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1、熟词生义与高考题集锦Week 2Day 1翻译句子并注意划线词语的意思翻译句子并注意划线词语的意思force v.强迫-n.力,军事力量,部队(2019全国卷)The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a users typing and thetime between key presses.通过分析用户输入的力度和按键之间的间隔时间,键盘可以提供强大的安全层。form v.形成-n.表格(2011全国卷)The form cannot be signed

2、 by anyone other than yourself.表格只能由你自己本人签署。(2018广东听说考试)You can go there and fill in an application form.你可以去那里填写申请表。力度力度表格表格申请表申请表found vt.find的过去式/过去分词-创立;创建;创办(2015全国卷)The market,which was founded in 1979,sets up its tents every Saturday from 7:00 am to 1 p.m,rain or shine,along North Lemon and S

3、tate streets.该市场成立于1979年,每周六从上午7点到下午1点都会沿着北柠檬街和州街搭起帐篷,风雨无阻。green adj./n.绿色(的)-adj.环保的 (2020 全国卷II)He says its not easy to convince people that nutria fur is green,but he has no doubt about it.他说要让人们相信海狸鼠皮是环保的并不容易,但他对此毫无疑问。创立创立/创办创办环保的环保的hang v.悬挂-v.绞死,上吊(2017全国卷)She hanged herself in Massachusetts i

4、n January following months of bullying.经受几个月的欺凌,她于1月在马萨诸塞州上吊自杀。head n.头-v.朝行进(2022全国卷)The sky was clear when we headed off,but storms move in fast in the mountains,and this one quickly interrupt-ed our peaceful morning trip.我们出发时天空晴朗,但暴风雪在山上快速移动并很快打断了我们平静的早晨旅行。(2016江苏卷)Many young people,most of whom

5、 were well-educated,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.许多年轻人,其中大多数受过良好教育,前往偏远地区,追逐他们的梦想。上吊上吊出发出发前往前往home n.家-adj.在国内的;主场的(2012全国卷)You must have defeated the home team and won the game,havent you?你一定打败了主队,赢得了比赛,不是吗?hit v.击中,打击-n.成功,红极一时的人或物(2021河北石家庄毕业班质检卷)Luckily,Maras search soon becam

6、e a hit.幸运的是,马拉的搜索很快成为热门。hot adj.热的-辛辣的-风行的;风靡一时的;走红的(2019浙江卷)They became the hottest thing on the pop music scene in England.他们(甲壳虫乐队)成为英格兰流行音乐界最热门的人物。主队主队热门热门风靡一时的风靡一时的hunger n.饥饿-v.渴望(2020天津卷)For those who hunger for some peace and quiet,sound can now create silence.对于那些渴望和平与安宁的人来说,声音现在可以创造安静。渴望渴

7、望Day 2翻译句子并注意划线词语的意思翻译句子并注意划线词语的意思ill adj.生病的-adv.不好地-n.恶行(2017上海卷)Old people are ill-treated due to their loss of individuality.inspire v.激励-启发;激发(2017全国卷)Since 1962 Pacific Science Center has been inspir-ing a passion(热情)for discovery and lifelong learning in science,math and technology.自1962年以来,太

8、平洋科学中心一直在激发人们对于科学数学和科技方面的探索和终生学习的热情。interest n./v.兴趣-n.利息(2017河北卷)This does not include foreign currency or travelers cheques bought,interest and other charges.这不包括购买的外币或旅行支票,利息和其他费用。受虐待受虐待激发激发老年人因失去个性而受到虐待。利息利息kid n.小孩-v.开玩笑,欺骗(2020天津卷)Youre kidding me.你在开玩笑。kill v.杀死-打发(时间)(2010湖北卷)How does the ma

9、n kill time?这个人是怎么消磨时间的?last adj.最后的-v.延续,持续(2021浙江卷写作)The exhibition will last for two weeks,every student is welcome to visit.展览将持续两周,欢迎每个学生参观。开玩笑开玩笑打发时间打发时间持续持续/延续延续left n./adj.adv.左边(的/地)-v.离开(leave-left-left)-adj.剩下的(2020全国卷II海南卷)I just have half an hour left.I cant believe I slept for 10 hours

