paper cutting and Chinese clay art.A.such as B.instead of C.except for D.because of 34.John really doesn t know _.A.whether has his father bought him B.what has his father bought him C.how his father has bought him D.what his father has bought him 完形填空Its interesting

16、 to have a chance to teach English abroad because you see a completely different education system I am teaching in Belgium(比利时)this year and I have realized_35_ there are some big differences For example,in the UK,it is _36_ to wear a school uniform It is nice to wear a school uniform _37_you dont h

17、ave to think about what to wear in the morningYou just put on your uniform and go This _38_ a lot of time Another difference I have noticed is also about clothing:Teachers_39_ in a more relaxed way in Belgium They wear_40_ In my experience in the UK,teachers wear similar things to the people _41_ wo

18、rk in an office:shirts and ties for men;dresses,skirts,dark trousers and shirts for women As I am working with older students who are aged_42_ 16 to 18,I have also noticed that they have _43_subjects than I did at their age In the UK,students only choose four subjects(five if they have very good gra

19、des)at 16 Some people like this,because it means they do not have to study subjects they dont like Others feel that students make such a big choice too_44_,because the subjects they choose at 16 will have an influence on what they can study at university 35.A.that B.what C.how D.when 36.A.terrible B

20、.common C.expensive D.difficult 37.A.unless B.though C.because D.if 38.A.has B.spends C.wastes D.saves 39.A.teach B.dress C.speak D.walk 40.A.jeans B.dresses C.ties D.suits 41.A.who B.where C.whose D.which 42.A.at B.in C.between D.from 43.A.fewer B.better C.more D.less 44.A.late B.early C.wisely D.w

21、ell 补全对话补全对话A:Its a nice day.B:Yes,its a beautiful day.A:Are there so many people here all the time?B:_45_.This is my first time here.A:Me,too.I think this is a great place.B:Yeah,I think so too.A:_46_?B:I m visiting from London.How about you?A:_47_.B:That s cool.Are you having a good time?A:Yes.The

22、re are many things to see and I m taking a lot of picture.B:_48_?A:For two weeks,I went to San Francisco and Los Angeles.I want to see Yellow Stone National Park before I leave.B:_49_.A:Oh,my friends are waiting for me.I hope you enjoy your stay here.B:Thank you.It was nice meeting you.阅读理解A Tommy i

23、s from a poor family.His father is a worker and he is often ill.Tommy hopes to be an artist,but everybody says it is not possible for him to be an artist and makes fun of his family and his dream.But Tommy never gives up.One day,he heard there was a drawing competition the following week,and anyone

24、aged 13 and up was welcome.The winner would get 10,000 dollars and some art equipment(设备).He thought for a minute and decided to take part in the competition.That week seemed like the longest week in his life.Every day when he got home from school,a pencil and a piece of paper were the first things

25、in his hands.He practiced drawing for a long time.Then,the day of the competition came.He finished his drawing quickly.After two weeks,Tommy got a letter.Tommy was too afraid to open the letter.At last he opened it slowly.Just as he read the first sentence,he began crying.However,they were not tears

26、(眼泪)of sadness.They were tears of happiness.根据短文内容选择最佳答案50.Tommy hopes to be _.A.a worker B.a doctor C.a writer D.an artist 51.The underlined words“makes fun of”means _ in Chinese.A.嘲笑B.支持C.夸奖D.创造52.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Young boys can take part in the competition.B.The winner could get a

27、bout 5,000 dollars.C.The winner could get some art equipment.D.Young girls couldn t take part in the competition.53.Before the competition,when Tommy came back home,the first thing he did was_.A.cooking dinner for his father B.practicing drawing C.finishing his homework D.watching news about the com

28、petition 54.From the end of the story we can know that_.A.Tommy was sad,because he didn t win the competitionB.Tommy was happy,because he won the competition.C.Tommy could never become an artist.D.Tommy didn t win the competition,but he was still happy.B Amazing Animals A Cat Has Cool Eyes Its hard

29、to look away from Pam Pam,a white shorthair cat Pam Pam has iridis,an eye problem that means one eye is blue and the other is a different color yellow Luckily,iridis doesnt cause any pain or sight problems,Doctor Seth Cohen saysThis problem can also be found in humans and other animals,such as dogs

30、and horses An interesting thing:Pam Pams owner always matches a scarf to her eye colorsEven though Pam Pam doesnt look like a regular cat,she acts like one She loves to hide behind chairs and jump out at the little dog suddenly when he walks by A Sea Lion Goes for a Walk What does a wild sea lion do

31、 when he needs some exercise?A sea lion named Astro walked to the crowd on the road!Astro pushed himself to a nearby school last Friday The students soon called the Wildlife Center for help and sent him backThere,Astro lived with other sea lions again and got plenty of exercise!A Hero Horse When a c

32、ow attacked(攻击)Fiona Boyd,she found herself in a scary placeI was under her four legs and Boyd says Luckily for the farmer,her horse rushed to the cow,and began fighting with her legs as her owner moved to safety Im quite sure Kerry saved my life She became my bodyguard That was her purpose in life

