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《广东中考英语总复习专题复习专题七连词和状语从句ppt课件人教新目标版.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东中考英语总复习专题复习专题七连词和状语从句ppt课件人教新目标版.pptx(37页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题七连词和状语从句专题七连词和状语从句2019 2019 全新版全新版分析广东近6年的中考真题可知,连词和状语从句是每年的必考点(24.5分)。单项填空主要涉及并列连词(2018年,2015年,2013年)、结合状语从句来考查从属连词(2017年,2016年,2014年)以及状语从句中的时态(2017年,2016年,2015年,2014年,2013年);完形填空主要涉及并列连词(6年3考)和从属连词(6年2考);短文填空主要涉及并列连词(6年2考)和从属连词(6年3考)。其命题规律为:高频考点:并列连词(6年5考;题型:单项填空、完形填空、短文填空)从属连词(6年5考;题型:单项填空、完形填

2、空、短文填空)状语从句(6年5考;题型:单项填空,主要考查状语从句中的时态。)目目 录录 CONTENTSCONTENTS考点精讲易错盘点解题技巧试题精练1.表并列关系考点精讲考点 并列连词(6年5考)连词用法例句and(和,并且)/He likes drawing and I like dancing.他喜欢画画,我喜欢跳舞。or(和)表并列时用于否定句中。I dont like milk or juice.我不喜欢牛奶和果汁。连词用法例句both.and.(两者都)连接两个主语时谓语动词用复数。Both Mary and I are good at math.玛丽和我都擅长数学。not o

3、nly.but also.(不仅而且)连接两个主语时,谓语动词形式遵循就近原则。Not only you but also he wants to buy the book.不仅你还有他也想买这本书。neither.nor.(既不也不)Neither you nor I am wrong.你和我都没错。as well as(也,而且)连接主语时谓语动词形式由第一个主语确定。Tom as well as I walks to school every day.汤姆和我每天步行去上学。2.表转折关系连词用法例句but(但是)(al)though和 but不 能连用。not.but.意为“不是而是”

4、。She was very tired,but she kept working till midnight.她虽然很累,但是她一直工作到半夜。however(然而)/It was raining.However,he arrived on time.下雨了,然而他还是按时到了。连词用法例句yet(然而,可是)yet可以与(al)though连用。He has a good job,and yet he never seems to have any money.他有份好工作,然而他却好像总也没有钱。while(而)/Hes a worker,while his wife is a docto

5、r.他是一名工人,而他的妻子是一位医生。3.表选择关系连词用法例句or(或者,还是)/Would you like tea or coffee?你要茶还是咖啡?either.or.(或者或者)连接两个主语时,谓语动词形式遵循就近原则。Either Lily or Tom is going to buy some salt.莉莉或者汤姆会去买一些盐。otherwise(否则)/Hurry up,otherwise we cant catch the bus.快点儿,否则我们赶不上公共汽车了。4.表因果关系连词用法例句so(所以)so与because不能连用。She was ill,so she

6、didnt go to school.她生病了,所以她没去上学。for(因为)for通常是对前面的情况加以解释或表示为什么有前面的看法。Youd better take an umbrella,for its raining outside.你最好带一把伞,外面正下着雨。拓展(1)祈使句 and 陈述句,相当于If引导的条件状语从句,此时and意为“那么”。如:Work harder,and you will succeed.If you work harder,you will succeed.再努力一些,你就会成功。(2)祈使句 or 陈述句,相当于If.not,此时or意为“否则”。如:

7、Tell me the truth,or you will regret.If you dont tell me the truth,you will regret.告诉我实话,否则你会后悔的。()1.(2018广东)China is getting more and more independent of western technology,_ it is leading in many fields,such as the self-driving car industry.A/BorCbut Dand()2.(2015广东)I have only two tickets for TFB