10、.我只剩下半小时了,我不能相信我睡了十个小时。line n.线,行-台词-v.沿排列(2021全国卷)I knew my lines,but i was terrified to have to recite them in front of an audience.我知道我的台词,但我害怕不得不在观众面前背诵。(2021浙江卷)With a serpentine line,a long delay at one register wont unfairly punish the people who lined up behind it.在蜿蜒的队伍中,在一个登记处长时间的延迟不会对排在后面

11、的人造成不公平的惩罚。剩下剩下台词台词队伍队伍排队排队lift v.举起-n.搭便车-n.鼓舞-n.电梯(2020全国卷)Weve all been there:in a lift,in line at the bank or on an airplane,surrounded by people who are,like us.我们都曾处于这种场合-在电梯里,在银行排队的队列里或在飞机上,我们周围的人,像我们一样.。(2013陕西卷)The reason why the author offered a lift to the elderly man was that she wanted

12、to repay the favour she once got.live vi.活;生活;居住-adj./adv.以现场直播方式(2018全国卷)Wander among a variety of shops selling gifs while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment.漫步在出售各种各样的礼品的商店,同时享受现场音乐表演和精彩的街头娱乐。作者提出让老人搭车的原因是要回报自己多年前得到的帮助。电梯电梯搭便车搭便车现场的现场的Day 3翻译句子并注意划线词语的意思翻译句子并注意划线词语的意思look v.

13、看;看起来-n.表情;外貌;风格;潮流(2015湖北卷)If you leave your arms out,they float free in zero gravity,often giving a sleeping astronaut the look of a funny balled(芭蕾)dancer.如果你伸出双臂,它们会在零重力下自由漂浮,经常让睡着的宇航员看起来就像一个滑稽的芭蕾舞者。long adj.长的-v.渴望(2022全国卷)Throughout her career(职业)as a professional dancer,she toured in the UK,b

14、ut always longed to explore further.在她的职业舞蹈演员生涯中,她曾在英国巡演,但总是渴望进一步探索.样子,外貌样子,外貌渴望渴望march n.三月-v.&n.前进,行军,游行(2022广州一模)Time marches on,after all.And its tough to argue against the many benefits that the Internet has brought.毕竟,时间在流逝。而且很难反驳网络的这些好处.match n.比赛-火柴-v.使匹配,配对;比得上(2012江西卷)Emily and Sarah have

15、been matched since 2008.艾米莉和萨拉从2008年以来就结成对子.(2014江西卷)When it comes to speaking in public,no one can match him.matter n.事情-v.要紧(2012山东卷)It doesnt matter whether you pay by cash or credit card in this store.在这家商店不管你付现金或信用卡都行。前进前进配对配对比得上比得上当在公共场合说话时,无人与他相匹敌要紧要紧mean v.意思是-adj.卑鄙的,吝啬的(2014湖北卷)Hardly had

16、Sabrina finished her words when Albert said sharply,“Dont be so mean,”pointing a finger of warning at her.塞布丽娜刚说完,艾伯特就尖锐地说“别那么小气”,并用手指着警告她.measure n.措施-v.估量(2022浙江卷)For the study,191 women with an average age of 50 took a bicycle exercise test until they were exhausted to measure their peak(最大值的)car

17、diovascular capacity.在这项研究中,191名平均年龄为50岁的女性进行了自行车运动测试,直到她们精疲力竭,以测量她们的心血管容量峰值(最大值的)。吝啬吝啬/小气小气测量测量meet v.会见-v.满足(2022浙江卷)The lincolns enlarged the house to a full two stories in 1856 to meet the needs of their growing family.林肯夫妇在1856年把房子扩大到了整整两层,以满足他们日益增长的家庭的需要。might verb:modal.也许会,或许(是)-n.权力;威力;(201

18、1湖北压轴卷)As he came round,days later,he grabbed me and hugged me so hard I had to push with all my might to keep my head from pressing down on his newly stitched chest几天后,当他苏醒过来时,他抓着我并紧紧地拥抱了我,他是如此用力以至于我使了好大力气才推离他的身体,而那上面有着新近才缝合的创口。满足满足用全力用全力monitor n.班长-v.监视;跟踪调查(2016全国卷)But now that information is be