33、Boyd says55.Which of the following about Pam Pam is TRUE?A.Pam Pam is afraid of the little dogs B.Pam Pams eye colors are differentC.Pam Pams scarf matches her hair colorD.Iridis makes Pam Pam blind 56.What was Astros amazing experience last Friday?A.He walked to the crowd on the road B.He played wi

34、th some students C.He exercised in the Wildlife Center D.He went to a school playground 57.Why is Kerry called a Hero Horse?A.Because she attacked Fiona BoydB.Because she saved Fiona BoydC.Because she saved the cowD.Because she was strong and fastC Different countries have different greeting customs

35、 Now lets read this article to know more about the greeting customs in different cultures France French people greet each other with a handshake,but close friends kiss each other on both cheeks(面颊)when they meetThey do this when meeting and before leavingSouth Korea In South Korea,it is a sign of re

36、spect for people to bow when greeting each otherIn South Korea,a bow is followed by a handshakeHowever,South Korea women do not shake hands with Western men;instead,they bow slightly Brazil Kissing women on the cheek is a common way of greetingIn a formal situation,a handshake is often done to show

37、respectMen should shake hands before and after meeting,and once they have become familiar(熟悉的)with each other,a light hug is often given to each otherGhana In a social situation,its polite to greet everyone in the room A handshake is used in greeting,and the palm(手掌)must directly touch the palm of t

38、he otherIts considered impolite to touch the back of the hand58.Two close French friends will kiss each other on the when they meetA.palmB.cheekC.backD.arm 59.South Korean women do not shake hands with A.Western menB.Western women C.Chinese menD.Chinese women 60.In Brazil,it is very common to for tw

39、o familiar menA.touch the palmB.kiss on the cheek C.bow to each otherD.give a light hug 61.Which of the following customs is about Ghana?A.Friends can give a light hug to each other B.People can give a nod or a handshake to othersC.Its impolite to touch the back of the hand D.Family members can gree

40、t each other with a kiss 62.Which is probably the best title for the passage?A.Greeting Customs in Different CulturesB.How to Behave Politely C.All Bad Ways to Greet PeopleD.Friends Should Greet Each Other 词汇应用get eye for what I after with fly remember lose quick be Dear Wang Min,When I was a little

41、 child,my grandpa often said to me,Lucy,the world is a beautiful place if you just open your _63_ At that time,I didnt really understand Now I know _64_he means One morning,my best friends Anna and Nina asked me to go for a hot air balloon(热气球)ride _65_them They_66_very happy when they got in the ba

42、sket When the balloon_67_higher,I felt afraid and closed _68_eyes Then I_69_ Grandpas words,so I opened one of my eyes and saw the trees and mountains below_70_past us_71_ _72_hearing this,I opened my eyes and thought,Grandpa was right!The world is beautiful All I have to do is to open my eyes 完成句子7

43、3.I dont want to see the film because its too boring (划线提问)_ want to see the film?74.I want a large bowl (用 a small bowl 改为选择疑问句)_ you want a large bowl _ a small bowl?75.它们是五辆公共汽车They are_76.这只黑色的钢笔是他的The_ pen is_阅读表达We all see and hear about extraordinary(卓越的)people around us and wonder why we can

44、t be more like them Its not the big things that make someone extraordinary Its the small things Here are some of the things extraordinary people do every day:_77_It can make others feel great about themselves A compliment can have a positive impact(影响)on their lives Your team or family will love you

45、 for it_78_You will not only gain the respect of your teammates,but also gain credibility(可信性)_79_Everyone needs help sometimes When you ask for help,you can receive helpYoure willing to help others,but you also need support at times_80_When you let someone teach you something,you are telling the pe

46、rson that you respect his talent,time and what he is talking about _81_Especially when youre angry,control your emotions,think back to what happened,and then come to a decision about how to deal with it Before you say something,consider others feelings Never be rude to othersA.When you dont understa

47、nd how something works,let an expert show youB.Sometimes it is very important to stay silent C.Its OK to admit you are wrong D.When you need help,dont be shyE.Praise(表扬)someone82.书面表达假如 Julie是你的新朋友,请根据表格内容提示用英语写一篇60 词左右的短文介绍她.可适当发挥.名字:朱莉(Julie)年龄:12国籍:加拿大外貌:大眼睛,长卷发,瘦高爱好:下国际象棋,游泳答案与解析听力题1A I hope so

48、B Good idea C Im worried about it 2A He is 14 B He is tall and heavy C He likes sports3A Go straight on B Its quite far C Five minutes walk 4A Next Friday B Next Saturday C Next Thursday5A See a dentist B Get an X ray C Drink more hot water 听力题6A.B.C.7A.B.C.8A.B.C.9A.B.C.10 A.B.C.听力题11Basic life(1)y

49、oung people need UK students*Dealing with the button*Doing some(2)gardening or iron(熨烫)clothes US students*Checking their tire(3)*Cooking is another basic life skill that has been(4)Reason:(5)in technology have made young people far away from many basic life skills听力题12Airport Information Card Leavi

50、ng Flight FA(56)is now boarding at Gate 6 Waiting Flight BA 985,leaving time changes from 10am to(57)pmCoffee,(58)and a lunch meal will be offered Lost&Found Someone is looking for a(59)handbag with a(60)on it选择题1.Would you mind _ the window?Its a little cold A.close B.closing C.to close D.closed【答案


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