8、oys concert._ you_ he can go with me.AEither;or BNeither;norCBoth;and DNot only;but also DA()3.(2013广东)Think it over,_ youll work out the math problem.AorBsoCforDand()4.(2012广东)Ben was busy taking a training class,_we had to wait for him for half an hour.AsoBifCorDbutDA()5.(2018惠州市惠阳区模拟)Bob is a cle

9、ver boy,_ he doesnt study hard at his lessons.AsoBandCbutDbecause()6.Why did the volunteers do the work for charities?They do the work_ for money _ for fun.They only want to help others.Aboth;andBneither;nor Ceither;orDnot only;but alsoCB()7.Our Chinese teacher_ all of us is going to the park tomorr

10、ow.Aand Bas well asCbutDor()8.Spend more time talking with your parents,_ they may not understand you well.AsoBbutCandDorBD考点 从属连词(6年5考)状语从句从属连词及用法例句时间状语从句before(在之前),after(在之后),when(当的时候),while(当的时候),until(直到),since(自从),once(一旦),as(当时),as soon as(一就)They didnt stop until they finished the work.他们直到

11、完成工作才停下来。Ill ring you up as soon as I reach Beijing.我一到北京就给你打电话。while引导的从句中,谓语动词必须是延续性动词,且常用进行时;until常用于“not.until.”结构中,意为“直到才”。状语从句从属连词及用法例句原因状语从句because(因为),since(既然),as(由于,因为)I didnt go,because I was afraid.我没去,因为我害怕。Since you are free today,youd better take a good rest.既然你今天有空,你最好好好休息。because表示原

12、因的语气最强,强调直接原因和因果关系;since表示一种已知的、显然的理由,语气比because弱,但比as强;as表示的原因是对方已知的,语气最弱。此外,回答由why引导的问句,只能用because。状语从句从属连词及用法例句条件状语从句If(如果),unless(除非;如果不),as/so long as(只要),in case(如果)If it rains,Ill go by car.如果下雨,我就乘汽车去。So/As long as you keep on trying,you will surely succeed.只需你继续努力,你就会成功。让步状语从句although(虽然),t

13、hough(虽然,尽管),even if/though(即使),however(无论怎样)Although/Though Im tired,I have to finish my homework.虽然我很累,但是我必须要完成我的作业。Even though/if I dont have enough time,I still want to go with you.即使我没有足够的时间,我仍然想和你一起去。状语从句从属连词及用法例句目的状语从句so that(以便,为了),in order that(为了)They speeded up so that/in order that they

14、could get there on time.他们加快了速度,为的是能够准时到达那里。so that不能放句首,in order that可以置于句首。结果状语从句so.that.(如此以致于),such.that.(如 此以致于)It was raining so hard that we couldnt see the road.雨下得如此大,以致于我们看不见路。She is such a nice girl that everyone likes her.她是如此好的一个女孩儿,以致于每个人都喜欢她。so修饰形容词或副词,such修饰名词。()9.(2017广东)“A white el

15、ephant”means something that is useless,_ it may cost a lot of money.Aunless Buntil Csince Dalthough()10.(2016广东)The traffic policeman took away Jims drivers license _ he broke the traffic rules of drunk driving.AthoughBbecause Ctill DandDB()11.(2014广东)Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park tomo

16、rrow?Yes,_ it rains heavily.AifBunlessCuntilDwhen()12.(2018惠州市惠阳区模拟)Too much homework has made me tired these days,Mrs.Gao.Thats true.But a small tree wont grow into a big one _ it experiences lots of winds and rain.AifBbecause Cwhen DunlessBD()13.(2018阳江市江城区模拟)Bicycle Boy is _ wonderful _ Zhou Ming

17、 wants to see it a second time.Aso;thatBtoo;to Csuch;thatDenough;to()14.Its very important to eat healthy food _ you dont like it.Aas if Bsince Cuntil Deven ifAD一些从属连词连接时间(when,as soon as等)和条件(if,unless等)状语从句时,主句和从句之间的时态一致问题一般分为下列几种情况:1.主现从现:主句是祈使句或主句中有情态动词时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。如:Be careful when you cross