19、ing spread and monitored in different ways,researchers are discovering new rules.但是,由于信息正以不同方式进行传播和受到监控,研究人员正在寻找新的规则。监控监控Day 4翻译句子并注意划线词语的意思翻译句子并注意划线词语的意思miss v.错过-想念-n.姑娘(2019陕西卷)We all miss you and are very grateful for what you did for us.nurse n.护士;保姆-v.看护;护理(2014上海卷)For two days he was nursed b

20、y his mother.他有两天由母亲照顾。note n.笔记-台词-钞票-音符-vt.记下;注意(2021全国卷)When she reached one nurse,she tried topress a five-pound note into her hand.她试图把一张五英镑的钞票压在手里。(2021全国卷)As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago,they eat great food and never gain weight.正如几周前有人在这篇文章中指出的,他们吃得很好而且从不发胖。想念想念照顾照顾/看护看护

21、钞票钞票记下记下我们都很想念您,也很感激您为我们做的一切。observe v.观察-遵守(2015江苏卷)It is everybodys duty to observe the traffic rules to keep our society in order and going on the right track.遵守交通规则是我们每个人的职责,以使我们的社会井然有序。offer v.主动提出-n.帮助;主动提议(2019浙江卷)Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday?迈克昨天拒绝了耶鲁大

22、学的录取,这是真的吗?operate v.做手术,操作,管理-机器运转-起作用(2018浙江卷)Before the Civil War,schools operated on one of two calendars(日历),neither of included a summer vacation.美国内战前数十年,学校制定了两套作息时间,且都不包括暑假。遵守遵守主动提议主动提议运作运作/管理管理pack v.打包-塞满-n.包裹-一群;一帮(2022全国卷)The three dogs formed a pack that,with coaching,occupied Floras sp

23、ace;这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flora的空间;park n.公园-v.停车(2008北京卷)The woman failed to get her car parked in time.那个女人没能及时把车停好。passage n.段落-通道,走廊-航程-(议案等的)通过(2021全国卷)In 1934,with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act(Act),an increasingly concerne.1934年,随着候鸟狩猎法案的通过,一个日益关注的.一群一群停车停车(议案的议案的)通过通过place

24、 n.地方-v.放置(2021全国卷)The small pine added to the interest and I placed it centrally to take the view from the foreground right through into the forest.小松树增加了趣味性,我把它放在了中央从而拥有从前景直接进入森林的视野。放置放置Day 5翻译句子并注意划线词语的意思翻译句子并注意划线词语的意思promise v.&n.承诺-v.使很有可能;预示(2018全国卷)A desert doesnt sound like the most promisin

25、g andtypical place to plant a tree.沙漠听上去不像是最理想的种树之地。question n.问题-v.盘问(2015湖北卷)Questioning is a brindge to learning.提问是学习的一大亮点。race v.&n.赛跑-n.人种;种族(2022湖南模拟卷)Nearly all races are the same.几乎所有种族都是一样的。有可能的有可能的提问提问种族种族raise v.举起-募集-抚养(2022全国卷)this is to raise money for the postproduction of the show.这

26、是为该剧的后期制作筹集资金。(2016全国卷)They were eager to raise more children.他们渴望抚养更多的孩子。remember v.记住-代某人问候(2017江西压轴卷)Remember me to your family.代我向你家人问好.right adj./adv.正确的-n.右边,权利(2013全国卷)in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform,and they did so in a public house disused for years.这些队伍认为每个人都有表

27、演的权力,所以他们想要参加节日。筹集筹集抚养抚养代某人问候代某人问候.权利权利rest v.&n.休息-n.剩余部分(2022全国卷)Sherman Cymru is excited to present a packed programme of the very best theatre,dance,family shows and music from Wales and the rest of the world.谢尔曼西姆鲁兴奋地主持了众多来自威尔士和世界其他地区最好的戏剧、舞蹈、家庭表演和音乐节目。room n.房间-空间,余地 (2013浙江卷)Baby(or“milk”)tee

28、th do not last long;they fall out to make room for bigger,stronger adult teeth later on.乳牙长不长久,他们脱落后为后面长出更大更壮的成年牙腾出空间。其他的其他的空间空间run v.跑-经营,管理-褪色(2019全国卷)How long did James run his business?詹姆斯经营他的生意多久了?season n.季节-v.给调味(2013上海金山模拟卷)If not actually cooked up,they were seasoned and served by writers.如果不是真正煮熟的,它们是由作家调味和服务的.经营经营/管理管理给给.调味调味


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