18、the road.过马路时你要小心。The traffic must stop when the lights turn red.当红灯亮时,车辆必须停下来。考点 状语从句(6年5考)2.主将从现:主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。如:I will visit my good friend when I have time.当我有空时,我将去看望我的好友。If she comes here tomorrow,I will go to the park with her.如果明天她来这里,我将和她一起去公园。3.过去时态:若主从句都是在叙述过去的事情,则主从句可以用一般过去时或过去进行

19、时。如:My brother was sleeping in the office when the telephone rang.我的哥哥正在办公室睡觉,电话响了。4.宾语从句和状语从句同时出现。如:I dont know if he will come.If he comes,I will tell him about the accident.我不知道他是否会来。如果他来的话,我将告诉他这起事故。I dont know when he will come tomorrow.When he comes,I will tell him about the accident.我不知道他明天什么

20、时候来。当他来时,我将告诉他这起事故。()15.(2017广东)Johnson wont answer the phone if he _ the number.Aknew Bdoesnt know Cwill knowDdidnt know()16.(2016广东)Unless the weather _,we will have to cancel the picnic.Aimprove Bimproves Cimproved Dwill improveBB()17.(2015广东)Sir,Jenny wants to know when she can leave the office.

21、Only when she _ copying this report.Afinishes Bfinish Cfinished Dwill finish()18.(2014广东)I wonder whether Brazil will win the match later tonight.Go to bed first.I will wake you up as soon as the match_.Astarts Bstarted Cwill start Dis startingAA()19.(2013 广东)If Nancy _the exam,she will go to Austra

22、lia for English study.Apass Bpassed Cpasses Dwill pass()20.(2018惠州市惠阳区模拟)They will go hiking if it _ tomorrow.Awill rainBwont rainCrainsDdoesnt rainCD()21.As soon as I arrive in Beijing,I _ you.AcallBam callingCcalled Dwill call()22.(2018珠海市一模)When she _ her bike,she fell off.Arode Bwas ridingCwould

23、 rideDis ridingDB()23.Mum,can I go out to play basketball?No.You mustnt go out until you _ your homework.Awill finish Bis finishedCfinish Dwas finished()24.(2018惠州市惠城区一模)I dont know when he _.When he _,please ring me up.Aarrives;arrivesBwill arrive;arrivesCarrives;will arrive Dwill arrive;will arriv

24、eCB注意区别but,while,however,yet等连词的意义及用法。but泛指与前述情况相反,语气较强;while表对比;however表转折关系,语气比but弱,常作插入语;yet常指不管付出多大努力仍达不到预期结果。易错盘点易错点 表转折关系的并列连词()25.Lucy would like to wear the same clothes,_ Lily would like to wear the different ones.AhoweverBsoCwhile Dyet()26.He has worked hard on the work for a year,_ he fai

25、led finally.AandBhoweverCyetDwhileCC注意引导时间、目的、原因等状语从句的同类连词的意义及用法。()27.I was very excited _ I heard the news that the high-speed rail would be built from Guangzhou to Xiamen.AafterBwhenCuntil Dwhile易错点 从属连词的混用 B()28.The teacher asked me to read aloud _ all the students could hear me.Aso that BforCbec

26、ause Din order to()29.It might be a boys room _ the clothes look like boys clothes.Awhen BbecauseCbutDsoAB做考查连词的题目时,需根据句子的逻辑关系判断是并列还是转折、递进等。把句子的前后关系理顺,才能正确解答。例(2018南京)Mexican and Tex-Mex foods were popular in the USA,_ now Chinese food has more fans.Abecause BbutCsoDunless解题技巧技巧句子关系判断法B方法点拨第步:先分析句意“墨西哥和美墨边境的食物以前在美国流行,现在中国的食物有更多的粉丝”。第步:根据句意可知,上下句之间是转折关系,故答案为B。谢谢观看谢谢观看ExitExit


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